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188759 articles
Proceedings Article

Study of electrical aerosol spreading in closed agricultural premises

Рetr Lekomtsev, Anatoliy Niyazov, Elena Dresviannikova
Relevance of this research centers around the need to improve the methods of electro-aerosol disinfection and disinsection of air and surfaces in closed livestock buildings and poultry houses. During this research, the tasks were set to develop a mathematical model of electrical, dynamic and kinetic...

Present Problems and Countermeasures for the Construction of Safety Engineering Course System of Local Colleges under the New Situation

Xiaoshuang Li, Bingyan Dong, Xueyi Zhi, Shun Yang
Based on social requirements for the professionals of safety engineering under the background of the industrial revolution 4.0, Made in China 2025 strategy and China education new engineering reform, the questionnaire survey and field investigation were carried out on 70 enterprises in 12 industries...

How Do Elementary School Students Use SRL?

Henry Aditia Rigianti, Farida Agus Setiawati
One of the elementary school graduate competencies is the metacognitive skill. Meta cognitive skills have something to do with the extent to which one can identify his/her own strengths and weaknesses, which are associated with the so called self-regulated learning (SRL). This research aims to determine...

Radicalism Phenomenon at Higher Educational Institution in Aceh: Risks and Recommendation

Effendi Hasan, Ubaidullah Ubaidullah, Cut Maya Sari, Ardiansyah Ardiansyah
Radicalism is a phenomenon which becomes a discourse in the community life in Indonesia. The existence of this phenomenon is becoming a threat not only for state stability but also to sustainability for social life of the people. In its development, radicalism spread over higher educational institutions...
Proceedings Article

The Significance of the Smart Bay Area and Its Construction of the Rule of Law in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao

Zehua Feng, Zhengzong Huang
In the era of artificial intelligence, the construction of smart bay area in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area needs the guarantee of the rule of law to be effectively promoted. To be specific, firstly, the central government should consolidate the legislative foundation for the construction...

Research Progress of Pathogenesis of Gout and Corresponding Treatment by Chinese Herbs

Mei Zhong
Pathogenesis of gout is explained from the standpoints of traditional Chinese and western medicine, and recent research progress related to treatment of gout is summed by Chinese medicine of unilateral potion and polypragmasy. Methods: analyzing, organizing document and abroad documents. Conclusion:...

Robot Arm Kinematics Learning Using Point Plotter

Ahsan Muzakki, Arif Widodo, Nur Kholis
Learning kinematics of the robot arm can be very challenging for engineering students, especially when delivered in equations only. Students are expected to understand the basic theory while knowing where the theory should be applied. The aim of this research is to develop visual media for learning kinematic...

Information and Computing System for Planning of Management of Railway Stations of Industrial Enterprises

Tatyana Nechai, Gennady Korop, Vladimir Roganov, Elvira Roganova, Marina Chirkina
The article deals with the problem of constructing a mathematical model for the optimal organization of information management when planning shunting work at railway stations owned by enterprises. Analysis of the known solutions of this problem showed that the main directions in which optimization should...

The Effectiveness of Learning Quality Management of Productive Subject Teachers in Vocational High School

Endang Herawan, Suryadi Suryadi
This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the learning quality management conducted by the teachers of the productive field subjects at the vocational school business and management program. The problems that have been studied include how the preparation of the learning plan, the implementation...

Dance Punawo Satay as the Treatment of Media in Society Siulakkerinci: Learn the Meanings and Functions

Rahmadona Rahmadona, Indrayuda Indrayuda
This study aims to reveal and explain the meaning and function of Punawo satay dance in the treatment process, and in the treatment process always use the dance movement media in SiulakKerinci District. This research is qualitative in nature with descriptive methods, data is collected by interview techniques,...

The Cultivated Ability of Innovative Practice of College Students

Siyang Zhang, Jingjing Shi
This article takes the second classroom student project led by the author as an example to explore the method of university innovation training. This paper introduces the project process of the students in the second class to complete, The completion of the project requires students to have the ability...

Research on Programming Practice Based on CDIO Concept

Yongli Wang
Programming ability is not only a skill in the future workplace, but also an industry quality. Combined with CDIO engineering education concept, the training of programming design ability based on practice driven was proposed in this paper. The organic combination of theory teaching and practice teaching,...

Analysis of the Effectiveness of Geological Exploration Using Hydrocarbon Raw Materials within Terek-Caspian Trough

A.A. Daukaev, L.S. Gatsaeva, T.Kh. Bachaeva, S.S.-A. Gatsaeva, E.A. Abubakarova, Kh.I. Khamsurkaev, A.Kh. Usmanov, Z.G. Aidamirova
The article analyzes information on oil and gas deposits obtained by seismic exploration, geological and geophysical data compilation and reinterpretation for the western part of the Terek-Caspian trough. The tabulated data on morphological parameters (linear dimensions, amplitudes) of local structures...

The Role of the Institute of Contractual Regulation in the Formation of Sustainable Business Cooperation (on the Example of the New Hanseatic League)

Elena Shablova, Oxana Zhevnyak
The authors propose a scientific definition of the concept of “sustainable business cooperation between entrepreneurs of the New Hanseatic League”. The authors conclude that the institution of contractual regulation of foreign economic relations includes not only formal norms but also norms of other...

Increasing Cognitive Development of Children through Science Games in PAUD Permata Bunda B2 Group Subdistrict Lembah Gumanti, Solok Regency

This study was motivated by the low cognitive abilities of the B2 BUD group Permata Bunda children in Lembah Gumanti Subdistrict, Solok Regency . The aim of the study was to improve cognitive development of children through science games. The type of research used is classroom action research (CAR) with...

Classification of Tuber Plants in Sasak Language

Saharudin Saharudin, Mahsun Mahsun, Rahmad Hidayat, Ahmad Sirulhaq
This study aims to (1) identify and inventory the lexicon and (2) describe the ethnobotany classification and nomenclature system. The identification and inventory of lexicons are intended to determine the shape and number of lexicons of tubers in the Sasak language. The description of the ethnobotany...
Proceedings Article

Profile of VO2 max Student Athletes in West Java before Facing Multievent POPNAS in 2017

Gumelar Agusman Sarief, Nuryadi Nuryadi
The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of VO2 Max level in West Java student athletes. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with a survey approach. Data retrieval in this study using Test cooper 2.4 km. The subjects of this study were West Java student athletes in 10 sports...

Comparison and Analysis of Physics Textbook Structure in Junior Middle School between China and America —Taking “Electricity and Magnetism” as an Example

Yue Zheng, Xue-mei Cui
In order to compare the characteristics of the physical textbook structure between China and America, this paper takes the subject of “electricity and magnetism” as an example, and provides a useful reference for the writer and the user of the comprehensive science textbook for junior high school in...

Teaching Practice Assessment Methods For Pre-Service Teachers In Malaysian Teacher Education

Syaiful Anwar Yahya, Rosnidar Mansor, Mohd Hassan Abdullah
The Malaysian education system has expanded from strength to strength in the last few years. Throughout last decade, the system has made significant changes from the pre-school education to the higher education. However, the quality of Malaysian teacher has always been subjected to debate since this...
Proceedings Article

Research on Identification Technology of Ship Radiated Noise Based on Spectral Entropy Characteristics

Lv Haitao, Yang Rijie, Kong Xiaopeng, Zheng Xiaoqing
There is a great difference between the inter-frame spectrum of ship radiated noise and marine biological noise, so we can identify the two kinds of signals with the difference of inter-frame spectral similarity. This paper describes the inter-frame spectral similarity of the two signals quantitatively...

Research on the Novel Class Design in Meteorological Teaching

Guanlei Xu, Limin Shao, Yonglu Liu, Fengwang Lang
Meteorology is the key course in many specialties in some colleges and universities. In this field, we know that the wind is one of the most important weather elements. In addition, the types, the production mechanism and features of wind are very important for the sailors on the sea in the aspect of...

Research on the Incentive of Mathematics Teachers in Junior High School Based on the Sense of Efficacy

Xiaofen Wang
Based on the example of 231 junior high school mathematics teachers in Quanzhou, this paper studies the overall characteristics, characteristics and influencing factors of the teaching sense of efficacy of mathematics teachers in junior high schools. The result shows that: the teaching sense of efficacy...
Proceedings Article

A Quick Generation Method for Power Grid Graphs and Models in SCADA System

Rongrong Cao
In the large power grid dispatching and control system, the unmanned substations bring a large amount of graph drawing and model input work to the automation maintenance personnel. The complicated work increases the error probability and hidden dangers, and it is difficult to adapt to the development...

Analysis on the Farmer Households Demand of Agricultural Social Service ??" A View of Before Planting and After Harvesting

Di Chen, Ying Xue, Lu Sun, Jie Lv
China is a traditional agricultural country. As agriculture has been in a new stage of modern agricultural development, the analysis on the demand of agricultural social service is the key factor to promote the development of modern agriculture. Based on the above analysis, we surveyed 24 villages in...
Proceedings Article

Methodological Approaches to Accounting Uncertainty When Planning Lgistic Business Processes

Vladimir G. Anisimov, Evgeny G. Anisimov, Tatyana N. Saurenko, Anastasia I. Levina, Elizaveta A. Zotova
The practice of managing logistic business processes in companies has many examples when negative scenarios are realized in the course of events that are unforeseen at the planning stage, and ultimately lead to significant damage. These circumstances define the necessity to develop methods to reduce...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Fasting on Every Monday and Thursday to Cholesterol Levels of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Dian Putranto, Yanuar Primanda
Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) who do not control their cholesterol levels properly can experience risks of various complications. To prevent the complications of the patients with type 2 DM caused by hypercholesterolemia, diet by fasting is important. Fasting on every Monday and Thursday...

Hajj Financing With Sharia Pawnshop

Wuryaningsih Dwi Lestari, Siti Fatimah Nurhayati, Zulfa Irawati, Sri Murwanti, Muhammad Sholahuddin
The bailouts of Hajj in Islamic banking is already defunct. The reconstruction of Hajj bailout fund needs an in-depth analysis of the strategy program that has organized by sharia pawn institution. Approach with a review of the business model canvas is used to analyze the program. To fill nine boxes...

The Effect of Secondhand Smoke and Thirdhand Smoke Exposure at Home on Acute Respiratory Infections

Bertakalswa Hermawati, Sofwan Indarjo, Dyah Mahendrasari Sukendra
The tendency of smokers who smoke at home continues to increase, therefore many children can be exposed to secondhand smoke and many cases due to exposure to cigarette smoke. The objectives of this study was to determine the associations between children’s secondhand smoke and thirdhand smoke exposure...
Proceedings Article

Research on Foreign Object Detection Technology in Wireless Charging System for Electric Vehicles

Liu Changke, Shang Yaceng, Lai Hao, Sun Kaidong
Foreign object detection is an important issue that restricts the development of wireless charging for electric vehicles. When foreign matter enters the charging area during charging, the impedance of the charging coil changes. According to this principle, the result shows that the higher the coil excitation...

Traditionality, Modernity,and Leadership at Pesantren Al-Hamidiyah, Depok City, West Java

Adhitia Wardani Fauzyyah, Apipudin, Yon Machmudi
This article discusses a traditional Islamic boarding school in Depok City, West Java, namely, Pesantren Al-Hamidiyah. A qualitative method with interview, literature study, and observation is used. This research finds that Pesantren Al-Hamidiyah is the embodiment of the lofty ideals of Kiai Achmad Sjaichu,...

Effect of Fiscal Desentralization and Region-wide Corruption Level in Indonesia

Edy Anan
Many parties suspect that there is an in-between relationship of fiscal decentralization and the corruption level in the regencies and city. This study aims to examine the effect of fiscal decentralization on the city-wide corruption level in Indonesia. This study used the General Allocation Fund (Dana...

The Effect of Cooperative Problem Based Learning (CPBL) Model with Scaffolding on Students’ Cognitive Learning Achievement of Eleventh Grade Science Class at Coastal Area in Yogyakarta

Citra Imaningtyas, Suciati Suciati, Puguh Karyanto
This study aimed to determine the effect of CPBL model on students' cognitive learning achievement of eleventh-grade science class at the coastal area in Yogyakarta. This study was quasi experimental study. All of eleventh grade science class at the coastal area in Yogyakarta as population. Sampling...

Knowledge base in system of value-oriented management of innovative projects

Artemy G. Varzhapetyan, Elena G. Semenova, Remir I. Solnitsev, Alena V. Fomina, Balashov Balashov
Objectives to improve the effectiveness of innovative organizations can be contributed to the introduction of value-based management. Given there is a huge amount of heterogeneous information typical for such companies, it is advisable to apply ontological engineering methods when constructing the proposed...

Javanese Language in the North Tondano Sub-district: Phonological Study

Imam Baehaqie
This study was aimed to identify phonological aspects of Javanese-Tondano language (Jaton), namely Javanese language which is possessed by people in Javanese village, Minahasa, North Sulawesi. The data was collected through observing method with simak libat cakap (observing while participating and involving...

Bank Macro Safety Status Research Based on Robust MEWMA Process Control Method

Xianfen Xie, Binhui Wang, Wanrong Gu, Ziye Zhang
The issue of bank safety has always been one of the key contents of financial and economic scholars. First, this paper establishes the bank macro safety status index system, obtain robust covariance matrix based on the Fast-MCD algorithm. On this basis, construct robust process control model of the bank...

Research on the Innovation of Practical Teaching System of Financial Management Major Based on "Four in One"

Dongchuan Lin, Manyu Wang, Chen Ying, Jinzhong Li, Jingxue Zhang, Shanxiang Liang
On the basis of reviewing the current situation, problems and reforms of practical teaching in financial management major, this paper combines with the implementation of the talent strategy of finance and accounting industry and the integration of production and education of the Ministry of Education,...

The Analysis of Family Affection in Movie "Grown-ups"

Zhengfeng Chen, Pei Zheng
The American film "Grown-ups", directed by Dennis Dugan and starring Adam Sandler and Kevin James, is a comedy set in an American town. It was released in the United States on June 25, 2010 and welcomed as a wonderful comedy movie. As far as the narrative style of the film is concerned, "Grown-ups" is...

Learning Tools Based On Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting And Extending (Core) Models For Class VIII Small Classes Valid

Sulis Ulianty S, Ali Asmar, Budhi Oktavia
The purpose of this research is to discuss the learning tools based on the Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting and Extending (CORE) model for junior high school student, grade VIII. The development of learning tools is lesson plan and student worksheet by using model of Plomp. The subject of this research...
Proceedings Article

The Usage of Digital Ecosystem in Building Material Industry

S-A.Y. Murtazaev, T.V. Kuladzhi, Kh.E. Taymaskhanov, R.R. Salgiriev, S.A. Aliev
The development of modern industries with innovative technologies for the construction materials industry, including products and structures for construction purposes made of composites and construction plastics, nano-structured and other construction materials is outlined in the "Strategy for the development...

Learning Model for Exposition Text Writing on Learners in Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learning styles

Ida Zulaeha, Ms Sofiah, Rahayu Pristiwati, Tommi Yuniawan
Paradigma pembelajaran bahasa berbasis teks, krisis lingkungan, kurangnya daya dukung, merosotnya kepercayaan dan jatidiri sebuah bangsa, dan hasil belajar yang belum optimal melatarbelakangi penelitian ini. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of learning writing skills of exposition...

The Free Rhythm in National Vocal Performance

Shuyue Ding
China is an ancient civilization with a long history, a vast area and a large population. In its long history, the people of all ethnic groups left rich precious cultural heritage and splendid spiritual wealth. The Chinese national vocal art is one of them. The free rhythm is very common in our country's...

CSR for Library A Study on CSR of Bank BJB for Building the Gasibu Library in Bandung, West Java

Neneng Komariah, Encang Saepudin, Saleha Rodiah
Literacy movement should be supported by availability of qualified and accessible reading materials for people with reading interest. Public library may support literacy movement, so there must be a public library empowerment. Government of West Java Province has built Gasibu public library located near...

Strengthen Students’ Character through Inquiry Based Termochemical I Experiment

O Sobandi, S Sari
The 21st century skills needed is a quality of character, and basic literacy in order to realize the gold generation in 2045. Strengthening of the characters on all levels of education is to strengthen moral values, morality, and the personality of students by strengthening the character education integrated...
Proceedings Article

сalculated model of wedge-shaped sliding supports taking into account rheological properties of viscoelastic lubricant

Kamil Samedovich Akhverdiev, Elena Olegovna Lagunova, Murman Alexsandrovich Mukutadze
The paper presents a method for the formation of an exact self-similar solution of the hydrodynamic calculation of a wedge-shaped support (slider, guide) operating on viscoelastic liquid lubricant caused by the melt of the guide, taking into account the dependence of viscosity and shear modulus on temperature....

Evaluation of School-Based Management (SBM) Implementation in Basic School Using Context, Input, Process, and Product Models

Yurni Rahman
The purpose of this study was to (1) evaluate the Management of Primary Schools (SBM) in SD Negeri 61 District Timur Timur Gorontalo City; (2) evaluate the input of SBM in SD Negeri 61, Kota Timur District, Gorontalo City; (3) evaluate the Management of Primary Schools (SBM) in SD Negeri 61, Kota Timur...
Proceedings Article

Research on Power Demand Forecasting Methods

Zhigang Zhan
In recent years, with the rapid economic development of developing countries, the contradiction between economic development and resources and environment has become increasingly acute. It is of great practical significance to study the power market demand forecasting method for energy conservation and...

Integrated Learning to Improve Creative Thinking Skills in Learning Media Course

Pudji Astuti, Sita Nurmasitah
Education is a gateway to the achievement of the nation's ideals. Qualified education enables to produce reliable nation successors. There are many aspects related to qualified education, including learning activities. The challenges faced by education world are increasingly complex. In the industrial...

Overcoming Human Trafficking in Humanitarianism Perspective by Non-Government Organization

Siti Maizul Habibah, RR Nanik Setyowati, Iman Pasu Purba
Overcoming against human trafficking in migrant workers during influenced by a policy and politics of the country by NGO Existing studies need to be linked to the principle of what it must be run by an NGO and how these NGOs can be engaged in acts of his humanity to handle human trafficking cases. Furthermore,...
Proceedings Article

Design of Hydraulic Transmission Structure of Autostereoscopic Garage

Xin Su, Chunyu Mao, Sansui Liu
The stereoscopic garage is one of the important ways to solve the parking problem, among which the application of the lift-and-push type stereoscopic garage is the most widely used. This article set the size of the parking space is 5200mm × 2500mm × 1600mm, the maximum parking quality of 1800kg, a total...

Communication Behavior of Tasikmalaya Embroidery Craftsmen in Maintaining Sustainability of Local Wisdom-Based Enterprises

Santi Susanti, Fitri Perdana, Rachmaniar Rachmaniar
Tasikmalaya is known as a center of the various traditional craft industry. One of them is embroidery. Embroidery skills are local knowledge passed down from generation to generation. Continuity of handicraft business can be interpreted as economic improvement and maintenance of local community wisdom....