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189328 articles
Proceedings Article

An Effective Drilling Wear Measurement based on Visual Inspection Technique

Yu-Teng Liang, Yih-Chih Chiou
The purpose of this research is to use the visual inspection technique for the automatic tool wear measurement of different coated drills. The tool wear images with the different coated drilling are captured using a machine vision system incorporating with an effective vertex detection algorithm based...
Proceedings Article

A Pornographic Web Patrol System Based-on Hierarchical Image Filtering Techniques

Chumsak Sibunruang, Jantima Polpinij, Rapeeporn Chamchong, Anirut Chotthanom, Somnuk Puangpronpitag
Due to the flood of pornographic web sites on the internet, content-based web filtering has become an important technique to detect and filter inappropriate information on the web. This is because pornographic web sites contain many sexually oriented texts, images, and other information that can be helpful...
Proceedings Article

Efficient Surface Interpolation with Occlusion Detection

Boubakeur Boufama, Houman Rastgar, Saida Bouakaz
In this paper we present a novel dense matching algorithm that relies on sparse stereo data in order to build a dense disparity map. The algorithm uses a recursive updating scheme to estimate the dense stereo data using various interpolation techniques. The major problem of classical template matching...
Proceedings Article

Scene Classification for Baseball Videos Using Spatial and Temporal Features

Mao-hsiung Hung, Chaur-Heh Hsieh, Ying-Chung Zhu
Correct classification of various kinds of scenes in sport videos is essential for higher-level content analysis such as event detection. The paper presents a novel technique for the classification of the typical scenes of baseball videos. The spatial color features are employed to detect pitch scene...
Proceedings Article

Signature recognition using conjugate gradient neural networks

Jamal Abu Hasna
SIGNATURE RECOGNITION USING CONJUGATE GRADIENT NEURAL NETWORKS Transforming the input before training yields much lower error, but is more sensitive. Most importantly, we have presented system can vary in security depending on the situation. Uses for such a system range from securing a credit card transaction...
Proceedings Article

Analysis and Assessment of Knowledge Sharing Risk in the Virtual Enterprise

Tian-hui You, Zhu Zhu, Zhu-chao Yu
A method to analyze and assess knowledge sharing risks in the virtual enterprise is proposed. Firstly, based on risks analysis, an index system is set up to assess such risks as the core competence losing risk, the enterprise culture risk, the knowledge spillover effect risk and the moral risk, etc.....
Proceedings Article

Applications of Genetic Algorithm to Portfolio Optimization with Practical Transaction Constraints

Chieh-Yow ChiangLin
The portfolio optimization model, initially proposed by Markowitz in 1952 and known as mean-variance model (MV model), is applied to find the optimized allocation among assets to get higher investment return and lower investment risk. However, the MV model did not consider some practical limitations...
Proceedings Article

Least Alsolute Deviation Estimators for Interval Regression

Seunghoe Choi, James. J. Buckley
This paper introduces the least absolute deviation estimators to construct an interval regression model, having interval output and crisp input data when the data contains interval outliers.
Proceedings Article

Active Tracking Using Kernel-Based Vision Processor and Robust Fuzzy Control

Alireza Mustafa, Moteaal Asadi Shirzi, Muhammad Reza Hairi Yazdi
In this paper we introduce a practicable system by combining a vision processing algorithm and a fuzzy controller to obtain an efficient active tracker. Target tracking performance is heavily dependent on a good blend of vision algorithm and control. Because of performance and computational complexity,...
Proceedings Article

Consistent Fuzzy Linguistic Preference Relations for Computer Integrated Manufactory Systems Selection

Tien-Chin Wang, Yueh-Hsiang Chen
Most decision-making and problem-solving tasks are too complex to be understood quantitatively. People perform such tasks using knowledge that is imprecise rather than precise. This study presents consistent fuzzy linguistic preference relations rather than fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) to...
Proceedings Article

Fuzzy Logic for Developments and Applications of Unbalance Three-Phase Fuzzy Feeder Models

Shyi-Wen Wang
Based on the fuzzy set theory, this study introduces three novel three-phase fuzzy feeder models for fast distribution system calculations. These fuzzy models are formulated using three lumped individual phase loads to represent single-phase, three-phase unbalanced, and nonuniformly distributed loads...
Proceedings Article

High-Speed Fuzzy Inference Processor Using Active Rules Identification

Shih-Hsu Huang, Shi-Zhi Liu, Yi-Rung Chen, Jian-Yuan Lai
Once the input values are given, the active rules in a fuzzy inference execution have been determined. Based on the observation, our approach is to identify the active rules before fuzzy inference execution. To achieve this goal, our architecture provides the following two mechanisms: (1) a mechanism...
Proceedings Article

Application of Inverse Fuzzy Logical Inference to Breakdown Diagnosis

Jeng-Jong Lin
In this paper, we present a search model, which divide symptoms into two sets, i.e., the positive symptom set (J1) and the negative symptom set (J2), to eliminate the causes of low possibility in the cause set to more effectively find various possible breakdown causes occurred during spinning process....
Proceedings Article

Axiomatization of fuzzy attribute logic over complete residuated lattices

Radim Belohlavek, Vilem Vychodil
The paper deals with fuzzy attribute logic (FAL) and shows its completeness over all complete residuated lattices. FAL is a calculus for reasoning with if-then rules describing particular attribute dependencies in object-attribute data. Completeness is proved in two versions: classical-style completeness...
Proceedings Article

Pavelka-style fuzzy logic for attribute implications

Radim Belohlavek, Vilem Vychodil
We present Pavelka-style fuzzy logic for reasoning about attribute implications, i.e. formulas $A\Rightarrow B$. Fuzzy attribute implications allow for two different interpretations, namely, in data tables with graded (fuzzy) attributes and in data tables over domains with similarity relations. The axioms...
Proceedings Article

On Tensions and Causes for School Dropouts åÁV An Induced Linked Fuzzy Relational Mapping (ILFRM) Analysis

Joseph Arul, Nathan Pathi, Thirusangu K, Mary John
The teachers and the school authorities often call the parents in connection with a child’s ‘performance’ in school. The children have to face the wrath of both the parents and the teachers. This tension slowly builds up and the child decides to quit the school forever. This paper analyzes the causes...
Proceedings Article

Power Signal Predictions by Several Neural Models

Rey-Chue Hwang, Yu-Ju Chen, Shang-Jen Chuang, Hunag-Chu Huang, Chuo-Yean Chang
In this paper, a comparison study for the non-stationary power signal prediction by using several neural models is presented. A reliable and accurate neural forecasting model is trying to be found and concluded. This study is expected to provide some suggestions and could be treated as a reference for...
Proceedings Article

Supply chain inventory strategies using fuzzy neural networks

Hui Wee, C. Edward Wang, J. C. Chen, K.-J. Wang, Y.-S. Lin
In the fast-changing business environment, supply chains are affected by the production and inventory strategies, which influence the amount of information needed by the chains. The firms must therefore determine the best supply chain inventory strategies for their products. The lack of precise market...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of a Fuzzy Controller Using Taguchi Methods With Multiple Performance Characteristics

Cheng-Hsiung Chiang, Liang-Hsuan Chen
Fuzzy controllers in general are designed using the experts’ knowledge or human experience in order to decide the settings of a number of system factors. However, the relations between the factors and system performance are not easy to be determined. Usually, more than one system performance characteristic...
Proceedings Article

Bargaining Strategies for Construction Joint Ventures by Fuzzy Logic

Min-Ren Yan, Chien-Liang Lin, Wei Lo
As the modern construction market and environment encounter drastic changes, a single company alone can no longer manage a complex project and satisfy project owner’s needs. Joint venture (JV) of companies, formed to integrate various expertises, becomes a necessity to obtain competitive advantages to...
Proceedings Article

Fuzzy Logic Controlled Protocol for WLANs

Chien-Tung Lu, Yu-Sun Liu
A fuzzy logic controlled protocol that enables each station to tune its contention window based on the on-line channel sensing results is proposed for the wireless local area networks. Extensive simulations are provided to compare the performance of the proposed protocol with that of the distributed...
Proceedings Article

Fuzzy Modeling with Immune Multi-Objective Algorithm to Optimal Allocate of Capacitors in Distribution Systems

Hsiao Ying-Tung, Tsong-Yau Huang, Chia-Pang Chen, Chih-Han Chang
This work proposes a two-stage immune algorithm that embeds the compromise programming to perform multi-objective optimal capacitor placement. A new problem formulation model that involves fuzzy sets to reflect the imprecise nature of objectives and incorporates multiple planning requirements is presented....
Proceedings Article

Establishing a multiple structures AHP evaluation by extending Hierarchies Consistency Analysis

Yuh yuan Guh, Hui ming Wee, Rong wei Po
The purpose of this paper is to extend the theory of Hierarchies Consistency Analysis (HCA) to establish a multiple structures evaluation model for the AHP. Traditionally, the AHP process is based on a single evaluation hierarchy, according to statistics and group decision theories, a more objective...
Proceedings Article

An SOM-Based Search Algorithm for Dynamic Systems

Yi-Yuan Chen, Kuu-Young Young
The self-organizing map (SOM), as a kind of unsupervised neural network, has been applied for both static data management and dynamic data analysis. To further exploit its ability in search, in this paper, we propose an SOM-based search algorithm (SOMS) for dynamic systems, in which the SOM is employed...
Proceedings Article

Fuzzy Information Retrieval Techniques for Help-Seeking System

Yueh-Min Huang, Yen-Hung Kuo, Jim-Min Lin, Yu-Lin Jeng, Juei-Nan Chen
The forum system is useful for knowledge sharing and help-seeking. However, the existed forums are having the same problem such like nobody to answer the given questions. In order to attack the problem, this study proposes a human-expert oriented forum architecture to perform efficient knowledge sharing....
Proceedings Article

Progressive Lane Analysis in the Digital Map using Fuzzy Method

Chia-Ming Chang, Tai-Yu Lin
In this paper, a progressive road analyzes using fuzzy technique is proposed. In this system, only the low cost GPS receivers are used. The road attribute and map are constructed only using the received data.
Proceedings Article

Increasing and Decreasing with Fuzzy Time Series

Ming-Tao Chou, Hsuan-Shih Lee
There is a significant problem associated with the fuzzy time series. That is a strict increasing and decreasing case. Under the discussion case, fuzzy time series model arise a continuous increasing/decreasing forecasting value. From the illustrative example, we can see that our definition not only...
Proceedings Article

The Logic of Uncertainty with Irrational Agents

Boris Kovalerchuk, Germano Resconi
Modern axiomatic uncertainty theories (fuzzy logic, probability theory and others) provide a calculus for manipulating with probabilities, membership functions, and degrees of belief when the initial values such as probabilities of elementary events are already given. These theories do not include a...
Proceedings Article

The use of grey-based Taguchi methods to determine Process Parameter of linear motion guide with Multiple Performance Characteristics

Yung Fa Hsiao, Kuang Yuan Kung, Y.S. Tarng
By the grey-based Taguchi methods, this study attempts to analyze the process parameters pertinent to the multiple performance characteristics of linear motion guides and obtain the multiple performance characteristics of the noise level, push force value and horizontal combination precision of the linear...
Proceedings Article

Speech Classification Based on Fuzzy Adaptive Resonance Theory

Chih-Hsu Hsu, Ching-Tang Hsieh
This paper presents a neuro-fuzzy system to speech classification. We propose a multi-resolution feature extraction technique to deal with adaptive frame size. We utilize fuzzy adaptive resonance theory (FART) to cluster each frame. FART was an extension to ART, performs clustering of its inputs via...
Proceedings Article

Mean Values of Fuzzy Numbers with Evaluation Measures and the Measurement of Fuzziness

Yuji Yoshida
This paper discusses an evaluation method of fuzzy numbers as mean values and measurement of fuzziness defined by fuzzy measures, and the presented method is also applicable to fuzzy random variables and fuzzy stochastic processes in decision making modeling.We compare the measurement of fuzziness and...
Proceedings Article

Application of Hardware Architecture of Genetic Algorithm for Optimal Packet Scheduling

Rong-Hou Wu, Yang-Han Lee, Shiann-Tsong Sheu, Hsien-Wei Tseng, Ming-Hsueh Chuang, Yung-Kuang Wang
In Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) technologies, the optimal packet scheduling is a common encounter issue in multiple channels network. NP-hard problem deals with finding a way to rearrange packets in multiple channels into a finite and rare channel. Genetic algorithm (GA) is one of the...
Proceedings Article

A Hybrid System with Petri Net and Fuzzy Theory

Rong-Hou Wu, Yang-Han Lee, Yih-Guang Jan, Hsien-Wei Tseng, Ming-Hsueh Chuang, Jheng-Yao Lin
In this paper, we issue a hybrid system, which is integrated with the fuzzy system and Petri net models. We exploit the characteristics, imprecise or ambiguous information, of fuzzy theory to map the algorithm of crisp inputs and outputs, furthermore, model problems, product a nonlinear function, and...
Proceedings Article

Image-Based Fire Detection Using Neural Networks

Wen-Bing Horng, Jian-Wen Peng
An image-based fire detection method using neural networks is proposed in this paper. First, flame color features, based on the HSI color model, are trained by a backpropagation neural network for flame recognition. Then, based on the learned flame color features, regions with fire-like colors are roughly...
Proceedings Article

Urban Traffic Intersection Incident Prediction Using AI Algorithm

Yaguang Kong, Huakui Chen
Automatic incident detection and characterization is urgently require in the development of advanced technologies used for reducing non-recurrent traffic congestion on urban traffic. This paper presents a new method using data mining to identify automatically freeway incidents. As a component of a real-time...
Proceedings Article

Locating Matching Rules by Mining Software Change Log

Ming-Shi Wang, Jung-te Weng
A software system maintenance activity is typically performed under an environment of lacking knowledge about how to process it. This scarcity of knowledge may be caused by various factors, such as the large size and complexity of the systems, high staff turnover, poor documentation and long-term system...
Proceedings Article

Fuzzy LP with a Non-Linear MF for Product-Mix solution: A Case-Based Re-modelling and Solution

Sani Susanto, Pandian Vasant, Arijit Bhattacharya, Fransiscus Rian Pratikto
This paper deals with re-modelling of a fuzzy linear programming (FLP) for an optimal product-mix decision problem and its solution. Database of a chocolate exporting company has been used here to show the practicability of using the proposed model. The proposed model includes a non-linear membership...
Proceedings Article

Learning with Hierarchical Quantitative Attributes by Fuzzy Rough Sets

Tzung-Pei Hong, Yan-Liang Liou, Shyue-Liang Wang
This paper proposes an approach to deal with the problem of producing a set of cross-level fuzzy certain and possible rules from examples with hierarchical and quantitative attributes. The proposed approach combines the rough-set theory and the fuzzy-set theory to learn. Some pruning heuristics are adopted...
Proceedings Article

A High-Efficient Image Scalar Algorithm for LCD Signal Processor

Tze-Yun Sung
In this paper, the image scalar algorithm and architecture for LCD monitor and television controller is presented. The program of hardware code is described to explain the proposed algorithm and architecture. The proposed image scalar has been applied on LCD monitor and TV controller or signal processor....
Proceedings Article

Excess Noise Factor of a-Si:H/a-SiC:H Separated Absorption and Multiplication Region Superlattice-like Avalanche Photodiodes (SAM-SAPDs)

Neng-Fu Shih, Huei -Ching Huang, Chung-Yuan Kung, Chun-Chih Chiu, Hong Jyh-Wong
In this paper, an a-Si:H/a-SiC:H separated absorption and multiplication region superlattice avalanche photodiode (SAM-SAPD) is fabricated successfully by using combined effect of band edge discontinuity and build-in potential in p-n junction. We discuss the relationships among excess noise factor (Fe),...
Proceedings Article

Fabrication and characterization of two-dimensional photonic crystal using holographic lithography technology

Kuo-Chang Lo, Mei-Li Hsieh, Yi-Sheng Lan
We propose and demonstrate a holographic system using three beams to generate periodic patterns for fabricating photonic crystals. By properly adjusting the incident angle and intensity of three laser beams, the period and structure of interference pattern can be modified. Computer simulation results...
Proceedings Article

Multicast Wavelength Assignment with Sparse Wavelength Converters to Maximize the Network Capacity using ILP formulation in WDM Mesh Networks

San-Nan Lee
We have studied the multicast routing and wavelength assignment (MC-RWA) problem in this paper, and focused on maximizing the network capacity and minimizing the resources used by a multicast session. We show that a multicast wavelength assignment problem is quite different from a unicast wavelength...
Proceedings Article

90-nm Wideband Optical Amplifier Including an Semiconductor Optical Amplifier and a DCF-based Raman Fiber Amplifier with Gain Clamping and Dispersion Compensation

Chia-Hsiung Chang, Hermann Lin
We have experimentally demonstrated the gain-clamped wideband optical amplifier using a DCF-based Raman amplifier and an semiconductor optical amplifier for 90-nm wide bandwidth amplification with good gain flatness (of 3 dB) as well as dispersion compensation of 10Gb/s DWDM signals over 100-km SMF link....
Proceedings Article

A Key Renewal Scheme under the Power Consumption for Wireless Sensor Networks

Chien Lung Wang, Tzung-Pei Hong, Gwoboa Horng, Wen-Hung Wang
In this paper, we propose a distributed, reliable and low-power-consumed key-renewal scheme for wireless sensor networks. The proposed scheme is divided into parts: the server part and the sensor-node part. The server will produce an appropriate key-generation function (KGF) for key renewal on sensor...
Proceedings Article

Optical reconstruction of digital hologram using cascaded liquid crystal spatial light modulators

Mao-Ling Chen, Chau-Jern Cheng, Mei-Li Hsieh
A dynamic optical reconstructed system for digital hologram is developed using two commercially available twisted-nematic-liquid- crystal spatial light modulators (TNLC-SLMs), which are operating in the amplitude- and phase-mostly modulation modes, respectively. The complex modulated properties of this...
Proceedings Article

Grid Reconfigurable Optical Wireless Network (GROW-Net) åÁV A New Hybrid Optical Wireless Access Network Architecture

Wei-tao Shaw, David Gutierrez, Kyeongsoo. Kim, Ning Cheng, Shing-Hwa Wong, Shing-Hwa Yen
In this paper we have proposed the GROW-Net, a novel hybrid optical wireless access network architecture. GROW-Net is designed to provide cost-effective broadband access connections in a highly populated and dense metropolitan area and consists of an optical grid network that provides a broadband backhauling,...