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188759 articles

How Birth Ratio in A Family Affects Household Happiness?

Lin Jin
For a quite long time, in Chine, the gender ratio of children in Chinese families has shown a statistical fact that it is constantly increasing and seriously deviating from the normal range, which is 103-107. The causes of the imbalance in the sex ratio of the children are extremely complex, while the...

The Relationship of Social Media Networking and Human Resource Recruitment: A Literature Review

Syarifa Hanoum, Josua Hasiholan Munthe, Prahardika Prihananto, Aldi Arhab, Dwika Zain Magenda, Muhamad Ady Nugroho, Oktavihana Manalu
Social media networking such as LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram, have created higher possibilities for a candidate to get their career goals. Several studies have prov en that social media networking is convenient and practical for employers and job seekers. Social media networking allows...
Proceedings Article

Severe COVID-19 Treatment Using Hypoxic-Mesenchymal Stem Cell Secretome: A Case Report

Siufui Hendrawan, Sandy Qlintang, Ronald Winardi Kartika, Vera Kurniawati, David Victorious Lukas
COVID-19 (SARS COV-2) has a serious adverse effect in the form of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) caused by a hyper-inflammation event (‘cytokine storm’) that causes damage to the lung tissue. Previous studies have shown a link between disease severity and excessive elevation of pro-inflammatory...

Description of Antiviral Usage in Covid-19 Patients at One of COVID-19 Referral Hospital in Semarang City

Arik Dian Eka Pratiwi, Dhimas Adhityasmara, Erna Prasetya Ningrum
COVID-19 is a pandemic that is causing increasing health burdens almost all over the world, and until the outbreak of the virus spreads, no effective therapy has been found to deal with the infection. As a result, effective antiviral therapy is needed to inhibit the spread of viral transmission. Several...

Types of Semantic Emotion of Covid-19 News After Introductory Vaccine on Twitter

Friska Pakpahan, Anni Holila Pulungan, Meisuri
This study based on the fact that, the readers get words emotion after reading the tweets of covid-19 news. Various emotions found on the tweets of twitter relate to the Covid-19 news. Some of them make the readers being fear or sad of this pandemic. This study deals with semantic emotion of covid-19...

Income and Feasibility of Lowland Rice Farming in Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi

Rustam Abd. Rauf, Erny, Hardiyanti Sultan, Lien Damayanti, Shintami R. Malik, Yulianti Kalaba
The agricultural sector is the leading sector in an agrarian country and has several supporting sub-sectors, one of which is the food crops sub-sector. Food crops are the most important sub-sector as a support to meet the needs of many people, especially the basic needs of human food. Food is a basic...

Portraits of Women in Exile and Colonization in the Novel De Liefde

Laila Nabilal Huda
This study aims to reveal exile experiences and exile spirits encountered by women in the novel De Liefde by Afifah Afra. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method to obtain an itemized and detailed description of the exile experience and the exiled spirit that emerges in women. Mastery of language...
Proceedings Article

Based on the Origin Analysis of the Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talent Training Mode of Artificial Intelligence Majors in Applied Undergraduate Colleges

Lanhua Wang, Qi Liu, Minmin Pang, Aili Li, Wensheng Du
Relied on artificial intelligence major, the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship education in applied undergraduate colleges were analyzed. The problems and reform measures of the innovation and entrepreneurship talent training model for artificial intelligence majors in applied undergraduate...
Proceedings Article

The Existence and Way of the Banjar Tribe Adapting in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic

A. A. Nugroho, A. V. Putri, A. R. Magistra, M. A. Hakim, S. A. Maulana, W. S. Raharjo, Y. A. Yudis
On March 2, 2020 the President of the Republic of Indonesia confirmed the first case of Covid-19 in Indonesia. After that, other cases of Covid-19 began to appear in various regions in Indonesia, including Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. Banjarmasin is an area dominated by the Banjar people. This affects...

Communication Politeness Strategies in Gojek

Yasmin Rahma Haryanti, Nitrasattri Handayani
As an essential application in Indonesians’ daily lives, Gojek has its communication pattern to connect with its users. This research highlights the politeness strategies in communication used in Gojek. The analysis is done using the descriptive qualitative method with Brown and Levinson’s (1987) theory...

A Comparative Study of the Economic System of Dunhuang Monasteries and Egyptian Temples

Yimu Shi
Comparative research is an important method of historical research. The premise of the research is that the comparator needs to have the same or similar characteristics for the researcher to analyze and interpret. The subjects of the study is comparison of economic issues between Dunhuang monastery in...

Analysis of the Key Financial Factors Affecting the Profitability of Enterprises in the Context of the Digitalization of the Economy

S. Romanova, S. Maryanova, A. Naumov
The scientific article is devoted to the research analysis of the influence of the key financial factors shaping the size of the enterprise profitability in the context of digital transformation of economy. The relevance of the study is due to the digitalization of business activities and markets which...

A Research of the Role of Emotional Interaction in College English Classroom Presentations

Xinyi You, Yushan Li, Xixi Ma, Xiaoying Liu
In order to explore the application and role of emotional interaction in college English classroom presentations, the study adopts qualitative research method. The questionnaire is conducted on college students who had participated in English class presentations in colleges across China. We also conducted...
Proceedings Article

Isolation and Total Lactic Acid Bacteria from Sauerkraut with the Addition of Chili (Capsicum Annum L.)

Resti Fevria, Vauzia Vauzia, Olivia Agustin, Dwi Hilda Putri, Irdawati Irdawati, Dezy Handayani, Edwin Edwin
Sauerkraut (suerkhol) is the result of lactic acid fermentation of chopped white cabbage with a length of about 20 cm and a width of 2 mm to 5 mm. Based on research that has been done successfully isolated 17 lactic acid bacteria isolates from Sauerkaraut. Chili has a unique taste and contains alkaloid...

Construction and Reform Practice of Landscape Plant Course Group in Landscape Architecture under the Background of Emerging Engineering Education

Xia Li, Jianfu Zhang
Landscape plant courses, with strong comprehensiveness, practicability and applicability, are one of the characteristic and core courses of Landscape Architecture Program. In view of the existing problems in the current curriculum, this study proposes the following construction goals: 1. Establish the...

The Development of Short Film Entitled “Kursi Kosong”: Media to Prevent Bullying

Tri Ratni, Antonius Ian Bayu Setiawan, Budi Astuti
Bullying is a severe issue in the educational setting. Bullying is one of three primary educational challenges that must be abolished. According to UNICEF data from 2021, 21% of kids aged 13–17 years had been bullied, and however, this percentage does not entirely characterize bullying behavior at school....

Research on Creative Design and Brand Building Based on Technology Empowerment

Take the Chinese Character Intellectual Property as an Example

Boye Wen, Yulei Shen, Jingxing Guo, Yimeng Wang, Ying Xu, Yun Peng
Chinese characters have a long and rich cultural connotation, and the unique artistic charm of Chinese characters symbols is deeply loved by people. Chinese character symbols have been widely used in many fields, but the design of many cultural and creative products is just a simple combination of some...

Business Model Based on Coffee Husk Bioconversion by Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia Illucens) and Agroforestry System in Bandung Regency, West Java

Pathmi Noerhatini, Amanna D. Al Hakim, Yeyet Setiawati, Siti K. Azhari, Dicky R. Munaf, Raka M. Azka
Planting coffee under forest stands in an agroforestry system by members of the Forest-Village Non-government Organization (FVNGO) is one of the techniques for forest maintenance in Bandung Regency, West Java. Because they are unfamiliar with the husk’s bioconversion, coffee husk waste from the early...

Intersectionality in Contemporary Cinema: A Study of Gender and Technology Dynamics

Jing Yu, Zihan Fu, Ye Wang, Yingchi Ye, Changtian Jiang, Jiahe Wu
This essay aims to explore intersectionality, an indispensable lens for societal analysis, in five contemporary films: "Interstellar," "Ex Machina," "Mad Max: Fury Road," "Ready Player One," and "Inception." These films offer diverse narratives that delve...

Micro-Renewal and Reinvention of Historic Neighborhoods under Film Architecture

Chenyuan Chiu, Weiling Hsu, Yige He, Chang Liu, Peixi Guan
Cinematic architecture is a design science that takes architecture as a carrier and uses text and cinematographic expression as a means to shape architectural space and make the space have a coherent narrative. In this paper, part of the area in Pan Gui Fang, Meijiang District, Meizhou City, Guangdong...

Current Situation and Prospect of Research on Two-Level Power Allocation of Universities and Colleges Based on Visual Analysis

Jingbo Feng, Meijuan Tian
In order to explore the research status of the two-level power allocation of universities and colleges in China, 1351 papers from the CSSCI related to “two-level power allocation of universities and colleges” included in CNKI database from 2000 to 2021 were selected as samples, and the visual software...
Proceedings Article

Potential of Methanol Extract From Rosella (Hibiscus Sabdariffa) as an Alternative Dye in Gram Staining

Mohammad Indra Pratama, Rajun, Faradilla Dahlan, Nurul Anisa, Indri Yudita Ningsih, Khusnul Yumni Bulan Sari, Sri Sela Pratiwi, Niky Aulia Putri, Teguh Pribadi, Didimus Tanah Boleng, Dora Dayu Rahma Turista
Gram staining is one of the important steps to identify bacteria. This type of staining uses synthetic substances safranin and violet crystals which can result in environmental pollution. Rosella flowers (Hibiscus sabdariffa) contain natural dyestuffs, namely anthocyanins that have the potential to color...

The Impact of Manufacturing Digital Transformation on the Digital Economy in China

Ruiqi Gao
Developing the digital economy has emerged as a strategic imperative for China, serving as a key driver of high-quality economic growth. This shift has unlocked numerous opportunities for advancing the manufacturing sector. This study, spanning from 2011 to 2021 and covering 30 provinces in China, delves...

The Development of Social Studies Learning Based on Technology: Theme of Sexual Harassment in Academic Environments Through Podcasts

Nasution, Warsono, Sarmini, Sugeng Harianto, Wisnu, Faridatul Lailiyah
Learning innovation can be done one of them through learning media. In the last two years, podcasts have become a medium that is being discussed by many parties, including academics. Seeing these opportunities, this research tries to develop learning innovations through podcasts as learning media. The...

Durkheim and Weber on the Sociological Beliefs and Practices of Religion

Yitong Ge
Sociological history describes religion as a combined set of beliefs together with practices that human use to shape their actions in life. Essentially, holding the same belief can bind people together and identify them as belonging to a particular group. Over the past decades, sociologists have dedicated...

Study of Changes in Physical Properties of Burnt Peat: A Case Study in Jati Mulyo Village, Jambi Province, Indonesia

Heri Junedi, Agus Kurniawan Mastur, Mohd Zuhdi
Jambi Province is a province that has a peatland area of 716,838 ha, which is vulnerable to peat fires. One of the villages where fires often occur is Jati Mulyo village, Dendang sub-district, East Tanjung Jabung district. Several researchers reported that there were differences in the characteristics...

Stock Price Predictions Using Machine Learning Models

Zebin Guo
Stock predicting is one of the most common topics nowadays. For decades, the stock has been one of the most significant problems in people's life. Many people wish to obtain a higher opportunity to profit by pouring their fortune into the economic market. Consequently, the stock price prediction...

Markowitz-Based Portfolio Research

Yuyang Lin, Guoxi Su, Jingrui Pan, Pengtao Zhang
Stock investment, as an investment behavior, faces various situations of unknown uncertainty, therefore, it is very important to reduce the unsystematic risk of stocks and eliminate uncertainty by various means and technical methods for investing in stocks. In this paper, we will use python and the data...
Proceedings Article

An Experimental Research on the Game of Industry Choice by Farmers Embedded in the Value Chain

Juanli Lan, Yubo Wang
Industrial prosperity is an important foundation for rural revitalization and a prerequisite for solving all rural problems. In order to explore the main factors that affect the value chain embedded farmers’ choice of industry, this paper selects six indicators including industrial policy support as...
Proceedings Article

Detergent-Tolerant Heterotrophic Bacteria Consortium Strain Decomposer to Improve Environmental Health

Lud Waluyo
The increasing population and level of life in big cities in Indonesia has resulted in higher pollution of domestic wastewater in recent years. Efforts are urgently needed to overcome them, among others, with indigenous heterotrophic bacteria in the form of a consortium. The method used in this study...

The Impact of School Climate on School Quality During Covid-19 Pandemic and Beyond

Siti Heri Hidayati
The study aims to see how a supportive school climate can survive to the school’s quality and how to solve all the problems that the teaching divisions faces in the middle of expansion of covid-19. A detailed previous studies examining the school climate effect, school quality, and education quality...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Kanjuruhan Stadium Tragedy from an Occupational Health and Safety Perspective

Muhammad Rifqi Saifullah, Marji Marji, Erianto Fanani, Supriyadi Supriyadi
A tragedy occurred following Arema FC's defeat against Persebaya Surabaya at Kanjuruhan Stadium on October 1,2022. As many as 135 people died and 575 others were injured. The incident became one of the worst tragedies in Indonesia and the second deadliest disaster in the world. The focus of this...

The Moderating Role of Locus of Control on the Links Between Availability Bias, Herding, and Investment Decisions

Febria Nalurita, Farah Margaretha Leon, Yosephina Endang Purba, Kristian Chandra
This study aims to determine the effect of availability bias and herding on investment decision-making with the moderating role of locus of control. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires to individual investors on the Jakarta Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), with a sample of 281 people. This...

Proposal for a Transformation Project in Higher Education to Reinforce Foreign Languages Using the Design Thinking Method

M. Amazian, M. Squalli Houssaini, J. Ait Soudane, M. Rhanoui, K. Amazian
In this new civilization marked by uncertainty and competition, transformation has become a new rule. It provides new solutions which integrate digital technology and change the way things are done. It is in this context that we propose a project of transformation, or even innovation, in the academic...

Inheritance Distribution in Jalawastu Indigenous Community

Astika Nurul Hidayah, Nur Ade Candra, Selamat Widodo
Customary inheritance law is customary law that contains provisions regarding the system and principles of inheritance law, namely regarding the ways of transferring control and ownership of inheritance from the testator to the heir using applicable customary rules. Although the majority are Muslims,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Mixed Leaves Tannin Sources (Acacia mangium Willd, Swietenia mahagoni, and Artocarpus heterophyllus) in Pellets on In Vitro Methane Production

Wahyu Adi Setiawan, Lies Mira Yusiati, Chusnul Hanim, Muhlisin Muhlisin
Mitigation effort to reduce methane emissions using plant bioactive compounds has been extensively studied and applied as feed additives. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of three leaves mixtures of tannin source (Acacia mangium Willd, Swietenia mahagoni, and Artocarpus heterophyllus)...

Double VAT Collection from B2G Transaction in Indonesia. Case Study: PT X

Isnu Rahadi Wiratama, Siti Nuryanah
This study aims to provide solutions to the problem of excess VAT collection faced by government goods and service providers. This study uses a qualitative research approach with a case study research strategy. The object of research in this study is PT X, which is experiencing an excess of VAT collection...

Stock Valuation of Cement Industry in 2019 and 2021 due to COVID-19 using Free Cash Flow to Firm (FCFF) and Relative Valuation (RV)

Sri Rahayu Fitriani, Brady Rikumahu
This research aims to predict the intrinsic value and provide investment decision recommendations for company stocks in the cement industry. COVID-19 has slowed down the economy and caused higher volatility compared to the risk and return of IHSG. This research was carried out in 2019, which was the...

Transformation of Traditional Energy Company under the Peak Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Carbon Neutrality Targets

Evidence from China Shenhua

Jiayu Chen, Yuanchuang Hu, Yushi Yu, Yuzi Zhang
Environmental issues and energy crisis are one of the major challenges facing humanity in this century. This paper first analyses the environmental change crisis and points out the carbon neutral agreement reached by global countries. Then it focuses on China and explains China’s carbon peaking and carbon...

Party Political Communication Strategies in Political Image of Women Politicians

Ainol Mardhiah, Cindenia Puspasari, Anismar, Mulyadi
This research-based is on the phenomenon in Aceh where the involvement of women in the political sphere is still low and various stigmas are attached to women who are present in the political sphere. Based on this, this study aims to describe the political communication strategy of political parties...

Determining the Most Dominant Honda PCX Purchase Intention Indicator in Kembang Jawa Motor Kediri with Multiple Linear Regression

Angga Rizka Lidiawan, Sudjiono, Anita Firdausi Rahmania, Risma Gesang Ayu Cahyani
Honda is one of the significant companies originating from Japan engaged in the automotive field. Honda has consistently continued to develop the automotive products it creates. One of the flagship products of Honda that became the prima donna among the upper-middle class is the Honda PCX, which is a...

Pre-school Education Curriculum Thinking and Political Teaching Exploration - Heroes into Teaching

summary Hero figure is the vanguard model of the times, is an important force to realize the prosperity and rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”hero” and “hero” spirit has rich connotation and educational value. Deeply interpret the “hero” characters and spirit, integrate them into pre-school education,...

The Implementation Practices of Total Quality Management and Its Impact on Employee Performance

Linda Lidyawati, Bambang Rismadi, Riyan Septian Nirwan
The study aimed to examine the influence of Total Quality Management (TQM) on employee performance. TQM and employee performance becomes the objects of this study. The characteristics of respondents are categoried into age, how long they work for this company, and gender. Research methods used by the...

High School Architecture in Times of Blended-Learning System

Rio Sanjaya, Samsu Hendra Siwi, Rudy Trisno
A blended learning system is a group of contemporary learning methods that began in the early 2000s. However, its existence turns out to be essential during the pandemics. When a conventional learning system offers only 1 learning method: conventional face-to-face meeting, a blended learning system gives...

Efforts to Improve the Performance of Elementary School Teachers

Desi Sijabat, Radode Kristianto Simarmata, Chotiah Febiola Turnip, Aurora Valensia Putri Sirait, Surthyana Sitorus
The behavior or action of the teachers in Elementary schools can be used as a strategy to improve the performance of Elementary school teachers at Pantai Cermin sub-district. This study aims to analyze the influence of work motivation and academic supervision on the teaching performance of Elementary...
Proceedings Article

Design and Development of a Vortex Turbine for the Hilly Regions of Bangladesh

Tauqir Khan, Moinul Mohsin Asif, Hasib Ahmed, Mazharul Islam, Zambri Harun
In the modern world, the days of fossil fuel-based electricity are numbered. In addition, the need for cleaner, greener, and more efficient energy is on the rise. Sustainable energy technology is needed to meet the demand for an environmentally friendly power source that provides consistent power. Small...

The Riccati and Ermakov-Pinney hierarchies

Marianna Euler, Norbert Euler, Peter Leach
Pages: 290 - 310
The concept and use of recursion operators is well-established in the study of evolution, in particular nonlinear, equations. We demonstrate the application of the idea of recursion operators to ordinary differential equations. For the purposes of our demonstration we use two equations, one chosen from...

Multiple Criteria Human Performance Evaluation Using Choquet Integral

Tuncay Gürbüz
Pages: 290 - 300
It is a critical issue for the continuity of an organization to efficiently evaluate the performance of its employees. The evaluation process has to guarantee a sufficient level of objectivity and a limited level of subjectivity in order to answer the employees' expectancies. In this study, a multi-criteria...

Best Practice in Building Houses of Worship Based on Local Wisdom: A Study in the Indonesian Christian Church the Congregation of Bongo IV

Sitti Arafah, Basman Basman, Khaerun Nisa, Nensia, Sitti Aflahah
The religious harmony in Indonesia has been carried out well by the community. Yet, it can be interrupted by the emergence of cases in the construction of the house of worship at any time. Even currently, people still find this case in several regions in Indonesia concerning the rejection that leads...

Model of Sharia Hotel Characteristics with Transcendental Dialectics Method to Create Yogyakarta Tourism Competitiveness

Ahim Abdurahim, Sigit Arie Wibowo
The purpose of the study is to construct a model to measure the compliance of sharia hotels with sharia principles as a recommendation for authoritative institutions to issue sharia hotel operational permits. The research sites comprised Hotel Dafam Rohan Syariah Yogyakarta, Namira Syariah Hotel Yogyakarta,...