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1578 articles
Proceedings Article

Epitope Prediction from Genes Encoding F Protein of Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) Isolates Swan (Cygnus Olor) for Vaccine Development to Prevent Infectious Disease

Naimah Putri, Rahaju Ernawati, Suwarno, Jola Rahmahani, Fedik Rantam
Currently, the poultry industry is threatened by virulent viruses of endemic disease that can cause major economis losses to this sector. Aim of this research was conducted to epitope prediction from genes encoding F protein of Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) isolated from waterfowl. Samples of this research...

Staying Relevant in the Digital Age: Developing Innovation Capability in Higher Education Institution

Andreas Ronald Setianan, Wika Harisa Putri
Higher education industry in Indonesia is currently undergoing a significant transformation driven by contemporary technology. Unfortunately, little attention has been given to the intersection between digital innovation, organizational capabilities, and higher education institutions. This paper examines...

Detection of Coliforms and Enteric Pathogens in Favorite Snack Food Sold in Yogyakarta City

Tri Yahya Budiarso, Charis Amarantini, Guruh Prihatmo, Ratih Restiani, Yesika Putri, Virgin Kindagen, Sharoneva Linggardjati
Favorite snack food is very popular to Yogyakarta’s residents, such as cilok, skewered meatballs, and dumplings. The processing and serving processes of these food does not pay attention to hygiene aspects, therefore, it is necessary to monitor the presence or absence of coliform bacteria and enteric...

E-learning as an Adaptation Strategy in Facing Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case study on the 2018 and 2019-generation students of Post Graduate Sociology Department, University of Indonesia

Rifka Annisa, Syarfina Mahya Nadila, Syifa Andini Salsabila, Syora Alya Eka Putri, Hakiki Nurmajesti
Covid-19 has resulted in social activities limitation by the Indonesia government, one of which is related to teaching and learning activities in the university. The Sociology Department of the University of Indonesia took steps by replacing usual lectures to online lectures or E-learning. Unlike usual...

Students’ Responses About Using E-Module for Physics Practicum in Pandemic Era

Aprina Defianti, Desy Hanisa Putri
This research aimed to describe students’ responses about using e-module for physics practicum in pandemic era. This research was qualitative research with descriptive method. There were 40 respondents who filled a questionnaire via google form. All of respondents are students of physics education program...

Security and Environment Concern of Energy Cooperation Between China and Myanmar

Uni W. Sagena, Olivia Putri Harludi, Ishaq Rahman, Andi Meganingratna, M. Hasyim M
Part of China’s energy security strategy is to use Myanmar’s territory as an energy transportation route and transit area by actively implementing energy cooperation to build an oil and gas pipeline to transport oil from Myanmar to China. Aside from the fact that this project is hugely beneficial economically...

The Existence of Financial Services Authority in Protecting Personal Data Users of Peer-to-Peer Lending Financial Technology

Dwi Aryanti Ramadhani, Muthia Sakti, Yuliana Yuli Wahyuningsih, Nabila Amelia Putri
Users of peer-to-peer lending services can easily apply for loans without a down payment and with full disclosure of their personal information. These types of conveniences in the technologically oriented financial services sector are growing and support Financial Services Authority regulation. The ease...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Population Pressure and Environmental Carrying Capacity on Agricultural Land in Lampung Province

Nabilah Luthfatur Rohmah, Rifky Faisal Achmad, Utia Kafafa, Helmi Putri Ramdhani, Ratih Fitria Putri, Heein Yang
Population growth is a problem that can lead to the conservation of agricultural land. This can result in increasing population pressure on agricultural land. The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of population pressure and environmental carrying capacity (ECC) on agricultural land...

Aesthetic Review of Gandaria Dance Show in Rembang Regency

Heny Setyaningrum, Masyitah Ultari Asma, Putri Dyah Indriyani
The beauty of Gandaria Dance Show can be seen in terms of form, content, and appearance. The problem studied in this article is aesthetic value with the main study, namely the form of show, the content of show and the performance of Gandaria Dance Show from Rembang Regency. The aesthetics of Gandaria...

Regulation of Crypto Currency in World Trade Organization

Rakhma Putri Sholihah, Arie Afriansyah
A study provides data on domestic regulations of several countries in the world about crypto currency. These countries include Japan, The United States, Australia, China, India, including one of them Indonesia. Domestic regulations vary according to the respective government policies. However, policies...

Welfare State and the Existence of Zeeno-Maden: Berakit Village, Bintan Regency Sea Tribe

Rizky Octa Putri Charin, Khairi Rahmi
This research examines the implementation of the welfare state concept on the zeeno-maden or sea people, who are traditionally seafaring people, but have been “settled” on land. The specific Sea Tribe community studied in this research is the Sea Tribes of Panglong Village, Bintan Regency. The choice...

Grammatical Cohesion in Moh. Sanoesi’s Siti Rayati

Ainun Aulia Putri, Yayat Sudaryat
This paper was aimed at examining the grammatical cohesion in the novel of Siti Rayati by Moh Sanoesi. This research was descriptive qualitative, and the data were collected by using the documentation study technique and processed using direct element analysis techniques (Immediate Constituent Analysis)....
Proceedings Article

Aggressive Audience Against Competitive Anxiety in Pencak Silat Athletes

Eko Purnomo, Alfi Mukhti, Saskia Putri Rahayu
Anxiety when facing matches is a problem of emotional turmoil that is often faced by athletes, especially in individual sports that use physical contact such as pencak silat. One of the factors that can influence the level of competing anxiety is the proximity of the audience from the arena. Intimacy...

Political Connection, Corporate Governance, and Firm Value: Indonesian Evidence

Siti Rochmah Ika, Zulkarizki Rachmanti, Joko P Nugroho, Wika Harisa Putri
The article aims to examine the effect of political connections and corporate governance on firm value. Political connections are measured by (1) government share ownership, (2) politically connected president commissioners, and (3) politically connected independent commissioners. Meanwhile, Tobin’s...

The Role of Records and Archives in Public Service Policy Decision-Making

(Case Study at the Institution of Archives and Library Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia)

Anita Tri Widiyawati, Asfi Andhini Putri, Aminaturrokhiyah Aminaturrokhiyah, Pasinee Kumkong, Andika Hijrah Prasetyo
This scientific article is related to records and archives' roles in decisions making on public services at the Institution of Archives and Library, Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Records and archives roles in an organization are so important as to be memory centre, information resources,...

Classroom Discourse: Pattern of Interaction of Talk Between Students in Primary Science Classrooms in Indonesia

Munasprianto Ramli, Media Putri Yohana
Classroom talk has been the subject of research over the last forty or so years. In the field of science education, dialogue has become a central issue in developed countries within last twenty years. Although the research focused in this topic grows rapidly in western country, this was not a case in...
Proceedings Article

Attitudes of Health Cadres in Handling Stunting in the Semowo Community Health Center, Semarang

Kusuma Estu Werdani, Anggi Putri Aria Gita
Health cadres are an extension of health workers to participate in handling stunting in the community. However, not all cadres are supportive of the stunting management program. This condition will affect the stunting program in areas with a high prevalence, such as the Semowo Health Center. Several...

Dynamics of Law Development Broadcasting Field in Indonesia

Development in the field of legislation relating to broadcasting is an inseparable part of overall development in a nation-state in the world, whether carried out by former colonial countries, such as Britain and Japan, as well as those that have been colonized, such as India, Indonesia and Malaysia....
Proceedings Article

The Genetics of Asthma

Astrinia Ristia Putri, Elza Ibrahim Auerkari
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by airway obstruction and hyper-responsiveness. It is a complex disorder influenced by genetic and en-vironmental factors, which contribute to the clinical manifestations of asthma. Asthma may affect the lower respiratory tract, causing epithelial...

Community, Dialog and Technology - Maximizing Creating Shared Value (CSV) Nestle Indonesia

Arfika Pertiwi Putri, Agus Triyono
Creating Shared Value (CSV) is a concept of Nestlé’s business strategy by seeking opportunities to connect its business programs from upstream to downstream (end to end), which was elaborated by Porter and Kramer (2006). Nestlé hopes to continue to be a long-term sustainable business that seeks to create...

Emotional Onomatopoeia in Japanese Animation Series

Amandastia Putri, Dewi Kusrini, Sugihartono
The objective of this research is to identify emotions in Japanese Onomatopoeia. The analysis materials taken are from the 1st season of Haikyuu!! animation series (Anime), a parental guide rated (13+) anime which has 10 hours of airtime on TV BS (MBS and TBS) from April 2014 to September 2014. The expressive...

Electronic Module (E-Module) Critical Point Halal Status of Poultry in Halal Food Management Course D4 Culinary Art Study Program

Fadhila Wahyu Putri, Teti Setiawati, Nunung Nurjanah, Zulhan Bin Othman
This research aims to: 1) produce an electronic module (e-module) critical point halal status of poultry; 2) e-module feasibility test as teaching materials supplement for halal food management courses in D4 Culinary Art Study Program. This research is Plomp's Research and Development which consists...

Comparative Advantage Analysis of Electrical and Electronic Equipments (HS 85) in ASEAN+6

Ignatia Bintang Filia Dei Susilo, Aso Sukarso, Ishika Shabrina Putri, Dinda Lestari
Technology advancements have the ability to boost productivity and create new markets. High-tech products will occupy a significant role in international trade along with the advancement of technology. Therefore, studying the comparative advantages of countries over technological commodities is essential....
Proceedings Article

Utilization Activated Carbon from Bagasse in Processed of Laundry Waste

Dwi Putri Handayani, Nining Fitriana, Rusmini Rusmini
Research was carried out on the use of activated carbon from bagasse for processing laundry waste. The method used is the adsorption method with a variation of the length of contact between activated carbon and laundry waste. Laundry waste parameters analyzed included MBAS, phosphate, COD, BOD, TSS and...

Podcasts? Why Not! – Perceptions of German Language Teachers

Dwi Putri Ningsih, Sonya P. Suganda
Technology and the internet affect the teaching of second/foreign language (L2). Podcasts have emerged as prominent tools for L2 extensive listening exercises. Data from several studies suggest that podcasts can be used in L2 learning to help learners improve their listening and speaking skills and promote...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of Annealing Temperature of HIF-1 A and 18s rRNA in Blood of Swimming Athletes Using RT-PCR

Siska Alicia Farma, Dezi Handayani, Dwi Hilda Putri, Argantos, Syahrastani
Gene expression is the process of reading from DNA into a functional product. Regulation of gene expression through complex mechanisms. HIF1-1α is one of the regulatory genes that regulates the return of homeostasis when there is a lack of oxygen (hypoxia). Hypoxia is often experienced by athletes during...

Is the Therapeutic Adherence of Hypertensive Patients Closely Related to the Pharmacist-Patient Communication?

Setiyo Budi Santoso, Nurkholis Ashari, Ika Mulyono Putri Wibowo
Two-thirds of hypertensive patients are spread in developing countries. In Indonesia, hypertension, nowadays, ranks second nationally and becomes a priority in non-communicable disease control. Pharmacist-patient communication is presumably related to therapy adherence of hypertensive patients. However,...

The Analysis of Covid-19 Effect on Life Insurance in Indonesia

Dyah Puspitasari Sunaryo Putri
This study aims to analyze the effect of Covid-19 on the conventional life insurance industry in Indonesia. This used quantitative research methodology by comparing data on premium income, total net premium income, comprehensive income statement 6 months before the pandemic (July 2019 - December 2019)...

Representation of Media Literacy of Health Communication Dimensions in Indonesia

Kinkin Yuliaty Subarsa Putri, Vera Wijayanti Sutjipto, S Bekti Isyanto
Health in Indonesia is not so good move. One factor is the lack of information and socialization of health programs to the community. This study looks from previous research states that information has been submitted to the community in the media below the line. But the public literacy is not so good....

Analysis of Student Learning Outcomes Based On Field Dependent and Independent Cognitive Learning Style Through Quantum Teaching Assisted by Music on Stoichiometry

Nurlaili, Irhamni Dewi Putri
Field dependent and independent classify as cognitive learning style. Relate to learning process it can apply through quantum teaching to analyze which one of them have higher learning outcomes. Quantum teaching is one of fun strategies learning, it can assist by music to balancing the ability both of...

Analysis The Determination of The Stability of Exchange Rates In Indonesia

Ayu Putri Sumada Br.Ginting, Dede Ruslan, Mrs Fitrawaty
The exchange rate is the value of the currency of a country with the value of the currency of other countries, which used to make the international trade. This study aims to analyze the effect of BI Rate, money supply, inflation, foreign exchange tourism, exports and imports on the exchange rate in Indonesia....

Financial Risk Disclosure and Corporate Governance

Empirical Evidence on Banking Companies in Indonesian Stock Exchange

Putri Agustin, Bunga Maharani, Rochman Effendi
Risk disclosure, especially financial risk disclosure, is useful for providing information to stakeholders about how the risk arises, as well as how management handles risk and the impact of such risks. Risk disclosure is also used to reduce agency conflict and asymmetry information problems. This research...

The Effect of the Addition of Noni Juice to Seluang Fish Kerupuk on Characteristics and Acceptability

Ahmad Sadiq, Messy Novita Utami, Bina Farihani, Siti Ainun Karmilah Putri, Tiara Serlyta
Kerupuk is one of the typical Palembang foods in the form of snacks as a variation in side dishes or as a complement to the main meal. This research is expected to be able to make a new output on the typical Palembang Kerupuk by using seluang fish as a base material and adding nutrient-rich noni fruit....

The Role of Trust and Procedural Justice in Enhancing Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Henny Suharyati, Rais Hidayat, Sumardi, Haki Rodian Abidin
This study aims is to increase the role of trust and procedural justice among teachers to enhance organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Accountability and transparency in the management of school institutions will increase the credibility of institutions and build citizens’ trust in school management...

Putri Binangkit Dance as a Representation of Princess at Keraton Kanoman Cirebon, Indonesia

Sofa Nurhikmah Tesa, Juju Masunah, Yuliawan Kasmahidayat
Putri Binangkit dance is one of the traditional dance repertories at Keraton Kanoman Cirebon, which was created by Prince Agus Djoni Arkaningrat around 1972. It cannot separate the process of forming this repertoire from the classical dance that already existed, namely the Bedaya Rimbe dance. Putri Binangkit...

The Determinants of Capital Structure: The Used of Total Debt, Short Debt, Long Debt, and Bank Debt

Dyah Arini Rudiningtyas, Yuli Soesetio, Nurokta Zila Putri Arifin
The capital structure is an integral part of every company’s operating activities. The goal of this study is to figure out the elements that influence the capital structure of the company. In this study, the populace used all the firms listed on IDX. The study sample includes all firms listed in IDX...
Proceedings Article

Risk Factors Analysis for Under Five Children with Stunting in Urban and Rural of East Java Province Post Covid-19

Annas Buanasita, Al Ana Amelia Putri Gunawan, Nur Hatijah, Mujayanto
Stunting is a major threat to Indonesia’s human quality and the nation’s competitiveness. The prevalence of stunting in rural and urban remain the same, but the cause could be different especially post covid-19. The aim of the study is to determine the risk factors for under five children with stunting...

Concept of Inclusion Education Management in Private Education (A managerial case)

Putri Dewi Indah Wulan, Nur Aedi
The initiation of an inclusive education system is a solution which is a solution for generalizing access for all education consummators without discrimination and in its implementation to improve the quality of education at the middle level. However, in its implementation there are still some fundamental...
Proceedings Article

Zeolite Coating with Phenantroline for Adsorption of Ion Fe (III)

Ngatijo, Faizar Farid, Dhea Sulya Putri Dika
Natural zeolite contains impurities such as Na, K, Ca, Mg and Fe and has poor crystallinity. The presence of these impurities can reduce the activity of zeolites. To improve the character of natural zeolite, activation and modification are carried out first. In addition to removing impurities contained...

Analysis of Online Learning Evaluation of Social Science Education Study Program

Asep Ginanjar, Noviani Achmad Putri, Heri Setyawan, Afif Abdan Shakuro, Farida Nur Aini, Risnanda Fermansyah
Social Science Education Program as the most recent study program in the Faculty of Social Sciences with limited infrastructure and human resources, of course, online learning is a challenge, especially when new students in 2020 must immediately feel online learning where students still do not understand...

Visual Students: How Their Representation in Problem Solving?

Arinka Putri Utami, Mardiyana, Ikrar Pramudya
Mathematics is abstract because mathematical objects or symbols do not exist in reality, it is almost impossible to access them without employing representations. Representations may aid in the transformation of physical models into abstract ideas or symbols. Students require representation to be able...

Electronic Module Development Based Scaffolding on Static Electricity

Andik Purwanto, Hadi Sucipto, Desy Hanisa Putri, Sutarno, Henny Johan
Research and development (R&D) has been carried out which has produced a scaffolding based e-module on Static Electricity. The purpose of this study is to describe the characteristics of the scaffolding-based physics e-module and to find out the student’s response to the e-module which was developed...
Proceedings Article

Management of Acute (Primary) Herpetic Gingivostomatitis in Immunocompetent Adult Patient: A Case Report

Andi Anggun Mauliana Putri, Febrina Rahmayanti
Acute (primary) herpetic gingivostomatitis (AHGS) is the most common form of HSV-1 infection in the oral cavity. These infections are reported mostly in children, usually localized and asymptomatic but in adult patients and immunocompromised conditions tend to be more severe, last longer, and can lead...
Proceedings Article

Manufacture of Food Preservatives from Liquid Smoke as By-Product of Processing Coconut Shells (Cocos Nucifera)

Ida Febriana, Jaksen, Desti Lidya, Irawan Rusnadi, Mega Persada Putri, M. Rahman L, Chm M. ‘Azim Jamaluddin
Currently, environmental issue have become national and even international issues, the first is chemical/ food preservatives that must be avoided because they are detrimental to health such as formalin and borax. One of the latest innovations in this research is the use of liquid smoke as a preservative...

The Relationship of Parenting Self-Efficacy as A Predictor of Resilience to Parents of Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Schools

Putri Pranindita, Sari Yulia Ayriza
Parenting self-efficacy is one of the predictors of increasing resilience. Parents with good self-efficacy care show a high level of resilience. Hence, it can respond to and face any challenges or pressures they experience and are able to adapt to various situations. This study looked at the efficacy-drift...

The Right to Live Dangerously: Public Perceptions of Extreme Water Events in Urban Areas

Intan Adhi Perdana Putri, Syarifah Aini Dalimunthe, Ari Purwanto Sarwo Prasojo
The rising risks of climate change and Indonesia’s dynamic urban and industrial development has meant that many areas have become vulnerable to flood. Historical data from 1811 to 2017 clearly shows how floods have causing major disasters across Indonesia’s archipelago, and data from 1990 indicate that...

Identity Theft and the Rules in Indonesia’s Criminal Law

Said Noor Prasetyo, Tongat, Nur Putri Hidayah
in the digital era, electronic identity is something that is very important to protect because it is a representation of someone in an electronic system. Along with the development of information technology, this type of crime also developed with the emergence of cybercrime. One type of cybercrime that...

Defining and Measuring Microblogging Sentiment Investors on Stock Market: A Literature Review

Putri Fariska, Nugraha, Mochamad Malik Akbar Rohandi
The purpose of this paper is to review microblogging sentiment investors on a literature-based. Focusing on defining and measuring online sentiment investors and understanding their impact on financial market behavior—using scholarly articles to analyze, define, and measure microblogging sentiment investors....

Student Awareness on 3R’s Behavior in Food Waste

Yuni Adinda Putri, Syamsurijal, Zakaria Wahab, Muchsin Saggaff Shihab
Food production requires an honest kind of resources, like energy, water, and land, responsible for most greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by households. Most of the waste in South Sumatra, the maximum amount as 38.83 per cent, is dominated by food waste. Household waste dominates the maximum amount...

Teacher’s Efforts in Improving Students Arabic Writing Skills in The Post Pandemic

Nadya Putri Handayani, Ruli Astuti, Fitria Wulandari, Akhmedova Mehrinigor Bahodirovna
The purpose of this study was to find out the teacher’s efforts to improve students Arabic writing skills at SDIT Hasanah Fiddaroin in the post pandemic. To achieve this goal, researchers use descriptive qualitative research methods. The research subjects was Arabic teachers. The type of data collected...