Proceedings of the 23rd Asian Forum of Business Education(AFBE 2019)
AFBE was formed in 1992 as a supportive group of universities with interests in the Asia region. The primary objective of AFBE was to improve the quality of business education across the region. To this end, since 1992, AFBE has conducted annual academic conferences, published an on-line journal, and has introduced an accreditation system with the strategic intent of raising the quality of business school programs. Considerable progress has been made in the quality of business education in Asia, with the gap between many Asian universities, and the more traditional highly ranked world-class universities, closing in recent years. However, in a complex and dynamic corporate world, business education is bound to be challenged to keep pace, so our work at AFBE continues on change and quality improvement to produce graduates who remain competitive in an increasingly global milieu. The detailed information about AFBE can be seen at
Faculty of Economics and Business- Universitas Brawijaya (FEB-UB) in collaborating with Asian Forum on Business Education (AFBE) and Universitas International Semen Indonesia (UISI) held the 23rd Asian Forum on Business Education International Conference on 12-13 December in Bali, Indonesia. The main aim of the meeting is to present and discuss latest research and best practices in business education, relating with the growing of digital technology.
As one of the top faculties of economics and business in Indonesia, FEB-UB, since its establishment, has set the agenda of playing a major role in promoting research and education on economics, management, and accounting. This conference fits with this long-established orientation of the FEB-UB in order to receive more recognition as the world class faculty on research and education. Specifically, the theme of this international conference is “Reshaping the Future of Digital Economy, Business, and Innovation”. The other issue to be analyzed in the conference is what reforms and what kind of innovations needed by the small business to the current institutional architecture in the region to survive and sustain in this digital era. The conference will gather scholars and experts on Business Education field related with Economics, Management, and Accounting areas. It will actively promote a discussion which is expected to contribute to the theoretical and empirical literature and policy dialogue particularly on the East Asian integration and cooperation. There are several invited keynote speakers, who are internationally recognized experts in their areas, Prof. Victor Egan President of AFBE, Prof. Gillian Sullivan-Mort from La Trobe University Australia, Prof. Tri Widodo from Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia, Prof. Tjiptohadi from Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia, and Dr. Ananda Sabil Hussein from Universitas Brawijaya Indonesia.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to all parties which lead the 23rd Asian Forum on Business Education International Conference into a successful conference: delegates of FEB UB, UISI, Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik, publication partner, and sponsors specifically PT. Makmur Jaya, PT. Semen Indonesia, PT. Adiputro, and PT. Anugerah Cipta Abadi. Lastly, our heartfelt gratitude goes to honorable speakers and presenters who have shared knowledge and experiences in developing a robust discussion and transformative intellectual exchange. We wish all activities during this two-day conference will stimulate further relation, collaboration, and constructive engagement among intellectuals in bringing their contribution for a better world establishment.
The Editors
Prof. Dr. Devanto Shasta Pratomo
Dr. Erlina Diamastuti, SE. M.Si., AK, CA, CSRA, CSP
Mochammad Tanzil Multazam, M.Kn.
Rila Anggraeni, MM
Nurlita Novianti, MSA., Ak
Marisya Mahdia Khorina, MM
Nur Eliza Faizaty, M.Si
Ayu Fury Puspita, MSA., Ak
Faculty of Economics and Business- Universitas Brawijaya (FEB-UB) in collaborating with Asian Forum on Business Education (AFBE) and Universitas International Semen Indonesia (UISI) held the 23rd Asian Forum on Business Education International Conference on 12-13 December in Bali, Indonesia. The main aim of the meeting is to present and discuss latest research and best practices in business education, relating with the growing of digital technology.
As one of the top faculties of economics and business in Indonesia, FEB-UB, since its establishment, has set the agenda of playing a major role in promoting research and education on economics, management, and accounting. This conference fits with this long-established orientation of the FEB-UB in order to receive more recognition as the world class faculty on research and education. Specifically, the theme of this international conference is “Reshaping the Future of Digital Economy, Business, and Innovation”. The other issue to be analyzed in the conference is what reforms and what kind of innovations needed by the small business to the current institutional architecture in the region to survive and sustain in this digital era. The conference will gather scholars and experts on Business Education field related with Economics, Management, and Accounting areas. It will actively promote a discussion which is expected to contribute to the theoretical and empirical literature and policy dialogue particularly on the East Asian integration and cooperation. There are several invited keynote speakers, who are internationally recognized experts in their areas, Prof. Victor Egan President of AFBE, Prof. Gillian Sullivan-Mort from La Trobe University Australia, Prof. Tri Widodo from Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia, Prof. Tjiptohadi from Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia, and Dr. Ananda Sabil Hussein from Universitas Brawijaya Indonesia.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to all parties which lead the 23rd Asian Forum on Business Education International Conference into a successful conference: delegates of FEB UB, UISI, Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik, publication partner, and sponsors specifically PT. Makmur Jaya, PT. Semen Indonesia, PT. Adiputro, and PT. Anugerah Cipta Abadi. Lastly, our heartfelt gratitude goes to honorable speakers and presenters who have shared knowledge and experiences in developing a robust discussion and transformative intellectual exchange. We wish all activities during this two-day conference will stimulate further relation, collaboration, and constructive engagement among intellectuals in bringing their contribution for a better world establishment.
The Editors
Prof. Dr. Devanto Shasta Pratomo
Dr. Erlina Diamastuti, SE. M.Si., AK, CA, CSRA, CSP
Mochammad Tanzil Multazam, M.Kn.
Rila Anggraeni, MM
Nurlita Novianti, MSA., Ak
Marisya Mahdia Khorina, MM
Nur Eliza Faizaty, M.Si
Ayu Fury Puspita, MSA., Ak