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188759 articles
Proceedings Article

Body Discomfort Due to Musculoskeletal Disorders among Dental Practitioners in Primary Healthcare Center in Bandung City

Nur Ismah Gitasari, Sri Tjahajawati, Rosilawati Wihardja
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are one of the main occupational health haz-ards affecting dental practitioners and result in discomfort, pain, and illness that can result in disruption or impairment of dental practice. The objective of this study is to discover the description of MSD among dental practitioners...

Teaching Reform of International Students in China: From the Perspective of Promoting Political Ideology of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

Shurong Zhao, Shanshan Chen, Wenxue Fan
The curriculum “Globalization and World Politics” is guided by the 2015-2017 Action Plan for International Students and aims at cultivating talents with Chinese spirits, international vision and abilities of international competition and cooperation. The curriculum intends to conduct teaching reform...

Study on Pathways of Improving the Affinity of Ideological and Political Education

Hongzhi Liu
The principal method of improving the ideological and political education is to enhance the affinity, which is also the direction of the construction of ideological and political course. Such factors as the nature of ideological and political education, process and method of education, educator, educate,...
Proceedings Article

Ultra-short Term Wind Speed Prediction under Multi-model Structure and Uncertainty Analysis

Yilin Qiao, Yang Hu, Qiong Yang, Dekun Lyu
In order to improve the forecasting accuracy and reliability of wind power, the precise prediction of wind speed plays a more and more important role. Thus, the ultra-short-term prediction of wind speed and its uncertainty analysis are studied in the paper. Firstly, based on the daily time series of...

Current capital optimization by the mathematical modelling of interconnections between its components

Valentina Orlova, Sofiia Kafka, Iryna Hryniuk, Orest Boichuk
In market conditions, competition is the main mechanism for regulating economic relations. It poses the problem of ensuring the survival and the possibility of further development of enterprises, which requires the participants of the economic process to take adequate measures to improve the mechanism,...

Ideological and Political Education Mechanism in Colleges and Universities Based on School-enterprise Cooperation Talents Training

Wencheng Xue
As an important part of China's higher education talents training model, School-enterprise cooperation has received more and more attention and recognition from the society. The ideological and political education in colleges and universities emphasizes school-enterprise cooperation, which aims to strengthen...

Dilemmas of Law-related Education for College Students and their Solutions

Yulong Zhang
At present, there exist some dilemmas in law-related education for college students, such as unclear educational objectives, weak practical education, lack of internet education and feeble legal campus environment. In order to enhance the effectiveness of law-related education for college students, this...
Proceedings Article

Promoting Oxygen Saturation and Relaxation Level through Pursed Lip Breathing Exercise and Progressive Muscle Relaxation in Patients with Lung Cancer

Ratna Dinaryanti, Yulia, Masfuri
The most common symptoms in lung cancer are dyspnea and anxiety that cause restlessness on patients. This study aimed to identify the impact of PLB and PMR training program on the increase of oxygen saturation level and relaxation in patients with lung cancer. The study design was Quasy Experiment with...

The Influencing Factors on Coffee Shop Customers' Revisit Intention

Widyawati, Margaretha Pink Berlianto
This study aims to investigate the effect of the service marketing mix (7Ps) on satisfaction, the impact of trust on commitment, the impact of satisfaction and loyalty on revisit intention in the context of coffee shop retailer in Jakarta. There are 11 hypotheses developed in this study. There were 332...

A Movie Analysis With Context Defense Studies, Case Study of “Merah Putih Memanggil”

Deddy Stevano H Tobing
This study discusses the movie "Merah Putih Memanggil". The movie was screened on the cinema on the anniversary of the Indonesian National Army and played on a television screen to coincide with the Birthday of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia. This study uses qualitative methods to analyze...
Proceedings Article

Cartilage Glycoprotein-39 in Patients with Osteoarthritis in Combination with Cardiovascular Pathology

A.A. Ktsoeva, A.S. Medoeva, I.N. Totrov, M.S. Khestanova, M.M. Tebloev, A.B. Kusova, Z.T. Tsabolova
The article studies lipid parameters and inflammatory markers of OA without comorbidity, OA in combination with IHD, AH in conjunction with clinical symptoms of the disease. 110 patients with OA combined with IHD, AH, 30 patients with OA without comorbidity treated at the rheumatology department of the...

Analysis on the Causes of Phonological Fossilization

Lei Shi, Hongguo Li, Miao Liu
Phonological fossilization is an obvious shortcoming of oral English. Most wrongly pronounced sound elements are easily fossilized but hard to be de-fossilized, the paper shows the causes of fossilization of pronunciation of the foreign language learning in China.

Effectiveness E-Module in PJKR Students Hurdles Learning

Agus Widodo Suripto
The purpose of this study was to develop an E-module for hurdles learning, to determine the effectiveness of using e-modules in hurdles learning. This research was carried out using the development research design with the most appropriate steps for his research based on the conditions and constraints...
Proceedings Article

Economic research of the Southern Urals recreational potential on the criteria of synergy and real option

Viktor Nemtsev, Sergey Zakсharov, Andrey Deryabin
Research of prospects and innovative aspects of strengthening of health of the population and rehabilitation of athletes in the tourist and recreational complex of the southern Urals had been carried out. Organization and methods of research: from the regions of the Southern Urals, the Chelyabinsk region...

Application of NFC technology in proximity marketing

Lubica Gajanova, Jana Kliestikova, Margareta Nadanyiova
New needs emerge for wireless communication with the growing proliferation of mobile devices. As mobile devices evolve from the means of making phone calls into an integral part of personal life, there is a need to ensure communication of these devices at a much more personal level. Proximity marketing...

Border trade and migration in the context of Tajikistan's international economic cooperation with neighboring countries

Sergey Ryazantsev, Elena Pismennaya, Sharif Akramov, Roman Manshin, Farzona Garibova
Tajikistan is the country with the most difficult access, the most isolated, with limited transport links to other countries in the region and far abroad. In such cramped conditions for Tajikistan, an important role is played by international relations, which make it possible to develop the economy and...

Enhancement of economic efficiency of transport performance using multi-criteria estimation

M. Yu. Karelina, A. V. Terentyev, V.V. Moiseev, V.V. Stroev
The article outlines the approach to the solution of the multi-criteria economic task of choosing a transport for certain operating conditions based on vector optimization methods and linear programming. Full disclosure of the potential capabilities of the transport system in the economy sector requires...
Proceedings Article

Developing Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) Mathematic Problem Using That Quiz Application

Ririn Faridah, Tatag Yuli Eko Siswono, Endah Budi Rahaju
This study aims to describe process, responses, and effectiveness of applying HOTS problem using That Quiz application in the learning of Sequence and Series. Based on the analysis of ADDIE model, it was obtained that HOTS questions were in good quality because they meet valid, reliable, and objective...

Postcolonial Uncanny Narrative in Heart of Darkness

Yang Yang
In the postcolonial context of Heart of Darkness, abject is the result of westerners’ binary opposition to non-westerners and also the cause of their colonial career. Western civilization is full of the abject discourse about non-west and barbarism. Since the abject is part of or the result of those...

A Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Discrimination on Ratih Kumala’s Gadis Kretek Novel

Diana Hardiyanti, Yunita Nugraheni, Sumarlam Sumarlam
This paper presents the text analysis on gender discrimination toward the role of woman in Ratih Kumala’s Gadis Kretek Novel. The novel was published in 2012. It tells about the history of cigarette industry in Indonesia. The Javanese culture on the novel reflects the patriarchal system in life of Javanese....

Presenting Self: A Celebrification in Online Video Sharing

Nungki Heriyati
The paper aimed to explore the construction of the so-called self-celebrification in online video sharing.  Vloggers can be famous by sharing their videos in digital platform without having to be an expert. Moreover, they can simply share their lifestyles and daily activity.  Subscribers, viewers, and...

The Role of Computer Design Software in Helping to Analyze The Condition of The Site in The Building Design

Erick Teguh Leksono
Nowadays, Technology development makes the world move very fast and rapidly changed. It reshapes every aspects in our Life. Most people are using modern technology to do their activity, they have technology devices, such as Computers, Laptops and smartphones, so they can easily get the information that...
Proceedings Article

Intelligent Defect Detection Method of Photovoltaic Modules Based on Deep Learning

Binbin Ni, Pingguo Zou, Qiang Li, Yabin Chen
Currently, photovoltaic module manufacturers still rely on manual detection of EL images of photovoltaic modules to identify hidden defects. EL image detection is an important link in the quality control of photovoltaic modules production. Manual detection leads to slow detection speed, and the accuracy...

The Effect of Discovery Learning Model on Social skills And Students’ Learning Outcomes of Mycultivation Theme in Fourth Grade of Elementary School

Siska Nur Wahida, M. Bambang Edi Siswanto, Nasution Nasution, Suhanadji Suhanadji
This study aims to analyze the effect of discovery learning models on social skills and learning outcomes of fourth grade elementary school students . The research is a quasi-experimental research with pre-post test control group design. The dependent variable in this study is the discovery learning...
Proceedings Article

Magnetic and Magnetostrictive Properties of Rare Earth Intermetallic Compounds

Z.S. Umkhayeva, M. S-S. Khapayeva, Z.S. Khasbulatova, I.M. Aliyev, M-A.A. Gudayev
This work presents an overview of research results in magnetic and magnetostrictive properties of rare earths-based intermetallic compounds conducted by Russian and foreign researchers. A special attention is paid to multicomponent alloys, as variation in component concentration, temperature and external...

Study on the Effect of Liaoning Free Trade Area on Regional Economy

Zhou Xiangjun
In this paper, the monthly panel data of 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China are used to evaluate the economic impact of Liaoning Free Trade area from the aspects of import and export of goods, economic growth and investment in fixed assets. By comparing the difference between...

The Interaction Between Artist and Poster Design Taking the Lithograph Poster During Art Nouveau" Movement in France as an Example"

Nan Li
By dint of historical organization and case study of the interaction between poster design and artists during the period of "Art Nouveau", the paper analyzes the historical environment for artists who had participated in poster design, resolves the interaction and explains the value and significance...

Cultural Hermeneutics of Ancient Chinese Local History Exhibition - A Case Study of Archaeological Site Museum of Nanyue Palace

Liuxiang Zeng
Cultural hermeneutics in terms of its historical significance and interest plays a vital role in the ancient Chinese local history exhibition. The exhibition of Archaeological Site Museum of Nanyue Palace focuses on the combination of cultural hermeneutics and historical value of the palace and its unearthed...

Construction and Practice of Multiple Assessment System under Mixed Teaching Mode

Zhangliang Chen, Junwei Shi
The reform of curriculum assessment method is the key to improve the quality of curriculum teaching. With the deep integration of information technology and modern education, the mixed teaching model has become an important trend in universities reform. In this paper, the multiple assessment system under...

The Reinforcement of Child’s Independent Character Value through Humanistic-Based Family Education

Mr Suyahman
This research aimed to describe the reinforcement of child’s independent character value through humanistic-based family education in Wirogunan Village, Kartasura Sub District, Sukoharjo Regency. This study was a qualitative research with descriptive approach. Methods of collecting data were observation,...

Lobbyists in Legislative Process (Comparative Study in the USA and Indonesia)

Mohammad Aris
Public has the right to participate in the legislative process, some interest groups attempt to influence their goals in the legislation. In the USA, Lobbyists have increase significantly in the federal and states level because interest groups must hire lobbyists to give them eyes and ears to monitor...
Proceedings Article

Relationship of Education 3.0 Application on The Ability of Andragogy and Pedagogy Prospective Teacher Vocational School

Ahmad Mursyidun Nidhom, Setiadi Cahyono Putra, Hari Putranto
This study aims to reveal the relationship of Education 3.0 (X1) implementation to the ability of andragogy (Y1) and pedagogy (Y2) prospective vocational school teachers. Education 3.0 has a basic concept that education can be modified, adjustable and free conditioned according to the needs of learners,...

Additional Professional Education as the Condition of the Professional Competences Development among the State Employees

E. Bezvikonnaya
Additional professional education relates to independent kind of education which is not regulated by educational standards. When professional standards are regulated, improving of programs of professional development and professional training of state employees gains basic value. The absence of exact...

Juridical Review of the Existence of Bengkok Land in Indonesian National Land Law

Rofi Wahanisa, Aprila Niravita, R. Benny Riyanto
The change of village into urban village (kelurahan) has an impact on the community, especially the people in the village area that experienced the change. The authority of the village as a unit of law society that has the right to regulate its own interests based on customs that have been going on for...

Is the Future of Higher Education Learning “Blended”: Using Technology to Enhance the Learning Experience

Peter Newcombe
Active learning involves an engagement with the learning materials that is greater than merely passively sitting in a lecture theatre. Blended learning models that include an integration of active face-to-face on-campus learning activities with well-developed online learning activities can assist students...

The Role of Government and Industry toward Vocational Schools and their Impact to Graduates’ Quality of Culinary and Hospitality Students in Makassar

Nahriana Nahriana, Andi Palerangi
This study aims to investigate the contribution or the role of government (X1), industry (X2) toward vocational school (Y) and their impact to graduates’ quality (Z) both direct and indirect contribution. It is a quantitative study. The population of this study was 335 Culinary and Hospitality students...

A Study of Practical Training Module for Application-oriented Undergraduate Tourism Management Based on Student Satisfaction: A Case Study of Tianhua College of Shanghai Normal University

Jiaxiu Guo, Na Hu
Practical teaching plays a key role in training system for tourism professionals. This paper takes the whole student of Tourism Management of Tianhua College of Shanghai Normal University as the research object, and adopts a combination of questionnaire survey and interview method to conduct a research...
Proceedings Article

Development of Student Activity Sheet Scientific Literacy Oriented in Acid-Base Matter

Pipit Soleka Listyaningrum, Bertha Yonata
The aims of the research is to describe the feasibility of student worksheet science literacy oriented in acid-base matter assessed from criteria the validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The type of research uses 4D development method that limited until development stage (Develop). The instrument...

Research on Dynamic Cost Control of Construction Project Based on BIM

Yaxi Wang
This paper expounds the necessity of dynamic cost control of construction projects. This paper introduces the connotation of BIM technology and the advantages of BIM software in project management potential. We also discuss the application of BIM technology in construction project, in order to control...

The Influence of Socio-Economic, Cultural, and Environmental Ethical Factors on the Development of the Capacity of Managing Lake Toba Ecosystem

R. Hamdani Harahap
Lake Toba is one of natural and environmental resources in Samosir Regency; it is the largest lake in Indonesia and famous for its tourism objects. Today, its environmental protection is being threatened by unsustainable development. The objective of this research was to analyze the influence of socio-economic,...
Proceedings Article

Low Sintering Temperature and High Piezoelectric Properties of Tb-doped (Ba0.859 Ca0.141) (Zr0.106 Ti0.894) O3 Using CaCl2 as Sintering Aid

Hao-wei Lu, Jia-qi Lin, Li-zhu Liu
Using CaCl2 as sintering aid, the Tb-doped (Ba0.859 Ca0.141) (Zr0.106 Ti0.894) O3 (BCZT) ceramics were fabricated by conventional solid-state reaction method. The sintering temperature of ceramics decreases from about 1450 down to about 1300 . The SEM micrographs show that all ceramics sintered above...

The analysis of the situations of hot spring tourism in Yunnan

Wen Gao
The preliminary census identified that Yunnan abounds with out the 1266 natural hot springs and water covered, accounting for about one-third of total of hot springs, and the ranking the first among the provinces and regions in China. In nearly few years, Yunnan's tourism industry association suggested...

Studies on the Psychological Health Status for Bi-disadvantaged Students in Secondary Vocational Schools and Its Countermeasures

Qiuwei Jiang, Qiangwei Yan
The students who face the economic difficulties and academic difficulties caused by community are called "Bi disadvantaged students", family and individual factors. The paper takes Bi-disadvantaged Students in Secondary Vocational Schools as the research object, on the basis of psychological measurement...
Proceedings Article

Risk Assessment for Regional Flood Disaster in Hubei Province based on GIS

Dejian Liang, Hong Du, Qian Gui, Tong Su, Zhiqiang Chen
Regional flood disaster risk assessment is an important part of regional flood disaster risk management. Taking the interaction among the disaster causing factors, the hazard inducing environment and the disaster bearing bodies into consideration, the risk assessment index system and model of flood disaster...

Differences between American and Chinese Concepts of Space

Jing Lv
Nonverbal behavior has unique connotations in different cultures. Space, as an important category of nonverbal communication, is interpreted differently from culture to culture. This thesis compares different concepts held by American and Chinese towards space. By the analyses of the roots causing the...

The Internalization of Multiculturalism Values Through literature learning

Johan Arifin, Heri Susanto
Multiculturalism is the identity of a nation which must be understood and internalized in learning practice. Literature learning is an alternative to the internalization of multicultural values. Indonesia is a country that is closely related to nuances of multiculturalism. This situation brings the consequence...

Reading and Writing Skills of Scientific Articles for Undergraduate Students: Benefits and Challenges

Dyah Sunggingwati
This study aims to explore challenges and benefits attained by students when they read scientific articles for their purpose of research outline. Five English education students of the 5th semester in Mulawarman University, Indonesia, participated in this study. They were required to search 12 scientific...

Blater, from Affinity to Tyranny? The Phenomenon of Sole Candidate in the 2015 Local Election in Blitar Regency, Indonesia

Wawan Sobari
Direct election for local leader (pilkada) surveys reveal that the criteria of populist leaders (close to the people) are most desirable, including among Javanese voters. Experts explicate that those findings show evidence of functioning appearances-based inferences (image) constructed by politicians...

The Inheritance of Chinese Traditional Music in College Music Education

Wei Chen
With the globalization of economy, China has closer relations with other countries. Music education in our country also begin to show a diversified musical art form and promote the development of music education in our country. But it also causes the marginalization of traditional music in college music...
Proceedings Article

Literature Metrology Analysis and Application of Internet Public Opinion

Dan Liu
At present, the influence of online public opinion is getting increasingly greater. It is very important to grasp the current situation of online public opinion and predict the future development. In order to find out the status of internet public opinion and guide internet public opinion correctly,...