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188759 articles

Parallel DNA Algorithms of Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem-Based Bioinspired Computing Model

Xiaomin Ren, Xiaoming Wang, Zhaocai Wang, Tunhua Wu
Pages: 228 - 237
Generalized traveling salesman problem (GTSP) is a classical combinatorial optimization problem, in which the optimization goal is the minimum route combination. Since the GTSP is a more complex problem than the traveling salesman problem (TSP), the GTSP can be considered an extension of the TSP. At...

The Impact and Implications of COVID-19 on China’s Service Trade

Xinyu Hu
The trade in goods and services of countries around the world has been seriously affected by the outbreak of the Coronavirus(COVID-19). This paper aims to explore the differences in the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on China’s trade in services and goods, as well as the impact of different service...

The Impact of Co-Sleeping Behavior on Children’s Activities in the Classroom

Khoirunnisa, Adi Atmoko, Anggit Prasetio Nugroho
Parents play a dominant role on children’s behavior. The parents’ role is essential since the children’s’ education begins from the contribution of their parents. At this golden age, early childhood’s personality is caused by genetic and environmental factors. The research aimed to discover the impact...

The Application of Classification of Land Disputes in Judicial Practice

Nadezhda Alekseeva, Elena Syrykh, Vladislav Panchenko, Valerii Vlasenko, Ivan Makarchuk
This article studies land disputes and judicial practice which is diverse in this area. Thus, land disputes are classified in order to systematize them. It is of practical importance and can be applied by courts in land disputes resolution. When classifying land disputes by objects, there are four types:...

Implementation and Accounting Recording of “Tabungan Arisan Berhadiah” (Tabah) in LPD Banyuning

Gusti Ayu Ketut Rencana Sari Dewi, Ni Luh Asri Savitri, Luh Gede Kusuma Dewi
Village Micro-finance Institution (Lembaga Perkreditan Desa—LPD) Banyuning has one of the innovative products to increase LPD capital from internal capital, namely the Tabungan Arisan Berhadiah (TABAH). Researchers are interested in analysing the implementation of TABAH’s Innovative Products because...

Living Values Educational Program: Children Literature Instruction to Improve Character Values of Elementary School Students

Muh Arafik
This study aims at improving the learning outcomes and character values integrated in children literature instruction through Living Values Educational Program (LVEP). The research instruments were an achievement test, observation guides, and interview guides. The action in this study was the application...

A Study on College English Teaching of Medical Students under the Guidance of CSE—Taking Chengdu Medical College as an Example

Yu-feng Tang, Xiang-fa Zeng
China’s Standards of CSE aims to guide English teaching and testing, to cultivate students’ cultural awareness and to improve their practical language ability and intercultural communicative competency. A survey among the medical students in CMC reveals the current situation of College English teaching...

Regulatory Discourse on Woman’s Body

The Case of Muhammadiyah and Salafi’s Clerics Preaching

Eva Leiliyanti, Dhaurana Atikah Dewi, Zufrufin Saputra, Andera Wiyakintra, Muhammad Ulul Albab
This discourse analysis aims to compare and evaluate the patriarchal language on woman’s body represented by the preaching of Muhammadiyah and Salafi’s clerics. Both have positioned the woman’s body as a regulatory discourse that must be controlled by men. The data, which included 15 minutes and 5 minutes...

Synonymy of the Word ‘Goodness’ in the Al-Quran and Its Meaning in Indonesian Language

Nur Hizbullah, Abdul Muta’ali
Al-Quran is the holy book that Muslims hold to give them moral direction from which all life values and rules are outlined by Allah the Almighty. Among the many values in the Al-Quran, there is an important value that serves as the foothold for all activities in humans’ life, namely “goodness”. This...

A Hamiltonian yielding damped motion in an homogeneous magnetic field: quantum treatment

François Leyvraz, Francesco Calogero
Pages: 228 - 239
In earlier work, a Hamiltonian describing the classical motion of a particle moving in two dimensions under the combined influence of a perpendicular magnetic field and of a damping force proportional to the particle velocity, was indicated. Here we derive the quantum propagator for the Hamiltonian in...

An Assessment of Acoustic Quality in Mosque Case Study: Masjid At-Tarbiyah UIN Malang

Aisyah Nur Handryant
Acoustic quality is an essential aspect in the design of spaces, including mosques. A mosque as a worship place has several activities that require good acoustic quality, especially in terms of delivering a clear sound. Masjid At-Tarbiyah is one of the mosques on the UIN Malang campus. This research...

Unearthing the Role of Female Breadwinners in Family Resilience During a Crisis:

A Case Study in Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Community in Tewang Pajangan, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

Safura Intan Herlusia, Tannia Paramita, Vovia Witni, Budi Susilorini
COVID-19 can negatively impact family resilience as the pandemic causes social disruptions and mental distress, whether due to financial insecurity, physical distancing or confinement. Based on previous studies, such impacts were disproportionately felt by vulnerable families, including those with female...

Analysis of College Students’ Satisfaction with the Application of the PAD Class in Teaching

Yueliang Jia, Yueming Jia
Objectives: The goal of this paper is to explore the satisfaction of college students and the relationship between the satisfaction and grades when the PAD Class is applied to the personality psychology teaching. Methods: 62 students majoring in applied psychology were investigated with course satisfaction...

The Development of Android Application-Based E-Module Learning Media on the Makassar Flute Learning Material for Year 8 Junior High School Students

Nurul Fathimatul Izzah, A.M. Susilo Pradoko, Sri Wahyuni Syukur
This study aims to develop an Android application-based e-Module on the Makassar Flute learning material for Year 8 junior high school students. The development of e-Module learning media based on android application is an alternative in the use of technology. Essentially, the commonly used sources and...

The Odd Log-Logistic Burr-X Family of Distributions: Properties and Applications

Hamid Karamikabir, Mahmoud Afshari, Morad Alizadeh, Haitham M. Yousof
Pages: 228 - 241
In this paper, a new class of distributions called the odd log-logistic Burr-X family with two extra positive parameters is introduced and studied. The new generator extends the odd log-logistic and Burr X distributions among several other well-known distributions. We provide some mathematical properties...

Students’ Creativity in Producing Biology Learning Media

Fajar Adinugraha
As prospective teachers of Biology, students have to acquire appropriate competencies of being good teachers. The competencies must be supported by their creativity, which can be developed by doing some projects in their learning process through producing Biology learning media. The students in this...

An Empirical Study on E-book Usage Intention – Perspective of International Students Studying in Thailand

Sumaia Farzana, Madawala Liyanage Duminda Jayaranjan, Saif Ur Rahman
This paper aims to understand the intention of using e-book among the international students studying in Thailand. The paper adopts Technology Acceptance Model to comprehend the association between perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitudes, and intention to use e-book for their studies....

The Development of Android Based Digital Module Materials for Human Nerve Systems in SMA Negeri 1 Cengal, Ogan Komering District Ilir

Salman Alfaris, Bukman Lian, Mulyadi
This study aims to develop-based digital module on android a feasible and effective the nervous system material in humans. The development model used in this research is ADDIE. The research subjects were three experts and one educational practitioner consisting of Information Technology System (IT) experts,...

Fuzzy Decision Support System for ABC University Student Admission Selection

Muchtar Ali Setyo Yudono, Riyan Mirdan Faris, Aryo De Wibowo, Muhammad Sidik, Falentino Sembiring, Sankan Fahmi Aji
New Student Admission (PMB) is a pattern for selecting prospective students. Every year, every University conducts PMB selection, and new student admissions are divided into numerous tracks: the Independent Path. The Basic Competency Exam, TOEFL Prediction, and interviews are commonly used in this selection...

The Technologies Used for Artwork Personalization and the Challenges

Zhuoyan Guo
For many years, many streaming companies’ personalized recommendation systems mainly focused on how to employ the right algorithm to predict what the subscriber would be interested in based on their viewing history and preferences. By showing those content, companies believe this could provide efficiency...

The impact of digital economy development on the quality of urban innovation: Empirical evidence from 256 cities in China

Yu Zhang, Taoxing Zhu, Haiyan Guo
The digital economy enabling urban innovation has become essential for the country to implement the innovation-driven development strategy. This study uses panel data from 256 Chinese cities spanning the period from 2011 to 2021 to examine the influence of the digital economy on the quality of urban...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Cultivation of University Students’ Media Literacy Based on DM of Student Behavior

Yushuai Qi
With the improvement of society nowadays, the amount of message is increasing day by day. How to find useful data in the huge data becomes something that must be considered. With the improvement of message technique, the application of message technique in teaching has become more and more extensive,...
Proceedings Article

Application of Visual Availability Theory and Visual Perception in Software

Liu Fei, Jiang Ye, Liu Xian Jun
This content discusses the importance of software interface design and the significance of visual accessibility theory and visual perception in creating effective interfaces. The paper aims to invest how these principles can be applied in software development to improve user experience and engagement....

Towards Better Understanding for Consumer Personalization in Marketing

Jincheng Wang, Yihui Sun
The purpose of this study is to explore the role of customer attributes in explaining customer consumption preferences. Through the different personal situation of customers, the consumption choice of customers is classified and discussed. Specifically, the annual household income, the customer’s education...
Proceedings Article

Current status and prospects of quantitative geohazard risk evaluation

Yan Zhang, Shengshan Hou
Landslides, collapses, and debris flow are the most common types of geohazard, and their disaster losses are also the most serious. Geohazards not only cause casualties, but also cause serious economic losses. In order to reduce the losses caused by these disasters, it is crucial to conduct quantitative...

Marketing System Based on Artificial Intelligence Technology Construction and Risk Analysis

Jinlian Zhang
Based on the construction of marketing system and risk analysis, artificial intelligence technology is used to reshape its structure, establish a prediction system for marketing risk analysis, and comprehensively promote the positive development of marketing system. In the process of marketing data information...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Subtotal Nephrectomy Method on Urea and Creatinine Serum in Hypertension Animal Model

Ernadita Budiastuti, Miranti Dewi Pramaningtyas
Chronic kidney failure is a disease that causes a decrease in kidney function in cleaning the blood of toxic materials, which causes accumulation of metabolic waste in the blood. Renal failure can cause severe azotemia and uremia. Subtotal nephrectomy is a method to induce hypertension and renal failure....
Proceedings Article

Resistance to Degradation in Cantabro Test on Low-cost Concrete Specimens

Akula Vishal, N. Chandana
Production of low-cost concrete has been a major parameter to reduce the overall cost of construction by using alternate materials. For this, coconut shells which are abundantly available near the local temples, oil industries are used for the present study to make use of the Agro waste. Along with coconut...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Financing for the Construction of Puzzle Houses by Polsri in an Effort to Provide Affordable Housing for Low-Income Communities

(Case Study of the Construction of the Polsri Puzzle House Mockup)

Hendi Warlika Sedo Putra, Ahmad Syapawi, Doni Sastra, Ria Dwi Putri
The 1945 Constitution Article 28 paragraph (1) letter H and Law No. 1 of 2011 explicitly state that housing is a basic right of citizens, and the government guarantees and ensures that housing is decent and affordable. This is undoubtedly a challenge for the government and the people, considering Indonesia's...

Empirical Analysis of the Application of Artificial Intelligence Assisted Language Learning in Improving Second Language Ability of Second Language Learners Taking HelloTalk and Duolingo as Examples

Tianjia Chen
With the development of globalization, learning a second language has become a demand for more and more people, and the rapid development of mobile applications and artificial intelligence technology has provided new possibilities for language learning. Firstly, we delved into the HelloTalk application,...

Introducing Traditional Games as Learning Media to Children in Tegalmanding, Umbulmartani, Ngemplak, Sleman, Yogyakarta

Benni Setiawan, Erlita Nindya Juwita
In this day and age, many traditional games have been forgotten by the young generation. Children are no longer attracted to know about traditional games. Most children in Tegalmanding village are busy with their gadgets even when they gather in a place. Located near campus, Tegalmanding is a developed...

Development of Educational Game “语法戏[Yǔfǎ Xì] as an Optimization of Grammar Learning

M. Lukluk Ul, Aiga Ventivani, Octi Rjeky Mardasari, Putery Ekireginata
Mastering grammar is crucial to support language skills, including learning Chinese. Lack of mastery of Chinese grammar can hinder learning four language skills at once. One of the media that can help learn grammar is educational game media. The purpose of this research is to develop an educational game...
Proceedings Article

Patterns of Local Socio-Economic Oyster Mushroom Commodities

Djoko Soejono, Rachmat Udhi Prabowo, Ariq Dewi Maharani, Dimas Bastara Zahrosa, Soetriono
Regency Lumajang from aspect biophysical have potency prospective agriculture _ in its future development specifically development regional economy. Dimensions frequent social _ neglected in approach growth economics, in fact get place strategic for the Development process. The development has occurs...
Proceedings Article

Research on the application of Artificial Intelligence in Public Administration

Xitao Liu, Yuchen Han
With the continuous progress of science and technology and the continuous development of the society, the administrative management field is also facing more and more challenges and needs. The emergence of artificial intelligence technology is a double-edged sword, which has important theoretical and...

An Analysis of Values in Social Life in Snowpiercer Movie

Chinta Ade Putri, Indah Damayanti, Mei Hardiah
This research aims to find out how the lower class and the upper class are represented in the Snowpiercer movie as well as to find out how the Snowpierce movie portrays values in social life. Library research (documentation) and descriptive qualitative method were used to conduct the research. The data...
Proceedings Article

Processing Sky Rocket Melon into Jam with Various Acidifiers and Sugar Concentrations

Nur Aini, Retno Setyawati, Muti Alyani, Budi Sustriawan, Ruly Eko Kusuma Kurniawan
The high production of melons in Indonesia is affected by non-optimal post-harvest handling and the accelerated loss of quality due to its abundant water content, which reduce its economic value. The Sky Rocket variety is Indonesia’s most widely grown type of melon. The post-harvest handling of melon...

Study on the Development of Smart Tourism in Liangzhu Ancient City Ruins Park--Based on Visitors’ online commentary data

Yan Min, Zhou Bo
Smart tourism is an important way of creative transformation and innovative development of cultural heritage, as well as an important means of enriching the way tourists experience tourism. As a world cultural heritage, Liangzhu Ancient City Ruins Park shoulders the mission of spreading Chinese culture...

Utilization of Podcast as the Raising Star Audio on Demand Media at Corporate Sector in Indonesia

Syifa Astasia Utari, Abdul Rahman, Winda Dwi Astuti Zebua, Annisa Diah Widiyanti
Podcast as the rising star of audio on demand is one of the audio-based file content that its performance begun on getting public’s attention in Indonesia in recent years. Its flexible and accessible nature on demand is able to compete with the advantages of other audio content such as conventional radio...
Proceedings Article

Intelligent Parkinson’s Disease Detection: Optimization Algorithm Implementation for SVM and MLP Classifiers on Voice Bio-Markers

Panduranga Vital Terlapu, Malla Swetha, Jami Sai Ram, Korlam Sai Srinivas, Bellala Sai Nataraj, Malla Lahari, Godugoti Sowjanya, Bellala Sai Deexitha, Maddula Ratna Mohitha
Parkinson's disease is a disorder of the nervous system that causes impairment and changes in cognitive behavior. Voice analysis has become a crucial tool for diagnosing neurological conditions like PD, with symptoms typically appearing in people aged 50 or older. This research suggests new methods...
Proceedings Article

Calculation Method for Normal Section Bearing Capacity and Crack width of Unreinforced SFRC Segment

Zhen Xu, Bin Wang, Zhiwen Dong, Yisan Deng, Haojie Liu, Deming Li
In order to facilitate engineering applications, a reliable calculation method for the normal section bearing capacity and crack width of unreinforced SFRC segment is needed. Based on the results of the three-point bending test, a material constitutive model formula is established through elastic residual...

The Role of Local Government in Tourism Village Development

Niken Lastiti Veri Anggaini, Juviano Juviano
The role of tourism in the development of a country continues to increase along with the development of various alternative tourist destinations and the use of information technology in its development strategy. Various tourism development concepts are presented, ranging from nature-based, artificial...

Humour in Gus Mus’s Speeches

Islam Damai and Islam Petenthengan

Agung Pramujiono, Tri Indrayanti, Ira Eko Retnosari
Kyai Haji Ahmad Mustofa Bisri, known as Gus Mus, is a phenomenal cleric. Apart from being a scholar, he is also known as a writer and painter. As a scholar, Gus Mus’s speeches were soothing to the people and provided a lot of humour to build closeness with the congregation. This study aims to describe...
Proceedings Article

Quality and Rumen Fermentation Profile of Indigenous Forage on Karst Mountain

Doso Sarwanto, Caribu Hadi Prayitno, Nur Hidayat, Harwanto Harwanto
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality and rumen fermentation kinetics of indigenous forages that were common to fed the goats by farmers. The method used was a survey by identifying the forages for the goat fed by the farmers surrounding South Gombong, Central Java, karst hills. The soil...

Gravestone Typology and Landscape of Sultan Banjar’s Tomb

Islamization in South Kalimantan

Nia Marniati Etie Fajari, Sunarningsih Sunarningsih
The existence of the Banjar Kingdom has been depicting in the tale of Hikajat Banjar. It was centre in Banjarmasin and Martapura. The Islamic kingdom of Banjar was a continuation of Negara Daha, the previously Hindu monarchy. During its reign, the centre of Banjar Kingdom had moved several times, leaving...

Macro and Microstructure of Food Product Advertisement Discourse on Television

I Wayan Agus Sukayana, Ni Wayan Kasni, I Wayan Budiarta
Language in advertising discourse is different from that of other genre of text since advertisements are supposed to have the capability of attracting public attention and interest. By making use of Van Dijk’s (2009) discourse theory, this study examines three phenomena about food product advertisements...

Investigating the Effects of Extensive Listening on Non-English Majors’ Vocabulary Learning and Their Attitudes Towards Extensive Listening

Ngoc Ly Nguyen
In the process of learning English, every student has been taught vocabulary at their earliest stage due to its priority. Most previous research found that extensive listening could help students enhance their vocabulary. However, most studies lack an evaluation of the student’s receptive vocabulary...

Service Excellence Analysis using KANO Model on Tokopedia Case

Ahmad Adli, Ihfan Aditya Ghafur, Muhammad Irfan Luthfi, Sabil Nararya, Muharman Lubis
Tokopedia is an Indonesian E-Commerce Company which is indeed one of the Indonesian Unicorn Companies that was established on February 6, 2009, with its head office in DKI Jakarta. As of December 2020, Tokopedia claims to have more than 350 million product listings and 42 digital products and serves...
Proceedings Article

Carbon Emission Characteristics of Ecological Functional Area in National Functional Zoning and Sustainable Strategies for Regional Planning and Development: a Case Study of Ankang City, Shaanxi Province

Haonan Zeng
Achieving carbon peaking and carbon neutrality objectives has emerged as a paramount endeavor in the contemporary urban and regional development agenda. This manuscript examines Ankang City in Shaanxi Province from a carbon emission standpoint, employing the city’s domain as a foundational unit to delve...
Proceedings Article

Comparative Study of Grid-Inverted List Hybrid Indexing Techniques for Moving Objects and Queries

Sulbha Powar, Ganesh Magar
Advancement in GPS technologies and availability of a variety of devices to capture location and other attributes of the objects has led to an enormous development in geo-textual data. Searching through these objects for relevant objects as per the requirement needs efficient indexing technique and searching...

The Business Plan Training and Mentoring for Budisatrya Vocational High School in Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia

Sabda Dian Nurani Siahaan, Tauada Silalahi, Dodi Pramana, Haryani Pratiwi Sitompul
This community service program aims to support the implementation of entrepreneurial learning in Budisatrya Vocational High School (SMK) in Medan Tembung Subdistrict, North Sumatera, Indonesia. Improving the implementation of entrepreneurial education is needed to obtain entrepreneurial graduates. One...