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188759 articles

Research on Supply Chain Finance Model based on Agricultural Logistics Park Information Platform

Hui Ye, Xiaolan Hu, Meie Xie
The difficulty of financing in agricultural production is a key issue that restricts the development of agriculture. As an integrator of agricultural supply chain, agricultural logistics park has advantages in resource integration. Based on the information platform of agricultural logistics park, this...

Risk Passport as an Effective Measure to Overcome Negative Consequences in the Conditions of Enterprise Functioning

Julia Golubyatnikova, Olga Charykova
The nature and content of the risk passport are considered, an algorithm for its implementation in the enterprise of the agricultural sector is provided in the article. A set of information about the risk area, risk criteria, as well as instructions on the necessary methods application to manage or minimize...

The Importance of Communicative Action to the Successful AIDS-Responsive Structured Peer Education

Argyo Dermatoto, Siti Zunariyah, Bhisma Murti
Peer education is one of intervention activities to change health behavior in coping with AIDS. The objective of research was to study the importance of communicative action to the successful AIDS-responsive structured peer education of housewives. This qualitative research with exploratory approach...

Phenomenological Study on Motivation for Wearing Hijab Among College Students: Study on Students of Muhammadiyah University of Malang

Zulfany Safira Nabila, Karisma Dewi Puspasari
Hijab is fashion character for a muslim woman. The majority of college students on the campus are wearing hijab. The purpose of this study is to: 1) know about collegian understandingthat hijab is obligatory, 2) know the motivation for wearing hijab in collegian of Muhammadiyah University of Malang....

Development of Nusantara Arts-Based Fine Arts Appreciation Learning Model in Cultural Art Learning for Improving the Aesthetic Experience of 8th Grade Students of Junior High School

Julius Hade Putra, Ramalis Hakim
This Research is aimed to describe the development of Nusantara Arts-Based Fine Arts Appreciation learning model in cultural arts subjects to enhance the aesthetic experience of eighth-grade junior high school students. The main data sources in this study were 20 culture arts teachers from 20 junior...
Proceedings Article

Synthesis and Characterization of Flower-like Clewed PbTiO3 Nanowires Prepared by Hydrothermal Method

Yunlei Zhao, Zhiqiang Chen, Yu Deng
Flower-like clewed PbTiO3 (PT) nanowires have been synthesized using hydrothermal method. The nanowire have an average length of 0.5μm and a mean diameter of 10–20 nm, the clews have average diameters of 1μm. With tetragonal lattice structure, the clewed PT nanowire grow along the (001) direction. The...
Proceedings Article

Optimizing Woven Fabric Defect Detection using Image Processing and Fuzzy Logic Method at PT. Buana Intan Gemilang

Ratna Safitri, Tatang Mulyana
The development of textile industry which 3rd position in the largest export values in Indonesia prove that the quality of textile must be one of factors that should be considered for all of textile companies. Buana Intan Gemilang is one of the companies that produce woven fabric. This company’s produce...

Curriculum Development Procedure in Unswagati Cirebon

I. Robia Khaerudin, Lien Maulina
This research aims to get an overview of the procedures for curriculum development in University of Gunung Jati (Unswagati) Cirebon. Presidential Regulation Number 08 of 2012 raises the demand for graduates to have certain qualifications. Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI) regulates the ability...

An Analysis on the Subject of As I Lay Dying

Ruiyang Wang
As I Lay Dying is one of William Faulkner’s most influential works. William Faulkner shows the lower-class people’s several qualities in the novel, and he reveals this theme through his whole writing. Generally speaking, the understanding of the novel should be started from the understanding of the title....

Research on the Reform of Classroom Informatization from the Perspective of Media Integration

Qinxian Chen, Saipeng Xing
With the rapid development of Internet in our country, the use of mobile terminals is becoming more and more popular. In this situation, the integration of multiple media may produce new results, and also has an important impact on classroom teaching. As the main carrier of teaching, whether students'...
Proceedings Article

Sample Specific Multi-Kernel Metric Learning for Person Re-identification

Jun Fang, Ru-fei Zhang, Feng Jiang
The existing metric learning based Person Re-Identification are challenged with large appearance variations across non-overlapping cameras. In this paper, we propose to learn a similarity metric that incorporates robustness against cross views appearance variations. The robustness in metric learning...

Urban Semiotics in Retro-Detective Prose: a Tour of the 19th Century Moscow

Innara Guseynova, Elena Kosichenko, Alexey Gorozhanov
The paper discusses the importance of retro-detective prose in gaining cultural knowledge, and focuses on the problem of the nature of the retro component which may be represented by various realities, like gourmet dishes, elements of clothing, personal names, place names, holidays, etc. Structurally,...
Proceedings Article

Research on License Plate Character Recognition Technology

Liyuan Zhang, Ruxia Hong
In recent years, with the rapid development of China's economy and technology, social life has been progressing and urbanization has become more and more large. Many large and medium-sized cities have built highways, large parking lots, and high-end residential areas. At the same time, the rapidly growing...

Ecological and Economic Assessment and Dangerous Coastal Processes in the Coastal Zone of the Azov Sea

A.D. Khavanskiy, V.V. Latun, O.A. Khoroshev, Y.Y. Merinova, I.V. Bogachev, A.M. Kravchenko, A.N. Konovalov
To assess the current state of the coastal zone of the Sea of Azov, we made an analysis of socio-economic and environmental consequences of hazardous coastal processes, a comprehensive environmental and economic assessment, which includes the study of the main natural, economic, social and environmental...

Foreigner-related omens and beliefs in the East slavic folklore: determinants of regional destination attractiveness

O. Marunevich, I. Odariuk, Yu. Kotlyarenko
Ethnic tourism is employed by a great number of countries to facilitate economic development, especially in remote and backward areas. Though a substantial literature is devoted to the impacts of ethnic tourism, little research has been done on examining the cultural issues associated with ethnic tourism....
Proceedings Article

Participation Increasing Community Strategy in Planning Development of Petaling Banjar Village District Bangka

Putra Pratama Saputra, Sujadmi, Luna Febriani
This study aims to identify and analyze strategies to increase community participation in the development planning of Petaling Banjar Village. The village of Petaling Banjar is one of the newly created villages in West Mendo District, Bangka Regency. At a young age, there needs to be a development effort...

Research on the Relationship Between Digital Music Copyright Infringement Theory and Interest Balance Theory

Huan He
This paper starts with the basic theory of digital music copyright infringement, analyzes the definition of digital music copyright infringement, the responsibility of infringement and other specific legal issues. Meanwhile, the paper weighs the interests of the three parties, including rights holders,...
Proceedings Article

Developing Physical Education Learning Model to Promote Active Lifestyle

Dian Budiana, Gano Sumarno, Cep Ubad Abdullah
This study aimed to find out the physical activity index of elementary school students in Bandung, Indonesia. Three schools with different clustering levels (high, medium, and low) were chosen and their students were requested to fill out questionnaire regarding nutrition, physical activity at schools,...
Proceedings Article

Research on Reliability Analysis of Component-Based Software

Wenna Ren, Baolong Guo
Component-based software development method has gradually become the mainstream software development method, with the rapid development of component technology, the software development method of complex software system with component design is more and more mature, but the software reliability analysis...
Proceedings Article

Two-level Indoor Navigation using WiFi and MEMS Sensors

Yuliang Huang, Yongbo Zhang, Yi Cui, Zhihua Wang, Huimin Fu
In this paper, the indoor pedestrian location algorithm is investigated, in which we proposes a novel WiFi/MEMS integration structure for indoor navigation to fuse the information from WiFi and MEMS sensors. In WiFi part, aiming at the problem of large amount of calculation in the algorithm, a partition...
Proceedings Article

Single-phase Photovoltaic Grid-connected Inverter Current Control Method Based on MRAC

Ruiping Zhang, Hongxia Lu, Jie Yang, Tingrong Zhang
In view of that PI controller parameters changes when system model parameters of single- phase photovoltaic inverter change, a gradient reference based adaptive current loop control method is proposed. Ignoring the high order harmonics in PWM inverter, the mathematical model of the grid connected system...
Proceedings Article

Hertz Contact Problem Treated by Isogeometric Analysis

Kunpeng Hao, Guolai Yang, Qingsi Cheng
The present penalty-based contact treatment will lead to a simple implementation, and it is difficult to determine a suitable value of the penalty parameter. The usual way is adopting an appropriate multiple of the modulus of elasticity. In this paper, an augmented method for isogeometric contact problem...

The Analysis of Language Skills Proportion in English Textbook Grade XI Published by Kemendikbud 2014

Indah Damayanti, Dian Eka Chandra Wardhana, Mei Hardiah
The main part of teaching and learning process is good materials and activity for students which are represented by a textbook. Evaluation on a textbook is needed in order to evaluate the content to the need of teaching and learning process and the goal of the curriculum. This research aims to evaluate...

A Discussion on the Training of Literature Retrieval and Integrated Utilization Ability of Graduate Students in Local Universities

Yongchun Piao, Xue-mei Cui
literature retrieval and integrated utilization is an important guarantee for graduate students’ ability of Scientific Research and Innovation, so the ability of retrieval and integrated utilization should be cultivated throughout the postgraduate education. Based on the literature research method, this...

Comparative Study of the Spillover Effects of Hong Kong and Macau's Educational Investment on Regional Economic Growth Based on Feder Model

Lin Xu, Jun Zhu, Yan Liu
In this paper, we use Feder model to compare the contribution of education investment to economic growth and spillover effects in Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Region in the past 2002-2015 years. The study shows that the educational input of the two places has an obvious boost to economic...

The Realization of Mood through Lexical Choices in English Public Service Advertising Texts

Yanqing Fang
Public service advertisement can indicate the relationship between the advertiser and the audience as well as the interaction and negotiation between them. Based on the systemic functional grammar, this research aims to investigate the interpersonal meaning of mood system through lexical choices. Modal...

Research on Customer Perception Value of Delivery O2O Platform Based on PCA-FUZZY

Jiali Zhao
In order to scientifically measure the customer perceived value (CPV) of the Online to Offline (O2O) platform, the CPV indicator system of the delivery O2O platform is constructed from three dimensions which are functional value, service value, and experience value. The various dimensions and indicators...

Analysis on the Causes of Pragmatic Failure in English Writing and Cultivation of Pragmatic Consciousness

Yufang Rao
In order to promote the integration with the international community, it is very important to improve students' English ability, especially their writing ability. Therefore, all schools have carried out the reform of English writing teaching. They began to analyze the mechanism of wrong usage in English...

Spiritual Quotient of Tingkeban Tradition in Javanese Culture

Nurpeni Priyatiningsih
Tingkeban is a traditional custom of Javanese people conducted in seven month gestation. Through this tingkeban traditional custom, people have expectation and belief in the security of baby that will be born. Tingkeban traditional procession includes: determining the day, determining the time, providing...

Impact of Salespeople's Entrepreneurial Behavior toward Customer Satisfaction, Trust, Commitment, and Loyalty

RA. Putri Tri Widyaningrum, Rizal Edy Halim
The past 10 years has witnessed a dramatic shift in customer's orientation from goods-dominant to service-dominant logic (Vargo, Merz, He, & Vargo, 2014). Salespeople not only sell a product or service, but also focus on helping customers to make the right decision to buy a satisfactory product or service...

Research on Multi-dimensional Teaching Platform of "Data Structure" Course

Hongli Chen, Li Zhang, Bo Liu
As an important professional basic course, the data structure course affects the teaching effect of subsequent multiple courses. Because of the difficulty of the course, the students' teaching background is different and the individual differences, the problems existing in the present teaching and the...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Poster-Based Pictorial Health Warning Quit Smoking Behavior Toward the Adolescents of Tlogo, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul

Rizaluddin Akbar, Moh Afandi
The Government of Indonesia in 28 PERMENKES explains Pictorial Health Warning or Health Warnings and Writings are images that provide information about the dangers of smoking. Drawings and Writings Health Warnings should have the meanings printed together with the Tobacco Products Packaging and are not...

Research on the Development of Characteristic Curriculum Resources in Universities for Nationalities Taking Washington State University as an Example

Shumei Jin
In view of the influence of cultural background on students' academic achievements, multi-ethnic countries have explored and practiced to improve the academic achievements of ethnic minority students from a cultural perspective, and gradually built a complete characteristic curriculum system, providing...

“Intelligentsia” versus “Intellectuals” in the British English linguo-cultural community (a corpus-based study of the concepts)

Irina Kuzmicheva
The paper focuses on the correlation between the concepts “Intelligentsia” and “Intellectuals” for the British English linguo-cultural community. It presents the background on the subject from different angles of study, how the correlation between the concepts is viewed by philosophers, historians, sociologists....
Proceedings Article

Lumbar Cold Compresses Reduce Pain After Surgery

Retno Setyawati, Furaida Khasanah, Suyanto
Postoperative pain is an unpleasant experience. Most patients undergoing surgery will experience pain. Pain sensations are varied. The actions of nurses independently have an important role in reducing postoperative pain. This study aims to see the effect of cold compresses on the lumbar area in reducing...
Proceedings Article

Microbial Community of Biogas Plant Feeding with Complex Substrate: Archaea/Bacteria Ratio Dynamics by the Stages of Fermentation

Viktoriia Iatsenko, Anastasiya Nechayeva, Konstantin Boyarshin, Violetta Klyueva, Dmitriy Ohrimchuk, Vladimir Bredihin, Irina Batlutskaya
The technology of anaerobic fermentation of organic substrates and especially of organic wastes with rich microbiota needs effective method to observe the microbial community on the different stages of substrate transformation, including its digestion, fermentation and conversion of its products to methane....

Teacher's Interpretation of the Urgency of Learning Media based on Information and Communication Technology in the Senior High School

Winanda Amilia, Mutiara Felicita Amsal
Technology mastery is one of the most important competencies for teachers. In Permendiknas Number 16 of 2007 concerning Academic Qualification Standards and Teacher Competencies, there are four competencies that must be mastered by teachers, two of which are pedagogic and professional competencies. Both...

Use of financial institutions instruments for the legalization of funds

Fyodor Myshko, Anatoly Olimpiev, Anna Alexandrova, Vladimir Popov, Nodari Eriashvili
The article based on the analysis of literature and legislation explored the use of various financial instruments, such as accounts opened in banks, both for real and for nominees, loan processing, use of cash desks (currency exchange points) and others. The article also reflect, a number of topical...
Proceedings Article

The ROI of Diverting Water from Tibet to North China: A Feasibility Study

Dingfeng Zhao
This research looks deeply into hotly discussed projects for diverting water from Tibet to North China in view of management, and then finds out that the ROI of any of these projects is not high enough. Since it is too resource-intensive to be effective and too time-consuming to be efficient, probably...

The Cultivation of Translation Competence in College English Teaching

Yulou Liu, Yingjun Yan, Dan Wang
College English is a compulsory basic course for non-English majors in institutions of higher education. Consequently, College English Teaching becomes an integral component of higher education. The changes in College English Test --- Band 4 and Band 6, such as the appearance of translation in the assessment,...

Optimalization of Mathematical Learning Outcome by Using the Smart Boxes Media at Primary School

Ms Darmiyati, Mahrita Ayu Mustikasari
The materials in mathematics taught to elementary school-aged children who are still in the stage of pre-operational concrete thinking are abstract. This leads to difficulties for students in understanding the materials particularly the properties of build space which in turn impacted students’ learning...

Analysis of Visual Rhetoric for Official Website City Government

M. Syahril Iskandar
The aim of the research to analyse benefits of the official website of city government. In addition, the main focus of this study is to examine visual rhetoric on the official website of Bandung City Government in an effort to attract the public to visit the site and can represent Bandung as the Creative...

Implementation of Model Simulation in Improving Students’ Motivation and Cognitive Ability

Anita Dwi Anggraini, Muhari Mustaji, R.R. Nanik Setyowati
This study aims to improve students’ motivation and cognitive ability through the implementation of model simulation. The subjects are fifth graders at SDN Wonorejo IV/315 in Tegalsari, Surabaya. This classroom action research used interview and observation to collect the research data. Data validity...

An Application Study of the SPOC Project Teaching Mode

Ren Li-hua, Zhao Yi-bin
This paper elaborates on the applications of project-oriented SPOC-Small Private Online Courses in hydraulic and pneumatic transmission courses. The paper introduces this teaching mode and analyzes the students’ academic achievement before and after the reform as well as their reformed learning experience....

Quality of Working Life in the Aspect of Human Resources Management

Lyskova Irina
The paper actualizes the main tasks of quality management, substantiates the importance of improving approaches to human resources management of an organization, the formation of effective models of quality management of working life, the quality of human resources in the modern knowledge economy.

Analysis of Factors Influencing Lean Production Based on Interpretative Structural Model

Xiaoxin Han
Toyota Production System (TPS) is a lean production, which was introduced to China and applied to the manufacturing site. The purpose of lean production is to improve the management quality of manufacturing enterprises, so as to achieve effective management and control of the visual scene of lean production,...

Multimodality and Multiliteracies: The Case of Language Socialization in Urban Family in Surabaya

Layli Hamida
This study examined the way language socialization fostered literacy development. It aims at exploring and illustrating how the richness of multimodal and multilingual communicative practices has been part of parent-child interaction at home in Jagir community in Surabaya. Twenty one first grade elementary...
Proceedings Article

Drivers’ emotional evaluation in the noisy environment of the control cabin of a shield tunneling machine

Liangbin Zhang, Hanbin Luo
Being a driver in the control cabin of a shield tunneling machine is a high-pressure career. The mood swings of a driver are vital to his occupational health and construction safety; however, a driver’s emotional intensity in a noisy environment have not been considered. This study aims to investigate...
Proceedings Article

Selection and evaluation of the efficiency of cutting inserts made of various cutting tool materials

Evgeniy Alekseevich Kudryashov, Igor Mikhailovich Smirnov, Nikolay Andreevich Khizhnyak
In Russia, in the last decade, practical steps for rise of machine-building production are taken. The key role belongs to metal working, development of progressive methods of production of details of machines of high constructive and technological complexity. The most effective is the way of intensification...

Research on the Transformation and Development of Resource-oriented Cities Under the New Normal of Economy

TianTian Gu, Na Han
For a long time, the transformation development of resource-based cities have always been paid much attention. At present, the economic development of our country has entered The New Normal, how to promote the economic transformation and sustainable development of resource-based cities more scientifically...