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188759 articles

Feature Selection Based on a Novel Improved Tree Growth Algorithm

Changkang Zhong, Yu Chen, Jian Peng
Pages: 247 - 258
Feature selection plays a significant role in the field of data mining and machine learning to reduce the data dimension, speed up the model building process and improve algorithm performance. Tree growth algorithm (TGA) is a recent proposed population-based metaheuristic, which shows great power of...

Education on Corruption Investigative Reporting for Radar Journalists at Priangan Timur

Septiawan Santana, Edi Setiadi, Zulfebriges Zulfebriges, Doddy Iskandar Cakranegara
Community Service hopes to provide a concrete picture of the importance of media relations with anti-corruption education. This activity is interesting: 1. To provide an overview of the importance of reducing the problem of corruption for readers’ anti-corruption education. 2. Practicing the skills of...

Collaborative Governance Approach for Community-Based Agritourism: A Case Study of Villa Ternak Cikerai Cilegon

M. Muhlisin, Y Suharyana, Y Rahayuningsih, M F Cahyandito
Nowadays, community-based agritourism with strong community participation, as well as collaborative governance has gaining wider attention. And yet, few research had been conducted on community based agritourism by using collaborative governance approach. This paper aims to analyze the development of...

Performance form Analysis of Pingxiang Lotus Fall

Yeqin Peng
Lotus Fall is also called” Lian Huale”, which is the traditional form of folk performance in our country. Pingxiang Lotus Fall is a branch of the Lotus fall system. In 2010, Pingxiang Lotus Fall was listed in the provincial non-material cultural heritage list project in Jiangxi Province. The research...

Research on Barrier-free Design of Bath Products for the Elderly*

Yu Liu, Chao Yang
The accelerated development of aging in China has made the elderly pay more and more attention to bath products. This article analyzes the problems in the design of bath products for the elderly in China, and combines the changes in the bathing style brought about by the changes in the physiological...

Political Party Debate on the Presidential Threshold System in the Multi-Party Context in Indonesia

Putra Kaslin Hutabarat, Idrus Affandi
This paper will have political implications in terms of the implementation of the presidential election system that is relevant to the style of political parties in Indonesia. Reviewing the chosen solution for implementing the presidential threshold system in the upcoming presidential election. This...

The Influence of Effort on the Minangkabau Language Maintenance in Jakarta

Erni Hastuti, Teddy Oswari
This research aims to determine and analyse the efforts that influence of the Minangkabau language maintenance in Jakarta. The approach used in this research is quantitative and qualitative approach. The population in this research is the Minangkabau language speech community in Jakarta. Sample amounted...

Research on O2O Supply Chain Decision Under the Condition of Trade-In

Xuanzhi Wang
With the development of the times, today’s society pays more and more attention to climate change, and carbon emission management is becoming more and more important. o2o mode has risen with the development of e-commerce in recent years, which has become an opportunity for many manufacturing enterprises...

Hoax and Journalism in Media Literacy Approach

Abdul Jalil Hermawan
The contents of journalism have rules when a news to broadcast. At least nine elements journalist was be border it. If journalism is required to uphold these nine principles, so should social media. The controller by individuals itself. Hoaxes, slanders, and expressions of hatred are increasingly out...

Have Your Texts Been Well-Structured? Mood Block Analysis

Yustika Nur Fajriah, Nurul Wahidah, Rahmat, Ruly
This research aims to analyze students’ recount texts by using mood block analysis. To achieve this purpose, a qualitative case study design was employed in this study. This study was conducted at one university in Indonesia. The data were collected from six students’ recount texts, selected from the...

Research on the Feasibility of Implementing PPP in the Chinese Secondary School EFL Context

Si Li
As a form-based approach, whether Presentation-Practice-Production (PPP) is suitable for implementation in EFL classrooms has always been a debate. This paper aims to investigate whether it is feasible to implement PPP in the Chinese EFL context with a special focus on the secondary school. PPP theory...

Components of the Digital State Financial Control System in the Russian Federation

M.S. Gordienko
The article is dedicated to the consideration of the main components of the digital state financial control system in the Russian Federation, used in the management of socio-economic systems. The following system components are classified and described: automated identification tools, remote control...
Journal: eFood
Research Article

Feed-induced Variation in the Carotenoid Composition of Brine Shrimp

Jin Huang, Bodi Hui
Pages: 247 - 253
Brine shrimp is a genus of aquatic crustacean, and is considered a dietary carotenoid resource by local residents from eastern China. In the present study, harvested brine shrimp were fed with the dried powders of tomato fruit (Solanum lycopersicum, as a lycopene source), marigold flower (Tagetes erecta...

Establishing Medical Coverage and Epidemiological Surveillance during the Grand Magal of Touba in Senegal: A Public Health Need

Cheikh Sokhna, Balla Mbacké Mboup, Ndiaw Goumbala, Mamadou Dieng, Ahmadou Bamba Sylla, Didier Raoult, Philippe Parola, Philippe Gautret
Pages: 247 - 249
The Grand Magal is a religious pilgrimage that takes place in Senegal. An estimated 4–5 million individuals yearly gather in the holy city of Touba. Pilgrims comes from the whole Senegal and surrounding countries and from countries outside of Africa where Mouride Senegalese emigrated. It is the largest...

Research on the Application of Digital Virtual Technology in the Protection and Innovation of Intangible Cultural Heritage in China —Three Types of Carvings in Huizhou as an Example

Yu Xinyong, Dai Yanli
As a human-oriented living culture, intangible culture is an important part of human civilization. It’s also a vivid witness of human history, a pearl of human wisdom of creativity and innovation, an important symbol of national spirit and culture, national cohesion and centripetal force, and has high...

Reconciliation After 2019

In the last three years, our country Indonesia has organized a series of democratic parties at various levels, ranging from cities, districts and provinces in 2017 and 2018, as well as legislative and presidential elections in 2019. Various strategies include populism, identity politics, and sectarianism...

Superstition and Perceived Stress of the Chinese and the Moderation of Self-efficacy

Zhong Sheng
Superstition, which gives rise to a series of erroneous beliefs, has long been a cross-cultural phenomenon, and it occurs more often in times of stress or uncertainty. The present study focused on the association between perceived stress and superstition of Chinese undergraduates and postgraduates, and...

Disinformation Reinforces Female Political Inequality and Social Misogyny

Xiangyu Ouyang, Yiyao Zhu, Shubing Luo, Chanel Huang
Disinformation has been a major issue affecting American society for a long time. The female community, as an important part of society, is suffering from the oppression caused by disinformation. This oppression is manifested in two ways, first in the political arena and second in the misogyny of society....

Liouvillian and Analytic First Integrals for the Brusselator System

Jaume Llibre, Clàudia Valls
Pages: 247 - 254
We characterize the Liouvillian and analytic first integrals for the polynomial differential systems of the form x′ = a − (b + 1)x + x2y, y′ = bx − x2y, with a, b ∈ ℝ, called the Brusselator differential systems.

Research on Financing Difficulties and Countermeasures of Small and Micro-Enterprises in China: An Analysis Based on COVID-19

Huixiang Wang, Hui Xu
This paper focuses on the current financing status of Chinese small and micro-enterprises under the epidemic situation of COVID-19 in early 2020 and explores the causes and recommendations from different perspectives. Using survey data from these enterprises, and observing the changes in financing sources...

Correlation Study of Motivation and Habits to Learn Japanese Language With Result of Japanese Language Proficiency Test

Rosi Rosiah, Azizia Freda Savana, Rati Narendra Warisman
The study is interested in finding a correlation between motivation and study habits with Japanese Language Proficiency Test N3. Students of the Japanese Language Study Program at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta 4th Grade the academic year 2018-2019. This research used a quantitative approach with...

Accounting Information and Muzakki’s Information Adequacy Perception

Zulfikar Ali Ahmad, Cynthia Ayu Manggarani
Many studies on zakat that look for a reason why muzakki pay zakat. The majority of them used a survey method to answer the question, but an experimental method was still limited in the zakat study. In the donation context, accounting information is useful for donors on donation choices. This information...
Proceedings Article

The Profile of Physical Conditions Sumatera Barat’s Volleyball Athletes

Muhamad Sazeli Rifki, Ariando Ariston
Volleyball is an interesting sport, because in it there is an impression of cheap, easy and has its own charm. Technically, volleyball tends to be complex, because there are various movements that are combined simultaneously from the upper body, upper or lower body motion. The thing is a volleyball athlete...

Learning Management in the Pandemic Time Covid-19

Utia Rusdah, Cicih Sutarsih
This research is based on the author’s curiosity about the learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to obtain 1) learning management 2) learning implementation. The main data sources in this study were the Principal, Deputy Head of Curriculum, Educators and Students...

Research on Short Video Marketing Path of Traditional Handicrafts

Xiaochen Geng, Ji He
This article analyzes the past marketing methods and disadvantages of traditional handicrafts through literature analysis, induction and summary, and finds that the key to solving the problem of mismatch between supply and demand in traditional sales models is to expand the sales channels of traditional...

How Foreign Languages Influence Vietnamese in Bac Lieu

Anh Van Truong
That many languages are used in society, especially in developed communities, is a natural phenomenon. Bac Lieu, a small province, does not escape this natural law. On the way of development, the languages of Bac Lieu communities are growing. Then, there is a need for language interference to make the...

Semantic Characteristics of the Concept “Tosca” in Modern Russian Linguistic Culture

Yulia Pogrebnyak
In this article semantic components of the concept “tosca” are described as they are introduced in Internet statuses in contemporary Russian culture. The analysis of Internet statuses about tosca shows that the concept under consideration, being basic in contemporary Russian linguistic culture, has developed...

Politeness-Based Indonesian Teaching as Social Skill for Preparing Competitive Human Resources in Industrial Revolution Era 4.0

Wayan Rasna, Dewa Komang Tantra, Ni Wayan Sariani Binawati, I Gusti Ngurah Sudiana, Raden Ayu Relin, I Nyoman Tri Anindia Putra
This study aimed to increase competitiveness of graduates of junior high schools, senior high schools, and vocational schools in soft skill. To achieve this aim a pretest was administered to teachers of junior high schools, senior high schools and vocational schools throughout Badung regency and Denpasar...

The Fruit of Seated (Melastomamalabathricum L.) As Agent for Detecting the Age and Acidity of Dental Plaque

Marlindayanti, Nur Adiba Hanum
Background:Research and Development Agency Ministry of Health, stated that the biggest dental and oral disease in Indonesia is dental caries or dental cavities, with the main cause is dental plaque. Plaque formation begins with the formation of a pellicle immediately after brushing teeth, then experiences...

Participative Budget, Information Asymmetry, and Budget Emphasis as a Predictor of Budgetary Slack

Sulastri, Maya Tri Wardani
This study aims to explain the influence of the participative budget (X1), information asymmetry (X2), and budget emphasis (X3) through the possibility of budgetary slack (Y). The populations in this study are all the employers at Region Water Utility Company (PDAM) Malang city and regency. The total...

Best Leadership Principals of Remote Elementary Schools in the Future

Ade Amriani, Paningkat Siburian, Yasaratodo Wau, Din Oloan Sihotang
A good school principal must be an example and role model for all school members. Such a leadership process will provide energy and high motivation, commitment, and confidence to the team. This understanding will contribute greatly to the distribution of the concept of effective schools correctly to...

The Influence of Satisfaction Using Learning Management System on the Competencies of Digital Talent Scholarship Thematic Academy Participants

Yan Andriariza Ambhita Sukma, Qur’ani Dewi Kusumawardani, Feki Pangestu Wijaya
The development of information and communication technology facilitates learning even in the pandemic era through integrated online learning. Online learning is primarily determined by the Learning Management System model (LMS). LMS was developed to obtain optimal, effective, and efficient learning benefits....

Communication Network in Reducing Uncertainty

Roswita Oktavianti, Riris Loisa
Individuals experience a condition of uncertainty when they are entering a new environment. In this study, the individuals will refer to freshmen or first-semester university students. When freshmen enter the university for the first time, they haven’t recognised each other, hence the condition of uncertainty...

Balancing Professionalism Goals and Life Objectives In Accounting Education

Lucy Sri Musmini, Luh Indrayani, Ni Luh Gede Erni Sulindawati
The reality of accounting education which is very attached to standardization, materialism, compliance, and stability makes accounting education which only focuses on professionalism in the field of accounting. Behind the goals of professionalism in accounting, life goals are important aspects of accounting...

Dynamics of Agricultural Areas Availability in the Republic of Moldova for the Development of the Agricultural Sector

Andrian Ulinici
In order to identify the most probable and timely development options, the economic and social forecasts become pertinent remedies for determining the development objectives either of the branch or of the society. Therefore, the forecasts become decisive factor in the activities of scientific formulation...

Balance Between Business and Government in Purpose of Ensuring Economic Security to Innovation Development

Maria Suraeva
In this article, digital platforms are viewed as the leading instrument for digitalizing the economy. The role of business and the state in ensuring the effective functioning of the economic sector by creating innovative products and systems is shown. The features of the digital environment that contribute...

Cyber Public Relations Readiness of Private Universities In West Sumatera to Welcome the Industrial Era 4.0

Latifah Gusri, Ernita Arif, Rahmi Surya Dewi
The emergence of the industrial era 4.0 requires practitioners of Cyber Public Relations Private Universities to participate in the transformation. The practice of Cyber Public Relations is needed very much by Private Universities to be able to build a brand and crisis management by utilizing technological...

Business Opportunity for Wedding Photography in Bandung City using Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

Case Study of The Lunar Story

Raihan Nur Fadhlillah, Alvanov Zpalanzani
The Lunar Story is a new entrant in the wedding photography industry, established in 2018 and located in Bandung, providing photo and videography services, specializing in wedding journalism by storytelling as their signature style. This research attempts to analyse factors that determine competitive...

Ermakov-Painlevé II Reduction in Cold Plasma Physics. Application of a Bäcklund Transformation

Colin Rogers, Peter A. Clarkson
Pages: 247 - 261
A class of symmetry transformations of a type originally introduced in a nonlinear optics context is used here to isolate an integrable Ermakov-Painlevé II reduction of a resonant NLS equation which encapsulates a nonlinear system in cold plasma physics descriptive of the uni-axial propagation of magneto-acoustic...

Development of Web-Based Media Repository in P3M State Polytechnic of Bali

I Ketut Suja, Ni Luh Eka Armoni, Ni Luh Ayu Kartika Yuniastari Sarja
Bali State Polytechnic has not provided a repository system facility for online lecturer research results. Planning a web-based repository system for lecturers’ research results in PNB is indispensable. In the future, the content of the repository development will be expanded so that the final project...

Evaluation Implementation Curriculum 2013

Ihsana El Khuluqo, Istaryatiningtias, Eva Syarifah
This reseach aims to reveal the results of the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum by using the descriptive qualitative method with CIPP model (context, input, process, product). The method that is by getting data scientifically, including collecting data using observation, structured interviews and...

Analysis of the Structural Factors of the Party Committee of State-Owned Enterprises to Improving the Leadership Efficiency of the Party Committee

Yingjie Ren, Lihong Du
This paper analyzed some problems that affected the leadership effectiveness of the Party committee of state-owned enterprises from the structural factors of leadership. It studied the influence of structural foundation, quality structure, age structure, knowledge and professional structure on leadership...

Analysis on the Impact of Mobile Payment on Consumer Behavior

Shuting Yang
With the increasing popularity of smart phone application services, mobile payment has also developed rapidly as a new type of payment service. Residents ‘consumption payment methods are changing from traditional cash payments to mobile payments, and mobile payments have had a profound impact on residents’...

An Archetypal Interpretation of Power Figure in Irish Murdoch’s The Flight from the Enchanter

Lei Zhang
When many other 20th century English novels focus on social documentary, Iris Murdoch attaches more concerns with an extraordinary reality: modern industry corrupts human beings’ moral sensibility. This paper adopts myth and archetypal criticism as the base of research and probes into archetypal characters...

The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Forecasting Indonesian Composite Stock Price Index

Mayasir Aziza, Nurafni Eltivia, Nur Indah Riwajanti
This study aims to obtain the Composite Stock Price Index’s closing price forecast from January to October 2021. This research method uses the single exponential smoothing method. The sample used in this study is the composite stock price index at the closing price for all sectors and all companies on...

Driving Benefit Based on the Zero-base Budget Under the 3G (Garantia) Capital Model

A Case Study of Budweiser InBev

Liangchen Zhang, Yu Wu, Kangtai Huang
According to a Bain report, the zero-base budget has been ranked first in many management tools in recent years, but the implementation rate is very low. Therefore, this paper takes Budweiser InBev under 3G capital holding as an example to study how 3G capital effectively implements zero-base budget....

Influencing Mechanism of Network Public Opinions on Enterprise Public-Relation Management

A Case Study of “Tencent Vs Lao Gan Ma” Event

Peng Yuanfang
In the contemporary information society, network has become the main source of public opinion information in news events, in which the internet has played a more and more significant role, becoming an independent source of network public opinions. Catalyzed by a civil award of Shenzhen Nanshan District...

Research on the Development of Jinan’s Convention and Exhibition Industry

Ying Lian
The conversion of old and new kinetic energy is a major strategy for Jinan to achieve economic and social development by leaps and bounds. As a rising star in the tertiary industry, the Convention and Exhibition Industry plays a significant role in driving the economy. As a component of the cultural...

Identification Of Tourism Products Based On Fatumonas Village Community In Supporting The Development Of The Timau National

Christina Mariana Mantolas, Martarida Bagaihing, Christina Welly Plaituka
This study aims to identify community-based tourism products in Fatumonas Village to support the Dark-Timau Tourism Observatory in Amfoang Tengah District, Kupang Regency. The method used is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The results of research related to community-based tourism products...
Proceedings Article

The Activity of Chinese Jatropha Stem Extract (Jatropha multifida L.) Against Mortality and Fitness of FAW (Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith) Larvae in Corn Plants (Zea mays L.)

Moh. Hibban Toana, Ni Komang Gariani
The activity of Chinese jatropha stem extract (J. multifida L.) was tested on S. frugiperda larvae to determine the percentage of mortality and fitness. The research was carried out in the pest and disease laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, Tadulako University from January to May 2020. The research...