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1578 articles

Factors Affecting Museum Re-Visit: Application On The Balai Kirti Museum

Dini Mustika Buana Putri, Ratih Hurriyati, Bambang Widjajanta, Puspo Dewi Dirgantari
This study examines factors leading to visits at the Museum of Balai Kirti – Bogor in Indonesia. The variables studied are service quality, destination image, perceived value and customer satisfaction which are believed to play an important role in influencing re-visit intention at the Museum of Balai...

Development of Electronic Teaching Materials Using Google Sites in Grade IV Elementary School

Aulia Permatasari, Arda Purnama Putra, Putri Mahanani
Development of Electronic Teaching Materials Using Google Sites Materials on Rights and Obligations need to be developed as an alternative in delivering material in learning activities. This development intends to produce electronic teaching materials that are suitable for use by material experts, media...

Alter Ego of Payments Royalties for Songs and Music on Radio Stations

T. Keizerina Devi Azwar, Yati Sharfina Desiandri, Joiverdia Arifiyanto, Putri Rumondang Siagian, Hilbertus Sumplisius M. Wau
The requirement for radio companies to pay royalties as per government rule concerning song and or music copyright payments. According to Copyrights Act, musicians and songwriters are entitled to royalties Act. Radio companies should ask the copyright holder for permission before playing music on their...
Proceedings Article

Usability Testing to Measure Real Perception Generation Level in Introduction of Bengkulu University Building Based on Virtual Tour with 360° Object Modelling

The development of photography technology creates a 360 ° camera that carries an ultra-wide twin1-lens folded optical lens (a small double lens with a folding design). This technology can produce spherical panoramic images. Spherical panoramas are borderless and seamless image objects used to create...

The Effect of Concept Sentence Learning Model in Improving Learning Achievement of Social Sciences for Student with Hearing Impairment

Munawir Yusuf, Erma Kumala Sari, Istiqomah Putri Mirasandi
The research was conducted to determine the effect of the concept sentence learning model in improving the learning achievement of social sciences for a student with hearing impairment class VII in SLB B YRTRW Surakarta. The research used the experimental method with one group pre-test and post-test...

The Role of Information Asymmetry in Moderating Corporate Governance Practice and Dividend Policy on Income Smoothing Practices

Vinola Herawaty, Florus Daeli, Putri Bilqis Fadilah Achma, Juara Sintong Nainggolan, Barugamuri Dachi
This study aims to empirically examine the effect of corporate governance and dividend policy on income smoothing with auditor information asymmetry as a moderating variable. The sampling of this study used purposive sampling with a sample of 28 companies listed as mining sector companies on the Indonesia...

Identifying the Effect of Financial and Market Access on Micro-Enterprise Performance in Indonesia

Vidyana Putri Hidayati, Teguh Dartanto
Micro-enterprises are the most dominant business type in Indonesia, and their growth leads our economy. However, according to various empirical studies in several developing countries, micro-enterprises still face difficulties in financial and market access. Therefore, this study discusses those factors...
Proceedings Article

Information Risk Assessment Model of Accuracy and Timeliness Dimensions

The low quality of data and information held by the organization can encourage the emergence of information risk. Accuracy is an important dimension for the quality of the information but would lose its benefits if it is delivered at the wrong time, so it needs a risk assessment that able to assesses...

The Contribution of Intellectual Property Awareness and the Motivation of Comic Creators to Product Innovation

Ngurah Rangga Wiwesa, Rahmi Setiawati, Nailul Mona, Muhammad Rafi Azhar, Nadia Aldini Putri
Comics fall within the creative industry and have economic value in society in addition to the artistic sector. The comic industry must be acknowledged as a source of creative works with commercial worth and legal protection. In order to measure comprehension of comics as a component of the creative...

Regional Tax Management Patterns as a Source of Regional Development Financing

Kadar Pamuji, Tedi Sudrajat, Muhammad Taufiq, Pramono Suko Legowo, Handityo Baswono, Aditya Riza Dharmawan, Nadia Putri Ardiyanti, Alnandya Auriell Putri
This study has the objective of knowing and analyzing the pattern of regional tax management adopted by the Government of Banyumas Regency as a source of regional development. The research uses empirical juridical methods with a qualitative approach, data collection techniques with a combination of interviews,...

Authorial Voice on Hijab Discourse in Singapore: Discursive Reading on the Reputed International Journal Article

Nurul A. Kurniati, Eva Leiliyanti, Larasati N. Putri
Hijab discourse is extensive as it keeps offering new understanding and perspective to the progressing discussion on the cultural, social, and religious spheres. Singapore with its parliamentary representative democratic politics is one of the countries that allow its citizens to practice and wear their...

Media Development of the Map of the Board of Indonesia Map Board for Learning

Dienta Aditama Kurnia, Murtiningsih, Putri Mahanani
This study aims to produce hanging maps of Indonesian media for grade V students of Public Elementary School (SDN) Kesatrian 2 Malang, Indonesia, which are suitable according to media experts, material experts and user experts. This research was conducted because the Indonesian media map that displays...

Perspective from Government Officer: Ecotourism for City Branding of Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi

Eli Jamilah Mihardja, B. P. Kusumo Bintoro, D.M. Putri, T. Widiastuti, P.M. Agustini, F. Adriati
Brand determines the success of a company, as well as branding a city. In the era of regional autonomy and transparency of information, city branding has a major role as a strategy to gain a reputation and a strong positioning in the face of competition with other cities. Therefore, this study aims to...

Analysis of Student Learning Engagement in Project-Based Learning

Yulhendri, Wyanet Putri Alisha, Rani Sofya, Agung Sudjatmoko, Mentari Ritonga
The Covid-19 pandemic forced learning through distance learning using online learning. Student learning engagement through online education is critical. Online education using zoom and other media requires a substantial learning commitment of students to do independent learning. And independent learning...

Expressing Piety through Property Ads: Sharia Housing and Islamic Identity Formation

Yuyun Sunesti, Addin Kurnia Putri
This paper explores the expression of piety displayed in Sharia housing advertisements located in Solo Raya. Through qualitative research and applying content analysis, this paper analyzes the descriptions of piety showed by housing producers to attract consumers. This research found that there are two...

Strengthening of School-Based Character Education (Case Study of Full-Day School at Cemara Dua Elementary School, Surakarta)

Ardaneswari Putri Cahyaningsih, Sukarno, Triyanto
This study aims to describe the implementation of strengthening culture-based character education at the Cemara Dua Surakarta Elementary School through the program’s full-day school. This research is qualitative research by describing several phenomena that occur to obtain data more deeply. Data collection...

Application of Behavioristic Learning Theory in Learning “Ta’lim Afkar”

Class of Mutawassith D Fatimah Az Zahra Building

Umi Salamah, Nuril Mufidah, Idrus Muchsin Bin Agil, Iffah Maulana Putri Hanum Soumena
Ta’lim Afkar is one of the book study programs that is required for all new students at Maulana Malik Ibrahim University Malang or commonly called Mahasantri Ma’had Sunan Ampel Al-Aly. This activity is very important and needs more attention because it adds insight and knowledge to students, especially...

Problem Based Learning Teaching Approached in Nutrition Counselling Topic of Nutrition Education Subject by e-learn Computer Assisted Instruction of Undergraduate Nutrition Students at Publich Health Faculty of Andalas University

Denas Symond, Nadya Chalida Nur, Putri Aulia Arza
Nutrition Conselling is one of topic of Nutrition Education Subject in third semester undergraduate nutrition students at Faculty of Public Health Univerisity of Andalas. During the learning process, teacher adopted Problem Based Learning approached by e-learn method in teaching and should use interactive...

A New Alternative to Measure Students’ Analytical Thinking Skill: A Validity Test for Mechanics Problem Based Learning Module

Yashinta Putri Sekarini, Endang Tri Adiningsih, Zulfa Lutfi Anisa, Bayu Setiaji
This study is aimed to produce a Mechanics Problem Based Learning module, that is feasible to use in physics learning on Mechanics topic. The research method uses Research and Development (RnD). The instruments are questionnaires of module feasibility test and questions validity test. The validators...

Prevalence Analysis of Intestinal Worm Infection in Pregnant Women

Sulastri, Dian Hudiyawati, Siti Arifah, Winarsih Nur Ambarwati, Widya Putri Rahmawati, Anindyati Fatikhul Jannah
Worm disease causes a lot of losses due to lead to reduced absorption of macronutrients such as carbohydrates and proteins, and cause reduced amount of blood in the body if it occurs in pregnant women may contribute to complications either during pregnancy or during childbirth. This study aims to analyze...

The Development of Blended Learning Method in the Medical Surgical Nursing Courses IV in Pandemic Covid -19 at Faculty of Nursing Universitas Andalas

Leni Merdawati, Boby Febri Krisdianto, Mulyanti Roberto, Fitri Mailani, Devia Putri Lenggogeni, Rahmi Mutia
The medical surgical nursing courses IV is one of the courses of expertise for nursing students in applying nursing care to adult patients who have disorders of the respiratory, cardiovascular, haematological, endocrine, immunology, digestion, urinary, musculoskeletal, integument, sensory perception,...

Comparison of Support Vector Machine and Random Forest Algorithms in Sentiment Analysis on Covid-19 Vaccination on Twitter Using Vader and Textblob Labelling

Berliana Putri Meliani, Oktariani Nurul Pratiwi, Rachmadita Andreswari
Corona Virus Disease 2019 is a world outbreak that was first reported in Wuhan in December 2019. The first case of Covid-19 in Indonesia was confirmed on March 2, 2020. Covid-19 is caused by infection with virus named SARS-Cov-2. Currently, social media is widely used to find out public opinion. Generally,...

Implementation of Dinoyo Ceramic Industry Development Policy in Malang City

Putri Benida Ayuningsih, Renji Eko Sandi
One of the Government’s ways to overcome the problem of poverty is through various plans and community empowerment projects. The industrial sector that has the opportunity to be developed and controlled by the government is creative industry. In the development of the creative economy in cities in Indonesia,...

The Mediation of Job Satisfaction in the Relation of Work Stress and Turnover Intention in Hotel Industry

Prasetio Prasetio, Arif Partono, Puspita Wulansari, Suci Trisno Putri, Ramdhani Ramdhani, Abdullah Abdullah
The study explain the effect of work stress on turnover intention through the mediation of job satisfaction in private-owned hotel in Karawang, West Java. Explanatory causal method was used to analyze the relation between variables through hypothesis testing. Nonprobability sampling method with accidental...

A Reflection on Assessment and Evaluation Changes During COVID-19

Henny Putri Saking Wijaya
COVID-19 has forced changes in all aspects including education. Educational institutions have made a big change when moving from offline to online platforms. Teachers has to learn new tools to teach online. Within a short period of time, they need to use Google Classroom or other Learning Management...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Remdesivir versus Ruxolitinib as Covid-19 Supportive Management: Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis

Nuriyatul Fhatonah, Ma’sum, Zenith Putri Dewianti, Nur’aini, Nita Rusdiana
The treatment regimen in severe Covid-19 patients has several types of therapies. However, there is uncertainty about which therapies are more effective in the covid-19 weight category. In June 2020, the study was conducted with keyword search [REMDESIVIR] [RUXOLITINIB] [COVID19] in 2010-2020 using

Trust Aspect Based on Sekala Niskala’s Accountability and Transparency Practices Traditional Village Fund Management

Kadek Sufridayani, I Gusti Bagus Palguna, I Nyoman Putra Karnata, Ni Nyoman Sriyani, Komang Bintang Rosita Dewi, Shefira Marina Putri
This study discusses how aspects of a scale-based trust in the practice of accountability and transparency of customary village fund management with the aim of knowing the embodiment of trust aspects in the management accountability of funds in the Penglatan Traditional Village in Buleleng, and to find...

Distance Learning of Pancasila and Civic Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Developing Student Discipline

Putri Utami Wijayati, Dadang Sundawa
The covid-19 pandemic experienced by Indonesians in 2020 has forced the government to close all schools and require learning from home using an online-based distance learning model. In this study aims to find out how distance learning in Pancasila and Civic Education learning is implemented and how students’...

Indonesian Coastal Macroeconomic Performances and Problems Before and During Covid-19

Deviani Ainafa’id, Tasya Berliana Putri, Agung Riyardi, Bambang Setiaji, Salma Audiena Alfaizah, Nur Hidayah
The Indonesian government has introduced a maritime road map and policy to improve the coastal economy. Studies of the relationship between unemployment and the coastal macroeconomy are limited. This study aims to analyze unemployment as a main macroeconomic performance and problem, factors that influence...

The Meaning of Nouns in the Translation of the Quran Surah Yunus and Its Use as Learning Materials

Nur Putri Agusti Sukmasari, Agus Budi Wahyudi, Markhamah, Atiqa Sabardilah
The purpose of the study is to determine the type of noun in the translation of the Qur’an Surah Yunus. It is selecting the meaning of nouns in the Indonesian Language Dictionary and the Jalalayn interpretation in the translation of the Qur’an Surah Yunus. Nouns are a class of words that express the...

Monitoring and Evaluation of Lectures During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period as a Part of Education Quality Assurance

Bertha Yonata, Guntur Trimulyono, Wahyu Budi Sabtiawan, Dian Savitri, Nugrahani Primary Putri, Enny Susiyawati, Fida Rachmadiarti, Madlazim
One of the tasks of the three pillars (Tri Dharma) of Higher Education is Education which includes learning. Learning is one part that must get attention with clear quality assurance because it has been stated in Article 1 Point 20 of the Law. No. 20 concerning the 2003 National Education System. In...

The Use of Digital Storytelling as Entertainment Content on Social Media Twitter

Melisa Bunga Altamira, Khairunnisa Devani Aqtus Permana Putri, Raden Muhammad Rafi Tata Samudra
Storytelling is a technique that aims to provide information to the audience. Nowadays, storytelling is used in various media, including social media, called digital storytelling. Digital storytelling offers information through multiple types of content, such as entertainment content. Twitter is one...

Psychological First Aid Training for KSR-Unisba

Dinda Dwarawati, Eni N. Nugrahawati, Anna Rozana, Bunga Lintang, Shabrina Alyani P. Raden Roro, Wildah Sifa Alimiyah, Balqis Andini Putri
KSR-Unisba members who are under the guidance and supervision of PMI Bandung, are always involved in social activities as a volunteer, such as in a natural disaster Catastrophic situation is a situation that makes the state of the survivors are in a state of crisis, as the survivors (victims) it is possible...

The Analysis of Performance Sub-Publishing of University in Central Java as the Development of Teaching Material in Editing Course

Santi Pratiwi Tri Utami, Nurlaili Irias Putri
Editing course aims to create educated workforce as editors who are a creative worker of publishing industry. There is an opportunity in the open creative industry and the urgency of providing human resources as a creative worker is a challenge. Internally, there must be strengthening effort from the...
Proceedings Article


Mega Anindya Putri, Arzinta Firdha Harisha, Sekar Widyastuti
Self and mobile check-in are widely known and implemented in air transportation all over the world. If self and mobile check-in were implemented well, it will give impact on short waiting time and easiness for passengers. This paper analyze how important self and mobile check-in for improving customer...

Internal Control System in Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD)

Ni Kadek Dwipayanti, Ni Komang Merry Rastyaningsih, Kadek Sri Sinta Dewi, Ida Bagus Angga Paramartha, Ida Ayu Devi Ananda Gayatri, Putri Nadia Rachmah, Putu Yoga Askara
The aim of this research was to know the implementation of the internal-controlling system on giving the credit in Village Micro-finance Institution (Lembaga Perkreditan Desa—LPD) Desa Adat Anturan. Qualitative and descriptive approaches were used in this research. The primary and secondary data were...

The Flexibility of Executive Function: Implementing Social Story for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Muchammad Irvan, Putri Syafitri
So far, many cases of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have been found to have various comorbidities, one of which is executive function. These skills, support the flexibility of individuals to be able to complete daily tasks and understand the sequence of schedules. However, some cases of...

Professional Ethics and Ethical Orientation: Key to Preventing Creative Accounting Practices Among Accounting Students

Sigit Hermawan, Putri Nadiroh, Imelda Dian Rahmawati, Iffah Qonitah, Ade Irma Suryani Lating, Susanna Seyranovna Alieva
Creative accounting is still a pro and con in the field of accounting professional ethics. Therefore, professional ethics, ethical orientation, and emotional intelligence are needed to understand it. This study aims to determine the Effect of Knowledge of Professional Ethics in Accountants, Ethical Orientation,...
Proceedings Article

Ethnobotanical Study of Hindu Society in Tabanan Bali and The Conservation Efforts

Putri Sri Andila, Tri Warseno, Winda Syafitri, I Gede Tirta
Balinese have traditionally preserved plants for the ethnobotany used hereditary, such as the utilization of plants for traditional medicine and Hindu ceremonies. Most of the Tabanan people are still live in the villages traditionally. They have used plants for the traditional purpose for hundreds of...

Improving Foreign Language Learning by the Mean of Learning Management System: Review of the Literature

Putri Wulandari, Cucuk Budiyanto
Due to the advancement in web technologies, learning management systems are becoming involved in various fields of distance education. The computer-facilitated teaching and learning have been enticed audiences for various advantages offered by the management systems. This paper reviews the need for computer-aided...
Proceedings Article

Quality of Liquid Waste and Hospital WWTP Management Strategy in Kendari

Nani Yuniar, Asnia Zainuddin, Desy Rahmawati, Linda Ayu Rizka Putri, Nirmala G Fifi, Yasnani Rahabuddin
Based on annual reports the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Health Office in 2017, out of 12 hospitals in the city of Kendari, only 8 hospitals have wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). Aims: to find out the quality of liquid waste at the inlet and outlet of the hospital WWTP, in terms of decreasing the...

Assessment of Learning Design with Padlet on the Writing Skills of German Language Level A2-B1 CEFR

Kharis, Dhea Elvira Ressa Putri
This study aims to answer the questions, how students respond using Padlet for writing skills in German language level A2-B1 CEFR and how the use of Padlet for this purpose to be optimized. In summary, 21 students participated, which consisted of 2 males and 19 females, within the range of 19–22 years....

21st Century Skills in Project Based Learning Integrated STEM on Science Subject: A Systematic Literature Review

Rizki Amelia, Sandy Tegariyani Putri Santoso
21st century skills consist of 12 skills that are currently needed by students to support success in their future career paths. PjBL integrated STEM is believed to improve the 21st century skills. This research aims to overview the Project Based Learning integrated STEM and describe the 21st century...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Implementing Web Push Notification and Customer Relationship Management in E-Commerce of Silver Craft MSME

Kameswara Silver is a micro small and medium enterprises (MSME) in the silver handicraft industry. During its operation, Kameswara Silver only accepts purchases from abroad through colleagues from the company’s owners with products manually, not regulated by the system, or computerized, and the company...

Move Analysis of Thesis and Dissertation Abstracts of Local and International Graduate Lecturers

Tara Devina Putri, Eri Kurniawan, Wawan Gunawan, Arif Husein Lubis
Move analysis is one of the genre-based approaches used to analyse the rhetorical structure of academic writing, in which one of them is research abstracts. While rhetorical moves of RA abstract are considerably looked into, the abstract of theses and dissertations is under-explored. The present study...

Determinants of Human Resource Accounting Disclosures

Study on Manufacturing Companies on The Indonesia Stock Exchange

Kadek Dian Sudiari, Ni Kadek Pradnya Widiarini, I Gede Jaya Putra Negara, Gede Kusuma Rajasa, Putu Eka Kusumayani, Luh Gede Wendys Canberra, Luh Pratiwi Putri Gea, Ni Luh Putu Wiwin Krisanthi
The purpose of this study was to empirically prove the effect of GRI guidelines, Net Profit Margin (NPM), size, company age, managerial ownership structure and product diversification toward disclosure of human resource accounting. This research was a quantitative study using secondary data obtained...

Analysis of Learning Activities in the Buku Tematik Terpadu Class VI Theme 7 Leadership Based on 21st Century Skills Competencies

Sajidan, Idam Ragil Widianto Atmojo, Fadhil Purnama Adi, Roy Ardiansyah, Alfania Putri Fortuna
This study aims to analyze the learning activity in the Buku Tematik Terpadu K13 Kelas VI Tema 7 (Kepemimpinan). This research is a type of content analysis with a descriptive qualitative approach. Data validity uses g triangulation of investigators. The subject of this research is the learning activity...

The Application of the Peer Tutoring Method in the Basic Nursing Science II Course

Dewi Murni, Nelwati, Zifriyanthi Minanda Putri, Esthika Ariany Maisa, Ilfa Khairina, Sidaria, Yuanita Ananda
Peer tutoring is a flexible, peer-mediated strategy that involves students acting as tutors and academic tutors. The Study Lab tutors serve as guides and mentors to help students become successful independent learners. Tutors support students in developing attitudes, behaviors, and understanding of the...
Proceedings Article

Availability and Information Needs of Traditional Medicine in Urban Community, Surabaya, Indonesia

Oeke Yunita, Fernanda Rizky Putri Heriwana, Erlin Theterissa, Jimmy Jimmy
Indonesian traditional medicine has been widely used in the urban community to treat several symptoms and prevent diseases before accessing the hospital for professional help. Information is critical in modern culture, since it aids in the development of people’s health knowledge. The purpose of this...

The Procession and Meaning of Sengen Tradition in Gayo Lues Society

Erna Hayati
This study is about the Procession and Meaning of Sengen Tradition in Gayo Lues Society. This study try to reveal the tradition which is believed by Gayo Lues society as a sacred cultural heritage which is well known as the term Sengen. In Sangen tradition, a child who is mismatch with his/her parent...