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1578 articles

The Techniques Teaching Vocabulary with BCCT Based Learning in Islamic Kindergarten Samarinda (A Case Study at Al-Azhar Syifa Budi Kindergarten)

Hasbi Sjamsir, Dian Anggriayani, Putri Mutia Ishaq
The purpose of this study is to know the teaching techniques used by teachers in teaching English vocabulary for 5-6 years old students of Al-Azhar Syifa Budi Kindergarten Samarinda based on BCCT learning model in the 2016/2017 academic year. The design of this study was descriptive qualitative, the...
Proceedings Article

Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] Yield Variance and Supported Character

Pratanti Haksiwi Putri, Novita Nugrahaeni
Cowpea is an underutilized legume that has been cultivating in Indonesia. But, the availability of cowpea variety is limited. Cowpea breeding program is started with gene source characterization of germplasm. This research aims to study the yield and its supported component variability of cowpea germplasm....
Proceedings Article

Excretion of Endogenous Purine Derivatives in Male and Female Garut sheep

Mutiara Mustika Putri Mahanani, Chusnul Hanim, Lies Mira Yusiati
The aim of this study was to determine the value of endogenous purine derivatives (PD) excreted in the urine Garut sheep. The endogenous PD excretion of male and female Garut sheep was compared using an independent student t-test. In this experiment, six males and six females Garut sheep of similar age...

Comparison of Six Minutes Walk Distances of Cloth, Surgical, and KN95 Mask in Healthy Young Adults

Patrick William Gading, Mirna Marhami Iskandar, Zahra Audzi Putri
Wearing a face mask is recommended to prevent contracting or being exposed to COVID-19, including when exercising. Exercise itself is effective for preventing obesity, diabetes, and hypertension, all of which are major risk factors for complications if a person contracts COVID-19. However, there is controversy...

Technology Acceptance Model Analysis of M-Banking Using UTAUT 2 Method

Rr. Putri Intan Paramaeswari, Riyanarto Sarno
The high demand of user satisfaction becomes a benchmark to develop the technology, one of them is Mobile Banking (M-Banking). Along with the development of user needs, it is necessary to improve and develop the M-Banking Technology itself so that it is expected to provide more to its users. This issue...

Textbook Evaluation of English Learning Material at SMKN 1 Lembah Melintang

Dzulfia Eka Putri, Jufrizal Jufrizal
One source of English learning material is the textbook. Textbooks aren’t merely for teachers to utilize when they’re teaching or learning. Textbook aids learners in acquiring material linked to their English studies. This study attempted to evaluate the English learning material in textbooks, particularly...

Revitalization of Seke Areung for Houshold Water Needs in Kampung Nyalindung

Documentary Film Study Project

Daffi Harmawan, Irwan Sarbeni, Mauly Putri Dipiati, Abhi Rama Zahran Zein, Fahri Anang Marzuki, Nabila Pramadita
(EN) Water has a function that cannot be ignored and can be obtained from various sources, one of which is the presence of springs. The presence of springs in an area can be influenced by several factors, namely geological objects, rainfall, topography, and hydrological properties. The spring which is...

Digital Marketing Through Social Media Instagram as a Promotion Means to Increase Interest in Visiting Bengkulu Tourism Objects

Febzi Fiona, Sugeng Susetyo, Nasution, Assyfa Meilyandra Panca Putri
Instagram is a social media that can be used as a tourism promotion tool, because in the context of marketing, a tourist attraction, photo media can affect the tourists desire to visit the tourist sites contained in the photo. The use of photos have a purpose to make a promotion more effective, because...
Proceedings Article

Needs Analysis of Mentoring Furniture Industry Craftsmen in Kampoeng Sembada Ukir, Petekeyan, Tahunan, Jepara

Jayanti Putri Purwaningrum, Nur Fajrie, Jati Widagdo, Evana Andriani
Kampoeng Sembada Ukir Petekeyan is located in Petekeyan Village, Jepara Regency. Most of the people in Petekeyan Village earn a living as craftsmen in the furniture/carved furniture industry. The commodities are interior products (cabinets, dining chairs, guest chairs, tolets) and exterior products (garden...

Clustering Patterns of Food Crops to Increase Community Income in Papua Province

Andjar Prasetyo, Agustinus Hartopo, Jack Syauta, Heri Wahyudianto, Albert Soplanit, Bekti Putri Harwijayanti
Sweet potato is a potential commodity in Papua Province, but so far, it has only provided traditional benefits and has not been able to contribute significantly to the agricultural sector and the economy. To address this, a pilot model for the development of the sweet potato processing industrial cluster...

The Effect of Financial Behavior, Financial Knowledge and Self-Control on the Financial Well-Being of Generation Z in Indonesia

Putri Annisa Ramadhini, Intan Zoraya, Kamaludin Kamaludin
This study aimed to determine the effect of financial behaviour, financial knowledge and self-control on the financial well-being of Generation Z in Indonesia. Supervision was sought out by 255 respondents of Generation Z in Indonesia. The research method used is quantitative. The data used in this research...

Fulfillment of the Right to Food During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Nur Amalina Putri Adytia, Ilham Dwi Rafiqi, Yaris Adhial Fajrin
The condition of the COVID-19 pandemic that occurred in Indonesia caused various problems in the life of the nation and state. Various kinds of problems such as social, economic, and educational are accompanying conditions. Economic problems, especially the fulfillment of basic rights, have become a...

The Analysis Of Bahasa Rupa And Digital Storytelling In Raya And The Last Dragon Movie

Citra Kemala Putri
Each ethnic has its own word-language, the interesting part of word-language is how the same object is called by different names in different languages and in different places. Each image also has its esthetic aspect which is the symbolic aspect, and each ethnic has its own way to draw the same object....
Proceedings Article

Depression Early Warning System Based on Social Media Using Multinomial Naïve Bayes Algorithm

Achmad Maududie, Putri Armaini, Priza Pandunata
Community mental health is a serious challenge that must be encountered by a country. The results of the I-NAMHS (Indonesia-National Adolescent Mental Health Survey) show that one in three teenagers in Indonesia has mental health problems, while one in twenty teenagers in Indonesia has had a mental disorder...
Proceedings Article

Readiness Analysis of Implementation of Online Ticketing Aplications at Crossing Ports of Central Sulawesi Province

Susiarni Magdalena, Sri Kelana, Febriyanti Himmatul Ulya, Putri Sonia
The Taipa Ferry Port is a commercial port that is very important in connecting Sulawesi Island with Kalimantan Island via waterways. The process of purchasing tickets at the Taipa Ferry Port still uses the manual method by queuing and waiting for a long time at the port counter, because the method is...

Learning Fractions through Swimming Context for Elementary School Students

Meta Silvia Gunawan, Ratu Ilma I. Putri, Mr. Zulkardi
This research aimed to produce learning trajectory by using the swimming context in helping students to understand the concept of fractions and addition of fractions. The approach used was Realistic Mathematics Education, Indonesian version (PMRI). The study involved 6 fourth grade students with heterogeneous...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Pursed Lip Breathing on Dyspnea, Oxygen Saturation and Activity Tolerance on COPD Patient:Systematic Review

Rudi Hariyono, Shelfi Dwi Retnani Putri Santoso, Putu Sintya Arlinda Arsa, Fahrur Rozi
Systematic review has the purpose to know the influence of pursed lip breathing on dyspnea, oxygen saturation and activity tolerance on COPD patients taken from 15 journals. Methodology: information related to this research was found on some databases such as MEDLINE journals, PubMed, CINAHL, Ebsco,...

Implementation of Lesson Study Based on PDCA Concept in Improving Professionalism Teacher

Dera Widyawiyarti Aji Putri, Nani Hartini
This study aims to (1) find out how the Lesson study process using the PDCA concept, then (2) want to know how to apply Lesson study by using the PDCA concept to increase teacher professionalism, and (3) want to know the effectiveness of using Lesson study using the PDCA concept towards increasing Teacher...

Pancasila Village: A New Order Strategy for Village Prosperity in Blitar, East Java, 1968–1985

Muhammad Rifki Amirudin, Athifa Raissa Putri, Nadila Farah Dibah, Rosyidul Awwab, Slamet Sujud Purnawan Jati, Arif Subekti, Grace Leksana
Pancasila Village is a program launched by President Soeharto which aims to improve the welfare of the community from the village level in accordance with the Pancasila soul philosophy. The purpose of this research is to comprehend the Pancasila village project in the beginning of the New Order, the...

The Narrative Structure Analysis of Tidung Oral Story on Alan Dundes at Tarakan City, North Kalimantan (Folklore Study)

Eva Apriani
This research is a narrative structure of Tidung Oral Story on Alan Dundes at Tarakan City, North Kalimantan. The problem research focuses on the structure of motifeme in folklore entitled The Origin of Mount Srilaki, Betawol, Si Gumban, Putri Kumalasari, and Buluh Perindu folklore studies. The theory...

The Development of Dual Mode Experiment Model Based on Physics Problem Solving: Comparing learning achievements between real and virtual experiment

Desy Hanisa Putri, Sutarno Sutarno, Eko Risdianto, Dedy Hamdani
Experimental models based on physics problem solving to enhance critical thinking and problem solving skills (CTS and PSS) have been successfully developed, both real and virtual experiments. The experimental stages consist of problem descriptions, understanding problems, method questions, predictions,...

The Effectiveness of Behavior Modification Using the Fading Technique to Improve the Vocabulary of Deaf Students in SLB-C Negeri Pembina Banjarbaru

Gusti Medinda Ridha Putri, Rudi Rusli, Jehan Safitri
Various problems can arise when individuals interact with individuals with disabilities, especially when one of them is deaf. Being deaf and having hearing loss are conditions in which the individual loses hearing function completely or partially. Generally, the problem faced by an individual when interacting...

Move Analysis on Thesis and Dissertation Abstracts: Contrastive Study

Bestari Kirana Putri, Eri Kurniawan, Wawan Gunawan, Arif Husein Lubis
Move analysis has been a topic of interest for the past decade. It investigates the rhetorical structure of a text as in the moves and the steps employed in a text, for instance in a research abstract. An abstract is the road map to a research article, it has important functions as a screening device...

Case-Based Method in Pathophysiology of Non-Communicable Diseases Topic Improves Student Performance of Undergraduate Nutrition Students at Public Health Faculty, Andalas University

Putri Aulia Arza, Azrimaidaliza Azrimaidaliza
Pathophysiology of non-communicable diseases is a topic in the third semester undergraduate nutrition students at Faculty of Public Health University of Andalas. The case-based method is becoming an increasingly common teaching strategy in science education, especially in medical education. This study...
Proceedings Article

Selection of Culture Medium and Incubation Time for Growth and Production of Beauvericin by Local Beauveria bassiana

Y. P. Roswanjaya, N. A. Saryanah, W. Nawfetrias, H. Rosdayanti, A. L. Putri
Beauveria bassiana, an entomopathogenic fungus, is a high producer of beauvericin (BEA). BEA is a proven and useful compound as a mycoinsecticide for plant pest control and a potential antifungal and anticancer agent for human. BEA produced by Beauveria bassiana fungi, mainly found as an intracellular...

Small Fisherman Participation Through Fish Pond Business Development

Moh. Sholehatul Mustofa, Elly Kismini, Noviani Achmad Putri, Asma Luthfi., Nurul Fatimah
Fishermen on the north coast of Semarang City are a vulnerable community group. This is because the level of education and the economy is low, so efforts are needed to empower them. Tilapia cultivation is one of the efforts to develop the economy and empower small fishing communities in Tambak Rejo....
Proceedings Article

Development of Pencak Silat Defense Coordination and Hand Attack Skills Tests Age 8 – 12 Years

Kurniati Rahayuni, Taufik, Anisa Maulidiya Putri Rahman
In the category of pencak silat sparring, martial artists must master pencak silat techniques to score points. The techniques used include attacks and defenses, which require a series of coordinated hand movements. However, the coach currently lacks an assessment guideline to evaluate the proficiency...

Analysis of Financial Distress and its Impact on Stock Prices in the Consumer Cyclicals Sector Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange

Nuri Nurhayati, Putri Rahayu, Violina Aprilia
The goals of this research is to see how financial ratios affect financial distress to stock prices. ROA, DAR, and CR as an intervening variable. The companies in this study are listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange for the 2018–2022 period. Sample data was collected using purposive sampling technique....

Interlingual Re-Instantiation of Attitude in News Reports on Attacking Incidents in Indonesia’s Newspapers

Wawan Gunawan, Maretha Dwiastuti Putri
This study explores an interlingual re-instantiation of attitude as a language appraisal strategy employed by Indonesia’s newspapers in reporting news on attacking incidents. The study aims, firstly, to reveal the types of attitude system employed by Indonesia’s newspapers in reporting news on attacking...

Financial Literacy and Demographics of Investment Decisions: A Study of the Young Generation in JABODETABEK

Celine Putri Wijaya, Novia Utami
This study aims to examine the relationship between financial literacy and demographics with investment decisions made by young people in the JABODETABEK area, Indonesia. The sample collection used a convenience sampling technique through online questionnaires. Then, a total of 130 samples were processed...

Innovation of Appetizer Pocket Book-Based Learning Media in Continental Food Courses Innovation of Appetizer Pocket Book-Based Learning Media in Continental Food Courses

Ajeng Inggit Anugerah, Lelly Fridiarty, Erli Mutiara, Yuzia Eka Putri, Nikmat Akmal
This study aims to develop teaching materials in the form of pocket books so that student learning outcomes increase in continental food courses in the opening material. The research method used is the 4-D method. This research was conducted at the Culinary Education Study Program, Medan State University....
Proceedings Article

Correlation of Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Specimens with Reinforced Concrete Slabs Cast in the Field

Ika Sulianti, Amiruddin Amiruddin, Agus Subrianto, Rachmat Hakiki, Cindi Septi Yandri, Aprilia Meana Putri
The concrete construction work process usually has many factors that influence the quality of the concrete, starting from various methods of preparing materials to caring for the concrete. This occurs because of the differences in treatment given to samples in the laboratory and workpieces made in the...

Dimensions of the Function of Social Praxis ke-Biu-an Lexicons in Balinese Language and Culture

Aron Meko Mbete, Putri Ayu Julita, Mirsa Umiyati
Indonesia, as an archipelagic country that stretches from Sabang to Merauke, makes Indonesia a multicultural country consisting of various races, ethnicities, nations and cultures. This then causes Indonesia to be rich in languages with its dialects. Almost every region in Indonesia has a different regional...
Proceedings Article

Investigating Supply-Side Flexibility to Support Sustainability Business Performance: Learning from Coffee Shops in Malang City

Anisa Aprilia, Fitrotul Laili, Putri Budi Setyowati, Kristoforus Farian Waringga
An important dimension of value chain flexibility is supply-side flexibility, which refers to the range and ability to accommodate changes in production output related to internal operating efficiency. Meanwhile, flexibility in supply chain networks can help reduce supply chain risk when dealing with...

Family Partnership Strategy with an Early Childhood Education (PAUD) Institution: A Case Study on PAUD Bianglala Bandung

Lili Dasa Putri, Ihat Hatimah, Mustofa Kamil
This study aims to describe the strategy of partnership between families and an institution of Early Childhood Education (PAUD). Partnership is an external communication effort undertaken to establish relationships and equate perceptions between educational institutions and parents. The problems that...

Lineage Empowerment as Community Governance Model in Response to the Covid-19 Outbreak in Pasia Laweh Village

Syamsurizaldi, Annisa Aulia Putri, Miftahul Viona Sari, M. Surya Ali Dharma, Willy Silfiana
Kaum (lineage) are one of the three forms of kinship groups in Minangkabau society. Kaum (lineage) is a group of several paruik (sub lineage), and suku (clan) is a group of several clans and the nagari consists of at least four tribes. paruik, kaum and suku in the community’s life is still exist today....

The Use of Smartphone-Based K4P Citizenship E-Learning as Civic Literacy Strengthening in Civic Education Courses

Arum Putri Pertiwi, Iffah Nurhayati
The selection of smartphone-based e-learning media in civic education courses is a learning medium used to strengthen civic literacy. This article us a qualitative approach with a descriptive type. The data obtained through interviews via google forms and literature studies on maintaining civic literacy...

Development of Student Activity Sheets for System of Linear Equation Two Variables Based on Problem Solving in Junior High School

Debi Suci Putri, Cecil Hiltrimartin, Yusuf Hartono, Indaryanti Indaryanti
This study aims to produce student activity sheets for system of linear equation two variables based on problem solving that valid and practical also look at potential effects on student’s problem-solving abilities. The research method used is the Tessmer model development research, which stages consist...

The Impact of Global Diversification as Growth Corporate Strategy to Performance: An Investigation on Taiwan Electronics Firms

Novinda Krisna Putri, Wei-Hwa Pan
Since Taiwan emerged as an innovation-driven country focused on technology innovation, diversifications as a proactive growth strategy facilitate Taiwan electronics firms to survive and sustain performance under global competitive markets. Furthermore, after the New Southbound Policy (NSP), SEA countries,...

Farmers’ Interest in Land Utilization for the Development of Melon Farming with the Drip System: Case Study in Gunung Kidul Regency, Indonesia

Retno Lantarsih, Uma Nuraini Fajri, Untoro Hariadi, Putri Perdana
The younger generation's disinterest in working in the agricultural sector has developed into an obstacle in the process of cross-generational agricultural succession. It is essential to ensure the regeneration of the agricultural sector. This study aims: (1) to determine the interest of young farmers...
Proceedings Article

Agricultural Resources Analysis: Urban Area’s Food Sufficiency in South Sulawesi Province

Raka Adi Bagaskara, Alfanni Nurul Kumalasari, Arsita Rahma Devaisnaini, Azhar Firman Ghani, Erlangga Jati Dewantara, Nisa Karimah, Tri Utami Setyawati, Ratih Fitria Putri
This study aims to analyze the problem of food sufficiency in urban areas of South Sulawesi Province using secondary data from the Central Statistics Agency of South Sulawesi Province in 2015-2019. The method used is quantitative descriptive analysis to determine the food adequacy of cities in South...
Proceedings Article

Reliability Testing of Single Channel Co-Occurrence Matrix Texture Feature Extraction for Avocado Leaf Classification

Dwiretno Istiyadi Swasono, Achmad Maududie, Niki Putri Hadi Pradani
There are quite a lot of superior types of avocado that are known to the public today. However, it isn't easy to differentiate one type from another based on the leaves. These can cause errors in variety selection, which can cause losses. Machine learning methods can help recognize avocado types...

MSMEs Business Process Evaluation using Business Process Management Lifecycle Approach in Gresik

Yogantara S. Dharmawan, Putri Amelia
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is one of the fields of business that sustains the national economy by contributing to an increase of GDP and employment. BPS revealed that MSMEs contribute 75% of national income and 97% local employment. They also contributed 57% of gross domestic product...

Shift-learning: Suburban Teachers’ Perspectives Towards Readiness and Media Learning Application During Pandemic Period

Fatimah Setiani, Muhammad Sandy Al Fath, Nikmah Sistia Eka Putri, Rahmah Dwi Sistiarini, Ajah Saputra, Herlina Hidayati, M. Fatchurahman
In state-of-the-art era, technology leads people to changes of life. In the education context, especially in the pandemic situation, there is a transmission of learning way, from conventional to online which is called as Shift-learning. Not excuse, the remote area was affected too. Consequently, this...

Cork Fish Bone Residue of Enrichment Wet Noodle: Chemical and Sensory Characteristic

Yuli Hartati, Widya Arum, Fathiyah Rusvizah, Khasanah Putri
Fish bones are a form of waste generated from the fish processing industry. Fish bones still contain nutrients the body needs, especially calcium. One of the fish bones that has the potential to be used in food processing is snakehead fish bones. Red dragon fruit is a fruit that contains high fiber and...
Proceedings Article

Producing Liquid Smoke Results from Pyrolysis of Waste Acacia (Acacia Mangum Wild) and Teak Wood (Tectona Grandis) into Organic Pesticides

K. A. Ridwan, Ida Febriana, M. Anerasari, Andiko Andiko, Ajeng Mawarni Putri
Many problems occur in agricultural products, one of which is the presence of residual chemicals that are still contained in plants so that they can endanger the health of humans who consume them continuously. One of the efforts to minimize the use of this dangerous insecticide, the researchers designed...

Determinants of Budget Performance with Value for Money Concept

Lulu Amalia Nusron, Anandita Zulia Putri, Ulfa Fajar Resmi
This study aims to examine the- impact of accountability, transparency, and oversight on-budget performance. The type of data used in this research is quantitative. This research was conducted using a questionnaire survey conducted by the Regional Device Unit in Bantul Regency. The object of this research...

The Impact of Climate Change on Grape Production in Indonesia

Ambinari Rachmi Putri, Abd Syakur, Muhardi
The production of Grape of Indonesia in 2017 reached 11,734 t but in 2018 it decreased by 7.39% to 10,867 t. The decline in grape production on a national scale is influenced by the amount of production in grape’s central region. One of grape’s central region in Indonesia that has experienced a decline...

Analysis of The Effect of IFRS Convergence on Earnings Management with Corporate Governance as a Moderating Variable (Empirical Study on Non-Financial Companies Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange Before and After IFRS)

Evi Rahmawati, Mia Setiawani Putri
This study aimed to analyze the effect of IFRS convergence on earnings management with corporate governance mechanism as a moderating variable. Earnings management was measured using discretionary accruals. The corporate governance mechanism as a moderating variable includes the proportion of independent...

Prediction Analysis Student Graduate Using Multilayer Perceptron

Mariana Windarti, Putri Taqwa Prasetyaninrum
Student graduation data is a data that is important to the College, especially for the Faculty as well as the courses in question. Acquisition of knowledge in a database (a number of large data) commonly referred to as data mining. This research aims to analyze the student’s graduation predictions that...