Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Conference on Management Research (AICMaR 2019)
119 authors
- Sumitro, Sumitro
- Identification of the Phillips Curve Trade-Off Phenomenon in Indonesia, Using the Generalized Method of Moments Approach
- Sumitro, Sumitro
- Does Inflation Respond to Interest Rates Changes?
- Sumual, Jacline I.
- Analysis of Indonesia Exports to ASEAN Countries and Their Effect on Economic Growth in the MEA Era
- Sunarjanto, Nekhasius Agus
- Social Value, Economic Justice Practices and Social Performance
- Supriharyanti, Elisabeth
- Social Value, Economic Justice Practices and Social Performance
- Suryono, Dwi Windu
- Does Indonesia’s Economic Growth Reduce Unemployment?
- Susilawati, Cicilia Erna
- Social Value, Economic Justice Practices and Social Performance
- Syamsuar, Ginanjar
- Identification of the Phillips Curve Trade-Off Phenomenon in Indonesia, Using the Generalized Method of Moments Approach
- Tanjung, Amries Rusli
- Analysis of Influence of Intellectual Capital and Capital Adequacy Ratio on Bank Performance in Indonesia
- Taroreh, Rita N.
- Factors that Influence Tourist Buying Interest in Manado City Traditional SMEs
- Tirajoh, Victorina Z.
- The Effect of Understanding and Application of Accounting Information System on SMEs Culinary Performance in Manado City
- Trianah, Lilik
- Evaluation of Small Trade Extension Programs
- Tulung, Joy E.
- Study of Factors Affecting Domestic Tourism Purchase in SMEs Food and Beverage Based in Manado City
- Wibowo, Antonius Hery
- The Influence of Leadership Communications Mediated by Feeling Valued and Involved, on Employee Engagement: (A Case Study of PT Sanggar Sarana Baja Change Management)
- Wibowo, Ari
- Analysis of SMEs in the Ciputat Traditional Market in Islamic Business Ethics Perspective
- Widokarti, Joko Rizkie
- Quality Management System and Environmental Management System: What is Its Role in Manufacturing Industry
- Widyastuti, Sri
- Increasing the Rural Economy of Village Owned Enterprises BUMDes Antajaya Bogor
- Wijaya, Evelyn
- Study of Conventional Bank Health in Indonesia from 2012 to 2017
- Zulkarnaini, Zulkarnaini
- Differentiation Services and Customer Value that Affects Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty PT. Samudra Jaya Sakti