Proceedings of the BISTIC Business Innovation Sustainability and Technology International Conference (BISTIC 2024)
Conference: Proceedings of the BISTIC Business Innovation Sustainability and Technology International Conference (BISTIC 2024)
Date: 25 July 2024
Location: Malang, Indonesia (Online)
Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
“Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen. It is with great honor and pleasure that I welcome you all to the Business Innovation Sustainability and Technology International Conference (BISTIC 2024)] held by the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business State University of Malang, a significant gathering that brings together minds and hearts from around the world.”
“I would like to extend a special welcome to our honorable speakers today:
1. Zamzami Zainuddin PhD, Flinders University Australia
2. Ass. Prof. Dr. Aness Janee Ali, Universiti Sains Malaysia
3. Prof. Sahraman . Haji. Latief, Mindanao State University, Philipina
4. Trisetia Wijayanti, MBA, PhD, State University Of Malang
Thank you for attending BISTIC 2024. Your presence is a testament to the collaborative spirit that drives us forward.”
We are here today to discuss, deliberate, and chart a path forward on “Emerging new business model innovation through Artificial intelligence, business automation, and the smart economy it’s not just about technology anymore. This conference serves as a platform for exchanging ideas, sharing knowledge, and fostering partnerships that will help us address the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.”
Let us remember that the strength of our outcomes will be determined by the strength of our collaboration. I encourage each of you to participate actively, share your expertise, and listen with an open mind.
Welcome to BISTIC 2024 and thank you once again for being here. Let us now commence this event with a spirit of cooperation and determination. Thank you
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Date: 25 July 2024
Location: Malang, Indonesia (Online)
Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
“Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen. It is with great honor and pleasure that I welcome you all to the Business Innovation Sustainability and Technology International Conference (BISTIC 2024)] held by the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business State University of Malang, a significant gathering that brings together minds and hearts from around the world.”
“I would like to extend a special welcome to our honorable speakers today:
1. Zamzami Zainuddin PhD, Flinders University Australia
2. Ass. Prof. Dr. Aness Janee Ali, Universiti Sains Malaysia
3. Prof. Sahraman . Haji. Latief, Mindanao State University, Philipina
4. Trisetia Wijayanti, MBA, PhD, State University Of Malang
Thank you for attending BISTIC 2024. Your presence is a testament to the collaborative spirit that drives us forward.”
We are here today to discuss, deliberate, and chart a path forward on “Emerging new business model innovation through Artificial intelligence, business automation, and the smart economy it’s not just about technology anymore. This conference serves as a platform for exchanging ideas, sharing knowledge, and fostering partnerships that will help us address the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.”
Let us remember that the strength of our outcomes will be determined by the strength of our collaboration. I encourage each of you to participate actively, share your expertise, and listen with an open mind.
Welcome to BISTIC 2024 and thank you once again for being here. Let us now commence this event with a spirit of cooperation and determination. Thank you
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.