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188759 articles
Proceedings Article

A conversion between utility and information

Pedro A. Ortega, Daniel A. Braun
Rewards typically express desirabilities or preferences over a set of alternatives. Here we propose that rewards can be defined for any probability distribution based on three desiderata, namely that rewards should be real-valued, additive and order-preserving, where the latter implies that more probable...
Proceedings Article

General aggregation operators acting on the L-fuzzy real line

Pavels Orlovs
The paper is devoted to a general aggregation operator acting on L-fuzzy real numbers. It is defined as a t-norm based extension of an ordinary aggregation operator. The aim of our research is to analyze properties of the general aggregation operator depending on properties of the ordinary aggregation...
Proceedings Article

Synchronous Optimization Method for Heterogeneous Database Based on the Minimal DataSet

Zhenyou Zhang, Dongguang Wang, Zhi Cao
The data synchronous of the distributed heterogeneous database was one of the important researches for the heterogeneous databases. This paper analyzed the data synchronization optimization mechanism of the distributed heterogeneous database and puts forward to get the minimum change data set from each...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Network Real-name System on the Management of Internet Public Opinion

Guangxing Song, Pingfang Yang
With the rapid development of network and information technology, virtual society, as the extention of reality society, has been becoming an important platform of people’s political participation and daily life. More and more netizens begin to use the Internet to express their ideas and appeals. Internet...

Teaching Reform of the Computer Engineering Talent’s Innovation Ability Under the Background of Internet Plus

Hengyao Tang, Xiaoyan Zhan
According to problem of lacking innovation ability and weak adaptability proposed by China engineering education quality report, the paper designed teaching model of six learning procedures based on Internet, including learning planning, online self-study, communication of doubtful points, lectures,...

Developing E-Comic to Internalize Manners for Junior High School Students

Yuliana Yuliana Rasyid, Yuliana Rasyid, Arbin Janu Setiyowati, Elia Flurentin
This study aims to develop e-comics as a media to internalize the concept of manners for junior high school students who meet the criteria of of accuracy, usefulness, convenience, and attractiveness. This research method was adapted from the Borg and Gall (1983) procedural Research and Development (R&D)...
Proceedings Article

The Harmonious Development of Ecological Civilization Construction and Financial Agglomeration in Guizhou

Xiao-nan Huang, Mu Zhang
Based on the panel data of nine cities in Guizhou Province from 2013 to 2017, this paper constructs the evaluation index system of the coupling system of ecological civilization construction and financial agglomeration evaluation, and uses grey relational projection method and hesitant fuzzy language...
Research Article

The effects of weight loss using dietary manipulation and rimonabant therapy on arterial stiffness in type 2 diabetes

A. Chakera, S. Bunce, C. Heppenstall, J.C. Smith
Pages: 47 - 51
Background: Obesity is considered an important factor contributing to premature arterial stiffening in type 2 diabetes but it is uncertain whether weight loss through dietary modification leads to a reduction in arterial stiffness. Rimonabant is an anti-obesity drug which, through its pharmacological...
Proceedings Article

A Proposed Method to Assess Safety and Health Impact of Expired Sausage as Alternative Feed in Traditional Fish Farm

Fuad Muhibuddin, Nimmi Zulbainarni
A recent trend of alternative feed made from expired sausage in traditional fish farm could reduce 20%-25% of production cost. However, expired sausage suspected as hazardous food since it contains pathogenic microbes that cause a serious problem in farmed fish health and it can be carried to human health....

Research on Countermeasures and System Optimization of Cargo Distribution and Transportation Management in Ningbo-Zhoushan Port

Chen Su*
The Ningbo-Zhoushan Port has weaknesses in terms of cargo distributing and transportation system. To improve the competitiveness and promote the fast and healthy development of Ningbo-Zhoushan Port, management of the cargo distribution and transportation should be optimized while appropriate solving...

The Use of the Features SWOT-Analysis to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Student Media

L. Prokofyeva, E. Klemenova, M. Davlatova, L. Abdullina, N. Zhukov
The paper first investigated the state of the Russian student media on the basis of the SWOT-analysis. This allows evaluating the opportunities and risks, identifies publications development strategy, on the bases of the major corporate media student of the three universities: Rostov State University...

Improvement of Government Support System of Families with Children at the Federal and Regional Levels (On the Example of the Kurgan Region)

Svetlana Surkova, Svetlana Gavrilyak
The article is devoted to the actual aspects of the system improvement of the government support of the families with children, at the federal and regional levels to make the demographic situation in Russia and its regions better on the example of the Kurgan region. The stability of the demographic problem...

The Development of Reflective Learning to Improve Mother’s Mindful Parenting Skills

Elsa Farhana, Tina Hayati Dahlan
Mindful parenting skills become a basic skills that must be possessed by mother when interacting with their children. Mindful parenting skills can help mothers for nurturing their children with more calmly and patiently, reduce of parenting stress and creating more positive relationship for mother and...

Need Analysis of Multi-Ball Exercise Methods Toward the Improvement of Forehand Drive Skill on Beginner Table Tennis Athletes

Bessy Sitorus Pane, James Tangkudung, Abdul Sukur
This study aims to determine the needs for table tennis multi-ball training for table tennis practice participants at the Table Tennis Association (Persatuan Tenis Meja; abbr.: PTM) in Medan. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. Subjects were 20 beginner athletes aged 16–21 years. The...

Developing Human Resources Through Mandiri’s Mind Patterns and Entrepreneurship for Students (Case Study of Banten Jaya University Students in Serang-Banten City)

Sukarta Atmaja, Achmad Rifa’i
The creation of college graduates who become entrepreneurs is not necessarily easy to implement. Based on empirical evidence in the field, there is a tendency that college graduates prefer to choose to work with a level of comfort / safety and reliability in a short time. This is due to the increasing...

Smart Farming Innovations for Philippines: Strategies and Recommendations

Challoner A. Matero, Marie Jane Jumawan-Matero
This study focuses on Smart Farming Innovations (SFI) of the Philippines. It is motivated by the 5th-agenda of the current Philippine President to increase agricultural and rural enterprise productivity. The study presents a strategy to lead research, development, and market of organic foods as medicine...

Legal Policy: The Latest Dimensions of Development

Iryna Mima, Vladyslav Yamkovyi, Ivan Kopaygora, Nina Ivaniuk
The relationship between such legal categories as “policy” and “law”, which gives rise to such a legal phenomenon as “legal policy”, is analysed. The general theoretical description of the concept of “legal policy”, its features, principles of functioning are given. The essence of the legal policy is...

Organizational Culture Analysis Using Competing Values Model as a Strategy to Improve Research Performance and Scientific Publications

Indra Permadi, Noornisa Sarah Ginanjar
The Ministry of Technology and Higher education research, has widely issued regulations to strengthen research performance, to improve the competitiveness of the nation in the face of the industrial Revolution of 4.0. This government effort should be addressed by private universities, especially those...

Prospects for Developing Private Prosecution in Criminal Proceedings in the Russian Federation

V.Y. Stelmakh, P. Titov
The work analyses the prospects for the development of private prosecution in criminal proceedings in the Russian Federation. On the one hand, criminal proceedings are public, this is its objective condition explained by the legal nature of criminal procedure as the state’s reaction to a crime. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article

Potential for Land and Lengas Available to Water Needs on the Clove Land in Ternate Island

Buhari Umasugi, Sugeng Prijono, Soemarno, Ariffin
Land and climate are important land potentials in agricultural ventures. Land other than as a medium also grows water storage for plants. Rainfall is the climate element of the water provider for plants. Clove Plant as one of the main plantation plants that are cultivated on farmland by the people of...

The Difference Between Software and Hardware and the Determination of Procurement Methods

Tong Zhou
Since there exists a big difference between computer software and hardware procurement, which cannot be simply subject to the procurement of goods according to OrderNr. 87. The operating environments of some software are special and not universal. Hence, the selection of our procurement method should...

Study Habits and English Learning Achievement of Vocational High School Students in Samarinda

Asyarli Amri, Aridah, Weningtyas ParamaIswari
The process of students’ learning involves many factors, and one of which is study habits. This important factor in the learning process has the potential to influence students’ learning achievement. Therefore, this present study aimed to investigate the correlation between study habits and English learning...

Data Driven Learning by Discovering Lexical Bundles Using Corpus Resources

Kamal Yusuf
Lexical bundles have recently commenced to attract huge attention in corpus-based research. Knowledge of lexical bundles is essential for students learning foreign language, especially those with English for specific purposes. By employing data driven learning, students are able to lead their awareness...

A Research on Scaffolding Instruction of College English Writing Teaching

Xi Li, Ping Yi
Writing ability is viewed as an important competence of language output. With the college English teaching reform, writing in some English examinations takes a greater part compared with other abilities; however, students’ writing skills are not satisfactory. As far as writing teaching is concerned,...

Tax Planning in Efforts to Minimize Tax Payable PPh Article 21: Case Study at PT Telkom Kandatel Surabaya

Andrianto, Muhammad Anang Firmansyah, Mochamad Mochklas
This study aimed to obtain evidence about tax planning in an effort to minimize the tax payable on the income tax section 21 PT. Telkom Kandatel East Surabaya. The data used in this study are primary and secondary data. The data obtained directly from interviews with management directly related to this...

Personal-Social Guidance as an Effective Student Emotional Intelligence Development

Mamat Supriatna, Dina Ervina
Humans experience emotional development since childhood. Even the ability to react emotionally already exists in infant period with the basic form of emotional behavior is a general stimulation of a strong stimulus. However, as we get older, one’s emotional reactions will become less extensive. Emotional...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Cattle Integration on Non-Crop Vegetation and Parasitic Hymenoptera Diversity in Oil Palm Plantations in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

Dani Aldinas, Radhian Prabowo, Damayanti Buchori, Bandung Sahari
Non crop vegetation provides a microclimate, alternative host and food source (nectar) for Parasitic Hymenoptera community. Oil palm-cattle integration system may reduce understorey non crop vegetation and also affects community structure of parasitic Hymenoptera. The aim of this research is to study...

The Role of Local Wisdom in Protecting Mangrove Forest in Bali Province

Ahmad Redi, Tundjung Herning Sitabuana, Fakhrana Izazi Hanifati, Putri Nabila Kurnia Arsyad
One of the Provinces in Indonesia which has its own island and is famous for its special customs is the Province of Bali. Not only are their customs unique, Bali also has abundant natural wealth. One type of natural wealth is Mangrove Forest which is one of the largest mangrove forests in Indonesia as...

The Effect of Financial Ratio (Altman Z-Score) on Financial Distress Prediction in Manufacturing Sector in Indonesia 2016-2018

Agus Arianto Toly, Ratna Permatasari, Elva Wiranata
This study tries to elaborate the possibility of financial distress in Indonesia public listed companies from manufacturing field. The manufacturing industry was chosen because of its position as a sector that held a significant contribution in the Indonesia industry as a whole. The test tool used to...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Physical Activity on the Quality of Life of Pregnant Women in the Plaju Public Health Center, Palembang

Muthia Felyanti, Novrikasari, A. Fickry Faisya
Many pregnant women who do not understand what physical activities can be done during pregnancy that will affect the quality of life of pregnant women. A good quality of life is associated with good eating and drinking arrangements, a balance of daily routine activities, work, exercise, rest, to recreational...

A Comparative Study on Financial Performance of Registered Companies in the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) Before and After the Implementation of IFRS in Accounting Standards

Muhammad Sholahuddin, Adi Parkawati
International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) is one of the changes in accounting standard regulations that affect the environment of international accounting information. In increasing capital market activities, IFRS provides a series of uniformity of accounting standards which is adopted by various...

Blurring Human and Machine Boundary--The Post-Humanist Metaphor of Cyborg-Body in Artificial Intelligence and Minority Report

Dongyang Li
Cyborg, also known as e-bio human, is a body type with mechanical/digital transformation as its representation, which was born out of the cyberpunk subculture. This paper aims to make a detailed comparative study of two opposite types of the cyber body in films Artificial Intelligence(Steven Spielberg...

Character of Children Discipline in Learning Drawing

Farida Mayar
Character discipline of children in learning to draw aims to find out the discipline of children in learning to draw at kindergarten. This is a qualitative research using observation, interviews, recording and photography. It is done to study information data that is closely related to the character...

Cultivation and Promotion of Postgraduates Scientific Research Ability Based on Practical Training With Advanced Public Instruments

Jiying Li, Shun Yao
Based on our working experience in recent years, this paper aimed to explore and discuss the effective way to utilize advanced instrument platforms for postgraduates training together with related latest developing status and teaching reform. With the rapid development of higher education in China society,...

The Correlations Between Music Preferences and Personality

Jinghan Gong
Music is useful in our daily lives, but how can it correlate to our personality? Little research was about the correlations between music preferences and personality among Chinese teenagers. The present research will demonstrate the correlation among (Chinese adolescents) them. 81 junior high school...

Development of Information Analytical System for Quality Assessment of Human Capital in Digital Economy

T.V. Azarnova, Yu.V. Bondarenko, I.L. Kashirina, N.M. Shishkina
Over recent years both academic and business interest in investigating specific aspects of human capital has grown rapidly. The present paper is aimed at designing an information analytical system to assess quality of human capital. Theories and essential calculations are covered along with a practical...

Empirical Testing of Climate Work as Moderating at Regional Public Service

Dian Sudiantini
This study aims to examine the influence of strategic leadership competencies, organizational culture and work climate on the performance of public services, and the work climate moderates the strategic leadership competencies and organizational culture on the performance of public services. The study...

Genesis of Architecture and Synthesis of Arts

Armen S. Sardarov
Genesis of architecture as a consistent activity focused on the formations of habitat possesses several starting points. These are temple complexes Göbeklitepe in modern Turkey, Mgarr and Tarksien in Malta. There is much in common in the architectural concept of these ancient complexes, i.e. planning,...

Reflections on China Triggered by the Forest Kindergarten in Kassel, Germany

Yuanqi Wang
Globalization has penetrated into all fields with the passage of time. The education industry is no exception. Since, the preschool education is the beginning of children’s education, the suitable and reasonable preschool education can provide a good start for children’s future development. Under the...
Proceedings Article

Discussion of Education Model in Post-pandemic Era and Research on Mobile Learning Application Design Strategy

Yue CAO, Li-Bin CUI, Yong-Fei YE, Yi LUN
The paper sorts out the evolution of education in China under the influence of the epidemic in 2020, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of pure online education and offline education, and draws follow conclusions: With current technology, the pure online education model cannot meet the educational...
Proceedings Article

Deep Cross of Intra and Inter Modalities for Visual Question Answering

Rishav Bhardwaj
Visual Question Answering (VQA) has recently attained interest in the deep learning community. The main challenge that exists in VQA is to understand the sense of each modality and how to fuse these features. In this paper, DXMN (Deep Cross Modality Network) is introduced which takes into consideration...

Study Phenomenography (Phenomenographic Approach) Towards Trauma Healing Patterns on Community Conflict Victims in the Slope of Merapi Merbabu in Boyolali

Ba’in, Suyahmo, Suwito Eko Pramono, Hamdan Tri Atmaja
The area around the slopes of Mount Merapi Merbabu where there are still dense forests, deep ravines, steep slopes, quiet and far from the reach of the authorities was used as a hiding place and a place for the center of the movement of security hordes and rebels. The population around the forest was...
Proceedings Article

Mitochondrial Number in Oligo and Azoospermia Male Patients

Haneen E. Hashim, Mowafak K. Hasan
Male infertility causes present in about 50% of the infertility cases, the standard quantity and quality of semen ejaculated during each coitus averages about 2-4 milliliters and every milliliter of seminal fluid contains contain about 100-120 million sperm/ ml. When the number of sperm in each milliliter...

The Terminological Approach to Buddhist Scripture Translation Studies

Jie Zheng, Rui Su
In order to reveal the influencing factors in the formation of translated terms, this article takes the Buddhist term Sukhāvatī as an example and explores the terminological approach to Buddhist scripture translation studies from the three dimensions of communicative terminology including language, concept...

Nonlinear Water Waves on Uniform Current in Lagrangian Coordinates

Hung-Chu Hsu, Yang-Yih Chen, John R. C. Hsu, Wen-Jer Tseng
Pages: 47 - 61
This paper presents a new third-order trajectory solution in Lagrangian form for the water particles in a wave-current interaction flow based on an Euler–Lagrange transformation. The explicit parametric solution highlights the trajectory of a water particle and the wave kinematics above the mean water...

Risk Assessment of Experimental Power Reactor at the Early Stage in Developing Countries: Between Straight Tube and Helical Coil

Aulia Herdiani, Muhammad Awwaluddin, Rahma Sandhi Prahara, An-Ting Hsi
Research on renewable energy is an appropriate action to accommodate high needs of energy and to maintain economic stability. Experimental Power Reactor is a Hot Temperature Gas Reactor developed in Indonesia that utilizes steam to fulfill needs of electricity in isolated areas. Helical coil is the steam...

The “One-Dimensional” to “Two-Dimensional” of Ideological and Political Education: Cause of the Problem, Generation and Elimination, Paradigm Innovation

Huiyan Gao
Ideological and political education is a practical activity aimed at the all-round development of people. The ideological and political education model based on the pure subject-object structural relationship can easily lead to single subjectivity and “one-dimensional” subjective personality. Taking...

Description of Anxiety Levels of Pre School Children With Thalassemia Who Will Get Blood Transfusion in the Thalassemia Poly at Al-Ihsan Baleendah Hospital, Bandung

Lisbet Octovia Manalu, Budi Rustandi, Budi Somantri
The nursing process carried out by nurses in the hospital creates anxiety for patients, especially in children. The anxiety that is often shown by children when they are in hospital is when they get treatment in the hospital, especially when they are going to be doing invasive actions in children. The...
Proceedings Article

The Coaching of Football Extracurricular

Argantos, Gilang Cahyadi
The problem in this study is that coaching is not going well and decreasing the extracurricular football achievements of Semen Padang High School. One of the efforts to increase the achievements of Seman Padang High School in producing high-achieving students is by conducting a quality and appropriate...