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188759 articles
Proceedings Article

A Novel Drive Scheme of Coriolis Mass Flowmeter Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control

Jianxin Ren, Rui Zhang, Tian Zang, Xinghui Yang, Xiaodong Tang
In this paper, a digital-analog drive system based on adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control is developed to improve the performance of the Coriolis mass flowmeter (CMF). Analog control module is composed of self-oscillation circuit and automatic gain control (AGC), and digital module is designed based...

Research on Surface Roughness Prediction of Turning Parts Based on BP Artificial Neural Network

Ping Wang, Hui Zhang, Peiqing Ye, Tong Zhao, Qi Sun
Surface roughness of parts is an important index for the quality of processing. An accurate and efficient model for surface roughness prediction can provide a reliable constraint or objective function for the processing parameter optimization. In the part design and actual processing, the surface roughness...

Textual Analysis of Populist Discourse in Development Policy of Bandung City

Caroline Paskarina
Populism has been vastly present in Indonesia as a political strategy to gain vote in election, but it has been almost completely left out from scientific inquiry. The dynamics of populism in local election also occurred in Bandung City, where in 2013, populist new mayor (Ridwan Kamil) had been elected....

The Shariah Governance Framework For Strengthening Zakat Management in Indonesia: a Critical Review of Zakat Regulations

Euis Amalia
Good governance is a crucial issue in the context of strengthening the performance of zakat institutions. As a public organization, the performance of zakat institutions especially in management and service is the benchmark for the growth of public trust. Conceptually, zakat institutions are a pivotal...

Inequality and Poverty Alleviation: Globalization, Access, and Gender

Ade Marsinta Arsani
The high economic growth in Indonesia has not been followed by economic equality. The economic inequality is usually in line with poverty. In developing countries, economic inequality and poverty are not only the economic problems but also social problems. Globalization, the lack of access to public...

Waste-Based Engineering Technology: The Manipulation Of Rags 3-Dimensional Embroidery

Lutfiyah Hidayati, Anneke Endang Karyaningrum
The article aims to: 1) defines the process of rags-based 3D embroidery manipulation; 2) describe the manipulation product. This is a research and development on artm consist of exploration, designing, and engineering. Data collected by observation, analyzed by descriptive method. Result state that:...

Learning method of arabic among people with disability of blinde.

Ridwan Effendi
Problematic learning of foreign languages including Arabic language in Indonesia has two obstacles, linguistic and non linguistic. Linguistically usually includes: grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary and so on. While in non linguistic usually concerned on motivation, psychological, infrastructure, and...

The Role of Problem Solving Approach in Building Students' Self Confidence on Learning Mathematics

Kunny Kunhertanti, Rusgianto Heri Santosa
Mathematics learning succes is influenced by many factors. One of the factors is students' self-confidence. High self-confidence influences students to learn mathematics better. This is because the aspects contained in the students' self-confidence are beliefs in self-ability to mathematics, optimistic...
Proceedings Article

Snapshot Lifecycle Management

Ching-Hung Lin, Wey Shou-Jen, Tsai Tsung-Lin, Wang Jun-Yao, Hwang Wen-Shyang
This paper sets forth “Snapshot Lifecycle Management”, an innovative way to manage snapshot data rather than using Information Lifecycle Management. There are two major problems occurs in snapshot management by ILM: “inappropriate migration” and “redundancy”. SLM manages snapshot data elaborately according...
Proceedings Article

Temperature Measurement and Numerical Simulation of Semiconductor Bridge in Constant Current

Wenchao Zhang, Xiaowei Wang, Guihua Wang, Baoqing Yin
The temperature of electric initiating device under constant current has the vital significance to security and firing performance of electrical explosive initiator. Semiconductor bridge which is representative in electrical explosive devices has been widely used for excellent performances. In this study,...
Proceedings Article

Efficient Data Structures for Range Selections Problem

Xiaodong Wang, Jun Tian
Building an efficient data structure for range selection problems is considered. While there are several theoretical solutions to the problem, only a few have been tried out, and there is little idea on how the others would perform. The computation model used in this paper is the RAM model with word-size...
Proceedings Article

Corpus Resources and Their Use in English Teaching

Qiang Cai, Jianping Zhang
Corpus linguistics is a newly developed subject with its specific characteristics and can be widely used in many aspects of language research and application. This paper briefly introduces the main features of corpus and analyzes its resources in details from corpora to software tools. Then it sums up...
Proceedings Article

EEG feature extraction for imagery movement based on improved WICA method

Nianqiang Li, Yongling Wang
Mu rhythm is produced in motor sensory cortex of human brain, a region associat-ed with voluntary movement. Feature extraction for imagery movement related to in this paper is based on mu rhythm. The result of the new method we put forward showed that we can separate EEG signal from power frequency noise....
Proceedings Article

Study of Mass Incidents of Major Projects Based on Social Expectations

Xiaozheng Chen, Xiangming Hu
In recent years, major projects are increasingly becoming the source of social stability risk in China that induces mass incidents. Risk society changes evaluation criteria on major projects, and also changes the agenda setting of project decision-making. Social stability risk caused by major projects...
Proceedings Article

An Evolutionary Algorithm using GP surrogate model for expensive constrained optimization problems

Meiyi Li, Hai Zhang, Rong Lv
In expensive constrained optimization problems, the evaluation of candidate solutions could be extremely computationally and/or financially expensive. This paper proposes a method, called DyHF-GP, for reducing computation costs and raising optimization efficiency, by combining Gaussian stochastic process...
Proceedings Article

Estimating the Time Parameters of a Free-form Radio Pulse with Unknown Initial Phase

Oleg V. Chernoyarov, Alexandra V. Salnikova, Yury E. Korchagin, Alexander A. Makarov
This paper focuses on synthesis and analysis of the algorithms for estimating the time of arrival and the duration of a narrow-band radio signal with arbitrary-function envelope and unknown initial phase, such algorithms provide overcoming the prior parametric uncertainty in different ways. We tested...

Research on the Reform and Innovation of “Internet + Higher Education”

Xue Yang
Internet technology innovation, the Internet began to spread to various industries and fields, “Internet +” affects people’s way of life and knowledge system structure. In the era of “Internet +”, it is of great significance to explore and utilize the value contained in data, to achieve innovation in...

Research on Practices of Experiential Teaching in Music Courses of Elementary Schools

Yingying Xian, Libo You
Experiential teaching means teachers actively create various scenarios to guide students to actively get involved in pleasant teaching activities. This paper discusses the practices of experiential teaching which is particularly apply to the singing teaching, appreciation teaching and instruments teaching...

Promoting Counterargument in Student’s Argumentative Writing: A Dialogic Approach

Sueb, Lina Purwaning Hartanti, Hujuala Rika Ayu
It is important for students to integrate both argument and counterargument to construct effective argumentative writing. One strategy believed to improve the effectiveness of student’s argumentative writing is through the employment of Bakhtinian dialogism. This action research was intended to observe...

Semiotic Analysis of Gundala Movie Poster

Satria Indra Praja Persada
The purpose of this research is to analyze the visual meaning of the Gundala poster in 2019. The method used in this study was the semiotic method; Ferdinand de Saussure developed the semiotic approach. Gundala was an Indonesian superhero created by Hasmi, and in 2019, the superhero figure made by the...

Algorithm for Determining Target Markets for the Sale of Agricultural Products Produced in the Region

L.A. Kalinina, I.A. Zelenskaya, S.V. Trufanova
The article considers a methodological approach to determining target markets for the sale of agricultural products produced in the region, based on the proposed author’s research algorithm. The research algorithm consists of four stages: determination of input and output parameters of agricultural markets,...

The Effect of Financial Literacy, Gender, and Students’ Income on Investment Intention: The Case of Accounting Students

Nyoman Trisna Herawati, Ni Wayan Yulianita Dewi
Investment activities are essential to be developed among millennial generation, including college students. The development of fintech should be able to make students participate in investing activities in the stock market. However, a survey shows that there is a lack of traders from the younger generation....

Design of Integrated Experiential Learning Model with Music to Improve Entrepreneurship Intention of Vocational High School Students

Itsna Iftayani, Cahyana Nursidiq
This study aims to design learning models which can increase entrepreneurship intention of Vocational High School students. This study uses Research and Development Method of the 4-D model, in this study only two stages are conducted; define and design, while develop and disseminate stages will be continued...

The More, the Merrier? on the Relationships of Democracy and Happiness in China

Ling Xu
Happiness is associated with and precedes numerous successful outcomes. According to the research conducted by United Nations Development Program, the subjective feeling of happiness, or more formally subjective well-being (SWB), serves as a critical indicator for quality of life - health, longevity,...
Proceedings Article

Sustainable Development Based on Values From the Qu’ran

Sustainable development is a conscious and planned effort, which integrates environmental living, including resources, into the developmental process to ensure capability, prosperity, and quality of life of the present generation and the future. Environmental issues, mainly arising because of the dynamic...
Proceedings Article

Optimizing Sport Values Through Character-Based Motion Cards in Elementary School

Made Agus Wijaya, I Nyoman Kanca, I Ketut Yoda, Ketut Iwan Swadesi
One of the aims of Physical Education (PE) is to build students’ strong characters. PE teacher plays an important role in realizing character building through meaningful motion activities. This paper discusses optimizing sport values in elementary school through character-based motion card media. This...
Proceedings Article

Raw Material of Nicotine Isolated From Tobacco Leaves Cultivated in Indonesia

Arifayu Addiena Kurniatri, Nanang Yunarto, Intan Sari Oktoberia, Winarsih, Herni Asih Setyorini, Uud Nourma Reswandaru
Indonesian tobacco is largely used for cigarettes. The Indonesian cigarettes export market is currently affected because many countries have signed the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) which is under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO). Exploration of the potential of tobacco...

Cross-Cultural Challenges of a Foreign Language Quest

D V Kursevich, N I Chernova, A.A. Mandzhiev
Nowadays a quest is not only a fascinating way to pass one’s leisure time, but also a powerful resourceful TEFL methodology increasingly gaining popularity among teachers to gauge their students’ skills and abilities (competences). Its array of applications is impressive, and thanks to this fact it turns...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Land Suitability Classes Under Smallholder Cocoa Plantations in Inland and Offland Region of Southeast Sulawesi

Hasbullah Syaf, Laode Muhammad Harjoni Kilowasid, M. Tufaila, Made Widana Arsana, La Ode Afa, Nini Mila Rahni, Awaluddin Hamzah, Jufri Karim
The Province of Southeast Sulawesi covers the southeast region of Sulawesi Island (afterwards referred as inland) plus several smaller islands and many isles (afterwards referred as offland) adjacent to the region. The land in this province is dominated by mineral soils, but through different soil formations....

A Summary of Research on the Reform of the Training Mode of Engineering Cost Professionals in Applied Undergraduate Universities

Fangyan Yu, Liang Chen, Na Xiong
The engineering cost specialty mainly trains students’ control over project cost and the budgetary budget calculation ability of the project. This paper summarizes the research results of scholars such as Chen Shuzhen, Liao Junyan, Guo Xu, Zhou Hongli, Zhou Yazhen, Yan Peng, Gao Wei and Liu Xuxia. The...

Students’ Perception of English Blended-Learning in State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya

Munaja Rahma, Zakaria, Moehammad Ridhwan
This study was aimed at finding out the students’ perceptions of English Blended-Learning in State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya. Around 183 students from English Department, Electronica Engineering Department, Civil Engineering Department and Management of Informatics Department were taken as the writers’...

Information Disclosure Readability, Cognitive Style, and Investment Decision Making: A Web Experimental Study

Liza Alivia, Jogiyanto Hartono, Syaiful Ali, Ratna Nurhayati
The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of disclosure readability and cognitive style on investment decision making. Using processing fluency theory and cognitive style model the researchers extend [1] by considering how individual cognitive style has interaction affect on disclosure...

The Teaching Reform of Ideological and Political Courses from the Perspective of Core Literacy

Yang jianyun
In order to better implement the spirit of Xi Jinping’s “3.18” speech, and in view of the current unsatisfactory situation of ideological and political course teaching in colleges and universities, the teaching reform of ideological and political theory course in colleges and universities should focus...

Research on Self-Regulated Learning by Using Network Learning Space for Cross-Disciplinary MPAcc Postgraduate Freshmen Based on HeXie Management Theory

Xiaozhuo Wei, Yunpeng Li, Wenjun Shao, Xing Dong
The cross-disciplinary postgraduates are a special group with a large proportion for MPAcc. Compared with students of accounting background, their accounting knowledge and skills at the time of admission are far from satisfactory. The use of network learning space by cross-disciplinary MPAcc postgraduate...

Digital Transformation of Russian Enterprise and Human Capital Development: Challenges and Opportunities

Yu.I. Seliverstov, V.V. Moiseev, O.A. Komarova
In a modern economy, information plays a dual role. On the one hand, it acts as a factor of production (resource), on the other hand, as a personal good (product). The digital economy is characterized by the fact that traditional factors of production (capital, labor, land) are supplemented with a new...
Proceedings Article

Cyber Threats Analysis on Jakarta Smart City

Amiruddin AMIRUDDIN, Bio AKRAM, Fitri Hana DINI
Jakarta Smart City (JSC) is the concept of a modern city utilizing the Internet of Things to enhance and guarantee public services that are fast, inexpensive and environmentally friendly. Various programs were designed, offered and integrated to make it easier for citizens to meet their needs. However,...
Proceedings Article

First Report of Fergusonina Gall Fly on Eucalyptus urophylla in Mt. Mutis, Timor Island

Lindung Tri Puspasari, Betari Safitri, Damayanti Buchori, Purnama Hidayat
The gall fly, Fergusonina sp. (Diptera: Fergusoninidae) is known as gall inducer on several species of Melaleuca and Eucalyptus. The gall fly is commonly found associated with nematodes. The first record of the gall fly Fergusonina sp. on the Timor mountain gum, E. urophylla was collected from Mt. Mutis,...

Integrated Feasibility Studies: A Tool for Sustainable Development for Jakarta International Stadium

Asaduddin Abdullah, Fithriyyah Shalihati
PT. Jakarta Propertindo (PT Jakpro) as one of the Region-Owned Enterprise (BUMD) of Jakarta Province was selected by the Governor of DKI Jakarta to handle the project of Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) construction. The construction of the JIS is expected to be conducted in three years from 2019...

Transactional Leadership and Transformational Leadership, Their Impacts on Job Satisfaction: Islamic Banking in South Sumatra

Agustina Hanafi, Zakaria Wahab, Afriyadi Cahyadi
This study focuses on examining the direct effects of transactional leadership and transformational leadership on job satisfaction by choosing Islamic banking in South Sumatra as object. Five hundred front and back office employees who work at seven Islamic banks from four different locations are selected...

Modeling Vehicle Insurance Loss Data Using a New Member of T-X Family of Distributions

Zubair Ahmad, Eisa Mahmoudi, Sanku Dey, Saima K. Khosa
Pages: 133 - 147
In actuarial literature, we come across a diverse range of probability distributions for fitting insurance loss data. Popular distributions are lognormal, log-t, various versions of Pareto, log-logistic, Weibull, gamma and its variants and a generalized beta of the second kind, among others. In this...

Social Play Mediated by Playware

Luigi Pagliarini, Henrik Hautop Lund
Pages: 133 - 136
In this paper, we describe a set of designs of social playware by using the Moto Tiles. We tried to demonstrate the importance of the development of social playware by designing a number of social games that people can play together on one single tool. The design envisions play that mediates coordination...

Art Criticism in Comics Grey & Jingga: The Twilight by Sweta Kartika

Wrin Probo Tyas, Trie Hartiti Retnowati, I Wayan Suardana
The background of this research is to understand and know created art and delivered the message, so that all of these things can determine the quality of an art work. The elements of art criticism in the Grey & Jingga comics are (1) description, (2) formal analysis, (3) interpretation, and (4) assessment...
Review Article

Plasma Cell Leukemia – Facts and Controversies: More Questions than Answers?

Anna Suska, David H. Vesole, Jorge J. Castillo, Shaji K. Kumar, Hari Parameswaran, Maria V. Mateos, Thierry Facon, Alessandro Gozzetti, Gabor Mikala, Marta Szostek, Joseph Mikhael, Roman Hajek, Evangelos Terpos, Artur Jurczyszyn
Pages: 133 - 142
Plasma cell leukemia (PCL) is an aggressive hematological malignancy characterized by an uncontrolled clonal proliferation of plasma cells (PCs) in the bone marrow and peripheral blood. PCL has been defined by an absolute number of circulating PCs exceeding 2.0 × 109/L and/or >20% PCs in the total...

Integration of Humanities and Professional Disciplines as a Factor of the Development of Students’ Creative Potential in a Technical University

V. P. Frolov
The article examines the integration of humanities and professional disciplines as an important factor of the development of students’ creative potential in a technical university. The author determines the need for the promotion of students’ creative activity and reveals its essence based on the analysis...

The Use of Song in Teaching English Pronunciation

Burhanudin Rais, Dwiyanto Djoko Pranowo, Rr. Putri Intan Permata Sari
Pronunciation is one of the important aspects of language learning. The bad pronunciation will influence the understanding of the listener to grab the message. Song is one of the media that can be used to teach pronunciation. By using songs, students can learn how the word is pronounced. Thus, this paper...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Melatonin on the Functional State of the Hemostatic System and Osmoregulatory Kidney Function in Rats With Chronic Molybdenum Intoxication

V.B. Brin, E.M. Gagloeva, T.V. Moldovan, N.V. Botsieva
This work aimed to study the relationship between the mechanisms of the formation of toxic coagulopathy and nephrotoxic effects of molybdenum, as well as the development of a pathogenetically substantiated method for the prevention of chronic toxic coagulopathy and nephropathy using the pineal gland...

Directory and Inventory the Database of Silk Weaving Ornaments ‘Sabbe’ Sengkang as a Creativity Enhancement Equipment

Karta, Abdul Azis Said, Dian Cahyadi
This study aims to arouse creative efforts to support the diversification of Sengkang silk weaving products using the innovation strategy approach. Indexing motif data is a referential directory or method to document all the motifs of the work of the weavers intended for; (1) identify, classify, and...

Analysis on the Educational Differences Between International School and Public School in China

Xinxin Wang
With the development of globalization and diversification in the world, studying abroad has become an alternative to college entrance examination for more and more Chinese students. Therefore, more and more international schools have been established in China. The way of education in international schools...
Proceedings Article

Life-Based Learning Approach on Massage Course in College Students

Sulistyorini, Moch. Yunus, Supriatna
This research aimed at developing a learning method product using the blended learning model integrated with e-learning at State University of Malang (UM). The research method used was Research and Development method (R&D), with the following research steps (1) Needs analysis, (2) Early product development...
Proceedings Article

Cyber-Physical Systems and Reliability Issues

Nafisa Yusupova, Dmitry Rizvanov, Dmitry Andrushko
Anomaly detection is a well researched concept used in many areas, including engineering systems design, where it helps detect errors and prevent failures. Traditional anomaly detection methods, based either on comparing the behavior of the real system with its model or on different signal processing...