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188759 articles

The Transparency of Public Service in Pelalawan District

Mr Syaprianto
Government as a public service provider, is in fact the service given to the community often unsatisfied in Pelalawan District. One of them is by realizing the transparency of publics service seriously by providing certainty of requirement, cost and time. Thus the public's trust in the government will...
Proceedings Article

The Effect Of Student's Interest And Motivation To Final Score Of Methodology Of Research And Basic Statistic Subject At Sari Mulia Midwifery Academy

Selfana Lady Rosadi, Sitti Khadijah, Herdiantri Sufriyana
Objective: To analyze the influence of student's interest and motivation on the achievement of student learning outcomes in Basic Research and Statistics course at AKBID Sari Mulia. Method: The research method used is an analytical survey with cross sectional approach. The population of the study were...

Modernity: The Ultimate Problem of Contemporary Science Fiction Movies. Taking the Movie "Blade Runner: 2049" as an Example

Han Li
As a type of film, science fiction movies are full of philosophical thoughts for the future. By its nature, modern science fiction movies explore the modernity and future of people in modernity. The film "Blade Runner: 2049" breaks the hard shell of science fiction movies with its literary attitude and...

Application of Quilting Art in Interior Furnishing Artistic Design

JiChun Li, Yuan Yang
Fabric products, with its characteristics like rich colors, diversified patterns and function of softening rigid space, have attracted great attention from designers. Meanwhile, quilting products, which is one variety of fabric products with a strong flavor of artistic, will result in favorable effects...

Black and White, Actual Situation Mr. Liu Pu landscape appreciation

Zeng Ziyi
Liu Pu, a visiting professor at Renmin University of China, Vice Chairman of Sichuan landscape, Chairman of Sichuan Chinese Society painting and the Art Realm presented their works bring us spiritual shock visual experience.
Proceedings Article

Study on CEI Network Model of Public Management

Dingsong Lan, Shouyan Cheng
This paper introduces the network CEI model in the city public management and the use of data mining association rules proposes intelligent sorting optimization algorithm for public affairs management, they improve the intelligent level and the office automation level of the public management. In order...

Multimedia Platform Design of Table Tennis Teaching

Ying Xuan, Chang Liu
Since the 1990s, mufti-media computer technology springs up promptly and develops vigorously. Its application has extended all over national economy and every aspect of social life and is bringing huge transform in human’s production Way Working way and even way of life. The paper has elaborated the...
Proceedings Article

The Periodic Solution of an Impulsive Perturbed Two-Species Gilpin-Ayala Competition System

Kaihua Wang, Zhanji Gui
The principle purpose of this paper is to explore the existence of periodic solution of Two-Species Gilpin-Ayala competition system with impulsive perturbations. Sufficient and realistic conditions are obtained by using Mawhin's continuation theorem of the coincidence degree. Further, some numerical...
Proceedings Article

Research and Application of the Hardware and the Sequence Control System for Chemical Water Treatment System

Bo Lin, Weiyan Sui, Song Gao
This paper introduces the method of controlling system of chemical water treatment control system of thermal power plant, which is transformed into a distributed control system. According to the working principle and structure characteristics of the equipment, the protection and the sequence control...

Dilemma and Path Selection Study on the Government’s Purchasing of Community Correction

Yu Ding, Shasha Xiong
With the advancement of government purchasing of service, government purchasing has been widely used in various fields. Community correction service is also incorporated in its purchased items. In China, the government’s purchasing of community correction service is a newly started item which has a series...
Proceedings Article

Influence of the Thermal Parameters and the Structural Parameters on the Performance of Clutch Pressure Plate

Chao Jin, Yubing Gong, Shunying Pan, Defeng Zhang
The clutch pressure plate was easy to produce high temperature and axial thermal deformation under the extreme operation conditions, which results in clutch ablation, torque transmission capacity /slip faults. In this paper, a new channel clutch pressure plate was proposed that set a radial cooling channels...
Proceedings Article

Investigation and Research on Network Public Opinion Characteristics of College Students-with Beihang University as an Example

Wei Han
College network space is a hub for college students to propose questions, vent emotions and express views. College student network public opinion can reflect psychology, attitudes and needs of college students truly. Comprehension of network public opinion characteristics of college students has important...

Approaches to Establishing Communities Dedicated to the Promotion of Young Faculty’s Scholarship of Teaching

Chun Wang
With China’s higher education entering into the new historical period of mass education, the introduction and practice of the ideas of scholarship of teaching contributes to the young faculty’s growth and development. Approaches are discussed in this paper to establishing communities dedicated to the...

The Philosophical Thought about <> of Mao Zedong

Peng Chai
The theory of practice created in the historic junction has the unique value linking the past and the future, it has inherent complementarity with the past Chinese philosophy, adapts to the Chinese revolution conditions at that time and has great scientific significance to the construction of new China...
Proceedings Article

Significance of Combined Imaging BI-RADS Assessment in Breast Cancer and Pathology Comparison

Min Liu, Zhi-Hou Zhou, Ying Li, Jing-Zhong Xu, Gang-Ping Wang
Mammography (MG) is the only proven modality to reduce mortality of breast cancer and has been shown to reduce mortality from breast cancer, and ultrasonography (US) is a well-known adjunct to screening MG. BI-RADS classification is actually practical and correlation with histopathology on the palpable...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Evolution Mechanism and Countermeasures of Green Building Market Based on Evolutionary Game Theory

Zhongfu Qing, Jingping Li, Zhongyang Xu
In order to study the evolution mechanism and forecast the development direction of green building market, this paper establishes a model of asymmetric evolutionary game in the green building market by using the idea of evolutionary game firstly. Then the dynamic equations of the two strategies are set...

An Examination of Organizational Determinants Influencing Green Production Adoption by SMEs in Malaysia

Mohd Firdaus Ruslan, Marlina Muhamad, Mohd Fazil Jamaludin
Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) is an important economic entity in most country including Malaysia. Statistic from SME Corporation Malaysia shows that currently, there are 645, 136 SMEs and they contribute 32.7% of Malaysia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the forecast will be 41% by 2020. Statistics...
Proceedings Article

At 100mV Power Supply Accurate Ultra-Compact I-V Models for SMIC 0.18 µm Process MOS Transistors with Analyses of CMOS NOT Gate and Its Amplifier

W.S. Li, J.J. Song, Y.T. Li
Green design features with ultra-low power consumption and ultra-low voltage supply. Considering on about 26mV is the silicon power fed limit, below 100mV level, two accurate ultra-compact I-V models for SMIC 0.18 m process N- and PMOS transistors will be extracted with which CMOS NOT gate and its amplifier...
Proceedings Article

Risk Evaluation of Gob Spontaneous Combustion Based on Fuzzy Mathematics

Tang Liyan, Liu Zhaopeng, Xiong Chao
This method for fuzzy comprehensive evaluation by fuzzy mathematics evaluate gob spontaneous combustion risks, builds a risk index system of gob spontaneous combustion in combing the characteristics of combustion in the goaf and established a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of natural fire in goaf,...
Proceedings Article

Distinct 8-QAM+ Perfect Arrays

Fanxin Zeng, Zhenyu Zhang, Linjie Qian
This paper investigates the construction of 8-QAM+ perfect arrays with at least an odd integer in their sizes, and gives the sufficient condition producing distinct 8-QAM+ perfect arrays. For different choices of odd integers in a given size of at least an odd integer, the resultant distinct 8-QAM+perfect...
Proceedings Article

Research on the strategy of group vehicle intelligent perception and traffic route guidance of semantic car road network

L.J. Tai, R.F. Hu, C.W. Chen
Vehicle road network has become the development direction of the future transport system. In this paper, semantic modeling of car road network is built, semantic integration and sharing problems of heterogeneous networking information is solved. The Group car intelligent perception and effective cognitive...
Proceedings Article

Mining on the subset of raw data set based on clustering

Yuling Ma
With the advancement of information process, the amount of the data accumulated by all walks of life is increasing exponentially. The emergence of massive data brings challenges to the traditional machine learning and data mining algorithms. In view of this problem, there have been many new researches,...
Proceedings Article

Finite Element Model Verification Magnetostrictive Terfenol-D Transducer

Lei An, Guozhu Zhao
Magnetic mass scaling Terfenol-D rods are preloaded bolt stress, permanent magnet biased magnetic field, the magnetic mass scaling Terfenol-D rods on the radial magnetic field, when to excitation coil pass excitation current, inside the coil is produced along with the changing magnetic field, current...

Genetic Structuralism Analysis in Short Story Pusaka Tinggi by Darman Moenir Text Structure, Social Structure and World View Perspective

Mutiara Widya Utami, Suminto A. Sayuti
This study aims to describe the concept of short story Pusaka Tinggi by Darman Moenir of the concerns of the structure in short story text, social structure of society that underlies the birth of a short story, the social worldview of the author in the short story, and the relationship between social...
Proceedings Article

A Study for Extracting the Information about Flaws in Ultrasonic Detection Based on NNT Cancellation

Meiming Feng, Yicheng Zhang, Shusheng Liao, Wenbin Wei
How to extract the information about flaws in ultrasonic detection has been paid attention all the time. Because of strong initial echo, side echo and bottom echo (called “clusters”) existing in the ultrasonic echoes, traditional detection methods are difficult to cancel all clusters at the same time,...

Peritoneal dialysis related peritonitis due to Mycobacterium spp.: A case report and review of literature

Anusha Rohit, Georgi Abraham
Pages: 243 - 248
Mycobacterium tuberculous peritonitis is a less common cause of peritoneal dialysis related infection in developed countries. As both CAPD and APD are being used as renal replacement therapy in developing countries of South Asia, Mycobacterium tuberculous peritonitis are being reported. Any culture negative...
Proceedings Article

A New-type Safety Warning Equipment for Electric Power System

Hao Chen, Jie He, Kai Ma
The electric power system has the features of complexity and risk. When operating, workers often go into charged areas, touching charged equipment. That is dangerous. So this paper describes a personnel safety warning equipment for electric power system. The equipment not only provides safety warning,...

Indonesia Migrant Worker: Modern Representation of Women As Javanese Villagers in East Java, Indonesia

Mrs. Anggaunitakiranantika
Modernization in various sectors in Indonesia, has made women more flexible and open-minded in doing their activities. For a long time, Indonesian women have often been perceived as being weak and backward, unable to show their quality in the many fields. Addressing this issue, there are many Javanese...

Tour de Linggarjati: The Model of Effective International Tourism Promotion through Sport Tourism Events

Sandey Tantra Paramitha, Oman Sukirman
The marketing to tourism has expanded into numbers of methods, one of them is the use of videograph, which becomes one general strategy in the promotion, but on the other hand still could not increase the amount of visitors. This indicates the need for a new and different strategy to promote the site....

The Architectural and Spatial Organization of the Country Estate Complexes of the Kursk Region from the XVIII to the First Half of the XIX Centuries

Elena Kholodova
The study is based on the discovered archival and printed sources and the author’s field researches, which enable to more reasonably reconstruct the image structure of the lost nobility and merchants estates in the field of the reconstruction of their architectural and spatial organization in the border...

Research on Maker Space Risk of College Students Based on Perturbed Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method

Hong-Yin Fang, Xiao-Hui Chen, Jun-Yan Lan, Meng-Jia Ying, Zui-Yun Song, Xiao-Long Ma, Wei-Ning Tang, Zhang-Guo Shen
College maker space can help college students realize low-cost, convenient, all-factor, open-ended innovation and entrepreneurship services. In this increasingly complex social business environment, college maker space has attracted the attention and research of many experts and scholars, but at the...

Practice and Exploration of the Flipped Classroom in the Teaching of Financial Software Application Course

Yong Wen
Internet plus has added new features to the flipped classroom, making the flipped classroom a new popular orientation of teaching model reform. Taking the “Financial Software Application” course of Guangdong University of Science and Technology as an example, the paper discussed the whole process and...

A Study of the Role of LunYu in College Students' Professional Ethics

Huan-Huan WANG
“Professionalism” is the value criterion of the core values individually, which plays an irreplaceable role in social life. Professionalism is a dual requirement either internal or external, which requires not only the respect to undergraduate themselves and self-affirmation, but also the respect to...

Manufacturing Divergence of National Economies

M. A. Miller
The development of the world economy with a predominantly service-oriented focus transforms the understanding of the importance of the manufacturing sector within the framework of updating the high-tech trends. Declining in the scale of the global economic system, industrial production is of great importance...

Teachers’ Competencies, Incentives, And Performance Of The Teachers Of Elementary Schools

Maxie A.J. Liando
This study aimed to find out weather or not there is a relationship between competencies, insentives, and performance of elementary school teachers in Manado City. It is also measured that the extent of contribution of each independent variabel on dependent variabel. The population of this study was...

Africa-Asia Relations: Forging Stronger Ties Building on Common Grounds of History, Economy and Culture

Silas Oghenemaro Emovwodo
The collapse of the colonial system and independence struggles of the peoples of Africa, Asia, Latin America and other regions of the world led to the formation of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). At inception, NAM's actions were important in the decolonization process, leading to the attainment of independence...

Developing Educative Tourism Destination in Citarum Riverside, Bandung, West Java-Indonesia

Yuliawan Kasmahidayat
This research aims to develop innovation and creativity to the Citarum riverside people. The data was collected by classify the data system through observation, interview, literature research, documents. Based on the questionnaire that had been spread in the first year, it held in the two RW’s from 25...

Smart City Maturity Level Analysis Using ITIL Framework

Muhammad Nur, Johan Reimon Batmetan, Hizkia Kamang Manggopa
The smart city has become the need for more modern and advanced urban communities with technological support. The development of a smart city is related to the increase of E-Government services applied to various government institutions. The purpose of this research is to analyze maturity level and smart...
Proceedings Article

Sodium Geochemistry in Terrigenous Complexes in Connection with Problem of Gold Content

S.G. Parada, Kh.O. Chotchaev, M.G. Berger, T.T. Magkoev, S.A. Bekuzarova, O.G. Burdzieva, T.V. Zaks, A.L. Komzha
Barth's concept about sodium ingress into metamorphic rocks directly from the buried seawater sediments is considered in the paper. This concept solves the problem of sodium balance according to the Vernadskiy studies of geochemical cycles. Basing on this concept, sodium geochemistry in auriferous terrigenous...

Learning Strategies of Literacy Dimensions through the Didactics of HB. Jassin’s Short Stories

Halimah Halimah, Sumiyadi Sumiyadi, Yeti Mulyati
This research intends to portray a variety of literacy dimension learning strategies through the analysis of didactics of HB. Jassin’s short stories. The stories pointed out their specific didactics. As one of the literary learning materials, the didactics of the stories infer high relevance towards...

Modern Information Society as a Research Problem

Vitaly Y. Ivlev, Marina I. Ivleva
The specificity of the modern stage of information society development and its translation into the works of scientists is analyzed. The distinctive aspects of the information society are being studied that impact the development of the personality and have become the object of research activities for...

National stereotypes on education presented in folklore small texts (by the material of Russian, English and German proverbs and sayings)

Tatyana Grishenkova, Elena Korol
It is commonly acknowledged, that folklore texts (tales, proverbs, sayings, songs, etc.) fix people’s wisdom throughout many generations, preserving cultural entity and peculiarity. This paper is dedicated to the investigation of the national stereotypic presentations on education. By means of cognitive...

Reflection of the Status and Role of Social Structure in Agentive Impersonal Sentences in German

O.V. Kuzmina, T.M. Pristinskaya, Yu.E. Lomonosova, N.N. Kopytina, E.N. Shirlina
The article is devoted to the implicit representation of status and role groups in society on the material of impersonal sentences in the German language. The focus is set on the types of the implicit semantic subject, characterized by varying degrees of determination in context: indefinite-personal,...

Analysis of Performance Assessment System of Public Expenditure Treasurer at Directorate General of Treasury, Regional Office of Bangka Belitung Province

Amin Nursudi, Dwi Setiawan
This case study aims to analyze the performance assessment system of the public expenditure treasurer, and provide suggestions to improve the quality of the assessment, which can be implemented by the Directorate General of Treasury, Regional Office of the Bangka Belitung Province. The research methodology...
Proceedings Article

The Method for Semantic Similarity Based on Concept Distance

Xinying Chen, Guanyu Li, Heng Chen, Yunhao Sun, Wei Jiang
Semantic matching is an important problem of service discovery. In order to find effective services, a method for semantic concept similarity is proposed. The method calculates the concept similarity between the parameter concepts of services by directly using the distance relationship between the concept...
Proceedings Article

Actionagainst And Punishment For Illegal Fishing Inflictingfinancial Losses To The State

Ahmad Sofian
Illegal fishing has been rampant in the Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) since these last five years. This has resulted in the detriment to the finances of the State and breach of the sovereignty of the State. Per the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic Indonesia suffers financial...
Proceedings Article

Early Childhood Motor Development: Descriptive study in moslem kindergarten school

Mesa Rahmi Stephani, Gano Sumarno, Ricky Wibowo
The early childhood is critical period in lifetime. The purpose of this study is to figure the children fine and gross motor development in four and five years old. The research methodology used Ex-post Facto in early childhood students who have attended in Kindergarten school. The population four and...

Corporate Strategy and Earnings Management

Xiangfeng Wang, Xine Zhao
This paper mainly discusses the relationship between corporate strategy and earnings management by using multiple regression analysis. And the data of A-share listed companies in China from 2007 to 2016 are used. The result shows that the corporate strategy affects the level of earnings management and...
Proceedings Article

Study on Development Level of Science and Technology Service Industry Based on Factor Analysis

Keliang Jia, Xi Wang
In order to analyze the present situation of the development level of science and technology service industry in Shandong Province, the paper establishes a two-level index system by combining the previous research and the policy from the government, and builds an evaluation model based on factor analysis,...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Entrepreneurial Intention for Students Polytechnic based on Association Analysis

Yinzhen Zhong, Ye Cao, Haohang Huang, Wuxue Jiang
The entrepreneurial intention and influencing factors for students in Dongguan Vocational Colleges were analyzed with the PCA (principal component analysis) and sequence logistics model based on the survey data from eight vocational colleges in Dongguan, the basic situation, prominent problems and policy...