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188759 articles

Data Acquisition of Electric Power Usage as the Implementation of the Internet of Things at Smart Home

A.A. Kusuma Dewi, Gede Suweken, K.A. Ady Aryanto, K.Y. Ernanda Aryanto
Data from the ASEAN Center for Energy (ACE) shows that Indonesia has the highest level of energy consumption in Asia. Home automation, a smart home scheme utilizing the vast development of the latest networking and AI technologies, has been proposed to tackle the problems. In this work, we have provided...

Attitudes to the Personal Future of Boys and Girls with Different Degrees of Social Anxiety and Social Fears

I A Ralnikova, N A Luzhbina, O S Gurova, S S Darenskikh
The article presents the results of a scientific study of attitudes towards the future in modern young men and women with low, moderate, and high degrees of social anxiety and social fears. Ninety young men and women aged 18-20 years and studying in higher educational institutions of Barnaul acted as...

Can shareholders of Tesla really benefit?

Fan Lu
Merger and acquisition is normally regarded as an important tool for the enterprise to develop and gain profits. However, is it possible for every company to earn profits through M&A? Probably no. The paper looked at the influences of M&A on shareholders and analyzes through a case study of M&A of Tesla...

Efficiency of Foliar Feeding with Zinc and Copper Chelates of Spring Soft Wheat in the Conditions of the Southern Forest-Steppe of the Omsk Irtysh Region

Igor Bobrenko, Valentina Popova, Natalia Goman, Alexander Gaidar
The results of experiments on the use of zinc and copper chelates in the cultivation of spring wheat in the conditions of the southern forest-steppe of the Omsk Irtysh region by the method of foliar feeding are presented. The best doses of zinc and copper in foliar feeding in the tillering phase is 20...

The Effect of Job Characteristics to Employee’s Performance: A Case Study on Employees at Interior Industry

S.H. Senen, M. Masharyono, N. Edisa
Every organization is trying to achieve their goals. Factors to improve the development and progress of the company cannot be separated from the role of human resources that move the organization within the company. Employee performance is still an important problem in manufacturing companies, especially...

Improving Students’ Speaking Skills in Generating Idea Through New Concept of Mind Mapping Technique

Dwi Setiyawan
This study is conducted to describe the implementation of mind mapping to improve students’ speaking skills in generating idea. Speaking becomes an important and challenging skill in language learning. Speaking is needed in many aspects Such as in communication and in educational aspect. However, many...

Study on the Influence of Resource Development on the Soil and Water Conservation and Ecological Environment and Countermeasures

Yang Liu, Jia-Shan Wang, Xin-Ying Huang
Through the influence on ecological factors such as geological features, soil, hydrology and vegetation, the resource development process reduces the ecological service function of soil and water conservation in resource production areas, and the soil and water ecological environment is destroyed. The...
Proceedings Article

Reproductive Health Snake Game in Prevention of Before Marriage Sex Prevention in Adolescents

Ayu Dwi Putri Rusman, Usman, Fitriani Umar, Haniarti, Henni Kumaladewi Hengky, Makhrajani Majid, Herlina
Kemenkes reports that as many as 4.31% of junior and senior high school boys and girls have been forced to have sexual relations before marriage. BPS reports also reported 0.9% of children aged 10-17 in South Sulawesi had been married and as many as 0.11% had been divorced. This study aims to analyze...

Knowledge Chain as a System in Developing Pesantren Entrepreneurship

Muhardi Muhardi, Nurdin Nurdin, Aminuddin Irfani
This research aims to analyse the role of knowledge chain as a system in developing pesantren entrepreneurship. In line with the objectives of this study, the analysis approach used is knowledge chain model. The study is conducted at the pesantren Dzikir Al-Fath in Sukabumi City, Indonesia. Data is collected...

Reform of Experimental Teaching in FPGA Technology Based on OBE Concept

Weiwei Ling, Yue Shi, Gong Chen, Yao Huang
With China becoming a formal member of the Washington Accord in 2016, the international influence of the engineering education in China has grown rapidly in recent years. As one of the core concepts in the accredited system of the higher engineering education, the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is an...
Proceedings Article

Knowledge Profile About Anemia and Disparity Among Adolescent 15–24 years in Indonesia - 2012 and 2017

Tin Afifah, Sugiharti, Rika Rachmalina, Kemal N. Siregar, Anissa Rizkianti
Anemia in Indonesia is high. One of two pregnant women suffers from anemia as highest prevalence (85%) was among pregnant women aged 15-24. Maternal anemia are at risk of maternal death and giving birth to premature infant with low birth weight. Among age group 15-24 years, 32% is anemic (both men-women)....

The Use of Interactive Multimedia in Improving Mathematics Learning Outcomes: The Case of the 4th Grade Students of SDN Manyaran 01 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2019/2020

Nurmawati, Lusi Rachmiazasi Masduki, Edy Prayitno, Maria Yustina Rensi Dartani
Learning media is a medium, or forum that can be used to stimulate thoughts, feelings, concerns, and abilities or skills of learners so as to facilitate of learning, those all can help teachers in improving students learning achievement. Media of learning is always get development along with technological...

“Gender and Education”: Preparing Teacher Candidates of Civics to Build Egalitarian Society in Industry 4.0 Era

Oksiana Jatiningsih, Maya Mustika Kartika Sari
Industry 4.0 has been creating a public sphere for every individuals’ participation. Women and Men should have a similar chance, but it may differ due to different education. That is why education and teacher have strategic power. Unfortunately, gender patriarchy has been a dominant gender ideology in...

Research on Unemployment Status and Influencing Factors of Floating Population in China

Chunyan Lin, Yingchao Tian
As an important source of urban labor force in China, the floating population and its influencing factors are inextricably linked with China’s industrial transformation and upgrading. This paper made an empirical analysis of the floating population unemployment status and influencing factors by using...

Analysis of the Difficulty of Students on Visualization Ability Mathematics Based on Learning Obstacles

Ferry Ferdianto, Sinta Hartinah
This research based on the students who have a difficulty solving Sistem Persamaan Linear Tiga Variabel (SPLTV) problems. The difficulty can be seen from the mistakes made by students when solving SPLTV problems. Student mistakes result in learning obstacles when understanding and solving SPLTV problems....

Identity Politic Contestation in the Public Sphere: A Steep Road of Democracy in Indonesia

Ansar Suherman, Muhammad Rizal Ardiansah Putra, Mansur
This article aims to analyse and describe efforts to exploit public sphere by political elites in Indonesia through the use of mass media by spreading identity political propaganda, and efforts to find the agenda-setting of the mass media, especially behind the rampant loading of news about identity...

Didactic Support of the Professional Skills Development of the Bachelors in the Area of Music and Digital Technologies

M.A. Galaguzova, L.V. Shkolyar, T.A. Nezhinskaya
This article considers particular characteristics of the professional education of students-Bachelors in the area of music and digital technologies. It provides the examples of employment of the graduates, completed education in the pedagogical field with the specialization in music and digital technologies....
Proceedings Article

Concept of E-Government in Management of Indonesia’s Village Funds

Andi Nur Annisa Meilany, Dewi Kania, Zainal Muttaqin, Indra Perwira
This research aims to make the concept of e-government a great potential that can be utilized to meet the needs of the community in managing village funds. This concept refers to a transformation from traditional government to elective-based government to produce effective and efficient governance is...

Research of the Innovative Model of the Medium Small Enterprise in the Big Data Conditions

Zhihong Li
The big data are evolving so fast that they have been deeply affecting the social production and life in recent year. The quick development of the big data can’t keep away from the correspondent technology like network, information, cloud computation and artificial intelligence, etc. All these changes...

Human Resource in Sport Management and Physical Fitness Level Based on Sports Development Index

This type of research was quantitative research. The method of Determining the sample in this study used multistage random sampling. Samples in this research were 90 people from 3 sub-districts. Data collection techniques used interviews, observation, Multistage Fitness Test (MFT), and documentation....

Purban Rice Farming (URF) as a Solution to the Gap Between Population Growth and Reduction of Farmlands Through Sustainable Development Goals for National Food Security

Neneng Nuryati, Amar Sumarsa, Edi Sagith
The rate of world population growth is very extreme, while the rate of food supply has also dropped very sharply. The rate decline in food supply is compounded by a decline in farmlands. Cimahi is a small town in West Java experienced the something. Farmlands has changed its function into housing complexes,...

Urgency Of Digital Literation in the Central Segregation Of Viral Journalism Versus Data Journalism

Muchsin al-Fikri, Sandra Irawaty
Based on statistical data, in 2018 the number of online media in Indonesia reached 43,000 and only around 2,400 have been successfully verified by the Press Council. The proliferation of online media in this digital era has created segregation or gaps that have given rise to new challenges in the world...

Bullying Practice and the Understanding of Gender Equality in Senior High School Students in Mataram City

ZM Hamidsyukrie, Muhammad Ilyas, Ni Made Novi Suryanti, Nurlaili Handayani
This study aimed to reveal the reasons and forms of bullying committed by male students to female students as well as understanding gender equality in senior high school students in the city of Mataram. This study employed a qualitative approach with a case study method. Data collection was done through...

Study on the Causes and Intervention of College Students’ Verbal Bullying

Chunying Chang, Ya’nan Zheng
Verbal bullying is a kind of common school bullying behaviors. At present, China pays less attention to verbal bullying among college students. Combining teaching and student management, this paper explores the factors that affect verbal bullying among college students, and proposes effective countermeasures...

Sustainable Complete Class System in Gowa Regency South Sulawesi

Bustan, Supriadi Torro, Meysi Aurelia
This research aims to evaluate the implementation of a sustainable complete classroom system in Gowa Regency by looking at its implementation and the impact given to the quality of education in Gowa Regency. The results showed that the complete class system is sustainable in its implementation using...

The Relationship of the Insomnia Degree With Smoking Habit Overtraining

Mutmainnah, Rachmat Kasmad, Darul Husnul
Smoking habits become common in students and affect their quality of life. Also, heavy exercise habits can have an impact on performance. This study reviews the relationship between insomnia and smoking habits and overtraining in Sports Science Faculty students at Makassar State University. This research...

“Fake” as an Information Security Threat in the Conditions of Distribution of COVID-19

N.N. Kovaleva, Yu.M. Tugusheva, A.S. Anisimova
The article is devoted to the analysis of the current state of the spread of fake information in the context of the spread of the coronavirus. The analysis of the definition of “fake” is carried out, its characteristic features are revealed, including: complete or partial deliberate falsity of information;...

Research and Practice of the “Student-Centered” Innovative Talent Training Model

Su Li, Zhang Wen, Sun Rong, Lv Shu-ping, Wang Hui
A large number of innovative talents are needed to build an innovative country. The cultivation of innovative talents requires colleges and universities to transform the teacher-centered teaching mode to the student-centered teaching mode. On the basis of analyzing the core connotation of “student-centered”...

Blended Learning in Hospitality Education and Training: Review and Discussion

Tian Hai
The purpose of this paper is to examine current hotel training approaches and programs and to explore the potential impact of blended learning on hotel training, and discuss some possibilities. The paper is divided into three parts, introduction, literature review, and discussion. The analysis of the...
Proceedings Article

Parents’ Perception of Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Literature Review Study

Sonia Johanisa, Nurul Fadila, Yucke Kartika Desma, Nurul Afnita, Hadi Husnaini
In response to the Covid-19 outbreak, schools have been closed nationwide by the Indonesian government, due to the prevention of the spread of infection. this is done as an emergency measure. besides that, public activities are also limited. This situation challenges education in the world, especially...

Data Fusion in Question Answering Systems over Multiple-Knowledge Bases

Nhuan D. To, Marek Z. Reformat
The additional ability to span over multiple Knowledge Bases would further increase the usefulness and potentially comprehensiveness of the system’s responses. Multiple different Knowledge Bases, as much as they can complement each other regarding the lack of specific information, quite often contain...

The Effect of Organizational Culture on Motivation and Job Satisfaction and Its Impact on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) at the Office of PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani (PT.PNM) Garut Branch

Syamsul Hadi Senen, Via Irhamny Az-Zahra
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of organizational culture on work motivation and job satisfaction and its impact on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) at PT. National Capital Madani (PNM) Garut Branch. The method used in this study is quantitative. The sampling technique is...

Take “Wukong Chinese” as an Example to Discuss the Reform Online Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Under the Epidemic Crisis

Sichen Liu, Mingjun Guo, Yifan Wang
Under the influence of novel coronavirus pneumonia, teaching Chinese as a foreign language is also facing great challenges. The research object of this paper is Wukong Chinese, a domestic training institution for Chinese as a foreign language for children during the epidemic period. It analyzes the changes...
Proceedings Article

Factors Leading to the History of Pasung Clients Schizophrenia

Dwi Christina Rahayuningrum, Weni Sartiwi
Pasung is a form of physical restraint or confinement which is still practiced by some members of Indonesian communities. Pasung is often experienced by people schizophrenia who have low education, live in low economic and social conditions, have emotional and psychological problems and experience prolonged...

The Construction of Female Images in Chinese TV Dramas From 2009 to 2018

Cheng Li
TV drama creation takes real life as the source of creation, restoring real life scenes, and not only presents the audience’s life experience in various fields through different themes, but also affects the audience’s perception of life. The images of female characters in TV dramas are gradually diversified,...

A Yang–Mills Electrodynamics Theory on the Holomorphic Tangent Bundle

Gheorghe Munteanu
Pages: 227 - 242
Considering a complex Lagrange space ([24]), in this paper the complex electromagnetic tensor fields are defined as the sum between the differential of the complex Liouville 1-form and the symplectic 2-form of the space relative to the adapted frames of the Chern–Lagrange complex nonlinear connection....

Social Values in Jalur Dance

Juma Afrison, Juju Masunah
Social value studies are often applied to people’s lives to measure the good or bad of an act or object valued. This study discussed social values in Jalur dance, which develops in the Kuantan Singingi community. This study employed a qualitative approach, while the method used was descriptive analysis....

The Creation of Science Learning Models Based on Islamic Characters Deterrent Effects to Improve Student Learning Outcomes

Iip Aripin, Johanes Sapri, Riyanto, Alexon
Creation of Islamic Character-Based Science Learning Model (KMPIBKI) and the impact of accompanying models to improve student learning outcomes in Integrated Islamic Elementary Schools (SDIT) in Bengkulu City. This study aims to determine how the creation of a science learning model based on Islamic...

Building Potentials of Permis and Rajik Villages as Ecotourism Villages in South Bangka Regency

Darman Saputra, Julia
Community-based ecotourism is an effort to develop villages through the tourism sector, not only to utilize tourism resources that are still maintained but also contributing fully to environmental friendliness and the community as an increase in community welfare. Permis Village and Rajik, Bangka Selatan...

Decision-Making Culture in Organizations

Hardi Mulyono, Nelvitia Purba, Arief Hadian, Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri, Mhd. Zulkifli Hasibuan
This article discusses several definitions of decision making. Decision making is the process of choosing solutions from problem solving. The definition of decision making has been concluded that decision making is a process of determining an existing problem and then looking for some of the best alternatives...

Personal Data Protection in the Internet of Things

Nina Olinder, Konstantin Fedyakin, Elena Korneeva
Recent growth of the information and communication technologies (ICT) created enormous opportunities for the economic and technical growth. However, they also opened the Pandora’s box of cybercrime, stealing personal information and identity, spying on people’s working and private lives as well as other...

The Effect of Inquiry Method Assisted by Audiovisual Media and Learning Motivation on Writing News Text Skills

Sef Afriadi, Atmazaki, Irfani Basri
This type of research is a quantitative study using a quasy experiment method. Research design is factorial design. The population of this study was all eight grade students of Public Middle School 6 Padang totaling one hundred and eighty-five students. Sampling was done by random sampling technique...

Research for Maintaining Cross-Strait Peace and Economic Development in the Post-Epidemic Era

Hung-Chi Hsu, Hui-Lin Hsu, Mei-Zhen He
The study based on the post-COVID-19 epidemic era to analyses the confusing international economic situation. The article studies the contradictions and antagonisms of the United States, China and Taiwan, and explores the best interests of cross-strait relations through a model of competition and cooperation....

Deradicalizing Islam in Indonesia Through the Perspective of Al-Ghazali’s Maqasid al-Syari’ah (Purposes of Islamic law)

Moh. Mukri, Imam Mustofa
This article studies and analyses programs of deradicalization of Islamic understanding in Indonesia through the concept of Al-Ghzali’s maqasid al-syari’ah (purposes of Islamic law). This concept is chosen because of its considered comprehensiveness in nature. The Al-Ghazali’s concept of maqasid al-syari’ah...

Research on the Current Situation of Sports Consumption Industry Under the Background of Great Health

Tian LI
The use of mathematical statistics, literature methods. Starting from the network data and research report of sports consumption industry, this paper summarizes the problems exposed and faced by sports consumption industry through the analysis of consumer groups, consumption items, industrial enterprise...

Designing a Framework for Multimedia Galleries

Elyna Amir Sharji, Lim Yan Peng, Peter Charles Woods, Koo Ah Choo
Concurrent with the advancement of technology, galleries are facing changes in terms of content and context, tools and technology, and visitor experience. This study focuses on the sense of change from static gallery institutions to interactive and engaging multimedia galleries. The concept of sense...

Delivery Pattern of Character Values in the Legend Group Themed of Lawlessness Folklore in the Minangkabau Nation Society

Wahyuni Mulia Helmi, WS Hasanuddin, Harris Effendi Thahar, Yasnur Asri
Intangible cultural heritage is a cultural wealth that contributes to the process of instilling good character values. These cultural properties can be used in planting, development, and strengthening of character values contextually by the characteristics of the nation’s culture. Folklore is an intangible...

Prospects for the Extraction of Non-Ferrous Metals from Cell Phones

Veronika Ershova
The article defines the significance of the extraction and use of non-ferrous metals from cell phones and other equipment, which has advantages over the extraction of non-ferrous metals from ores from an economic and environmental point of view. It is noted that alternative methods of extraction of non-ferrous...

Viewing the Mass Communication of Non-mainstream Culture from “The Rap of China”

Lu Wang, Xiaohang Song
With the advent of the new media era, the “non-mainstream culture” that was originally hidden in the mass culture has begun to emerge, and it has spread day by day through rich and broad communication channels. The rise of non-mainstream culture not only maintains the ecology and activity of cultural...

Empowering Network Management and Performance Quality in the Development of Business Organizations

A Case study on SMEs Cluster in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Muhammad Noor, Daryono
The purpose of research is to determine the pattern and strategy of organization development (OD), especially SMEs Clusters as a business organization. The research took place at Balikpapan City and was conducted on three types of SMEs Clusters: Batik Cluster, Food Cluster and Handicraft Cluster. The...