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188759 articles

The Efficiency Evaluation of Energy Enterprise Group Finance Companies Based on DEA

Lina Jia, Ren Jin Sun, Gang Lin, LiLe Yang
By the end of 2015, about 196 financial companies have been established in China. The energy finance companies accounted for about 25% of the proportion. Energy finance groups has some special character such as the big size of funds, the wide range of business, so the level of efficiency of its affiliated...

Innovative Design Thinking and ItsModel Construction Analysis

Feifei Chen
People who work in the arts should use their imagination vividly and expanding innovative thinking, because thinking is the most unfettered and the most active existence in human's life. Innovation and design thinking are very important for artists, this paper proceed from these two areas, analyzed mode...

The Effect of Operating Cash Flow on the Profit Growth

Agus Widarsono, Mega Rahmawati
This study aims to investigate the effect of operating cash flow to the profit growth. This study employs associative approach. The objective of the study is to obtain the picture concerning operating cash flow, and to depict the mechanism regarding profit growth in State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) bank,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Positive and Negative Emotions based on EEG Signal

Juan Li, Guozhong Liu, Jie Gao
The use of computer technology for emotion recognition is the key to achieve high-level human-computer interaction. Aiming at the research of emotion recognition and classification based on EEG signals, emotional stimulus was designed with positive and negative emotions. The emotion feature extraction...

The Influence of Intercultural Awareness on Acquisition of Linguistic Competence

Hongli Gao, Xianfeng Feng
The linguistic system is part of the social system. The learning of language and the learning of culture can be learned without the other. Therefore, this paper expounds and analyzes the basic opinions of culture and Intercultural communication, discloses the importance and necessity of intercultural...

Analysis of Influencing Factors about University Teachers' Knowledge Collaboration

Wenli Zheng, Juan Huang
Knowledge collaboration would not only increase the teacher ability, but also enhance the competitiveness of the university. Because different knowledge collaboration team has different operational efficiency, the paper analyzes the factors that influence the university teachers' knowledge collaboration...

Teacher Leadership: Promoting a Reflective Practice Model

Endah Yanuarti, David F. Treagust
This paper focuses on the development of a reflective practice model for secondary teachers because it is related to the context of teacher competence standards in Indonesia. The research used a qualitative interpretive approach to examine the teaching pr
Proceedings Article

Study on Compressive Strength and Moisture Content of Different Grades Density of Foam Concrete

Wen-Wu Long, Jing-Song Wang
Influences of curing period and dry density on Moisture content and compressive strength were investigated through eight different densities of foamed concrete be in 650 kg/m³ to 850 kg/m³. The research results show that foam concrete in same age stages with increasing dry density, compressive strength...

An Efficient Delivery System to Control and Eradicate Ebola

Dedi Li
In view of the delivery and distribution of emergency supplies such as vaccine and medication for disaster area of Ebola, an efficient delivery system has been proposed in this paper. Taking into account that there are only several country such as the U.S., Canada, Britain et al. can produce vaccine...
Proceedings Article

Convex-concave property for parabola fitting of Dr. Bridge

J. Huang, S.X. Ding, H.G. Gan, S.F. Zhang
A new method is presented to determine the fitting direction while using Dr. Bridge’s linear editor to model various parabolas in this paper. By considering convex-concave property at monotone interval, parabolas' different shapes are determined. Based on the method, two set of symbols are introduced...
Proceedings Article

An incremental evolutionary algorithm suitable for industrial platform for analog circuit design

Yuehan Gao, Jingsong He
The design of analog circuits by evolutionary algorithm is an approach to automatic design of analog circuits. Applying the method of automatic analog circuit evolutionary design in engineering application has practical values. However, it also results in a lot of time-consuming. The purpose of this...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Competitiveness of Power Enterprises Based on the Entropy Method

Yan Lin, Xiao-juan Tang
With the gradual reform of power system and the strong competition of power enterprises, it is extremely important to analyze the enterprise competitiveness accurately. Thus a tool is urgently needed to evaluate the competitiveness of power enterprises effectively. Combined with entropy method and an...

Influence Factors and Construction Strategy of R & D Team Psychological Safety

Xiang-Dong Feng, Bao-Liang Cao, Nian-Bai Li, Han-Song Che, Wei Yu
Psychological safety is one of the important variables in determining the overall performance of the team. Influence factors on R & D team psychological safety include social culture, team management, learning competition, personnel personality and the characteristics of research and development work....
Proceedings Article

Gait Recognition Method by Combining Legs Region with Entire Gait Image

Kai Li, Guochao Wang
Gait recognition method based on the feature combination of gait image and its region bounded by legs is proposed. Firstly, all the Eigenvectors correspond to nonnegative Eigenvalues of the entire scatter matrix of training samples are selected to compose a lower-dimension transform space. In this transform...
Proceedings Article

Seminar-based Teaching Course Reform and Course Practice for the Solid Geophysics II

Zhang Yuanzhong
The new mode of the postgraduate theoretical course teaching is discussed based on the seminar-based course reform and course practice in the paper. With seminar-based teaching course reform of the Solid Geophysics II, the postgraduate student actively participates in the theoretical course study and...

The Characters’ Schizophrenia as seen in Bulan Nararya Novel

Indah Nurcahyati, Burhan Nurgiyantoro, Zalik Nuryana
This research is aimed to describe the mental symptoms and disorders as occur on the characters of Bulan Nararya novel. This research uses qualitative descriptive method with literature psychology. Through this approach, the schizophrenia mental disorder as experienced by the characters will be analyzed...

Cardiovascular risk factors in semi-urban communities in southwest Nigeria: Patterns and prevalence

Rotimi Oluyombo, Michael A. Olamoyegun, Oluwasegun Olaifa, Sandra O. Iwuala, Oluwole A. Babatunde
Pages: 167 - 174
Introduction: Over 80% of cardiovascular deaths take place in low- and middle-income countries; most of these deaths are due to modifiable risk factors. The study aimed at estimating the prevalence and pattern of major cardiovascular risk factors in both men and women older than 18 years. Methods: This...

Possible Economic Benefits from Mandatory Workplace Health Management Systems

Thomas Schiller
The increasing incidence of employee health issues generates high costs for employers as well as for the insurers. By reviewing the literature on different forms of integrated workplace health management systems, we find that by implementing just a few prevention measures, positive returns can be achieved...

Impact Of NDVI Change To Spatial Distribution Of Land Surface Temperature (A Study in Medan City, Indonesia)

Riki Rahmad, Ali Nurman, Kamarlin Pinem
This study aims to determine: (1) spatial-temporal variations in land surface temperature in Medan City, (2) spatial-temporal variations in vegetation index values (NDVI) in Medan City, (3) the relationship between LST and NDVI in Medan City. The design of this research is correlational and population...
Proceedings Article

Global Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Control Law Design of a Quadrotor

Hwachou Chen, Haiyun Chen, Ping Xu
The conventional sliding mode control cannot converge to zero in finite time, and it has a feeble robustness because of its linear sliding mode surface with uncertain variable disturbances, in order to solve these problems, this paper presents an adaptive global fast terminal sliding mode control (GFTSMC)...

Management Consulting in the General Education System: Feedback Mechanism in Civil Society

A.A. Arinushkina
Over the past 5 years, significant changes have occurred in terms of requests from consumers of consulting services in the educational sector. Quality management, internal audit are superseded by requests for consulting support of projects in the field of “improving school leadership” and “consultancy...

The Influence of the Effectiveness of Leadership Style on Performance of Employees

Nova Rahmawati Chaidir, Eeng Ahman
The effectiveness of leadership style is an important factor in influencing the performance of employees. This research aims to know the influence of the effectiveness of leadership style on performance of employees in the Directorate of human resources of PT Bio Farma (Persero). The population of the...

The Development of “Tomira” Village Cooperatives (Koperasi Unit Desa/KUD) in Kulon Progo Regency

Fulia Aji Gustaman
Many people-oriented economic models have been developed by several countries in the world. One of them is cooperative economic model which applied in Indonesia. There are some interesting and worth things to be examined related to the development of cooperatives in Indonesia. One of them is a cooperative...

Research on the Design and Practice of Scaffolding Teaching in Building fire Engineering Course with Professional Direction

Ying Song, Haixia Li, Junwei Shi, Hongyuan Shao, Chao Mu
In close combination with the current examination outline of registered fire engineers, the teaching design of the Building Fire Engineering course is constructed to cultivate students who are good at learning and innovating, and to improve students' ability to link theory with practice based on the...

Strategies for Promoting the Construction of Educational Creative Virtual Communities

Zhijin Liu, Wenli Bao
As a virtual learning organization, public virtual community has become an important platform and carrier for educators to learn and innovate educational resources. In this paper, we use questionnaires and data analysis methods to quantitatively analyze the influencing factors of members' activities...

Woman Identity as Matriarch (PEKKA) in Muncar, Banyuwangi

Himmiyatul Amanah
Subdistrict of Muncar that located in Banyuwangi is one of subdistrict with the largest population in Banyuwangi. It also triggered the number of woman as matriarch (PEKKA), there are 691 inhabitants divided into two villages, there are 364 inhabitants in Tapanrejo and 327 inhabitants in Tambakrejo....

Psychological representation of an emergency situation in the professional activity of railway employees

Darya Pyatun
The article discusses the phenomenon of “psychological space”, a brief theoretical analysis of the psychological space is conducted one of the methodological procedures for studying the features of the psychological space of emergency situations is tested. The empirical material was compiled on the basis...

The Use of YouTube as a Geography Learning Source in High Schools

Ellese Sulistianingsih, Mukminan
At present, learning source is available not only in printed books but also on the Internet, such as YouTube. YouTube has made it easy for its users to get the information needed in the form of videos. This is a survey study with exploration purpose. This research uses questionnaires to obtain the data...

Grammatical Difficulties in Using Simple Present Tense in Presenting Spoken Exposition Text by The Second Year of MAN 2 Padang Students

Ratmanida Ratmanida, An Fauzia Rozani Syafei, Anisa Wahyuni
Simple present tense is one of language features of exposition text studied by senior high school students. However, there are still some difficulties faced by the students in using simple present tense in speaking. The aim of this research is to describe students’ difficulties in using simple present...

Quality Assurance of Classroom Management for Spiritual Values-Oriented Learning

Aceng Muhtaram Mirfani
This paper presents alternative ideas to answer the challenge of how the actualization of the contents of spiritual values, which are in accordance with the national context, can be guaranteed in the education system that takes place in the midst of global life. One of the most important and fundamental...

Celebrity Worship on Early Adult K-Pop Fangirling

Dini Cahyani, Yulia Purnamasari
The development of the Korean wave in Asia, especially in Indonesia becomes a phenomenon that is widely discussed not only among adolescents but also lively discussed among early adults. The love of music or drama originating in Korea gave birth to a term of fangirl or female fans. Starting from a sense...

Feasibility Analysis on Application of Dynamic Assessment in Flipped Classroom of College English

Jiaqi Wei
The research on flipped classroom of college English is experiencing transition from the theoretical phase to the practical phase. In this new classroom teaching mode, traditional non-dynamic teaching assessment is no longer applicable.This study puts forward the hypothesis of applying dynamic assessment...

Children and Nature in a Picture Book “Our Big Home”: An earth poem–ecocriticism

Andi Febriana Tamrin
All the living creatures and nature cannot be separated, especially humans as one of the living creatures. Humans depend on the environment as the source of their lives. The purposes of this research are: (i) to reveal the medium of what binds the children and nature, (ii) to portray the bonds between...

Understanding of Kindergarten Teachers of the 2013 Curriculum of Early Childhood Education

Rohita Rohita, Hesti Hapsari Sekarlawu
Curriculum 2013 Early Childhood Education (ECE) is a curriculum that applies in the world of child education in Indonesia today. In this regard, Kindergarten teachers must be able to understand the 2013 ECE Curriculum (K13) so that they can provide various activities and experiences that can optimize...

The Significance of Islamic Education in Building the Perfection of Moral

Muhammad Amri, La ode Ismail Ahmad
The purpose of. The research is a qualitative approach to literatures. The focus of research is the significance of Islamic education in building the moral perfection. Sources of primary data in this study in the form of words or theories that exist in the various references of data in forms of literature...

Suffering Is the Pinnacle of Life On the Consciousness of Suffering in Lu Yao's Works

Lei Li, Yanni Li, Yi Zhang, Zheng Wan
“Suffering” seems to have become an imprint of Lu Yao’s life and his works, and cannot be erased. This "suffering" has his unique style and consciousness is aesthetically pleasing. Studying his suffering consciousness has an important contemporary significance for better understanding and learning of...

The Influence Of The Independent Intervention Program Training And Workshop On Cognitive Skills Of Parents Of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Rudi Susilana, Angga Hadiapurwa, Herlina Herlina, Helli Ihsan, Sitti Chotidjah
The training and workshop of Independent Intervention Program (Program Intervensi Mandiri or PIM) aim at raising the awareness of parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and giving them skills to design their own independent intervention program. These objectives are based on the fact...

The Effect of Team Work and Motivation of Nurses’ Work on the Quality of Health Services at a Military Hospital in Indonesia

Budi Santoso, Yetti Supriyati, Abdul Hadi Djamal
This research is to investigate the effect of team work and motivation of nurse’s work on quality of health services at a military hospital in Indonesia. This research is a quantitative research method survey with analysis approach path analysis with sample as many as 147 nurses. The way to collect the...

Research on the Influencing Factors of the Willingness to Share Knowledge in WeChat Moments

Hongting Xie, Juan Zhu
Social networks are important platforms for people in modern society to share information knowledge ,one of which is WeChat Moments. Investigating the influencing factors affecting users' willingness to share knowledge is of great significance both for the dissemination of knowledge and for exploring...

Incorporating Outdoor Learning into School System in Indonesia: A Preliminary Study

Siti Setyawan, Siti Dwiningrum, Almando Geraldi
Recently, there is an increasing awareness of the importance of outdoor activities in Indonesia which followed by the increasing popularity of nature schools and regular schools with integrated outdoor learning facilities. To understand the current status of outdoor learning implementation in elementary...
Proceedings Article

Design of Automated Warehouse Based on Computer Simulation

Shi-ya Qiu, Si-qi Zhang
As/RS (Automated Storage and Retrieval System) is an important part of modern logistics System, which is widely used in various industries. At present, it has become one of the signs of enterprise production and management informatization. In this paper, the method of software simulation aided design...

Spatial Macro Pattern of Belandingan Bali Aga Village

Ni G. A. Diah Ambarwati Kardinal, I Komang Gede Santhyasa, I Nyoman Harry Juliarthana, Komang Wirawan
Fifteen Bali Aga Village is designated as a supporting village for geopark batur which has been declare as world geopark by UNESCO. One of the fifteen village is Belandingan village. Information about Belandingan village is difficult to obtain. Even though Belandingan village also keeps the uniqueness...

Current Situation and Prospect Analysis of Cycling Tourism in Zhuhai City, China

Kai Liu, Weijie Li
With the continuous development of the social economy, the public's requirements for a healthy living environment and lifestyle have become more and more urgent. A new format of the industry, the development of cycling tourism is not only a fashion logo, but also a low-carbon economic behavior, which...

Sustainability Challenges: An Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Assistance Program for Vocational Schools

Siti Nabilah, R Madhakomala, Matin
Vocational school has play important roles in providing skillful employer for business and industry in most region of the world. Therefore, most of government had specific attention and budget allocated to ensure that the quality of the graduates will meets the requirements of the business and industry....
Proceedings Article

Senduduk (Melastoma malabathricum L.) Extract as a Green-Indicator for Monitoring Shrimp Freshness

Aliefia Noor, Evi.J, Safitri Mustari, Afriani Aisyah, Tiandho Fitri, Yuant
The freshness of shrimp is the main priority for consumers. Nutrition and taste of seafood are directly proportional to its freshness. After seafood spoil, the anaerobic metabolism will produce ammonia compounds. In this article, the senduduk (Melastoma malabathricum L.) extract is used to monitor shrimp...

Design and Application of Micro-class Platform for Engineering Training under Credit System

Jianhua Cao, Xuhui Xia, Lei Wang, Xiang Liu
In order to speed up the construction of online open courses and platforms suitable for practical training, we established a WeChat public platform based on the WeChat service platform, which integrates teaching management, micro-class, learning, innovation and competition. The platform fully embody...

Creativity of International Development Strategies and Audit of Entities' Financial Management

Tetyana Calinescu, Ganna Likhonosova, Olena Zelenko
The article presents the author's vision of the construction of creative international strategies for the development of forms of financial management of business entities. The creativity of behavioural finance in the article is based on the fact that the behaviour of the main shareholder turns out to...
Proceedings Article

Risk Factors of Dementia in Elderly at Nursing Home

Lisna Anisa Fitriana, Slamet Rohaedi, Sri Sumartini, Linda Amalia, Lilis Komariyah
Dementia is a deficit of intellectual function, including language disorders, cognition, personality, visuospatial skills and memories of daily activities. The purposed of this study is to identify the risk factors of dementia in elderly at nursing home. The research design used is correlative descriptive...

SAIFU: Supporting Program Understanding by Automatic Indexing of Functionalities in Source Code

Masashi Nishimoto, Keiji Nishiyama, Hideyuki Kawabata, Tetsuo Hironaka
Pages: 167 - 174
Programs in the event-driven style that are typical of mobile and/or Web applications are becoming complex and hard to maintain. For the purpose of reducing the burden put on software developers while reading source code to understand its details, we propose a tool for supporting program understanding,...
Proceedings Article

Research on Fatigue For AlN - Cu Plate Jointed By DBC Method For Semi-Conductor Substrate

Qiao Ling Zhang, Ting Ai, Hao Kang
A elastic-plastic analysis of AlN/Cu jointing plate was performed by FEM to study the residual stress produced in the jointing-cooling process. This residual stress due to the difference of thermal expansion coefficient between ceramics and metal was analyzed, considering the presence of initial defects...