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188759 articles

Inclusive Education for Competence Development of Children with Special Needs a Kulon Progo High School of Indonesia

Sella Indah Wahyunika, Khoirunnisa Nilam Miftachurohmah, Athalla Sonya Insyra, Urfi Roska Awwalin Qisissin, Siti Aisah, Datu Jatmiko
Inclusive school is a school education service that is held to provide good educational services for students with special needs (disabled). This inclusive education is held because it is intended that in the future there will be no gap between normal students and students with special needs. In implementing...

Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Korean Youtuber “Korea Reomit”

Mia Rizkiya Romadhona, Ade Kusuma
The popularity of Korean culture in Indonesia has led many Koreans to create YouTube channels with Indonesian language content. One of the Korean YouTubers who produce content in Indonesian is Korea Reomit. The focus discussion in this study is how the Korean Youtuber Korea Reomit’s experiences cross-cultural...

Basin Effect of Wenchuan Earthquake From NGA-West2 Data

Ting Huang, Qing Wu, Xueliang Chen, Tiefei Li, Zongchao Li, Zhiwei Ji, Lijun Qiu
In this paper, we use the BSSA14 model which based on the Wenchuan earthquake data in the NGA-West2 released by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center in 2013, to study the impact of basin effect on response spectrum.Then we fit the basin coefficients under different site conditions (Vs30=365...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of Tempeh Extract as an Organic Supplement Alternative for Banana Tissue Culture

Alexander Willy Dimaswarabrata, Anastasia Tatik Hartanti, Listya Utami Karmawan
The addition of organic materials to tissue culture media has been known to have a positive impact on plant growth. However, a tissue culture medium utilizing organic supplements originating from Indonesia as its specialty, such as tempeh, has not been discovered. This study aims to determine the effect...

A Discussion of Minimalism Style in Interior Design

Lin Yan
With the continuous development and progress of economics, science and technology, people’s living standard and quality of life have been improved a lot. At the same time, with high intensity of work pressure, people are seeking for better life quality level. Minimalist living environment not only can...

Application of Assertive Training to Improve Self-esteem of Adolescent

Ela Nurmalasari, Edi Purwanta, Sigit Sanyata, Nailul Falah
Self-esteem is an individual's ability to describe his situation, both positive and negative. Adolescence is an important period for the formation of self-esteem. The more individuals are able to describe positive abilities about themselves, the higher the level of self-esteem of the individual....

The Comparative Research of Exhibitions Between China and Australia and Future Development Strategy

Shuai Ma
The different cultural backgrounds of Australia and China have created differences in the work of artists from both sides, and the different cultures have produced a wide variety of artworks. While museums in different regions have been enriching their collections with works of art from other regions...

Achieving Financial Sustainability Through Digitalization of the Indian Power Sector: Analysis of Post UDAY Performance of Rajasthan Distribution Companies

Namrata Bhardwaj, Dipti Sharma
Indian power sector is the spine of our economy. However, it is running into continuous losses over the years despite numerous reforms introduced to attain financial sustainability. In 2015 a new financial rescue scheme was implemented specifically to reduce losses of distribution companies (Discoms)...

Research on the Improving the Information-based teaching Ability of Local Normal University Students under the Background of Big Data

Shwu Li, Mengdi Wang, Hongmei Leng
Countries around the world are experiencing an important digital change and digital competition. All countries are vigorously developing the new generation of broadband mobile communication technology (5G era) with high speed, high stability, low delay and high connection characteristic of integration...

Cultural Literacy: Understanding the Cooperation Value in Pacu Jalur Tradition

Erlisnawati, Hendri Marhadi, Bedriati Ibrahim
This study aims to describe cultural literacy in understanding the cooperation value in Pacu Jalur tradition. Cultural literacy is defined as the ability to understand, analyze, communicate, and participate in cultural activities related to language, traditions, customs, values, beliefs, and arts and...

Personality and Professionalism Competence Problems Faced by Principals: A Descriptive Analysis

Ahmad Nurabadi, Imam Gunawan, Ibrahim Bafadal, Min-Ling Hung, Maulana Amirul Adha, Ovela Yusma Valenda
The purpose of this study was to identify the problems faced by school principals related to personality and professionalism competencies, to achieve these objectives, a quantitative approach was used with a descriptive research design. The respondents of this study were 41 principals, while the data...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Cinnamon Bark (Cinnamomum burmannii) Extract in the Production of Aromatic Wax as a Repellent for Haouse Flies (Musca domestica) in Preventing Incidents Diarrhea in Kendari City

Siti Rabbani Karimuna, Winda Nirmala, Syefira Salsabila, Yasnani Yasnani, Asnia Zainuddin
Plant-based insecticides are single active ingredients derived from plants that can be used to control house flies (Musca domestica). One of the plants that can be used as a Plant-based insecticide is cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum burmannii) extract. House flies (Musca domestica) are a vector of various...

Commodification of Madurese Literature Containing Local Wisdom in Sumenep Regency

Maulid Taembo, Wevi Lutfitasari
The development of people’s lives in various fields, especially economics, makes the commodification of regional literature an exciting study. One of the goals of commodifying regional literature is to socialize and develop regional literature so that it has economic value. Therefore, research on the...
Proceedings Article

Construction Schedule Optimization Based on Genetic Algorithm

Binghui Zu, Xiang Liu
With the continuous growth of the global economy and the rise of information technology, construction progress has become the focus of digital analysis in the construction industry. This paper studies the optimization of digital technology in construction progress, constructs a schedule-cost optimization...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Solar Power Generating in Low Voltage Network on the Quality of Electricity to Costumers Side, A Case Study 4 kWp Photovoltaic at Salt Storage

Afeef Kurnia Rahmawan, Mochammad Facta, Susatyo Handoko
Generating electricity using fossil fuels can increase global warming. To reduce the use of fossil fuels, the implementation of Renewable Energy becomes a choice. One example is a Photovoltaic (PV) installation connected to a grid. The addition of on-grid PV on the load side may provide an undesirable...

The Role of Servicescape of Second-Hand Clothing Stores on Impulse Buying for Generation Z

Risnawati, Anni Rahimah
One of Generation Z’s most significant interests is their interest in dressing. Generation Z uses fashion as a way to express themselves. Their impulsive behavior makes them buy things quickly with lack of deliberation before making a purchase. They want new products, good quality, in terms of second-hand...

A New NATO? the United States Strategy in the Asia-Pacific Region

Zhixing He
In recent years, the conflict between China and the United States has drawn tensions in the Indo-Pacific region. With the worry about the escalation of the conflict, there is a discussion of whether a new NATO in the Indo-Pacific region will be formed to counter the Chinese government’s influences. This...

The Value of Children in Generation Z

Yuliana Ristantya Ningsih
This study aims to determine the perception of Generation Z about the direct costs and opportunity costs of having children, gender relations in decision-making on the number of children, and the dimensions of the value of children. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with research subjects...

Collaborative Integration Design of Guangxi Business Cases and Innovation and Entrepreneurship Based on Big Data

Jinjin Yao
Under the background of entrepreneurship and innovation, using big data to drive the reform of innovation and entrepreneurship education and relying on local business groups to carry out innovation and entrepreneurship education is a topic worthy of study. Taking the native Guangxi business as the research...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of Antioxidant Gel Formula Green Tea Leaf Extract (Camellia sinensis L.) With Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)

Dyani Primasari Sukamdi, Afifah Zahrah, Sabtanti Harimurti, Vella Lailli Damarwati, Rima Erviana, Azura Amid
Gels containing antioxidants can be topical preparations to ward off free radicals. One natural ingredient with a high antioxidant content is green tea (Camellia sinensis L.). Green tea contains polyphenols consisting of several chemical compounds such as flavanols, flavandiols, flavonoids, and phenolic...
Proceedings Article

Design of Double Oscillating Sliding Mechanism

Valentin Corzanu, Andrei Corzanu
The major objective of this paper is to solve a synthesis problem, namely the design of a mechanism with a double oscillating slide that has the role of rotating a rocker at 180°; the relationships between the lengths of the elements that ensure its rotation without blocking are established. The geometric...

Potencial Application of Teaching Factory Based on Technopreneur Strengthening Model for Increasing Entrepreneurial Productivity in Vocational Education

Lili Suryati, Sri Rahmadhani, Ganefri, Asmar Yulastri
This research was conducted in the branch area of dinas VII in Pesisir Selatan Regency, West Sumatra. Based on the demands of the curriculum and the needs of the world of work at this time, it is necessary to use technology in managing productivity in vocational education or vocational schools. The purpose...

Promoting boarding student engagement regards resiliency and gender: A mediated - moderation analysis

Ali Ridho, Abd. Hamid Cholili, Aprilia Mega Rosdiana
This study predicts resilience-based engagement and examines the gender-moderating effect on the prediction. Questionnaires were administered to 106 boarding school students (65 male, 41 female) aged 10 to 20 years (M = 15.78, SD = 2.15) to measure engagement and resilience attributes. The results of...
Proceedings Article

In Vitro Analysis of Human IgG Immune Response Against 31 kDa and 67 kDa Immunogenic Protein from Aedes albopictus Salivary Glands

Syubbanul Wathon, Izza Afkarina, Unzilatir Rohmah, Rike Oktarianti, Kartika Senjarini
Mosquito salivary glands contain protein substances that can facilitate dengue virus transmission. Those proteins have abilities to induce an immune response and specific antibody production. Previous studies showed that 31 kDa and 67 kDa protein fractions from Aedes albopictus salivary glands are immunogenic...
Proceedings Article

Seismic Fragility Evaluation of Power Line Using Incremental Dynamic Analysis Method

D. I. Hariani, S. Sangadji, H. A. Saifullah
High Voltage Transmission Tower is an important for distributing electrical energy in a large network. It is one of essential infrastructure in the modern life and should be maintained in high performance. In the event of earthquake, however, this structure may be damaged. This paper aims to evaluate...

Photography as a Therapeutic Art Medium According to the Perspective of Peruvian Art-Therapy Specialists

Amara Tais Delgado-Fernandez-Baca, María Chávez-Chuquimango, Eliana Gallardo-Echenique
Therapeutic photography (also phototherapy) is a branch of art therapy that is an alternative psychotherapeutic approach that offers various material and technique options. Therapeutic photography uses art to promote healing, and it is typically accompanied by a professional psychologist with expertise...
Proceedings Article

Production of Energy from Waste Material - A Review

Prajakta Deshmukh, Tejas Jagdale
Waste managing is a main worldwide problem that governments face each day. The excess of waste has been causing harmful impacts on our surroundings. Waste reduction need to be taken to the next stage. Electricity and waste management are big challenges that humans have faced. The intention of this paper...
Proceedings Article

Predicting Emotions from Twitter Posts: A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Methods

Peihang Li
With the increasing importance of social media platforms such as Twitter, understanding the emotions expressed in text data has become crucial for various applications. Manual analysis of the vast amount of user-generated content is impractical, highlighting the need for automated classification techniques....

Exploration of Integrating Local Wisdom Values in Education: Focus on Feasible Learner Management Activities and the Stakeholders

Ali Imron, Rochmawati, Kamilatun Nisa, Amelia Dwi Lestari, Moch. Haris Purwanto
Indonesia has long been an integral part of the globalized world. In this era, humans are needed who have a competitive advantage in order to be able to compete in the global arena, but also at the same time who have a strong identity in order to make a major contribution to the needs of the people of...

Constitutional Safeguards And Their Usages: A Study of Santal Tribes Of Balasore District In Odisha

Geetanjali Patra
The largest tribal community in the Indian subcontinent is Santal. They found in Odisha, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Assam and Bihar and also Bangladesh and Nepal. For their overall development and protection our constitution has provided constitutional safeguards. The Tribal people are more disadvantage...

Explore Cross-Selling, Up-Selling, and Sales Promotion to Increase the Sales Volume of PT. Pegadaian Cabang Brebes

Mas’adah Mas’adah, Ahmad Hanfan
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of cross-selling, up-selling, and sales promotion on sales volume using partial and simultaneous variables. This research hypothesis states that (1) cross-selling has an effect on sales volume. (2) Upselling has an effect on sales volume. (3) sales promotion...

Eliciting student engagement of students developing XR applications via implementation of PBL

Khadija Hamidani, Tse-Kian Neo, Vimala Perumal, Angela Amphawan, Ade Iram Susanty, Mahir Pardana, Sherly Artadita
Recently, the growth and demand of Extended Reality (XR) Technologies, which include (AR), VR and MR) around the world have surged, as XR is being utilized in a wide spectrum of fields. Many higher education institutions (HEIs) are integrating XR Technologies in their classrooms to increase learners'...

Integrating the SLOC Framework: Systemic Design for Scalability Strategies in Rural Indonesia

Dhientia Andani
In regions like rural Indonesia, the unique nature resulting from limited global economic and technological engagement demands bespoke solutions over generic ones. This research focuses on the transformative potential of design for rural Indonesian communities, offering critical insights for similar...
Proceedings Article

Compressive Strength Study of the Recycled Mortar From Waste Tiles

Lijun Chen, Wenjie Du, Yuan Zhang
To achieve the resourceful utilization of waste ceramic tiles and reduce the usage of sand in construction, this paper employs waste ceramic tiles to produce recycled fine aggregates. Simultaneously, the recycled fine aggregates undergo surface modification treatment using a silane coupling agent KH550...

Green Washing: A Deceptive Marketing Practice and its Implications

P. Aparna, K. Siva Murugan
Greenwashing is becoming a prevalent issue in the present era. It is a deceptive marketing technique of conveying misleading or fake representation to the public to believe that the product/service or the company is environment friendly than actually it is. Green washing is a practice of appealing the...
Proceedings Article

Employing STI to Determine Saline Tolerant Cayenne Genotypes

Rustikawati Rustikawati, Catur Herison, Wuri Prameswari
Saline tolerant genotypes are required in the development of saline adaptive cayenne cultivars. Salinity tolerance was reported to be polygenic controlled. Evaluation of saline-tolerant genotypes involving many characters simultaneously might increase the success of selection. This study aimed at evaluating...

Spelling During the Netspeak Era: An Attitudinal Investigation toward English Spelling and Writing among Teacher Education Students

Reenchiel R. Macario, Ericson O. Alieto
When social media and technology develop, language forms develop as well. For as long as a message is conveyed, adherence to aspects of spelling and writing in its profundity tends to not be observed and practiced. This creates mishaps and doubts about the ability of individuals to equate to their outputs....
Proceedings Article

Establishing Novel Drug Leads For Bubonic Plague Using In-Silico Approach

Pratik Dherange, Shraddha Lavhale, Preenon Bagchi
Bubonic plague is an infection spread mostly to humans by infected fleas that feed on rodents which is also known as ‘Black death’. It killed millions of Europeans during the middles ages. Bubonic Plague is an infectious disease caused by a specific type of bacterium called Yersinia pestis. Which is...
Proceedings Article

Design a Novel Detection Using KNN Classification Technique for Early Sign of Diabetic Maculopathy

Chetan Pattebahadur, Ramesh Manza, Anupriya Kamble, Manoj Mhaske, Deepali Lohare, Kavita Khobragade
Scientists call diabetic maculopathy a pathological disorder. It’s one of the most serious consequences of diabetes [1]. When diabetic patient having so much sugar level in the body that time its impact on some part of body one part is retina. The retina has macula when near macula having some red dots...

Board Gender Diversity and Risk-Taking Behavior of Islamic Bank. A Conceptual Framework

Chee Keong Cheah, Nakesvari A/P Shanmugam, Kok Yaw Wong, Kock Lim Tan, Hock Siong Ong, Yin Mei Kong
Female directorships become significant contributors to corporate decision-making by targeting 30% of women on the board requirement under the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance 2017 (MCCG 2017). Gender diversity in board composite attracts attention in corporate governance studies, while vast literature...

The Influence of Using Animation Video Media on Interest in Learning Mathematics in Class V Students of SDN Karebasse, Bontonompo District Gowa Regency

Rahmawati Patta, Hotimah Hotimah, Nurhidayat Nurhidayat
This research was conducted based on the problem of students’ lack of interest in learning mathematics. The aim of this research is to determine the description of the use of animated video media, the description of students’ interest in learning mathematics, and the influence of the use of video media...

The Relationship Between Positive Education, Learning with Happiness, Motivation in Learning and Academic Performance in Hong Kong

Fung Chin, Tsz Tung Wong
Research has shown a relationship between learning with happiness and motivation in learning, but the relationship between these aspects of learning and academic performance is not clear. This study’s purpose was to understand these associations in sample of first grade students in Hong Kong. The students’...
Proceedings Article

Characterization of the continuity of Δ-space via the convergence

Fan Feng, Qingguo Li
The concepts of Δ-convergence and ΔL-convergence of a net are introduced in Δ-space defined by Zhang The characterization of the continuity of the Δ-space is obtained in terms of the Δ-convergence of the nets. The result that the continuity of the Δ-space implies the ΔL-convergence being topological...

Strengthening Regulations to Improve Tourism in the Globalization Era

Gunardi, Wilma Silalahi
The tourism business is one form of support for increasing state revenues. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, countries in the world experienced a significant decline in the tourism sector. Therefore, more concentration is needed as a form of effort to increase the tourism business. The government and tourism...

Social Network Analysis of Citizen Initiated Vaccination Campaigns on Twitter

Astri Yogatama, Indar Sugiarto, Agustinus Bimo Gumelar
During the Covid-19 pandemic, opinions in the form of hashtags related to the early vaccination period are trending in early 2021. Among those hashtags, two hashtags that will be discussed here are #TolakDivaksinSinovac and #JokowiDivaksin. In this paper, those hashtags will be analyzed in the context...
Conference Abstract


E. Hermeling, R.H.M. Van Hoof, J. Salzmann, J.C. Sluimer, S. Heeneman, A. Hoeks, J. Roussel, H. Struijker-Boudier, J.E. Wildberger, M. Eline Kooi
Pages: 122 - 123

Indicators of Sustainable Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

Dmitry Zavyalov, Yury Saginov, Nadezhda Zavyalova, Olga Saginova
The purpose of this paper is to develop a system of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of entrepreneurial ecosystems based on platform solutions. These indicators can further be used as a mechanism for tracking the ongoing transformations in business environment. Scientific publications, normative...
Conference Abstract


Joana Ferreira, Jacinta Campos
Pages: 122 - 122
Purpose/Background/Objective: Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a common manifestation of atherosclerosis and obesity is one of its well-established risk factors 1–5. PAD is classified in intermittent claudication (IC) and critical limb ischemia (CLI), according to the its severity6. Therefore, we...