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1578 articles

Sustainability of Special Financial Aid Fund: Analysis of the Internal Control System for Management of the Subak Tani Kayupas Beduuran Village Banyuning

Ketut Suci Artini, I Dewa Putu Tri Arta Wasana, Ni Komang Sapta Putri Mertha Agustina, I Made Arda Waras Satwika, Made Risma Yuliani, Ni Kadek Wulan Ardiana Sukma
This study aims to find out the implementation of the internal control system for special financial aid funds management with the Tri Hita Karana concept in Subak Kayupas Beduuran Banyuning Village. This research was conducted by using qualitative method. Data was collected through observation, interviews,...

The Relationship of Science Knowledge and Decision-Making Based on Gender on Socioscientific Issues

Haryanti Putri Rizal, Galuh Yuliani, Parsaoran Siahaan, Dr. Hasri
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between students’ understanding of science and decision-making based gender on socio-scientific issues (SSI), especially on environmental pollution in Indonesia. Science Instruction based SSI was developed and implemented to encourage students...
Proceedings Article

Low Utilization of Telemedicine in the First-Year Trial: A Case in the Province of West Papua, Indonesia

Riski Nugraheni, Guardian Yoki Sanjaya, Siti Setyawati Mulyono Putri, Anis Fuad, Lutfan Lazuardi, Ariani Arista Putri Pertiwi, Surahyo Sumarsono, Mei Neni Sitaresmi
West Papua is the second biggest province in eastern part of Indonesia. Availability and accessibility of health care services are among the priority problems in this province. Telemedicine Indonesia (TEMENIN), a telemedicine pilot project from the Ministry of Health, has been implemented in 4 health...

The Beauty Myth, Cosmetics Industry, and Instagram

Widi Lestari Putri, L. G. Saraswati Putri, Mia Siscawati
This article reviews the developing of beauty myth among Instagram users and the role of cosmetics industry in the dissemination beauty myth. This is a literature review conducted by exploring previous studies relevant with the spread of beauty myth through Instagram and the influence of the cosmetic...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of Multiplex PCR for Detection of Pork-Contaminated Beef-Based Food Product

Moralita Chatri, Afifatul Achyar, Cahay Kamila Putri
The development of globalization affects Indonesia, especially science and technology in the field of food biotechnology. Molecular analysis method, namely Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) can be used to detect the food authentication. One of the modifications developed from the conventional PCR method...

Online Learning in English for Nursing Using Moodle: Students’ Perspectives on Satisfaction

Barlian Kristanto, Diannike Putri, Thanee Glomjai
The emergent shift in education due to the COVID19 pandemic leads to the implementation of online learning exclusively using various digital platforms. Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) as the popular learning management system used offers various features and flexibility...

Social and Juridical Aspect Credit Agreement “Emok Bank” in Indonesia

Ida Nurhayati, Firda Lestari, Vindaniar Yuristamanda Putri, Vinita Susanti
The mention of Bank Emok among the community, especially Sundanese tribes in the Bogor area and its surroundings, describes the bank's operations carried out by women traveling from village to village to offer money lending (credit) services in a speedy and easy compared to banks in general. The...

Creativity of Junior High School Teacher in Learning in the Time of Covid-19

Putri Mahanani, Siti Umayaroh, Goenawan Roebyanto
Covid-19 has made the education order change. One form of change is the learning system that was originally done face-to-face, now it has turned into a network. Various actions have been taken in order to reduce the number of citizens who are indicated by Covid-19, including learning from home. This...

How the Inflation Affect the Commercial Bank Deposit Funds in Indonesia (2016 – 2018)?

Vindaniar Y. Putri, Dwinta Firda Purnama
The purpose of writings this research was to determine the condition of investment growth of commercial bank deposit products in Indonesia from 2016 to 2018 and to find out the correlation between inflation growth and the growth of deposit on-call funds, time deposits, and certificates of deposit in...

Sign, Simulation, and Consumption on E-Hailing Application Brand

Addin Kurnia Putri
This article outlines a perspective on the role of media in Go-Jek branding as the first e-hailing application in Indonesia. A new innovative technology using artificial intelligence certainly has a specific marketing strategy to attract consumers. Go-Jek creates a space of signs, images, and codes through...

Analysis of Factors That Affect the Repurchase Intentions on Online Shopping Sites

Mike Yolanda, Hesti Maria Putri
Indonesia is a fairly good e-commerce growth market from year to year. Since 2014, it is known that online sales in Indonesia have reached US $ 1.1 billion. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) states that the Indonesian e-commerce industry in the last years has continued to increase by 17 percent with...

Mathematics Connection Process of Students With Low Mathematical Ability in Solving Contextual Problems Based on Gender

Baiduri, Octavina Rizky Utami Putri, Ikrimatul Alfani
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the mathematical connection process of students with low math abilities in solving problems based on gender. Descriptive exploratory research with a qualitative approach was used in this study. A male student and a female student of class X MIPA with...
Proceedings Article

Spatial Distribution of Free Larvae Index (Fli) to Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (Dhf) Cases In 2020-2022 in Sememi Health Center Surabaya

Suprijandani, Puan Maharani Siswanto, Putri Arida Ipmawati, Marlik
The Sememi Health Center in Surabaya City reported the highest number of dengue cases in 2020. Control measurement on the dissemination of DHF has been implemented to perceive the outcome of controlling it, which can be assessed through the Free Larvae Index (FLI) indicator in larvae surveys. This research...

Noticing Students' Thinking and Quality of Interactivity During Mathematics Learning

Ratu Ilma Indra Putri, Zulkardi
Teachers have a role to implement the new curriculum in school. Therefore they need to support especially in orchestra learning process in the classroom. The goal of this research is to support mathematics teachers implement new curriculum or curriculum 2013 in the school. Such support, for examples,...

The Impact of Services Quality, Location and Word of Mouth to Repurchase Intention through Brand Image at Salon Muslimah Beauty Care Padang

Putri Maurisni, Susi Evanita
This study aims to analyze the impact of services quality, location and word of mouth to repurchase intention through brand image at Salon Muslimah Beauty Care Padang.The population of this study is all consumers who visit Salon Muslimah Beauty Care Padang with a number of samples nearly 150 respondents....

Speech Acts in the @Enterpreneursukses Instagram Account and Its Functions to Develop the Students’ Entrepreneurial Characteristics (Pragmatic Study)

Sania Sauma Putri, Markhamah, Agus Budi Wahyudi, Atiqa Sabardila
The research aims to describe various forms of speech acts used in the @entrepreneursukses Instagram account and their functions to build the students’ entrepreneurial characteristics. It employed a descriptive qualitative method of which the data were the speech acts in the posts of the @entrepreneursukses...
Proceedings Article

Antimicrobial Activity of Ethanol Extract of Akar Kaik-kaik (Uncaria cordata (Lour.) Merr.) Leaves Against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Candida albicans

Vilya Syafriana, Erwi Putri Setyaningsih, Nabilah Rachmawani, Desti Kharisma, Fathin Hamida
Akar kaik-kaik (Uncaria cordata) or known as hook vine is one of the medicinal plants whose leaves are used in traditional medicine as an antidiabetic by the people of Riau. Other than that, this plant also has potential as an antimicrobial agent due to the dominant of alkaloid content possessed by members...

The Function of Implicatures in Instagram Social Media Humor Discourse and Its Implementation as Anecdotal Text Teaching Materials

Dian Putri Ayuni, Markhamah, Atiqa Sabardila, Agus Budi Wahyudi
The objectives of this study are (1) to analyze the function and intent of the implicature in humorous discourse on social media Instagram @ngakak.tipe.hari. And (2) to describe its implementation as anecdotal text teaching materials. This is descriptive qualitative research, data is collected through...

The Effect of Brand Experience and Customer Engagement on Brand Loyalty in the Marketplace in Indonesia

Sheren Maharani Putri, Renny Risqiani, B. Medina Nilasari, Kurniawati, Hermanto Yaputra
This research aims to analyze the effect of brand experience and customer engagement on brand loyalty in the marketplace in Indonesia. The sample in this study amounted to 367 respondents, using purposive sampling. The variables of this study consist of brand experience dimensions (sensory, affective,...

Analysis the Influences of Food Prices (Volatile Food) in South Sulawesi 2011-2017

Anas Iswanto Anwar, Sri Undai Nurbayani, Putri Rezky Indria
The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of the amount of money in circulation, import, and the number of population on volatile foods in South Sulawesi. This research uses secondary data which is time series as much as 78 periods from January 2011 until June 2017 sourced from BI (Indonesian Bank)...

Perceived Satisfaction and Perceived Usefulness of E- Learning: The Role of Interactive Learning and Social Influence

Ares Albirru Amsal, Siska Lusia Putri, Febri Rahadi, Mellyna Eka Yan Fitri
Understanding the factors that influence the satisfaction of e-learning is critical. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the relationship between interactive learning, social influence, and perceived usefulness on perceived satisfaction with e-learning. Seventy-three students taking online learning...
Proceedings Article

In Silico PCR Study Amplifying Mitochondrial ND5 Gene to Detect Food Adulteration

Moralita Chatri, Afifatul Achyar, Dwi Hilda Putri, Dezi Handayani
The design of the primers affects the PCR's specificity. A mitochondrial gene called Cyt-b is frequently used in PCR to detect the presence of pork, but because the sequence is nearly identical to that of bovine Cyt-b, false positive results frequently occur in lab tests. Therefore, the purpose...

Relationship Between Social, Technology, Personality, and Psychology Factors on Intention in Pre-Employment Training

Lina Affifatuholihah, Farah Putri Wenang Lusianingrum, Solehatin Ika Putri
The Pre-employment Card Program was created as a solution for rising number of unemployment during the COVID -19 pandemic. The pre-employment card program has eight digital platform partners for online training delivery. There are various types of pre-employment card training. With more choices of types...

Improvement of Volunteer Competency through First Aid Training

Abida Ferindistika Putri, Imam Gunawan, Desi Eri Kusumaningrum, Ahmad Nurabadi, Dedi Prestiadi, Firman Budi Santoso, Nandy Wahyu Nur Setya, Siti Khusnul Rofiah, Nurul Hidayati
This program aims to improve volunteer competence through first aid training. This first aid training activity was carried out using the following methods: (1) lecturing; and (2) practice. The analysis used was descriptive analysis and paired samples t-test. The data description shows the mean pre-test...

Effect of Inkuiri Learning Model on Learning Outcomes Student Primary Teacher Education in Course Learning Civic Education Elementary School

Putri Maharani, Muchtar
This research is based on previous research result about inquiry learning model which shows that inquiry model is able to give positive impact to the development of student potency. Research hypothesis; Ha: there is an increase in learning outcomes and Ho: no increase in student learning outcomes of...

Presupposition Analysis in Twitter Reply Columns in Alleged Cyberbullying Case

Paramita Dwi Lestari Putri, Dadang Sudana, Andika Dutha Bachari
The present forensic-pragmatic study was conducted to explore the types of presupposition in Twitter replies. This descriptive qualitative study focuses on examining the presupposition in the Twitter reply columns to reveal any cyberbullying-related speech. The data were analyzed based on Yule’s types...
Proceedings Article

Application of Fermented Rice Bran Using Lactobacillus sp. in Artificial Feed For Survival Rate and FCR of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

Surianti, Fitratul Muaddama, Rini Sahni Putri, Hasrianti, Damis, Wahyudi
Rice bran is the result of the process of milling rice plants into rice, but rice bran has not been utilized properly in the Sidrap area. Feeding with the addition of fermented rice bran using Lactobacillus sp. is expected to increase the use of feed in tilapia aquaculture. This research aims to realize...

Implications of Restorative Justice in Juvenile Criminal Law and the State Economy

Kartika Asmanda Putri, Hartiwiningsih Hartiwiningsih, I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani
A restorative justice approach to juvenile crime is, of course, very possible, but not for all criminal acts committed by minors; this must, of course, pay attention to the causes and consequences of the child committing a delinquency, which is a criminal act, the aim and objective is to This restorative...

The Urgency of Public Communication Protocols Related to Crisis Management in Prevention Control and Management of Pandemic

Edhi Siswanto, Juariyah, Putri Robiatul Adawiyah, Baktiawan Nusanto
This study investigated the urgency of government communication protocols in dealing with pandemics. Communication is the most important part of dealing with the threat of a pandemic. Public trust needs to be built and maintained, thus, there is no panic in the community and the handling can run smoothly....

The Role of Religious Institutions in Overcoming the Waste Problem

Putri Pinata, Tarisa Ahsan, Dewi Amiratul Muminah, Edo Tegar Sugiarto, Gading Gamaputra, Agus Prastyawan
The high volume of waste has resulted in new problems at PPPM Baitul Makmur Surabaya (PPPM BM) because the waste management process is still not optimal. The purpose of the study is to solve the waste problem in the PPPM BM Surabaya environment by utilizing maggots as decomposers of organic waste and...

Dangdut, Saweran, and Sexual Harassment: A Case Study on Female Dangdut Singers in Jakarta and Bandung

Ullynara Zungga Vriscarinie Syahvira, L. G. Saraswati Putri, Mia Siscawati
This article reviews the sexual harassment experienced by female dangdut singers as female workers. Research data was collected through in depth interviews with four female dangdut singers in DKI Jakarta. The collected data was then observed specifically in regards to the practice of saweran, and was...
Proceedings Article

Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Variegated-Leaf Pattern in Dendrobium ‘Burana Green’ Based on the Structure of VAR2 Gene

Saifa Usni Putri, Aviesta Linggabuwana, Febri Yuda Kurniawan, Muhammad Dylan Lawrie, Endang Semiarti
Some plants developed variegated pattern on their leaves, where the leaves color separated to green part that indicate normal chloroplasts and white part that indicates abnormal chloroplast. Dendrobium ‘Burana Green’ is a hybrid orchid that has variegated phenotype on its leaves, where the middle part...
Proceedings Article

Primers Design and PCR Optimization for Developing Salmonella Sp. Detection Method on Refillable Drinking Water Sample

Oswal Yuselman, Dwi Hilda Putri, Yuni Ahda, Afifatul Achyar
One of the parameters of drinking water quality is not contaminated by coliform bacteria such as Salmonella sp. This bacteria can infect humans through oral routes causing infection of the gastrointestinal tract (Salmonellosis). Generally, analysis testing of coliform bacteria in water can be done using...

The Learning Achievement of Preservice Teachers from Internship: A Descriptive Study

Muhammad Bukhori Dalimunthe, Raudah Zaimah Dalimunthe, Lokot Muda Harahap, Fitri Yani Panggabean, Utami Nurhafsari Putri
This paper aims to analyze the learning achievement of internships for preservice teachers who carry out the School Field Program (SFP), especially for economics and business students. Regulations on SFP established six learning objectives to build the foundation of the teacher’s professional identity,...

Ancient Liyangan: Settlements Friend Mountain

Sugeng Riyanto, Nanang Saptono, M. Fadhlan S. Intan, Putri Novita Taniardi
Since its discovery by sand miners in 2008, the Liyangan site in Purbosari Village and Tegalrejo Village, Ngadirejo District, Temanggung Regency, has become a priority in the research program of the Yogyakarta Archaeological Center. Several archaeological objects were discovered during a series of studies...

The Plosive Sound Change in Indonesian Final -k Syllabic Words

A Case Study of Indonesian Acehnese Readers

Septhia Irnanda, Sabrina, Zaiyana Putri, Nurul Inayah, Nyak Mutia Ismail, Marisa Yoestara
This study examines the sound shift from plosive /ʔ/ to /k/ as a coda in final -k syllabic words, such as duduk, anak, bisik, and pojok in the Indonesian-Aceh dialect. The Indonesian dialect developed in Aceh province area has /ʔ/ variant for most words with final-k spelt syllables. However, due to the...

MACAN Museum’s Strategies in Retaining Art Tourism Visitors During Covid-19

Radja Erland Hamzah, Citra Eka Putri, Prasetya Yoga Santoso, Kartika Sari
In Indonesia, museums are still the last choice for people as a tourist destination, both on weekends and holidays. MACAN Museum is the first museum in Indonesia dedicated to modern and contemporary art. This museum is also an educational institution that provides art education to the public, as well...

Pandemic Firm’s Performance: The Effect of Good Corporate Governance and Intellectual Capital

Agustine Dwianika, Romi Juliani Putri Perdana, Farhan Ady Pratama, Irma Paramita Sofia, Fitriyah Nurhidayah
The research aims to obtain empirical evidence regarding the effect of Good Corporate Governance and Intellectual Capital on the Company's financial performance before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. The population used in this study is the consumer cyclical sector companies in the consumer services...

Corporate Social Responsibility Forum: Private Sector Participation Strategy in Equitable Development of the Regional Government of Muara Enim

Nova Yulanda Putri Sipahutar, Yanuar Farida Wismayanti, Herie Saksono, Imam Radianto Anwar Setia Putra, Madya Putra Yaumil Ahad, Adi Suhendra, Witra Apdhi Yohanitas, Novi Savarianti Fahrani, Bachtari Alam Hidayat, Nurhuda Firmansyah, Arif Ramadhan, Robby Firman Syah, Tania Andari, Adhityo Nugraha Barsei, Evi Maya Savira, Siti Hanifa Azanda, Renny Savitri, Metha Claudia Agatha Silitonga, Ladiatno Samsara, Citra Permata Sari, Rori Gusparirin, Virgiawan Listanto, Bonataon Maruli Timothy Vincent Simandjorang, Marsono, Lindawati, Suripto
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is mandatory and every company is expected to fulfil this obligation. Generally, the company makes and implements its CSR program incidentally and eliminates obligations. Therefore, not all the benefits of CSR programs impact the community. One of the causes is the...

Social Interaction Between Etnics in Market Mastery in Sungai Penuh City Market in Kerinci Regency in a Sociological Prepective

Eka Putri Hardiyanti, Susi Evanita
The purpose of this study is to describe the social interaction between traders in controlling the market in Sungai Penuh in Kerinci Regency. The purpose of this study looks at 1) Research on the interaction between migrants and Kerinci natives, 2) factors that encourage socio-economic relations between...

Validity of Biochemical Teaching Material Equipped by Research Result of Biology Students

Yuliza, Wilny Okta, Putri, Dwi Hilda, Advinda, Linda
Introduction- the biochemical course is related to biology because biochemical discusses chemical processes that occur in the body of human being. Based on the results of the questionnaire, it was known that students did not have preparations before the lecture. Therefore, it was necessary to have biochemical...

The Understanding of Universitas Negeri Surabaya Students of Sexual Violence on Campus

Elisabeth Septin Puspoayu, Dian Ayu Larasati, Iman Pasu Marganda H. P., Graciela Natasha Tessalonica Lektonpessy, Laily Wahyuningtyas Putri Hariono
A violence that happens against women has become an interesting discussion. Indonesia has been in an emergency situation at protection from sexual violence mainly for women. Law No. 23 of 2004 on Elimination of Domestic Violence, Law No. 23 of 2002 which has amended by Law No. 35 of 2014 on Amending...

Employing Rubric-referenced Self-assessment for Novice Writers

Putri Kamalia Hakim, Safuri Musa, Fauzi Miftakh, Maya Rahmawati
This study aims to explore the efficacy of the use of rubric-referenced self-assessment on students’ writings. The goal is to provide experimental and qualitative support for the application of rubric-referenced self-assessment among EFL students who are in the early stages of acquiring English writing...

The Twists and Turns of State Universities with Legal Entity Status (PTN-BH) as a Form of Decentralization of Higher Education in Indonesia

Abd. Qadir Muslim, Andhyka Muttaqin, Aulia Luqman Aziz, Dhea Monica Setia Putri, Arina Izza Sabila
In the Fourth Industrial Revolution era (Industry 4.0), everything is required to be flexible, including a bureaucratic system, especially in the education bureaucracy where education is a pillar in the progress of the nation because education is in direct contact with the nation’s next generation. Today,...
Proceedings Article

Design and Verification Application Let’s SeGar Based on Android as the Ideal Physics Guard

Setya C. Wibawa, Budi Sujatmiko, Gerarda L. Yuwanti, Amirah Z. H. Putri, Edy Sulistiyo, Fendi Achmad, Utama A. Deta, Bambang Yulianto, Suprapto, Agus Hariyanto, Nurhasan, Sujarwanto
In order to maximize performance during physical exercise, we need to choose foods that contain carbohydrates, protein, and fat, and eat them at the right time. The purpose of this research is to develop the application “Let’s SeGar” which has the function of adding insight into the ideal height and...
Proceedings Article

Stability of Production of Active Antibiotic Compounds by Andalas Endophite Bacteria (Morus Macroura Miq.) at Several Subculture Frequency

Dwi Hilda Putri, Iffa Sakina Haq, Dezi Handayani, Violita, Nurhasnah, Irdawati
To maintain the viability of bacteria during the development and utilization process, it is necessary to rejuvenate the bacteria through a subculture process. It is interesting to know whether the activity of the antibiotic compounds and the genetic stability of Andalas endophytic bacteria will remain...

Reducing the Risk of State Civil Apparatus Indiscipline Violations During Pandemic Using the SiPERLU Application in Lumajang

Putri Robiatul Adawiyah, Mela Ayu Shafira Devi
This study focused on the urgency of the SiPERLU application in reducing the risk of State Civil Apparatus violations and human resource management crises during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Lumajang. The data noted that by the end of 2020 had recorded 1,333 access violations and abuse of State Civil Apparatus...

The Impacts of E-Service Quality on Repurchase Intention

Rafaida Putri Rahmania, Ratih Hurriyati, Heny Hendrayati, Lili Adi Wibowo
To enhance Sociolla Cosmetics’ marketing strategy, which is primarily focused on enhancing and raising repurchase intention through e-service quality, this study set out to measure the impact of e-service quality on repurchase intention on the website for cosmetic sales. This study employed a descriptive...
Proceedings Article

Quality of Drinking Water Resources with the Incidence of Stunting in Children Under Five in Kalipakis Village, Sukorejo District, Kendal Regency

Putri Nur Riani, Budiyono, Nurjazuli
In 2020, around 149.2 million or 22% of the world’s children under five were stunted, most of which came from Asia. In the same year, stunting data in Kendal Regency according to E-PPBGM was 17.54% of toddlers The incidence of stunting occurred due to chronic malnutrition and repeated infections during...

Assessment of Literacy Competence among 15-Year-Old Students in the Bandung Area

Yeti Mulyati, Andoyo Sastromiharjo, Suci Sundusiah, Devi Fadilah Susanti, Putri Syifa Maulida Salsabila
Literacy, particularly reading literacy, holds significant importance in social life, particularly in the 21st century. This study aims to assess the literacy competence of eighth-grade students in junior high schools. It focuses on determining students’ proficiency in locating textual information, evaluating...