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1578 articles

The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Organizational Buying Behaviour: MICE in Three-Star Hotel from Indonesia

Suci Pebrianti Putri, Atik Aprianingsih
During pandemic, hotel is suffering from low occupancy rates that hotel cannot solely rely on the room sales. MICE as another product of hotel is identified as alternative revenue stream that can be focused on for hotel to survive. This study aims to analyze the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on organizational...
Proceedings Article

An Added Value Analysis of Chicken Meat Products at PT. Sierad Produce Tbk

Akhmad Mahbubi, Acep Muhib, Denanda Putri
An added value analysis was performed on 16 processed chicken products, consisting of 11 types of Chicken Nugget products, 2 types of meatball products, Chicken Golden Fillet, Fried Chicken, and Spicy Wing. By employing Hayami method, we find the added value of 16 processed chicken products at PT Sierad...
Proceedings Article

The Efficacy of Chitosan Toothpaste Based White Shrimp (Litopenaeus Vannamei) to Decrease Streptococcus Mutans Colonies in Children with Early Childhood Caries

Yunita Feby Ramadhany, Harun Achmad, Putri Khairunnisa, Mardiana Mardiana
Caries are common in early childhood. The prevalence of early childhood caries according to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry is 57.7%. One of the causes is Streptococcus mutans bacteria. The most effective method to prevent plaque accumulation is to brush the teeth with toothpaste. Chitosan...
Proceedings Article

HIV/AIDS Acceptance and Access to Health Care Services on Female Sex Workers

Fitriana Putri Utami, Ratu Matahari
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that every year there are 350 million new Sexual Transmitted Infection (STI) sufferers in developing countries. Areas with a high prevalence of STIs are accompanied by a high prevalence of HIV / AIDS which is found in many high-risk sexual behaviors. One...
Proceedings Article

The Level of Thermal Comfort in Residential Houses Based on the Shape, Orientation and Material of Roof Cover in Kampong (Case Study: RT.05/RW.04, Kamal, Kalideres, Jakarta Barat)

Anggraeni Dyah Sulistiowati, Betaviane Indah Putri
Kampung Kota (KK) is a form of urban area settlement in Indonesia. KK is a characteristic of big cities that still carry the environment and behavior of rural life, dense buildings, densely populated. Also, urban villages are characterized by low per capita income, developing without regular patterns....
Proceedings Article

The Relation Availability of Facilities and Family Support with Covid-19 Prevention

Mellia Fransiska, Deviana Susanti, Evi Susanti, Ayu Nurdiyan, Rima Berlian Putri, Debby Ratno Kustanto, Rahmi Kurnia Gustin
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease that has become a global pandemic. The number of cases of COVID-19 continues to increase from year to year. Covid-19 cases in Payakumbuh City until December 2020 were 592 cases. One of the enabling and reinforcing factors in preventing Covid-19...

How Do Websites with a Sustainability Concept Affect Consumers’ Repurchase Intentions?

Yulia Hamdaini Putri, Hera Febria Mavilinda, Mohammad Adam, Zakaria Wahab, Mucshin Saggaff Shihab, Islahuddin Daud
A The website is a media promotion that is widely used by consumers today to find product information before making a purchase. In this case the concept of a website should be directed and measurable, for example skincare companies using websites to build a company image and encourage customer repeat...

Iwan Tirta’s Batik Campaign for Indonesian Millenials

Putri Nur Rahmawati, Tria Patrianti
Batik is an intangible cultural heritage by United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) on October 2, 2009. Now in the modern fashion world, batik not interesting for millenials, because they think batik is something old. Iwan tirta as company that is concerned with batik,...

Resistance of Colonial Power in Student Hidjo’s Novel by Mas Marco Kartodikromo

Eka Putri Febrianawati, Else Liliani
This study aims to describe the forms of resistance represented in the form of hibrididas, mimicry, and ambivalence contained in Student Hidjo's novel by Mas Marco Kartodikromo. The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive. The source of this research data is Student Hidjo's (SH) novel by...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Gargling Old Coconut Water (Cocos Nucifera L.) on the Salivary Flow Rate and Ph in Students of Sman 10 Fajar Harapan Banda Aceh

Ridha Andayani, Putri Rahmi Noviyandri, Alya Husna
Saliva is a complex oral fluid consisting of 99% water that serves as a protector of teeth and mouth against influences from outside and inside oral cavity. Saliva is influenced by several components, including salivary flow rate and pH. Salivary flow rate and pH can change due to mechanical stimulation...
Proceedings Article

The Growth Curve and Total Colonies Number of Lactobacillus spp on the Pink Guava (Psidium guajava Linnaeus) Juice Medium

Eka Noneng Nawangsih, Putri Heryani Kusnawan, Maman Djamaludin
Probiotics are bacteria that are beneficial to human health. Probiotic drinks from cow milk medium use carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals for its fermentation process. Pink guava fruit has a higher content of fructose, glucose, sucrose, vitamins (B1-B3) and phosphorus and is non-cholesterol than cow...

Mirroring of Learning Baris Dance at Sanggar Pusbitari in Bandung City

Syifa Silviana Putri, Juju Masunah
Sanggar Pusat Bina Tari (Pusbitari) based in Bandung City, it has one kind of program study that had organize activity course or training Sundanese dance for general. This Article aim to discuss the result of research about how to process the study of dancing at Sanggar Pusbitari, especially the method...

Government Policy Design to Improve Taxpayer Compliance in Paying Local Taxes in Bandar Lampung

Marlia Eka Putri A.T., Yuswanto, Nurmayani, M. D. Abiezzart Marga H.
Tax Compliance is a classic problem facing tax authorities around the world. Efforts to increase tax compliance have also been around for a long time to the attention of the tax authorities. The same goes for problems taxpayer compliance in Bandar Lampung City which is still low, for example, the case...

A study on short momentum phenomenon

Werner R. Murhadi, Dita Yohana Putri Abrianto
This study aimed at examining the phenomenon of short-term momentum in the Southeast Asian capital market. The sample capital markets were Singapore, Thailand, and Indonesia, with years of observation over the 2014 to 2016 period. Tests were carried out using the one-sample t-test to test whether there...
Proceedings Article

Manganese Oxide Synthesis of Birnessite Type Using Sol-Gel Method for Methylene Blue Degradation

Prasetya, Yola Prihardini Sasqia Putri, Yuhelson, Amir Awaluddin
The need for catalysts for effective and environmentally friendly waste degradation is increasing. Manganese oxide has a layered structure which is theoretically capable of producing catalysis properties. The synthesis was done through variation of mole ratio of precursors and time of washing. The variations...
Proceedings Article

Characterization and Antibacterial Activity Test of Hand Sanitizer Gel Ethanol Extract Ficus lyrata Warb Against Escherichia coli Bacteria

Dwi Wira, Selly Putri, Efri Mardawati, Hilma Kamila, Roostita Balia
Diarrhea is a disease caused by the lack of maintenance of hand hygiene. One of the pathogenic bacteria that causes diarrheal disease is Escherichia coli. The way to maintain the hygiene of the hands of pathogenic bacterial attacks is to use antiseptic. The type of antiseptic that can be applied is Hand...

Indonesian Republic Government’s Role in Handling Refugees in Pekanbaru According to the Presidential Regulation Number 125 of 2016 concerning Handling Refugees

Fithriatus Shalihah, Uni Tsulasi Putri
This study aims to find out the government’s role in handling refugees from abroad and analyze obstacles affecting the implementation of government policies according to Indonesian presidential regulation number 125 of 2016 in handling refugees at the Pekanbaru Immigration Detention House (IDH). This...

Educational Mobile Game as an Interpretive Media Tool

Juniza Zamri, Tenku Putri Norishah Tenku Shariman
The Kokdiang Fun Run mobile game is an example of an interpretive media tool used to attract tourists’ interest to further explore tourist sites. Developed according to the requirements of an interpretive media tool, as recommended by Ginting and Sasmita (2018), the mobile game indicates the various...

Marketing Strategy and Self-efficacy on MSME Performance

Eskasari Putri, Bandi Bandi
Strategy and belief in one’s abilities are factors that are certainly needed by business owners from small to large. Both can be steps in facing challenges and various environmental situations in the changing business world to achieve good business performance. This quantitative study aims to analyze...

Child engagement in Female Prisoners

Alifah Aulia Putri Difayanti, Fadilah Purnama Wulandari A. Djulian, Kencana Andini Rahmawati, Ma’rifatul Ika Noviyanti, Fathul Lubabin Nuqul, Rr. Ayu Sri Widyarini
The mother, who is the lifeblood of a child, is not always in an ideal situation to educate her child. Many mothers have to face the law as a result of their actions. They must live in the penitentiary to account for their actions. Based on the Directorate General of Prisons data in 2021, there are 9,152...

Execution of Mortgage Object Against Bankruptcy Debtors

Isdian Anggraeny, Ana Fauzia, Fitria Esfandiari, Nur Putri Hidayah, Sholahudin Al-Fatih, Isdiyana Kusuma Ayu
The problems arise when the company is unable to pay its debts to the bank and then the bank submits a legal remedy for bankruptcy which results in the debtor (company) being declared bankrupt. So that in the event the debtor has been declared bankrupt, the curator will carry out the execution process...

Government Policy on Refocusing Activity and Re-allocation Budget of Local Government in Pandemic and New Normal Period

Mailinda Eka Yuniza, Melodia Puji Inggarwati, Ni Nengah Dhea Riska Putri Nandita
The Corona Virus Disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic has prompted the Indonesian government to take several strategic policies to ensure the fulfillment of public services that should be provided by the government, including local governments. For this reason, the government issued a policy which is called...

The Effect of Hand-Eye Coordination and Gender on the Children Ability of Object Controlling

Jonni, Engga Randa Putra, Suci Nanda Sari, Lucy Pratama Putri, Risky Syahputra, Syahrial Bakhtiar
This study aims to see the effect of hand-eye coordination and gender on the ability of the object control. This research involved 48 children from kindergarten schools of Pariaman. The instrument used to obtain data on student hand-eye coordination is the MABC 2 subtest, namely catching and aiming,...

The Accountability of the Village Fund Allocation Management at Jenggawah Village, Jember Regency

Dessy Putri Andini, Arisona Ahmad
This study aims to identify and assess the accountability of the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) management in Jenggawah Village from the planning, implementation, and responsibility. This research uses a qualitative descriptive study with three data collection techniques, namely interviews, field observations,...

Implementation of Forecasting Hedging Model During the Covid-19 Pandemic with the Event Windows Approach to Asean Stock Prices 6

Supriyanto, Putri Irmala Sari, Maulana Agung Pratama
This study was conducted to analyze the stock exchanges of ASEAN 6 (Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, and Thailand) related to the dynamics of daily stock prices including the decline during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This data is described as a time series comprised of daily inventory...

A Learning Quality in Master Program of Educational Administration

Asti Putri Kartiwi, Aris Nupan, Romlan
The quality of learning has always been an important issue in an educational institution. The quality of learning can be seen from a variety of different points of view because it is a dynamic concept according to the development of the times. In the future, the quality of learning, especially in higher...

The Nursing Implementation of Monitoring Blood Glucose in Increasing the Stability of Blood Glucose Level in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

Abdul Gani, Ira Kusumawaty, Sherli Shobur, Marisa Kartika Putri
Diabetes Mellitus is characterized by an increase in blood sugar level and this condition is treated by giving insulin injections. Overdose of insulin will cause hypoglycemia hence it’s important to independently check blood glucose levels. This research aims to obtain an overview of the implementation...

Implementation of the Reallocation of Village Funds During the Covid 19 Pandemic

Dessy Putri Andini, Arisona Ahmad, Avisenna Harkat, Firsttantri Izza Aryanti
This study aims to identify the implementation of reallocation of village funds during the covid 19 pandemics. This study uses qualitative descriptive research by conducting interviews, field observations, and document analysis. The study results show that, in general, the implementation of the reallocation...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Knowledge and Medication Adherence in Hypertensive Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study in Gunung Putri Hospital Purwakarta

Deitra Rifqah Oktaviani, Shirly Gunawan
Hypertension is a global health problem that can cause death or is commonly called the Silent Killer. According to Riskesdas 2013 and 2018, the prevalence of hypertension is relatively high, increasing 8.3% and 25.8% to 34.1%, respectively. Hypertension is found in 12.54% of the population in Purwakarta....

Workplace Spirituality as Mediation of Spiritual Leadership to Affective Commitment

Rini Juni Astuti, Septiana Putri Haryani
This study aims to analyze the effect of spiritual leadership on affective commitment with workplace spirituality as a mediating variable. The subjects in this study were employees of the inpatient section who worked at Djojonegoro General Hospital, Temanggung. In this study, the sample involved 71 respondents....

The Effect of Self-Efficacy and Adversity Quotient on Work Readiness through Work Motivation in College Students

Study on Students of Office Administration Education Study Program, State University of Malang

Andi Basuki, Putri Rizka Amala, B. Moch. Yusufa Albar
Students who graduate from college are expected to be qualified and ready to enter the workforce. This expectation can be supported by a number of factors, including self-efficacy, adversity quotient (AQ), and work motivation to meet the challenges of the large number of unemployed university graduates....

Law Enforcement as an Effort to Control Environmental Damage Due to Sand Mining in the Progo River, Yogyakarta

Solichah Novyana Putri, Fajriya Kurniawati
This study aims to determine law enforcement in controlling environmental damage due to sand mining on the Progo River, Yogyakarta. This type of research is doctrinal research. The approach taken uses a statutory and conceptual approach. The technique of collecting legal materials used in this legal...

Evaluating Integrated International Community Services in Malaysia: The Benefits and Possible Improvements

Dias Tiara Putri Utomo, Abdul Rokhman, Finaty Ahsanah
In light of the importance of understanding real situation in the community, it is imperative that higher education institutions provide students opportunities with activities off the campus. In 2022, the Association of Educational Institution of Muhammadiyah- Aisyiyah Universities (ALPTKPTM) launched...

Determinants of Sukuk Issuance with Mediating Role of Effective Tax Rate

Dewi Setyawati Putri Ibnu, Arief Wibisono Lubis
Sukuk market has continued to grow over the past two decades, yet researches on determinants of sukuk over conventional bond issuance have produced mixed findings. Previous researches also leave a puzzle why asset tangibility is insignificant to sukuk issuance. To contribute to this debate and answer...

Penyengat Island Gastrodiplomacy as World Heritage Support

Anastasia Wiwik Swastiwi, Herry Wahyudi, Rizqi Apriani Putri, Kustiawan Kustiawan, Glory Yolanda Yahya, Mimi Audia Zulha
Penyengat Island is a tourist attraction and national cultural heritage in Tanjungpinang City, Riau Archipelago. Regulations issued by the government regarding the preservation of Cultural Heritage provide the broadest possible opportunities for the community's economic interests. The culinary icon...

The Struggle of Papuan Women in Attaining Self-Existence in the Novel Isinga by Dorothea Rosa Herliany

Utia Putri Utami, Yuni Pratiwi
Existence of women begins with a form of resistance to the society’s behavior that women is in a lower position than men. In social life, women’s move mostly restricted. This patriarchy system that grows in society causes violence and gender inequality. This study aims to find out the form of struggle,...

Factors Influencing Career Interest in the Tourism Industry (Case Study on Students of the National University Tourism Study Program)

Putri Aulia Ardani, Gagih Pradini
This study aims to analyze the influence of socioeconomic, environmental, and life outlook factors on the career interests of National University Tourism Study Program students in the tourism industry. This study used quantitative methods using Likert measuring devices with primary data obtained from...

The Influence of Attitude and Herding on the Credit Decision-Making of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises

Alvianita Gunawan Putri, Nungki Pradita, Ika Rosyada Fitriati
This research aims to analyse the influence of attitude and inner group (herding) in making credit decision by micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) person. The samples of this research was conducted with 150 samples of 1350 units population of MSMEs in Salatiga and using purposive sampling technique...

Enhancing concentration through Dayak's beaded crafts

D.N. Rahayu, P.A. Putri, L. Puji
The purpose of this study is to find out the concentration enhancement of Elementary Students after they were given the Dayak's beaded craft beading training. The design of the study is quantitative by experimental approach. The sample of this research was 30 elementary students of SD 001 Samarinda Ilir....

Production of Biodiesel Through Transesterification of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Using Montmorillonite Nanoparticles (Nano-MMT) as Heterogeneous Solid Catalyst

Tisna Harmawan, Windi Ani, Putri Andani, Teuku Andi Fadlly
Biodiesel is an alternative energy that is environmentally friendly and has properties similar to diesel oil. One source of vegetable oil that can be used as raw material for biodiesel is Crude Palm Oil (CPO). In the CPO, there are various types of fatty acids such as palmitic acid, oleic acid, linoleic...

Experienced Workplace Incivility in Millennial Nurses

Reny Yuniasanti, Dian Sartika Sari, Mufit Nur Aizzah Kusuma Putri
Mental Health for nurses is very important during covid-19 pandemic. Harassment occurs when nurses work, it can be by leaders, co workers or patients as clients, one of the harassment that experienced by nurses but appears to be normal is one of disrespect behavior in work or it is called workplace incivility...
Proceedings Article

The Urgency of Universal Health Coverage Policy for the Implementation of Public Health Services During the Covid-19 Pandemic

S. Dhike Putri, Gayatri Dyah Suprobowati
Health services are a basic need that is included in the Mandatory Government Affairs relating to Basic Services. Hospitals, puskesmas or similar institutions carry out health services as a form of interpretation of the duties and authorities of local governments. With the supervision process, the implementation...

Aspects of Visual Aspects in Considerations of Design of Eating Facilities at Jatigede Sumedang Reservoir

Aprizal, Sheila Putri
Waduk Jatigede is an artificial reservoirs made by government, which has begun flooded in August 2015 ago. The inundation takes 26 villages in the area Sumedang, West Java. Because of the flooding, the villagers that were evacuated becomes not had a stable job as it used to, that became farmers. Since...

Measurement of Vocational High School Teachers Professionalism

Imam Gunawan, Firda Dwi Pratiwi, Nandy Wahyu Nur Setya, Abida Ferindistika Putri, Nadya Nanda Sukawati, Firman Budi Santoso, Siti Khusnul Rofiah, Nurul Hidayati
Teacher professionalism is a topic that will always be interesting to discuss. The teacher is a profession that is noble in the view of society. The spearhead of the quality of education lies in the professionalism and teaching performance of teachers. The purpose of this study was to determine the level...
Proceedings Article

Adult Laryngeal Hemangioma: A Rare Case Report

Fauzia Latifah Supriyadi, Novialdi, Putri Sari Ivanny, Pamelia Mayorita
Introduction Benign vascular tumors known as hemangiomas are frequently observed in the head and neck area. Hemangiomas are more common in infantile and can regress spontaneously. In adults, laryngeal hemangioma is extremely rare. They may occur in supraglottic and glottic regions that...

Inequality Impact of MSME Assistance in Indonesia on Urban Migration in the Post Pandemic Era

Nana Nurwaesari, Putri Maulidiyah, Dian May Fitri
Since the Covid-19 outbreak, MSMEs have become one of the most affected economic sectors. In August 2020, the Central Government of Indonesia officially launched a special program to help MSMEs namely the Direct Cash Assistance (DCA) amounting to 2.4 million rupiah, which later this amount reduced to...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Characteristics Associated with Cervical Precancerous Lesions in Women of Reproductive Age

Hendri Devita, Novi Sari, Putri Pasalina
Cervical precancerous lesions are changes in the cell nucleus before cervical cancer occurs. The prevalence of cervical cancer in Indonesia is in second place in 2020 (17.2%). At the Padang Pasir Public Health Center, 56 positive cases were found in 2019. This study was to analyze the relationship between...

A3! Visual Novel Game as an Audio-Visual Media that Motivates Japanese Language Learning

Amalia Putri, Nurul Zia Aida, Renindra Atsilah Putri, Tazkia Syifa Arrahmah, Dewi Kusrini
Audio-visual is one of many learning media that may be utilized in language learning. Games are an example of audio-visual media, which is a means for transmitting information with both audio (sound) and visual (picture) characteristics. A3! is a visual novel game with a Japanese setting. The game includes...

Identification of Badminton Club Development Pattern in District/City Under PBSI of Central Java

Hermawan Pamot Raharjo, Agus Darmawan, Dwi Tiga Putri, Tommy Soenyoto
The last 5 years of badminton in Central Java are experiencing a decline in achievement; this can be seen in the results of PON XVI only getting 1 gold medal. The development of athletes starts from the clubs under the auspices of Indonesian Badminton Association (PBSI) and is very large in improving...

Electricity Consumption and Gross Regional Domestic Product Nexus in Kalimantan Selatan Province: Cointegration and Causality Analysis

Karina Shella Putri, Hafidz Noor Fikri
This paper examines the direction of the long-run and short-run causality between electricity consumption and real GRDP in South Kalimantan Province. The time series used in testing is annual data from 2000 to 2018. The analysis of cointegration shows that electricity consumption and GRDP do not have...