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188759 articles

Heritage Building Modelling: Photogrammetry Challenges in Producing an As Built Drawing (ABD) Using Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)

Hazry Desa, Muhammad Azizi Azizan, Nik Noriman Zulkepli, Norsyakilah Romeli
Pages: 227 - 230
Tracking the heritage building changes has been a primary concern in an architectural works, as the building features may transformed due to periodic of time. In addition, the perseverance of heritage buildings seems taken lightly due to the eagerness of the Malaysian architect in designing urban anxious...
Proceedings Article

Smart kWh Meter Model with Energy Control and Monitoring on Low Voltage Electricity

Riki Ruli A. Siregar, Yuli Kurnia Ningsih, Pritasari Palupiningsih, Budi Prayitno
This research makes a smart kWh (kilowatt-hour) electricity meter system to complement the conventional kWh model household electricity meter. The purpose of this study is to monitor and control the use of electrical energy at low voltage and industrial groups to obtain efficient patterns in the use...

Work Commitment of Junior High School Principals in Padang, Indonesia

The study aims to determine the work commitments of Junior High School Principals in Padang. This study was a descriptive quantitative. The population of this research was the Junior High School principals in the Padang. The results of data processing show that affective commitment in carrying out the...

The Use of H5P in Teaching English

Julien Arief Wicaksono, Rimbi Budi Setiarini, Osamu Ikeda, Adriadi Novawan
H5P, HTML 5 Package, is a plugin for the existing publishing systems that helps the creator to make more interesting content like presentations, interactive videos, games, and quizzes. H5P has been used by teachers, practitioners, and content creators worldwide. This paper aims at observing the use of...

Educational Game Tools in Early Childhood Mathematics Learning

Syafdaningsih, Rukiyah, Febriyanti Utami
Learning mathematics for early childhood is one of the aspects of cognitive development that must be developed. Mathematics in early childhood can be taught by helping with learning media, in the form of educational games tools. This study aims to provide an overview of the use of educational game tools...

Symmetry reductions and new functional separable solutions of nonlinear Klein–Gordon and telegraph type equations

Alexei I. Zhurov, Andrei D. Polyanin
Pages: 227 - 242
The paper is concerned with different classes of nonlinear Klein–Gordon and telegraph type equations with variable coefficients c(x)utt+d(x)ut=[a(x)ux]x+b(x)ux+p(x)f(u), where f(u) is an arbitrary function. We seek exact solutions to these equations by the direct method of symmetry reductions using...

Developing an Android-Based Guidebook to Dragonflies and Butterflies

Susanti Murwitaningsih, Maryanti Setyaningsih, Dimas Putra Sandajaja
Dragonflies (Odonata) and butterflies (Lepidoptera) play very important roles in the ecosystem and there are a great many of them. It is estimated that there are more than 5,000 types of dragonflies and 17,500 types of butterflies in the world, among them around 800-1,000 types of dragonflies and 2,200-3,000...

Managerial Innovations in Structure Capital and Important Decisions in Determining the Profit Management of Plantation Company: Empirical Evidence in ASEAN Countries

Sriyono Sriyono, Detak Prapanca, Afif Nursidah
Research on the financial management of plantation company is very important, because it provides different information, especially in ASEAN countries. Several research has been conducted, but none has fully discussed how to manage its profit. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to ascertain how...

Research on the Export Porcelain Pattern of Changsha Kiln in the Belitung Shipwreck

Chao Yue
Taking the Belitung shipwreck in the Tang Dynasty as a starting point, this article classifies the patterns of Changsha kiln porcelain in the Belitung shipwreck and analyzes the causes of different patterns. As a medium for carrying cultural symbols, Changsha kiln porcelain reflects the diversity of...

The Combination of Microcourse and Primary School Mathematics Teaching

Xiangling Wang
under the background that micro class is gradually introduced into primary school classroom, this paper mainly discusses the combination of primary school mathematics and micro class from two aspects: one is to demonstrate the significance of micro class to improve the quality of primary school mathematics...
Proceedings Article

Phenetic Relationship of Lichens Grown on Tea Plants (Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze) in Tangsi Baru Village, Kabawetan Subdistrict, Kepahiang District

Rochmah Supriati, Dwi Agustian, RR Sri Astuti, Riandini Evelyne, Fatimatuzzahra
Lichen is a mutualism symbiotic organism between fungi (mycobiont) and photosynthetic symbiont in the form of algae (photobiont). Lichen can be found from the lowlands to the highlands, growing epiphytes in soil, rocks, weathered wood, and on tree bark, such as on the surface of tea plants (Camellia...

Collaborative Governance Model Integrated Waste Management in Bandung City

Jati Puspita Rini, Ely Sufianti, Sait Abdullah
The purpose of this study is: 1) To figure out the collaboration model between the government and stakeholders in the existing waste management in the city of Bandung. 2) To analyze the problems in the collaboration model between the government and stakeholders in waste management in the city of Bandung....
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Obesity and a Decrease in the Range of Motion of the Pelvic Joint

Faculty of Medicine, Jenderal Achmad Yani University

Indarti Tri Murtini, Apen Apgani, Disya Fariha Dimyati, Fahmi Nur Hidayatullah
Obesity is a health problem in Indonesia. Data shown by Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2013 described the prevalence of obesity in Indonesia as increasing annually. Obesity becomes a risk factor for many diseases, the example of it is a musculoskeletal disorder in the cause of mobility disorder....

Research on the Industrialization Development of Harbin Wheat Straw Craft Painting

Xiaohui Zhang, Xue Jiang
This article analyzes and studies the practical problems faced by the industrialization of Harbin wheat straw craft painting, and puts forward reasonable planning suggestions and countermeasures based on investigation and situation analysis. According to the development and changes of the times, it is...

Transformation of Higher Education Models in “Tourism” Training in the Environment of Dynamically Changing External Factors: Socio-philosophical Analysis

Vasily Gerneshiy
The article presents the results of a theoretical generalization of appeals to modeling modern tourism training as a socio-cultural phenomenon that has reached a fresh stage of advancement and design under the influence of the society’s needs and external aspects. The Russian domestic tourism industry...

A Three-Dimensional Discourse Analysis of SDGs Reports and Apple’s Environmental Progress Reports: A Corpus-Based Study

Chao Cui
The importance of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is recognized globally. Analyzing sustainable development reports is a focus in quantitative linguistics. This study investigates the relationship between SDGs and corporate environmental progress reports using corpus-based and...

Implementation of Deposit Rights at Indonesian Sharia Bank Banjarnegara

Ariyani Witasari, Widayati
Islamic banks have the task of managing public funds by collecting and redistributing the collected funds to be offered to the community with a number of credit loans accompanied by conditions that can guarantee that bad credit does not occur which can harm the bank as a creditor. One of the conditions...

Team-Based Project as a Strategy to Increase Student Career Engagement

Kusnarto Kurniawan, Sunawan Sunawan, Edwindha Prafitra Nugraheni, Flemmings Fishani Ngwira
This study aimed to test the effectiveness of team-based projects to increase students’ career engagement. The research subjects were selected by Semarang State University students (N = 28). This study used a one-group pretest posttest design. This research instrument uses a career engagement scale....

Branding of Islamic Boarding Schools as New Edutourism in Madura

Fachrur Rozi, Nadya Poernamasari
The potential number of Islamic Boarding Schools or also known as Pesantren in Madura is very large, this is what characterizes the region in East Java. Edutourism is a program where participants make a tourist visit to a place to direct learning from the location visited. So far, Islamic boarding schools...

Effectiveness of Submission of Communication Information Using WhatsApp (Case Study of BEM UMSurabaya)

Khoirul Anam, Arif Ainur Rofiq
Organization is a system consisting of two or more people participating to achieve common goals. Organizational communication process that can be known from these interactions is the interaction between individuals within the organization. Interaction includes personal attitudes or statements or behavior....

Strategic Rotation of Major Asset Classes in Accordance with Macroeconomic Trends: A Study Based on the Chinese Financial Market

Jingru Liu
This study delves into the strategic ramifications of macroeconomic policies on the asset portfolios of key categories, employing a dataset that encompasses economic indicators such as the PMI, PPI, CPI, WTI, and IVA spanning from 2009 to 2019. The research aims to discern the trajectory of economic...

The Impact of the Construction of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Demonstration Bases on Technology Investment Performance: Based on the Evidence of the First Batch of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Bases

Wenlong Cao, Zhaoxi Chen, Ziang Zhou, Ji Juan Ma
To give full play to the driving role of mass entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration bases in promoting reform, stabilizing employment and strengthening momentum, this paper adopts the difference-in-differences method to prove that the establishment of mass entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration...

Youth’s Decision to Work in the Agricultural Sector Determinants: Case of Bima Regency 2022

Ayyadana Akbar, Suparman Abdullah, Rahmat Muhammad
This article aims to describe the characteristics of agriculture youth labor force and the determinants of their decision to work in this sector in Bima. This article uses a secondary data of the National Labor Force Survey held by Statistics of Bima Regency in 2022 by selecting youth as the research...

The effect of Self-selected background music on spatial reasoning ability—an extension of the Mozart effect

Weihang Zhang
The Mozart effect is a phenomenon where exposure to classical music leads to improved spatial reasoning ability test scores. This effect is linked to the mood and arousal state of listeners. The hypothesis proposes that any music genre can enhance spatial reasoning ability provide it arouses positive...
Proceedings Article

Design a Document Verification System Based on Blockchain Technology

Muhammad Dhiyaul Rakin Zainuddin, Kan Yeep Choo
Document forgery is a common method that has been used by many people for their own benefits. Document often has its own unique identity which contains a very sensitive content. The current problem related to document is about the document forgery where advanced technology capable in duplicating and...
Proceedings Article

Basketball Basic Skills Levels of Students in East Java, Indonesia

Ade Nando Hardiansyah, Oni Bagus Januarto, Arief Darmawan, Febrita Paulina Heynoek
This research describes fundamental basketball skills of basketball extracurricural students individual at MA Negeri 2 Probolinggo City which is still unknown. The type of this research is the quantitative descriptive with the survey method. The number of students who took part in basketball extracurricural...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Corn Cob Powder Volume Fraction on the Quality of Composite Acoustic Boards for Airport Buildings

Nur Akhmad Triwibowo, Muhammad Adil, Fajar Nugroho
Noise at the airport can be reduced by building materials that can dampen sound in the form of acoustic boards. One of the natural materials that has potential as a candidate for acoustic sound dampening board material is corn cobs. This study will determine the effect of the volume fraction of corncob...
Proceedings Article

Developing a Credible and Trustworthy E-Commerce Application using Blockchain and Machine Learning

V. Baby, G. Avinash Reddy, K. Yogendra Sai, K. Sree Harshitha, N. Padmini Chowdary
Electronic Commerce or E-commerce is the buying or selling of goods online, over the internet. Nowadays, people are spending most of their daily life online. A business of any scale, be it a start-up or a well-grown company, can benefit from E-commerce. It helps them reach a broader consumer base and...

Public Awareness and Government Measures in Tackling COVID-19 Fake News in Malaysia

J. Dhaanya, V. Veerappan
Background: People's knowledge and behaviors about the COVID-19 disease are pertinent in influencing a society's response to it and the responsibility of providing the public with sufficient knowledge about the virus falls on the hand of the authorities. Objective: This study aims...

Globalization of Hollywood: Analyzing the Influence of American Films on the Culture of Arab Youth

Amar Ahmed Naman Zakzouk, Vimala A/P Perumal, Syarifah Nurleyana Wafa
This preliminary study explores the influence of Hollywood (American) movies on the cultural identity of Arab youth. The global dominance of Hollywood has led to the widespread distribution of its movies worldwide, resulting in the influence of American culture and values on audiences across different...
Proceedings Article

T(-786)C Polymorphism of NOS3 Gene in the Yakut Population

Julia Solovieva, Natalia Borisova
Endothelial NOS (nitric oxide synthase 3) is an enzyme that synthesizes nitric oxide, which in turn plays a crucial role in regulating vascular tone, cell proliferation, leukocyte adhesion, and platelet aggregation. This enzyme in humans is encoded by NOS3 gene. The aim of our research was to study T...

Digital Platform Based Marketing Strategy in Tourism Website of Cikakak Tourism Village, Banyumas

Bagus Reza Hariyadi, Dyah Tjaturrini, Dian Bayu Firmansyah, Yuni Astuti
Cikakak Tourism Village is known for the Saka Tunggal Mosque which is hundreds of years old, the Tame Monkey community, and the Antap Tourism Market which has only been built since 2021. The trend of tourism villages is a choice for traveling during a new normal vacation. Tourism Awareness Group (Kelompok...

Analysis of Factors Affecting the Output of Manufacturing Industry Sector in Central Java

Oktavia Puteri Kusumaningsih
This study aims to analyze the influence of the District Minimum Wage, Labor, and Number of Business Units on the GRDP of the industrial sector in Central Java in 2014–2018. The data used is panel data consisting of time series data for 2014–2018 and cross-sections of 35 districts and cities in Central...

Students’ Perceptions and Problems in Implementing Electronic Reflective Portfolio in Writing Class

Ida Yulianawati, Nasori Efendi
In Indonesia, electronic portfolios for teaching English, especially writing, have been used for the last decade. This study investigates students' perceptions of their writing development and problems in implementing Electronic Reflective Portfolios in an Indonesian EFL writing class. A case study...
Proceedings Article

Tailings Dam Reservoir Sectoring Using CPTU and Geophysical Test Data

Amanda Souza, Bruno Novais, Michel Fontes, Naiala Fidelis
The need for stabilization of a dam located at Quadrilatero Ferrifero, located at the Southern of Craton São Francisco, in Brazil, demanded geological-geotechnical studies that made possible the building of a geological model that reflects the behavior and distribution of sediments deposited within the...
Proceedings Article

Cropwat 8.0 Application to Investigate Water Availability for Crops in Nawungan Agricultural Land, Imogiri

Umi Mar Atus Sholihah, Nur Ainun H. J. Pulungan, Fathi Alfinur Rizqi
The evaluation of water availability is crucial in planning and managing irrigation system. Rainfall is a climatic element having a very important role to provide crop water requirement. However, the amount of rainfall also depends on other climatic factors such as air temperature, humidity, wind speed,...

A Storytelling Virtual Reality Approach for Interactive Film “Cahaya Cinta Perlahan Menyilaukan”

Natalia Depita, Siti Adlina Rahmiaty, Zul Tinarbuko
Virtual Reality (VR) technology has the potential to revolutionize education by offering unique, engaging and immersive learning experiences. “Cahaya Cinta Perlahan Menyilaukan” (You’re the light of my life) is a Virtual Reality based Interactive Film. This project offers alternative way of learning...

The meaning of implications on banners and billboards in learning Class XII Ad Text

Ajeng Lintang Lutfiah, Yunita Yunita, Okky Putri Rahmawati
Studying ad text is an indispensable requirement. In order to achieve the learning objectives, one of which is the need for teaching materials that are in accordance with the understanding and development of students. With the large selection of advertising text teaching materials, an educator must be...

Preservation of Reog Ponorogo in Contemporary Society

Genardi Atmadiredja, Damardjati Kun Marjanto, Ihya Ulumuddin, Unggul Sudrajat
Reog Ponorogo is a traditional performance art that originated from Ponorogo Regency in East Java, Indonesia. It involves a combination of dance, music, and acrobatic movements, as well as elaborate costumes and props. Reog Ponorogo is considered as a cultural heritage that reflects the history, identity,...

Kinesthetic Learning Development Methods to Train Fine Motors for Early Childhood

Sadaruddin Sadaruddin, Intisari Intisari, Hajerah Hajerah, Nur Alim Amri, Mariyani Mariyani
Implementing activities in early childhood learning exemplary motor Integrated early childhood education programs is not optimal. The purpose of this study was (1) to describe the methods of learning and fine motor skills as development needs in early childhood education programs, (2) to describe the...

From VUCA to BANI: A Challenge of Strategic Environment for Higher Education in Indonesia

Gembong Baskoro
Pandemic of Covid 19 was a roller coaster pressure for any organization including but not limited to higher education especially in Indonesia. The pressure further than just an adaptation of education using digital based technology to overcome the problem of face-to-face learning. After the pandemic...

Assessment of Dark Tourism and its Merchandising

Atanu Bhattacharya, Vikas Sharma, Rajeev R. Mishra
This research finds the economic impact of dark tourism, focusing on destinations associated with tragedy, death, and suffering. Contrary to conventional beliefs surrounding positive destination n branding, this study questions whether dark tourism can emerge as economically impactful tourist destinations....

Measuring Effectiveness of Bring Program to Online: Case Study of Museum Listrik dan Energi Baru Programs during Covid-19 Outbreak

Prita Permatadinata, Danang Aryo Nugroho
Museums were forced to shut down on account of preventing Covid-19 spread from March 2020. During that shutdown, the museum’s public programs were held online, including Museum Listrik dan Energi Baru (MLEB). MLEB is one of the museums in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. This museum is operated by Perusahaan...
Proceedings Article

A Team Learning Approach to Motivate Students who are New Learners to Programming

Chikako Morimoto
This study presents three approaches (first: team learning, second: difficulty adjustment, and third: pinch analysis) implemented to motivate students to learn in an IT system development class for students in the College of Business Administration. In particular, we supported to design a small team...

Exploring Style Reproduction from Metaphor Translation in Yu Hua’s Brothers

Shuxian Gao
The presence of abundant novel metaphors in Yu Hua’s Brothers is a significant stylistic marker of the book. Its English translation accurately reproduces the style of the original and has been widely acclaimed ever since its publication. What strategies could the translators adopt to convey the original...

Adaptation Strategies Through a New Identity: A Comparative Analysis of Two Generations of Chechen Migrants in Belgium

Lida Kurbanova, Hanifa Nalgieva, Laila Ismailova, Zara Umarova
The study analyses the structure of the formation of identification strategies, social, cultural, religious attitudes of two generations of Chechen migrants: those who arrived in the country as adults and their children, who grew up in migration conditions. The analysis is based on comparing the results...

Communicative Reading: Modification of Foreign Language Teaching for Sustainable Development of Education

Irina Pirozhkova
The paper discusses a variant of transformation of language education in Russian universities. To make graduates more competitive on the labour market, it is necessary to follow the principles of competence-based approach and to develop communicative competence, which is the basic in the program of foreign...

Towards a Theory of Differential Constraints of a Hydrodynamic Hierarchy

L. Martinez-Alonso, A B SHABAT
Pages: 229 - 242
We present a theory of compatible differential constraints of a hydrodynamic hierarchy of infinite-dimensional systems. It provides a convenient point of view for studying and formulating integrability properties and it reveals some hidden structures of the theory of integrable systems. Illustrative...

On Complete Integrability of the Generalized Weierstrass System

P. Bracken, A.M. Grundland
Pages: 229 - 247
In this paper we study certain aspects of the complete integrability of the Generlized Weierstrass system in the context of the Sinh-Gordon type equation. Using the conditional symmetry approach, we construct the Bäcklund transformation for the Generalized Weierstrass system which is determined by coupled...

Enveloping Superalgebra U(osp(1|2)) and Orthogonal Polynomials in Discrete Indeterminate

A. Sergeev
Pages: 229 - 255
Let A be an associative simple (central) superalgebra over C and L an invariant linear functional on it (trace). Let a at be an antiautomorphism of A such that (at )t = (-1)p(a) a, where p(a) is the parity of a, and let L(at ) = L(a). Then A admits a nondegenerate supersymmetric invariant bilinear form...