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188759 articles
Proceedings Article

New Signcryption Scheme based on Multivariate Public-key Cryptosystem

Yiliang Han
Multivariate based cryptography possesses the characteristic of high efficiency as well as resistance of quantum attack, which makes it become one of the main candidates of being possible alternative to conditional public cryptography in post-quantum ear. A new signcryption scheme based on Multivariate...

A Study of Designing a Final Achievement Test for English Pronunciation Course

Buhan Pan
This study intends to design a final achievement test for an introductory English pronunciation course for English majors in Mainland China. The paper firstly clarifies contexts, purposes and learning targets of the test. Then the assessment methods are justified with regard to validity, reliability,...

Neoslavonic Language Zonal Language Constructing: Challenge, Experience, Opportunity to the 21st Century

Vojtech Merunka, Martin Molhanec
This paper describes the project of artificial zonal language construction and first experiences with its use. The paper presents the design principles of this language and the sources of it: Old (Church) Slavonic, Interslavic project, and the False Friend of the Slavic project. Finally, the opportunities...

The Discussion on Music Listening Teaching in College

ZhengChang Zhou
Music listening teaching of common high school has been a hotspot topic of the concerning people and they also gain a lot of mature experience up to now. But, because of the music education of common high school started late, it is lack of some scientific experience about the positioning of the entire...
Proceedings Article

Adaptively Finding Optimal Routes under Principles of Spatial Cognition-A Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Approach

Weifeng Zhao, Qin Zhang
Way finding research has paid much attention to the selection of optimal routes under principles of spatial cognition. However, the commonly employed implemental approaches suffer inevitably from the contradictions between personalized network modelling and network data sharing. This paper presents one...
Proceedings Article

Design and Construction of an Energy-saving Sunlight Greenhouse with Underground Drip Irrigation and Heat Storage System

Tiance Zhang
A kind of energy-saving sunlight greenhouse with underground drip irrigation and heat storage system was designed and a greenhouse heat balance model was established in order to create the best artificial climate for plant growth and meets the requirement in energy conservation, environmental protection...
Proceedings Article

Cylindrical Medicine Bottle's Character Recognition of Automotive Dispensing Machine

Mingde Gong, Xianming Zhang, Tao Ni
a new scheme was designed to recognize the medicine which was packed in small cylindrical bottle with a label on the surface. To recognize the label of medicine a new algorithm was needed, which was used to rectify the cylindrical character to plane one. According to the equations of the rectification...
Proceedings Article

Bearing Capacity Estimates of the Parallel Wire Cables of Large Span Cable-stayed Bridges

Bing BAI, Xiao-long LI, Yue-ling LI
As the stay cables are the key members of large span cable-stayed bridges, Accurate calculation of its bearing capacity is the basic foundation of structure design and soundness assessment. Using the statistical theory, 81 7-1770MPa new wire strength test results are employed to investigate the law of...
Proceedings Article

A Robust Unstructured Mobile Peer-to-Peer Files Sharing System under Higher Peer Churn Rate

Xin Zhang, Yinghu Xia, Chunqing Lin
In the unstructured Peer-to-Peer systems, a core operation is efficient location of resources. Conventional informative searching algorithms, however, always cannot perform well under peer churn rate network environments. In this paper, we designed a robust unstructured peer-to-peer files sharing system....
Proceedings Article

Advances in Study on Structure of Polysaccharide

Miao Yu, Yue Cao, Guosong Xin, Chenfeng Ji, Shiyong Gao, Xiang Zou, Zheng Qi
Polysaccharide has many biological functions, such as anti-tumor, anti-virus and so on. The function of polysaccharide is closely related to its structure. The structure of polysaccharides can be classified into primary structure and advanced structure. There are many methods for the analysis of polysaccharide...
Proceedings Article

Leakage current study for dielectric breakdown in electrowetting systems

Weiqiang Wang, Yan Su
In this paper, we study the leakage current and breakdown phenomena of SU8 dielectric film in electrowetting systems. The experimental results showed that the leakage current is negligible when the applied voltage is smaller than the onset voltage of contact angle saturation, but this current exhibits...
Proceedings Article

Gray Prediction of Air Pollutants in Beijing Based on Improved Residual GM (1, 1) Model

Yong Shao, Yang Zhang, Changshun Yan
Based on the gray system theory, the original gray predicting model, the residual correction model and the residual model have been established for PM10, SO2 and NO2, which are the major atmospheric pollution factors in Beijing. After comparing those three models, this paper established a new improved...

Stochastic Capacity Acquisition and Allocation Model for Bandwidth Brokers under Fuzzy Volume Based Pricing Scheme

Hasan Hüseyin Turan, Nihat Kasap, Dursun Delen, Mehmet Nahit Serarslan
Pages: 227 - 244
In this paper, bandwidth acquisition and allocation problem of a telecommunications Bandwidth Broker (BB) is analyzed under uncertain end-user capacity requests and pay-per-byte (volume) based pricing policy. Furthermore, related objective function coefficients such as revenue and costs are modeled as...

Hotel Revenue Management Implementation in Hotel

Arif Zulkarnain, Anita Swantari, Haryo Wicaksono
Hotel Revenue Management is the application of information systems and pricing strategies that sell the right place to the right customers at the right time and in the right time frame. Implementation of hotel revenue management is done through the seven steps that aim to identify and resolve problems...
Proceedings Article

Mechanism Analytical of furcated split of LEFP

Hongwei Liu, Yong Zhang, Junhong Luo
By theoretical analysis, under the conditions of central point initiating , the article consider that furcated split of LEFP was conducted by of every fault plant, x directional speed grads resulted in LEFP's elongation, y directional speed grads resulted in LEFP's bending distortion, thereby result...
Proceedings Article

Dynamic Characteristics and Sensitivity Analysis of Test Machine Shaft

G. Wen, G.Y. Zhou, W.J. Wang, Z.L. Ying, C.G. He, Q.Y. Liu
This paper presented the dynamic characteristics and sensitivity analysis of the shaft of test machine based on finite element method and orthogonal design method. It is concluded that the top eight order natural frequencies (Hz) are 1673.3, 3666.6, 4421.8, 5713.8, 6612.9, 6656.8, 9550.9, 9617.5 based...

A Review of the Study of Poor Whites Trilogy

Xiuguo Huang
Poor Whites Trilogy is often underestimated because of tis realist description of poor whites’economic reformation.This trend can be traced back to the exemplification of Cleanth Brooks’ criticism.The Poor Whites Trilogy with its concern for and its close interaction with the contemporary society, made...
Proceedings Article

Development and application of the whole automatic determination machine for antibiotic tube dish method / turbidity method

Lijian Zhang, Haina Cui, Tingting Wang
product is developed on the basis of the technical cooperation projects of the shandong xinyuan Thai letter electronic technology co., LTD.,using the luoyang LanFei PLC and touch screen, and spectrophotometer. It is easily to realize Add sample, full automatic measurement and report. A dose, dose and...

Study on Talent Cultivation Mode and Teaching Methods Reform in Military Academics

Ying Zeng
Military talents are those who have higher culture and scientific quality, much strong innovation consciousness and thinking ability. The overall objective of military talent training is to cultivate the comprehensive-quality military personnel that meet the requirements of military modernization and...

Mobile Learning with Oriented Nature of Science (NOS): Does undergraduate school need it?

Yusran Khery, Bq. Asma Nufida, Suryati Suryati, Sri Rahayu, Endang Budiasih
This study has been carried out to describe several factors that are considered necessary for the development of mobile learning with NOS (Nature of Science) oriented in chemistry education program of IKIP Mataram. These factors are students understanding of NOS, NOS-oriented on chemistry course, NOS...

Reading Skill Improvement in First Grade Students in Slb-B Karya Bakti Wonosobo through Multisensory Approach

Dessy Wulandari, Mumpuniarti Mumpuniarti
Reading skill improvement in first grade students in SLB-B Karya Bakti Wonosobo through multisensory approach. This research aimed to reveal: (1) the process of improvement can be done by teachers to develop reading skills in deaf students, (2) the types of functional sensory improvement found for instructional...

A Novel Comparative Linguistic Distance Measure Based on Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Term Sets and Its Application in Group Decision-Making

Mei Cai, Yiming Wang, Zaiwu Gong, Guo Wei
Pages: 227 - 237
The linguistic approaches are required in order to assess qualitative aspects of many real problems. In most of these problems, decision makers only adopt single and very simple terms which would not reflect exactly what the experts mean for many intricate applications. Frequently, the assessments of...

Low pre-diagnosis attrition but high pre-treatment attrition among patients with MDR-TB: An operational research from Chennai, India

Hemant Deepak Shewade, Dina Nair, Joel S. Klinton, Malik Parmar, J. Lavanya, Lakshmi Murali, Vivek Gupta, Jaya Prasad Tripathy, Soumya Swaminathan, Ajay M.V. Kumar
Pages: 227 - 233
Background: Worldwide, there’s concern over high pre-diagnosis and pre-treatment attritions or delays in Multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) diagnosis and treatment pathway (DTP). We conducted this operational research among patients with presumptive MDR-TB in north and central Chennai, India to...
Proceedings Article

A Blockchain Based Authentication Mechanism in Wireless Local Area Network

Yuan Yao, Tao Xie
Considering the security of the widely used WLAN technology, a secure, flexible and reliable authentication scheme is definitely necessary. Most of the existing schemes adopt centralized authentication process, making it vulnerable to DDoS attack, faked AP and the leak of shared secrets. We propose a...

The Impact of Financial Robots on Enterprise Accounting in Big Data Environment

Ruoqu Xiong, Xiangzhi Zhang
Financial robots, developed in big data environment, are intelligent tools which replace the repetitive works and improve accounting service efficiency. Currently financial robots have entered the accounting operation entirely, which arouse highly attention of accountants. Thus, it’ s obligatory to look...

The Effect of Transformational Leadership, Quality of Work Life (QWL) on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) at Tapan Regional General Hospital

Dian Zurahmi, Erni Masdupi, Dina Patrisia
The purpose of this study will be to determine the effect of Transformational Leadership, Quality of Work (QWL) on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) at the Tapan Regional General Hospital . This study used 126 samples . Data analysis techniques used in the study are using path analysis.

Research on Virtual Visualization Teaching Innovation of Urban and Rural Planning Based on Space of Digital Humanities

Lingqing Zhang, Jing Yan, Xuxi Wang
With the development of informatization, importance has been increasingly attached to digital and virtualized teaching methods in the teaching process of majors like urban and rural planning. However, the rational analysis of informatization and superficial virtual perception cannot meet the training...

Exploration of Introducing GIS Application into Landscape Architecture Curriculum

Ruoying Tang
Based on the current educational situation of GIS application in Chinese universities, this paper proposes that the focus point of GIS teaching in landscape architecture field should be different from that of urban planning. Moreover, in this paper the teaching model of GIS course has been explored and...

Study of Establishing and Perfecting Modern Apprenticeship System with Chinese Characteristics

Fan Yang, Xiaotao Gong, Chunling Wang, Jianfeng He
Modern apprenticeship is an important measure to substantially promote school-enterprise collaborative education under the condition of imperfect laws related to school-enterprise cooperation in China. Based on the basic model of apprenticeship in developed countries, this paper makes a detailed analysis...

Development profitability classification of mineral deposits for mining industry

Sergey Reshetnyak, Darya Vedrova
Mining industry is a basis for the sustainable economy development of any country. The state mineral resources sufficiency often plays a major role in geopolitics. A development of mineral deposits is inherently associated with a number of risks starting with a non-confirmation of geological research...

Religion and Social Conflicts in Indonesia: An Effort to Build Theological Awareness

Indonesia with all its diversity is actually a rich country, both natural and human resources. The diversity of religion, ethnicity, culture and language is the most important asset of Indonesian to be a country that has political, social and economic strength. Nevertheless, this kind of diversity is...

English Reading Teaching from the Perspective of Functional Discourse Analysis

Jian Zhang
Reading is the main form of language learning. English reading has always been the focus of English teaching, which requires a lot of teaching time. For English learners, reading teaching plays an important role in their English learning. Reading teaching is an important part of English teaching. How...

Research-based Lectures to Improve Students' 4C (Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity) Skills

Maulia Kembara, Rama Wijaya Rozak, Vini Agustiani Hadian
Research is an appropriate means to bridge students' academic abilities with problems that occur in society. Students will learn to actualize all the abilities that he has while taking higher education. In addition, research can be used to improve students' 4C capabilities (communication, collaboration,...

Linguistic Politeness in Palembangnese Directives in Indonesia and Its Implications for University Teaching and Learning

Susi Herti Afriani
This paper presents a study of linguistic politeness in Palembang Malay language in Indonesia. It is a language spoken in South Sumatera, Indonesia, henceforth referred to as Palembangnese. The overall goal of this paper is to contribute to the wider literature on the use of directives. However, in particular,...

Enrique Dussel: to the Critique of Philosophy of “Anthropologial Protest”

Olga Bondar
The need to rethink the classical European systems that excluded the possibility of the existence (of the idea) of the Other from the ontological order was a key factor in the self-determination of subjects representing a non-Western type of philosophical discourse. Un-ontological status deprived the...
Proceedings Article

Research and Application of Prediction Control Method Based on Automatic Optimization of Coal Volume in AGC

Xiao-gang Xin, Shao-jia Dang, Cheng-guo Qin, Guo-bin Zhang, Rui-jun Guo
One circulating fluidized bed boiler (CFB) generator set of a thermal power plant in Inner Mongolia power grid planned to put into automatic power generation control (AGC) by transforming the software and hardware of the unit. This can reduce the electricity allocation and punishment by the power grid....

Firm Maturity and Corporate Social Responsibility: Using Slack Resources and Gender Composition as Moderating Variables

Rita Sugiarti Nida, Nadya Hasan, Elvia R. Shauki, Vera Diyanty
This study examines the effect of firm maturity on corporate social responsibility (CSR) using slack resources and gender composition as the moderating variables. Based on stakeholder theory and legitimacy theory, this study develops hypotheses. This study uses 53 Indonesian firms and finds that firm...

Solvability of Fuzzy Relational Equations Employing Undefined Values

Nhung Cao
The paper aims at studying the solvability of fuzzy relational equations where the input fuzzy sets may have undefined values. The appropriate operations dealing undefined values are taken from the algebras built in partial fuzzy logic, in particular, the Bochvar operations, Sobocinski operations, Kleene...

Preliminary Research of Media Literacy Development

Elfia Sukma, Ritawati Mahjuddin, M. Habibi
This research is motivated by the low quality of media literacy used by teachers in reading learning in the early grades of elementary school. This study aims to produce valid media literacy used in reading learning in the early grades of elementary school. This type of research is research and development...

On the Situation of Flexible Employment of Migrant Workers against the Background of “Internet+”

Wei Wang, Qinqin Sun
The “Internet+” era brings not only a diversified development model, but also more opportunities. Migrant workers are derivatives of China’s reform and opening up, and they are also key groups that have exerted overall, strategic and historical influence on reform and opening up. Migrant workers search...

Research on the Way of Integrating Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture into New Era Culture from the Perspective of Cultural Confidence

Hong Hu
Entering a new era, we are in the decisive stage of building a well-off society in an all-round way. It is also an important stage for us to realize the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Promoting cultural soft power, building cultural self-confidence and realizing cultural power...

The Influence of Character and Creativity Initiative (CCI) Learning Approach and Lecturers Qualification towards the Learning Results of Program Design Method after Controlling the Mathematics Logic Ability

Hardjito S. Darmojo, Gaguk Margono, Yuliatri Sastrawijaya
The research was aimed at implementing the Character and Creativity Initiative (CCI) in education and finding out the description about the professionalism of lecturers’ performances in order to increase the students’ learning achievements, as well as finding out the students’ learning results on program...

Research on the teaching mode and method of "engineering dielectric and electrical insulation"

Tian Fuqiang, Li Wanru
In this paper, aiming at the intersections of "engineering dielectric and electrical insulation" for graduate students majoring in electrical engineering, based on practical teaching experience and making full use of existing teaching resources, this paper explores and practices new teaching methods,...

On Advantages of The Law of Primitive Man

Yulian Dind
The question of whether there are laws in the primitive society has always attracted the attention of scholars of different subjects. Jurists are particularly concerns about this issue because it involves a series of jurisprudential major issues such as the origin, essence and role of law. Until today,...

Exploration and Analysis of Ways to Improve Hidden Psychological Harm in Dormitories of College Students from the Perspective of Team Sand Play Games

Yi Zhang
Nowadays College students' psychological problems tend to be complex and diverse, especially hidden psychological harm. Due to its prominent characteristics, such as high incidence, strong concealment and strong lag, it has significant impact and harm. On the basis of the existing mature dominant psychological...
Proceedings Article

Dynamic Optimization Model of Signal Timings of Exit-lanes for Left-turn Intersections

Kun Yang, Yinzhen Li, Hao Li, Jie Yin
To make use of the space and time resources at the conventional intersections using exit-lanes for left-turn (EFL) effectively, a dynamic signal-timing model for such special intersections was proposed. Firstly, the operator of the optimal period of the main signal lamp was determined by means of calculating...

Digital Economics and Internet of Things: Visualization of Research Fronts

Anton D. Nazarov, Elena S. Kulikova, Maya I. L’vova
The article deals with the transformation of digital economic processes in context of country's research activities development. Country needs to develop in current vector of science. We noted science metrics as one of the tools for finding the potential vector of science; we noted the science metrics,...
Proceedings Article

A case study on economic cost increment in urban highway work zones

Sasika Ranawaka, Handunneththi Pasindu
Highway work zones are present in most urban and rural road networks due to road rehabilitation, maintenance, utility installation works that are carried out on roadways. The impacts related to highway work-zone include traffic delays, vehicle operating cost increase, increase in road accidents, accessibility...

Optimization of forest ecosystem recreational services formation in conditions of decentralization in Ukraine

Oleksiy Holubchak, Svitlana Korol, Ivanna Melnychuk, Mykola Prykhodko
One of the main conditions for increasing the level of ecosystem service delivery through the prism of decentralization is in-depth analysis and monitoring of the state of ecosystems, which will allow the development of priority services on a fee basis. The article shows the influence of the ITC on the...

Digital Technology Application Policy In Supporting Digital Era Of Educational Industry In Politeknik Negeri Bandung And Sman 24 Bandung

Mia Rosmiati
This study was aimed to determine the extent of the implementation of digital technology application in the education field, especially in Politeknik Negeri and SMAN 24 Bandung . The method used was a qualitative research design because the researcher seek to observe and express in depth what is happening...