Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on Education and Social Science (ACCESS 2020)

458 authors
Gunawan, G
The Use of Whatsapp Application in Learning Evaluation Activities During Covid-19 Pandemic
Gunawan, G
Correlation of Online Learning Evaluation With Students’ Learning Outcomes in the Covid 19 Pandemic
Gustina, G
Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning Model Assisted by Student Worksheets on Student Process Skills in Biochemistry Course
Gustina, G
The Effect of Discovery Learning Model Assisted with Interactive Learning Video on Students’ Metacognitive Awareness
HS, Heri Kurniawansyah
Policy-Thought Models to Create a Good Development and Local Governance
Hadiprayitno, Gito
Guided Inquiry Based Biological Teaching Materials to Improve Science Process Skills of Junior High School Students
Hadisaputra, Saprizal
Optimization of Achievement in Chemistry Learning Outcomes by Implementing Discovery Learning-Based Strategy
Hailuddin, H
Tourism Enterprises’ Willingness to Contribute to Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) Program in Gili Matra, Indonesia
Hajairin, H
Legal Consequences Due to Environmental Damage: A Study on Material Excavation and Processing Done by PT Tukad Mas in Bima City
Halpiah, H
Good Practices and Learning Benefits in the Implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) in Msmes
Hamsyah, Eka Fitriana
Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning Model Assisted by Student Worksheets on Student Process Skills in Biochemistry Course
Hamsyah, Eka Fitriana
The Effect of Discovery Learning Model Assisted with Interactive Learning Video on Students’ Metacognitive Awareness
Handayani, Nurlaily
Innovation of Learning Social With LSLC to Develop Students’ HOTS Ability at Junior High School 14 Mataram
Handika, Ilham
Analysis of the Implementation of Character Education at Junior High School in Sumbawa Besar Regency
Haris, Mukhtar
Optimization of Achievement in Chemistry Learning Outcomes by Implementing Discovery Learning-Based Strategy
Harwati, Tuti
Anatomy of Zakat Regulation for Community Welfare
Haryati, Linda Feni
Bina Keluarga Mandiri (Independent Family Development) on Implementing the Health Protocols in the Era of New Normal
Hasmawati, H
Causes of Divorce in Ternate City, North Maluku
Hasri, Diah Anggeraini
Post-Covid-19 Village Fund - Based Economic Recovery Strategy in Sumbawa Regency
Haudi, H
Design of Information System Buddhist Identity Card in Riau Province Using Java Programming Language
Hayati, Husna
Optimization of Achievement in Chemistry Learning Outcomes by Implementing Discovery Learning-Based Strategy
Hayati, Laila
Analysis of Student Perceptions about Online Lectures in Terms of Student Learning Styles: Study of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Henny, H
Development of Academic Speaking Communicative Tasks Model for Students of English Education
Hermansyah, H
Lecturers’ and Students’ Profiles and Perceptions on the Implementation of Online Learning Evaluations During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Hermansyah, H
The Use of Whatsapp Application in Learning Evaluation Activities During Covid-19 Pandemic
Hermansyah, H
Correlation of Online Learning Evaluation With Students’ Learning Outcomes in the Covid 19 Pandemic
Hidayati, Arina
The Survey of Tendency in Learning Styles of Fifth Grade Elementary School Students in Cluster Three of Gunungsari Sub-Districts
Hidayati, Eni
Place-Based Pedagogy and Indonesian National Curriculum: A Strategy Analysis for Forest and Javan Lutung Conservation in the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park
Hidayati, Fitria
Bina Keluarga Mandiri (Independent Family Development) on Implementing the Health Protocols in the Era of New Normal
Hidayati, Ira Satiyah
A Study on Teacher Strategies in Teaching Speaking and Reading Comprehension Skills: A Case Study at SMAN 8 Mataram
Hidayati, Siti Aisyah
The Influence of Pandemic Covid-19 on Small Business Enterprise in West Nusa Tenggara Province
Hidayati, Vivi Rachmatul
Thematic Learning: Are Primary School Teachers Ready to Integrate Mathematical Connections in Learning in Schools?
Hidayati, Vivi Rachmatul
The Relationship between the Use of Macromedia Flash Based Learning Media and the Retention of Class IV Elementary School Students
Hurriati, Laili
Adoption of Digital Marketing in Strengthening Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Mataram City during The Covid 19 Pandemic
Ichsan, Andi Chairil
Study of Strengthening the Performance of West Rinjani Forest Management Unit to Promoting Sustainable Forest Management in West Tenggara Nusa
Iksan, I
A Study on the Settlement of Divorce Cases for Undocumented Marriages at the Raba-Bima Religious Court
Ilyas, I
Legal Consequences Due to Environmental Damage: A Study on Material Excavation and Processing Done by PT Tukad Mas in Bima City
Imaduddin, Muhammad Asad
Analysis of the Model of Assistance for Children Who Are Dealing with Law in the Child Protection Institution (LPA) in Bima City
Imaduddin, Muhammad Asad
Analysis of Assistance Model for Children Facing the Law in the Child Protection Institution (LPA) in Bima
Imanuella, R.A
Open Innovation in Service Industry
Indrawati, Rr. Nunik Ari
Applying the Theory of Multiple Intelligences to Develop Interpersonal Skills of Young Learners
Intiana, Siti Rohana Hariana
Teachers’ Ability on Language Devices and Social Objective of the Text in Text-Based Indonesian Language Learning at Junior High Schools Level in Mataram City
Irwan, I
Native and Non-Native English Refusal Strategies in Transactional Negotiation: A Pragmatic Analysis
Iskandar, Syaifuddin
Policy-Thought Models to Create a Good Development and Local Governance
Ismaimuza, Dasa
Spatial Abilities of Students Who Have Dominant Mathematical Logical Intelligence in Terms of Gender Differences
Istiningsih, Siti
Attachment to Cultural Values of “Patut Patuh Patju” Among Teenagers in Their Late Teenage Years
Istislam, I
The Dynamics of Organizing Institutions for the Resolution of Election Conflicts in Indonesia During 2005-2020 Period
Izmi, Rizka Nurul
Comic Strip as Indonesian Tribes Diversity Lesson for Grade IV Students
Jaelani, J
Khitanan in Javanese Society (Ringin Agung-Kediri Village): Anthropological Linguistic Study
Jalaludin, J
The Effect of Ethical Leadership and Workplace Spirituality on the Implementation of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitments
Jiwandono, Ilham Syahrul
Attachment to Cultural Values of “Patut Patuh Patju” Among Teenagers in Their Late Teenage Years
Jiwandono, Ilham Syahrul
Learning in 4.0 Era: Transformation of E-Learning to Strengthen Digital Literacy of Students’ Primary Teacher Education Study Program
Josep, J
Government Response to Handling Covid-19 Study Comparation: Lessons Learned from Taiwan and Indonesia
Juanda, J
Development of Indonesian Language Teaching Book Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills for Department of Network Computer Engineering Students in Vocational School
Jufrin, J
A Study on the Settlement of Divorce Cases for Undocumented Marriages at the Raba-Bima Religious Court
Juhriati, J
Analysis of the Model of Assistance for Children Who Are Dealing with Law in the Child Protection Institution (LPA) in Bima City
Juhriati, J
Analysis of Assistance Model for Children Facing the Law in the Child Protection Institution (LPA) in Bima
Jumanto, J
The Effect of the Scientific Approach on Enhancing Elementary School Students’ Learning Outcomes in Indonesia: A Meta-Analysis
Junaidi, Ahmad
Towards the Curricular Freedom in the Time of Pandemic: A Literature Review
Juwita, Mira
Relationship of Food Security and Land Ecology in West Lombok Regency
Kalsum, Umi
Spatial Abilities of Students Who Have Dominant Mathematical Logical Intelligence in Terms of Gender Differences
Karisma, Yanuar Andi
Place-Based Pedagogy and Indonesian National Curriculum: A Strategy Analysis for Forest and Javan Lutung Conservation in the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park
Karma, I Nyoman
Attachment to Cultural Values of “Patut Patuh Patju” Among Teenagers in Their Late Teenage Years
Karmeli, Elly
Utilization of E-Commerce to Increase the Selling Value of MSMEs in Sumbawa Regency During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Karmeli, Elly
The Audiences’ Preferences on Advertisement Stimulus in Improving Brand Awareness: Shopee Baby Shark Version
Karta, I Wayan
The Development of the Habituation S.O.P in Building Early Childhoods’ Character By Students’ Early Childhood Education Study Program
Karta, I Wayan
The Description of Early Childhood Growth and Development with Online Learning Based on Authentic Assessments
Kartowagiran, Badrun
Evaluating the Policy of Child-Friendly School in a Junior High School in Ternate
Kasmar, K
A Study on the Settlement of Divorce Cases for Undocumented Marriages at the Raba-Bima Religious Court
Kayatarno, K
Study on the Implementation of Internal Quality Assurance System on Standard Content, Process and Assessment During Corona Virus Disease-19
Khairunnisa, K
Learning in 4.0 Era: Transformation of E-Learning to Strengthen Digital Literacy of Students’ Primary Teacher Education Study Program
Khairus Febryan, F
Consumer Protection for Accessing Essential Needs in Disaster Situation in Indonesia
Khalik, Lalu Abdul
Bina Keluarga Mandiri (Independent Family Development) on Implementing the Health Protocols in the Era of New Normal
Khotimah, Khusnul
Deploying 4C of 21st Century Learning Based on Authentic Materials for Advanced Grammar Classes
Komalasari, Desy Ningsih
The Development of Big Book Media as a Local Solution for the Student Literacy Movement of Inpres Sambori Elementary School Lambitu District Bima Regency
Komalasari, Maya Atri
Community-Based Social Services for Livelihood Recovery after Disaster: Evidence from Post Earthquakes, Lombok, Indonesia
Kurnia, Shintia Deta
Covid-19, Walkie Talkie and Teacher Agency in Educating Young Learner at SD Punik
Kurniawan, Eka
Analysis of Student Perceptions about Online Lectures in Terms of Student Learning Styles: Study of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Kurniawansyah, K
Utilization of E-Commerce to Increase the Selling Value of MSMEs in Sumbawa Regency During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Ladyanna, Sonezza
Language, Social Media and Citizens in the Covid Pandemic 19
Latifah, Sitti
Place-Based Pedagogy and Indonesian National Curriculum: A Strategy Analysis for Forest and Javan Lutung Conservation in the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park
Lestari, Indah Dwi
Development of Learning Media for Educational Games Based on Adobe Flash in Biology
Lestari, Yuni Budi
Local Cultural Politeness in English Language Classrooms
Lestari, Yuni Budi
A Study on Teacher Strategies in Teaching Speaking and Reading Comprehension Skills: A Case Study at SMAN 8 Mataram
Lestari, Yuni Budi
The Potential of Local Culture in English Language Teaching (ELT): A Response Paper to Domination of English Material in ELT
Listyaningsih, L
Preparing Independent Golden Millennial Generation Through Character Education
Loka, I Nyoman
Optimization of Achievement in Chemistry Learning Outcomes by Implementing Discovery Learning-Based Strategy
Lutfianto, L
Descriptive Analysis on the Plays of Wayang Kekayon Khalifah: A Collaboration Among Calligraphy, Wayang Arts, Islamic Dialogue, and Java Culture
Lu’luilmaknunn, Ulfa
Analyzing the Ability of Mathematics Students as Prospective Mathematics Teachers on Multiple Mathematical Representation
Magfirahti, Ranggaini
Supply Chain of Robusta Coffee in Gangga District, North Lombok Regency
Mahmudah, Husnatul
Analysis of the Model of Assistance for Children Who Are Dealing with Law in the Child Protection Institution (LPA) in Bima City
Mahmudah, Husnatul
Analysis of Assistance Model for Children Facing the Law in the Child Protection Institution (LPA) in Bima
Mahyuni, M
Metaphorical Expression of Meatball and the Naturalization of Meatball Conceptualization
Mahyuni, M
Going Beyond Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) on Culture Evaluation
Mardhia, Dwi
Lecturers’ and Students’ Profiles and Perceptions on the Implementation of Online Learning Evaluations During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Mardhia, Dwi
The Use of Whatsapp Application in Learning Evaluation Activities During Covid-19 Pandemic
Mardhia, Dwi
Correlation of Online Learning Evaluation With Students’ Learning Outcomes in the Covid 19 Pandemic
Mardialina, Mala
Community-Based Social Services for Livelihood Recovery after Disaster: Evidence from Post Earthquakes, Lombok, Indonesia
Mari’i, M
Profile of Ability to Produce Fantasy Story Texts of Mataram City Junior High School Students: Aspects of Structure, Language, Characteristics and Coherence
Markum, M
Study of Strengthening the Performance of West Rinjani Forest Management Unit to Promoting Sustainable Forest Management in West Tenggara Nusa