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188759 articles

The Learning Effectiveness of Nurses Participating in a Simulated Management of Fall Risk Factor Assessment

Chih-Ying Tu, Sheng-Hong Lin
Background: Fall injuries are common causes of dangerous inpatient conditions and should be prevented in neurosurgery inpatient wards. An adequate survey and evaluation of risk factors for falls is therefore crucial for the development of prevention and intervention strategies in inpatient care. Purpose:...

Reviewing the Employment Difficulties of Chinese Female College Students Majored in Humanities

Qianqian Huang, Ruiyi Sun, Yixuan Zhang
Gender theory has developed from sex to gender with the progress of the times and social culture. People rely on it for gender identity and gender expression in daily life. However, gender inequality caused by gender stereotypes still exists in large numbers. Especially in the work and employment of...

Sustaining Local Culture Through Development Model of Realistic Culture of Madura (RE-MADU)

S I Hasanah, S Irawati, M Zayyadi, H Basri
This study aims to preserve local culture through the development model of RE-MADU (Realistic Berbudaya Madura), as well as its learning Media that meet the valid, practical, and effective criteria. This research is a development research that refers to the general education development model of Tjeerd...

Chinese Improved National Instruments — Plucked Stringed Musical Instruments

Ha Neul Lee, Yiyi Zhang
The plucked stringed instrument is a very distinctive type of string instrument among Chinese national musical instruments. This paper analyzes the classification of Chinese national plucked stringed musical instruments, and takes pipa (琵琶), ruan (阮), liuqin (柳琴), and zheng (筝) as examples to analyze...

The Role of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMES) and Economic Growth in Indonesia: The VECM Analysis

Aladin Aladin, Evada Dewata, Yuliana Sari, Yuli Antina Aryani
This study explored the causal relationship between the role of SMEs (number of SME, the workforce of SMEs) and economic growth in Indonesia. Secondary data of time series for the period 1999-2019. The research method uses Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) analysis with stationary Augmented Dickey-Fuller...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Progressive Muscle Relaxation Exercises on the Level of Anxiety an Athlete the High Jump

Eko Purnomo, Suci Nanda Sari, Eddy Marheni
Competitive competition situations will raise anxieties for high jump athletes such as feelings of fear, tension, anxiety, difficulty concentrating and digestive disturbances that interfere with athlete’s performance before the match. One simple and easy effort that can be done by athletes to reduce...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Sulfonation Temperature and Time on the Preparation of Methyl Ester Sulfonate Surfactant From Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Based Methyl Ester

Jaksen, Idha Silviyati, Endang Supraptiah, Rima Daniar, Elina Margaretty
Research to study the effect of temperature and sulfonation time on the preparation of Methyl Ester Sulfonate (MES) surfactant using CPO-based Methyl Ester (ME) as raw material has been carried out. The temperature was varied 80 oC, 90 oC and 100 oC; while the observation time is carried out every 1...

Students’ Problems in Reading Narrative Text

Muhammad Firdi Yuvirawan, Rina Listia, Rizky Amelia
Reading is important on every level of education; however, it is not all students success at reading. The troubles that they face are critical to discover. Hence, this investigation under this research aims to find the understudies’ issues in story text reading. The researchers employed a qualitative...

The Role of Modern Economics in the Improvement of Enterprise Management Efficiency

Shang Yu
Now in the 21st century, the management of Chinese enterprises mainly includes financial management, production management, human resource management and other management modes. Corporate management and corporate management efficiency directly affect the development of enterprises. If enterprises want...

Morphology of the Legend of Folklore on Unruly Daughter in West Sumatra’s Minangkabau

WS Hasanuddin, Emidar, Zulfadhli
This article aims to discussion about the morphology of the legends folktale of the Minangkabau daughters in West Sumatra who was rebellious to her mother. This research is a descriptive qualitative study. The sources of data in this study are legendary folktales (1) Batu Puti Bayang (2) Awang Tingkuluak,...

The Practice of Cultural Dakwah Among the Bagelen Muslim Community

Fitri Yanti Yasin, Khairullah Saibi
Members of the Bagelen community practice Javanese traditions including rituals, arts and ceremonies, ones that are highly influenced by Hinduism and Buddhism, even though they considered themselves as Muslims. This study analyzes the practice of cultural dakwah (Islamic proselytizing) among Muslim communities...

Research on the Educational Path of Undergraduates’ “Tutorial System” from the Perspective of Complete Credit System

Junwei Yang
Undergraduate tutorial system is an important way and key measure for the deepening of education and teaching reform in colleges and universities, and optimizing the education of people and talents. The implementation of the full credit system in colleges and universities gives students more freedom...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Education and Income on Environmental Health Aspects in Urban Households

Septa Katmawanti, Lailatun Nikmatasari, Siti Nurrochmah
Population density in urban areas increases in line with the increase in urbanization. One of the guidelines for healthy living is Clean and Healthy Life Behaviour (CHLB) in which one of the aspects discussed is environmental health. This study aimed to determine the correlation between the level of...

A Comparison of the Representation of Women in Contemporary Chinese Cinema: The Fifth Generation and the Sixth Generation

Sidi Wu
Under the context of globalization, Chinese culture increasingly absorbs Western theories of humanism and feminism, while the representation of women in Chinese cinema develops throughout times. Comparing the Fifth Generation’s filmmakers and the Sixth’s Generation’s filmmakers in China, the latter are...

The Use of Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) in Distance Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic: Pros and Cons

Ika Novitaria Marani, Ari Subarkah, Adi Wijayanto
There has been a change in learning activities after Covid-19 became a global pandemic. The change occurring is, among others, that from face to face learning to distance learning through the online process, like the used of Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC). Accordingly, the use of CMC goes along...

Interrelations of discrete Painlevé equations through limiting procedures

A. Ramani, B. Grammaticos, T. Tamizhmani
Pages: 95 - 105
We study the discrete Painlevé equations associated to the E7(1) affine Weyl group which can be obtained by the implementation of a special limits of E8(1)-associated equations. This study is motivated by the existence of two E7(1)-associated discrete both having a double ternary dependence in their...

Models of Career Maturity in Adolescents

Novi Qonitatin, Erin Ratna Kustanti
Career maturity is individual ability to carry out career developmental tasks according to career developmental stages, in which adolescents should be able to make plans and perform career decision-making. The problems that arise, adolescents are challenged to carry out career-decision making. The aim...

The Adoption of Big Data Analytics Among Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises During Covid-19 Crisis in Malaysia

Chun-Hong Loh, Ai-Ping Teoh
Global epidemic Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has a significant impact on the global economy. The Big Data Analytics (BDA), which helps businesses to obtain useful insights, is seen as a new strategic weapon in industry particularly during this challenging time. This study investigated the influence...

Applying the Theory of Multiple Intelligences to Develop Interpersonal Skills of Young Learners

Rr. Nunik Ari Indrawati
Introduction: Interpersonal skills are considered as increasingly important that people, including young learners, should develop. Interpersonal skills involve showing sympathy, interacting appropriately, overcoming shyness and fear and managing emotions and feelings. As young learners develop the skills,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Urban Fabric: An Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Approach for Sustainable Tourism Development in The Coastal Area of Bandar Lampung

Citra Persada, Yunita Kesuma, Fadhilah Rusmiati
The coastal zone of Bandarlampung which grew as one of the economic development area in southern, is currently experiencing environmental degradation caused by trading activities, warehousing on a large scale. The natural resources in coastal area is holds high economic activity to create the tourism...

Decreased Anxiety Level of MTs NW Perian Students Through Spiritual Therapy and Game Engineering Techniques

M. Deni Siregar, dan Dukha Yunitasari
Earthquake shocks that shook the island of Lombok with an M = 7.0 that occurred leaving very high anxiety for the victims. Hundreds of houses and important facilities were destroyed, at the epicenter. This incident makes every school child prefers not to go to school because of despair in seeing events...
Proceedings Article

Dissemination of Guidelines for Child Development as an Effort to Increase Mother’s Knowledge About Child Nutritional Intake During the Covid-19 Pandemic for Madurese

Septa Katmawanti, Dea Aflah Samah, Agista Windanastiti, Fadhila Tricahyanti
Bugih Village is one of eleven urban villages in the Pamekasan District, Pamekasan Regency. In the Bugih Village area, until now there are no residents who have been exposed to Covid-19, but there are problems at the Posyandu, namely the occurrence of stunting in some children under five during the Covid-19...

Research on the Evaluation of Talent Agglomeration Effect in 13 Cities of Jiangsu

Based on Dynamic Factor Analysis

Mao Dandan, Gu Ping
With the development of the economy, the speed of technological progress and industrial structure adjustment and upgrading continues to accelerate. The flow of various types of talents shows a trend of agglomeration, and the agglomeration effect is increasingly prominent. On the basis of reviewing existing...

Are Institutional Pressures Influencing on Sustainable Business Performance in the RMG Industries of Bangladesh?

Marjea Jannat Mohua, Wan Fadzilah Wan Yusoff
With intensifying the global climate change phenomena throughout of the world as well as escalating of surroundings demands firm’s operational performance is being evaluated in the context of holistic approach inclusion of economic, environmental and social proportions currently. From the prior 20th...

Yun Daiying’s Ideology of Moral Education and Its Contemporary Implications

Fei Wang
Yun Daiying’s moral education thought has been of great value of the times. Even to this day, it also serves as a revelation for the ideological and political education of contemporary college students. Yun’s moral education thought has a wide range of contents, mainly including advocacy that students...

Construction of the Chinese Dream in the National Publicity Film China Enters the New Era: The Perspective of Multimodal Metaphor and Metonymy

Xiaomei Wang
“Chinese Dream” is a hot issue in the academic circle. Through the perspective of multimodal metaphor and metonymy to interpret the multimodal discourse: the national publicity film China Enters the New Era, the article showed that the publicity film had constructed its theme from six Chinese dreams:...

The Effect of Behavioral Biases on Risk Perception

Ninditya Nareswari, Geodita Woro Bramanti, Aang Kunaifi
Behavioral biases can lead investor to have investment decisions that reverse with the principle of rationality. It also cause investors to have bias in risk assessment. This study aims to test the role of behavioral biases (sentiment, overconfidence, salience, overreaction, herding, and disposition...
Proceedings Article

To the Immune Status of the Indigenous and Foreign Population of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Victoria Egorova, Nikolay Gogolev, Eya Egorova
In the north, the human body is influenced by a whole complex of climatic, geographic, geophysical, environmental factors of the external environment. These factors have an adverse effect on human health. The health state of the population reflects the living conditions, the state of immune protection...
Proceedings Article

Feed Intake and Feed Digesbility of Male Merino Sheep with Adding Mahagany Leaves (Swietania mahagoni) as a Source of Tannins in Feed

MK Anam, C Hanim, LM Yusiati
The effect of adding Mahogany leaves as a source of tannins in feed on nutrient intake and digestibility in merino sheep was determined in this study. This study used 12 male sheep with an average body weight of 30 to 35 kg. They were confined in individual cages and given feed two times a day. To separate...

Relationship of Nutritional Status with the Smoothness of Breast Milk in Breastfeeding Mothers at Binangun Community Health Centre of Cilacap Regency

Herniyatun, Istiana Puspitasari, Hastin Ika Indriyastuti
The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in the world was only 36% in 2016, while the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia was 37.3%. This achievement still does not meet the target that has been set, which is 80%. This study aims to determine...

Developing School-Based Social Skills Intervention Guideline for ADHD Children

Zamzammiyah Nur’Aini, Ravik Karsidi, Munawir Yusuf
Social skills are still a serious problem for children with ADHD in dealing with others. Recently, we found some reports showing that school-based interventions were successful in overcoming social skills problems in children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. In this study, we develop a school-based social...

Sustainability Based on Risk Management of Batik Sasirangan SMEs in the Banjarmasin City

Sufi Jikrillah, Muhammad Ziyad, Doni Stiadi, Asrid Juniar
This study aims to analyze risk management as a basis for measuring the sustainability of the Sasirangan batik SMEs in the Banjarmasin City. The number of respondents studied were 39 entrepreneurs using questionnaires and in-depth interviews to dig up information in order to obtain an overview of the...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Microbiological Quality of Well Water and Contaminated River Water in Open Defecation Area

Mitoriana Porusia, Rezania Asyfiradayati, Shesa Ratna Suryaning Putri, Sarsa Shahila Dwinanda
Introduction: At the end of 2019, Mulyoharjo village in Pemalang regency, Indonesia, had not reached an Open Defecation Free (ODF) status and diarrhea was frequent in the area. Some houses located by the river have no septic tank and dispose of the stool to the river. The local river water was contaminated,...

Analytical Hierarchy Process for Generating Sustainable Tourism Village Planning Priority

Amni Zarkasyi Rahman, Ika Riswanti Putranti, Wahyu Maulana Ramadhan, Retno Sunu Astuti, Widiartanto Widiartanto, Agustin Rina Herawati
Tourism villages and tourism are two things that cannot be separated. Tourism itself has made a significant contribution to the Indonesian economy. This potential is substantial, considering that developing Indonesian tourism trends are directed at developing tourist villages. Villages in Indonesia have...
Proceedings Article

Research on Tourism Image Perception of Xiangshan Park Based on Web Text Analysis

Xiaoling Li, Yonghui Sun
A good tourism image is not only the basis for customers to choose tourism destinations, but also an important basis for tourism destinations to maintain the source of tourists. This paper uses the Octopus collector to collect tourist travel notes on Meituan Travel Network as a data sample, and uses...

The Unified Cycle Study of Global Financial Markets and Macro Indicators

BaoYu Yin
Complex systems generally refer to intelligent and adaptive systems, whose internal relations are complex and undetectable, and can only be analyzed through signals of certain dimensions. The economic system is such a complex system, and the global economy is a complex system containing many sub-systems...

Supporting Students’ Literacy in Writing Popular Articles Using a Social Media Application

Nurul L. Rochmah
This study aims to describe the process and results of using the WhatsApp application as a medium for assisting in writing popular articles for students at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic to support their literacy development. The subjects of this study were 180 twelfth grade students of MAN 1...

Stress Mediation in the Effect of Work-Family Conflict on Job Satisfaction of Women Bamboo Craftsmen

Ni Made Dwi Ariani Mayasari, Komang Krisna Heryanda, Wayan Sayang Telagawathi, Nengah Suarmanayasa
This study looked on the employment satisfaction of women bamboo crafters in Sidatapa Village. The dependent variable was the employment satisfaction of women bamboo craftsmen in Sidatapa village. Using questionnaires and in-depth interviews, data was collected. The investigation used path analysis with...

Development of an Instrument to Measure Food Security Literacy Capability of Primary School Students

Dhiniaty Gularso, Okti Purwaningsih, Ari Wibowo
This study aims to produce an instrument for measuring the level of food security literacy ability of 5th grade elementary school students. This type of research is research and development carried out using four of the five stages of the ADDIE model. Instrument development uses two types of validation,...

The Challenging of Women-headed Family during the Pandemic of Covid-19 in West Nusa Tenggara, Survive or Give up?

Leni Winarni, Yuyun Sunesti, Addin Kurnia Putri
Drawing on the governmental policies, lack of health facilities and infrastructure, the threat of economic crisis, increasing poverty rate, high inflation, and several issues in Indonesia, we investigate the role of women-headed families during the pandemic of Covid-19. Since Covid-19 entered Indonesia...
Proceedings Article

Correlation Between Presbycusis with Quality of Life Based on Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly Screening Version (HHIE-S) in Dustira Army Hospital

Nurbaiti Nazarudin, Vania Nanda Priasty
Presbycusis is an age-related hearing loss caused by a degeneration process which is a cumulative effect of various risk factors. The unpreparedness of the elderly to encounter these conditions will have an impact on the low achievement on their quality of life. Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly-Screening...

A Study on the Formation Path of Secondary School Physics Teachers’ Professional Identity Based on fsQCA

Dian Zhang, Hanbing Meng, Lin Cheng, Ye Xin, Xizhuang Yun
In order to clarify the pathway for the formation of the professional identity of secondary school physics teachers, a model of factors influencing the professional identity of secondary school physics teachers based on social identity theory and social network theory was constructed by selecting the...

The Engagement of School Psychologists in Educational Transformations

Batsukh Shairii, Delgermaa Dorjminchin, Purevsuren Davaadorj, Taivanjargal Aldarbayar
This study delves into the role of educational psychologists in Mongolia, with a specific focus on their experiences in schools during the academic year 2022-2023. UNESCO’s definition of quality education underscores the importance of holistic student development, including their emotional and psychological...

The Original Development Analysis of Marxist Ecological Economic Theory

Min Gong
Based on the relevant theory of Marxist ecological civilization, the necessity and feasibility of the ecological development of market economy are studied. Respectively from the market economy did not realize the decisive role of social resource allocation, the government support for market ecological...

A Study of the Self-efficacy of Viola Majors in Chinese Universities Regarding Career Choice

Qiming Yang
This study examined and analysed the impact of self-efficacy on the career decisions of 52 viola students enrolled in Chinese universities. According to the findings, the level of self-efficacy influences the learning and career decisions of students directly. Higher self-efficacy can positively affect...

Determinants of the Use of Fintech by Students as a Media for Payment of Tuition Fees

(Study at Politeknik Harapan Bersama)

Mohammad Alfian, Dewi Kartika, Arvin Nova Aditya Pratama
The industrial revolution 4.0 encourages changes in various sectors, including the economic sector. The Covid 19 pandemic is also driving changes in the way of payment. The use of Fintech by students is a form of change that occurs in transaction methods that were previously carried out directly to become...

Risk Assessment of Mounded Storage Tanks

Chenyang Du, Chang Liu, Jun Yuan, Ce Song, Xin Cheng, Xiaowei Li
The Mounded Vessel is the third form different from the above ground and buried storage containers. In this paper, qualitative and quantitative assessment methods are comprehensively used for risk assessment of Mounded Vessel. Quantitative calculation method is used for failure probability, and qualitative...

Challenges in Teaching Speaking at English Course, Kampung Inggris, Pare

Diniyati Kesuma Sari, Ahmad Latif Mahruf
Teachers play complex roles in schools. It requires them to treat their students as consumers of knowledge as torturing, caring and developing minds or talents. Somehow, some problems may attack their fight to reach their goals. It could be from internal and external factors that should be considered....

Psychological, Sociocultural, and Biological Elucidations for Gender Gap in STEM Education: A Call for Translation of Research into Evidence-Based Interventions

Ashraf Alam
Despite recent progress in narrowing gender gap in enrolment in math courses and relative achievements therein, girls and women still remain underrepresented when it comes to formal education in math-intensive academic fields such as engineering, mathematics, technology, and science, often referred to...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics of Rock Minerals of the Camba Formation

Muhammad Altin Massinai, Muh. Rexy Syam, Muhammad Fawzy Ismullah Massinai
The Camba Formation (Tmcv) of Tertiary age is spread over the southern part of South Sulawesi, especially in Gowa and Maros Regencies. The Camba Formation, which consists of igneous rocks from the ancient Camba volcano, has different mineral characteristics. Analysis of mineral characteristics using...