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188759 articles

Development of Project Based Handouts in Algebra Structure Course

Alfiani Athma Putri Rsoyadi
This study aims to describe the steps of development of project-based hand out on the algebra structure course. Subjects in this study are students who are taking course algebra structure. The research approach used is descriptive qualitative. The instruments of data collection used are: 1) questionnaire,...
Proceedings Article

The Design and Implementation of an Interactive Intelligent Chinese Question Answering System

Faguo Zhou, Bingru Yang
At first, this paper reviews the concept and development history of the Question Answering system and several common types of Question Answering systems are briefly introduced. Then concerning the Question Answering system based on knowledge-base, a theoretical model of an interactive intelligent Question...
Proceedings Article

Using Skin Color and HAD-AdaBoost Algorithm for Face Detection in Color Images

Li-Jie Xue, Zheng-Ming Li
Owing to the interference of the complex background in color image, high false positive rate is a problem in face detection based on AdaBoost algorithm. In addition, the training process of AdaBoost is very time consuming. To address these problems, this paper proposes a two-stage face detection method...
Proceedings Article

A new method of page standardization based on DOM

Weicheng Ma, Yong Fan, Wenqian Shang, Fengyan Wu
With the rapid development of the Internet, information as well as websites boomed. And, being differentiated in style, structure or content, it is unable to get the information from different pages using the same model, while it is really a waste of time to search each line of the page to find useful...
Proceedings Article


Kai Zong, Yurong Chen, Feng Wang
With the development of modern electronic technology, the intelligent robots are researched and developed in many areas. In this paper, the hardware circuit and system software are designed reasonably to achieve the robot carry water from origin to destination. The intelligent robot can carry water along...

Design of Point of Sales (POS) Information Systems Based on Web and Quick Response (QR) Code

Adhitomo Wirawan, Joko Santosa
Sales is the activity of trade in goods and services to customer. Process sales and service transactions should be done properly Tawakkal Shoes Store is a business engaged in the sale of shoes and sandals that requires a system that can simplify the process of data processing sales transactions and making...

The Improvement of Teacher’s Classroom Management Skill on Students’ Learning Activity

Al Fiyatul Mukaromah
The study aims to describe the teacher's skills in classroom management of student learning activities. The research method is used, namely qualitative descriptive. The subject of this study was the teacher at elementary school Indonesia. Data collection techniques used, namely documentation studies,...

Tools for the Reproduction of Human Potential in the Socio-Economic Space of Heterogeneous Rural Areas

Vera Rubtsova, Sergey Andryushchenko, Irina Sharikova, Artem Sharikov
The reproduction of human potential in the socio-economic space of heterogeneous rural territories is a prerequisite for ensuring food security in Russia and sustainable development of rural territories. The state regional policy aimed at improving the quality of life of the rural population is not effective...

Fraud Prevention Using Village Financial Management Control System

A A Gde Satia Utama, Tri Nur Afiyah Wulandari
The study aims at exploring the Internal Control System in preventing fraud in village financial management. This research applied qualitative exploratory with a case study method. The Data of this research were primary and secondary data through interviews, documentation, and observation from Ketapang...

Analysis of Influencing Factors and Development Trends of College Basketball Teaching Reform

Dawei Wen
The basketball teaching reform in colleges and universities is an important part of the new curriculum reform. Basketball is very popular among college students because of its strong teamwork, large amount of sports and wide popularity. At present, there are still some defects in the college basketball...

Does Religious Orientation Matter? Reassessing the Role of Brand Credibility and Customer Loyalty on the Controversial Brand in Emerging Market

A. Setyawan, R. Sutanto So, C.R. Honantha
This study Indonesia is a country with a Muslim-majority population. Halal labels on products and services, especially on food, become essential things to consider in food consumption. Food products that do not have a halal label will certainly cause consumer doubts and become a controversial brand for...

Corporate Governance and its impact on Performance of Automobile Industry of Pakistan: The Role of Foreigner Members in BOD

Haijun Cao, PeiZhi Wang, Muhammad Ramzan
Pakistan’s automobile sector goes through trouble phase from many years; however, from the last half-decade, it reflects as an emerging sector of Pakistan stock exchange (PSX). The research is to explore the relations of foreign representatives' inboard and the firm's performance with the contemplation...
Proceedings Article

Factors Related to the Act of HIV Transmission Prevention by People Live with HIV/AIDS at Taratak Jiwa Hati Padang Foundation

Nopriadi, Titi Kurniati, Aprianti, Emy Leonita
Prevention is very important to be done by People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in order not to transmit the HIV virus to other people which causes an increasing number of HIV cases. This study aims to determine the factors associated with prevention of HIV transmission by PLWHA at the Taratak Jiwa Hati...

Effect of Macroeconomic Factors on the Composite Stock Price Index Using the Vector Auto Regression (VAR) Method

Zul Azhar, Hari Setia Putra, Dika Saputra
This study aims to examine the effect of the exchange rate (ER), the money supply (M2) and interest rates (IR) to the composite stock price index (CSPI). The data used are monthly data from January 2010 to December 2017 and data collected from Bank Indonesia. In processing data using the Vector Auto...

The Influence of the Implementation of the 2013 Curriculum and Learning Motivation Against Student Achievement in Social Sciences

Sakdiyah, Murniati, M. Shabri Abd. Majid, Ishak Hasan
This study aims to examine the direct effect of the curriculum on learning motivation and the direct influence of the curriculum on student learning achievement and examine the indirect influence (mediation) of the curriculum on student learning achievement through motivation to study.This research was...

Study on Application of ARCS Motivational Model on Cross-Border E-Commerce Course Design

Xueqing Zhou, Yu He
The robust development of Cross-border E-commerce (hereinafter as CBEC) has greatly boosted the global economy, accompanied by researches on cultivation of talents needed in CBEC. The cultivation largely depends on the school course designs. The authors conduct a case study of a college in China combined...

The Implementation of the Multiliteracies Pedagogy in Teaching Sentence Constructions of English through Argumentative Essays

Henny Merizawati
Due to the students’ low abilities and difficulties in understanding sentence constructions in English, a new pedagogical approach is required to better assist students to identify the English sentence formation. This study aims at finding out the effectiveness of the multiliteracies approach to teaching...

School Principals’ Strategic Leadership to Optimize the Strengthening of Character Education Movement

Untung Waluyo, Sudirnan Wilian, Muntari Muntari, I Wayan Karta
Based on the Presidential Decree No. 87 of 2017 on the so-called Mental Revolution, the Ministry of Education and Culture introduces the Strengthening of Character Education Movement (SCEM) that catalyzes character building among school children. Although this movement has been disseminated and trained...

Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Epidemiology of Food-borne Botulism in Iran

Mohammad Reza Montazer Khorasan, Mohammad Rahbar, Abed Zahedi Bialvaei, Mohammad Mehdi Gouya, Fereshte Shahcheraghi, Babak Eshrati
Pages: 288 - 292
Background: Botulism is a severe neuroparalytic disease caused by toxins produced by several Clostridium species. This work presents the surveillance results of botulism in Iran, with the distribution of the cases by regions and by vehicle of transmission. Methods: We describe the findings of the Centers...

Credit and Collection Management Practices, Credit Risk Management, and Financial Performance of Private Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) in the Philippines: Basis for Continuous Improvement

Maria Delia M. Poot
The main goal of an educational institution is to maintain its stability and improve its growth and sustainability. Thus, educational institution must have an effective Credit and Collection Management Practices (CCMP) and Credit Risk Management to avoid credit risk. The study assessed the CCMP of private...

The Belt and Road Initiative Under the New Era

Li Ma, Gang Gong
The opening strategy of a country should be adapted to the stage of its economic development. Since the reform and opening-up in 1978, the economy of China has entered a new stage of development-the new normal. The new normal not only means that the strategy of domestic economic development in China...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Using Gadgets on Pregnant Women

Ika Tristanti, Ana Zumrotun Nisak, Fania Nurul Khoirunnisa’, Atun Wigati, Diah Andriani Kusumastuti
The high maternal death cases in Indonesia especially from indirect cases come from delay to identify the dangers of labor, to make a decision, to refer the patient and to get a medical intervention. These cases because of unpreparedness of pregnant women to face the labor and the complication. There...
Proceedings Article

Efforts to Increase Learning Outcomes Natural Science (Ipa) Junior Student Affairs 6 Padangsidimpuan by Using the Learning Model Guided Inqury Assisted LKPD

Lamsarito Daulay, Yuni Ahda
This study aims to determine the increase in student cognitive learning outcomes by using the Guided Inquiry learning model assisted by LKPD. The involvement of students in the implementation of the science learning process at SMPN 6 Padangsidimpuan is very lacking. This can be seen from the low average...
Journal: eFood
Research Article

Bioactive Compounds and Nutritional Value of Cagaita (Eugenia dysenteric) during its Physiological Development

Monik Maryelle Moreira da Silva, Edson Pablo Silva, Lismaíra Gonçalves Caixeta Garcia, Eduardo Ramirez Asquieri, Eduardo Valério de Barros Vilas Boas, Aline Priscilla Gomes da Silva, Jianbo Xiao, Clarissa Damiani
Pages: 288 - 297
The Cerrado is the second largest vegetation formation in Brazil, after the Amazon, and is the richest tropical savanna in the world in terms of biodiversity. This study aimed to evaluate cagaita fruits for bioactive compounds and nutrients during their physiological development. The fruits were assessed...

Issues of Substance Abuse Among Schooling Adolescents: Approaches and Solutions

Noor Azian Binti Abd. Hani, Salleh bin Amat, Mohd. Izwan Mahmud
The increase in substance abuse data among teenagers is alarming in today’s society. The current imbalance in the state of modernity and spirituality in the formation of identity among adolescents causes these groups to be involved in substance abuse. Lack of knowledge of the risk and protective factors...

Pre Instructional Design for Academic Writing in Digital Era

Lili Perpisa, M. Zaim, Mukhaiyar, Ahmad Fauzan
In competitive era to produce high quality of learning outcome, educators should be creative and innovative in designing learning instructional. They are as answers what the students need. Domain of teaching writing has been touched by online writing instruction (technology-enabled learning environment)....

The Performance of Student Fighting Spirit in Football Learning

Zalfendi, Emral
The problem in this research is still not satisfied student result in football learning. It is caused by various factors including learning model which is used by teachers. So, it is necessary to develop different football learning model from conventional model that is learning model based on Fighting...

Analysis Community Perception in Implementation of Land Concervation in Sumber Brantas

Aida Kurniawati, Eko Budiyanto, Muzayanah, Nugroho Hadi Purnomo
Integrated watershed management is a collaboration of all components in the watershed, including community perceptions. The community is a component of the watershed that is directly related to land. The success and failure of forest management depends very much on the community around the forest. Perception...

Analysis of the Formation of Terms Related to Covid-19 as Lecture Material Diction in General Bahasa Indonesia Courses

Siti Hamidah, Welsi Damayanti
The Government of Indonesia gave rise to various policies to break the chain of the spread of Covid-19. These policies are socialized to the public through the term. Responding to the terminology phenomenon related to Covid-19 is interesting because there are processes and results of creating language....

Venture Capital Decision Based on POC Framework

Yuze Gao, Ziqian Weng, Menghan Yu
Venture capital investment is considered a high-risk, high-return asset class. It helps enterprises, especially start-ups, to broaden the business and increase company value. In this article, we research to evaluate the investment valuation of Trans Tech, a state-owned company working in the ETC industry....

How Mothers Use Banyumas Dialect to Their Children and Their Friends in Purwokerto

Rina Heriyanti, Amir Ma’ruf, Sulistyowati
This research was aimed at exploring the Banyumas dialect usage among parents especially mothers.The language of old generation reflects nowadays situation which indicates that there is a social change through language. The experience of cultural globalization appears in parents’ conversation. The participants...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship of Emotional Fatigue to Lecturer’s Commitment in Online Learning at Health College in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Inge Angelia, Naufal Raid, Edison
The world of education is one of the areas affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic, Governments around the world make policies to close all learning activities in educational institutions, this is one of the ways taken by the government in minimizing outbreak of Covid-19. The implementation of online learning...

Exploration and Practice of the Cross Paradigm Between Science and Engineering for Artificial Intelligence New Engineering Education Experimental Class in Local Universities

Xinliang Cao, Ziqi Dang, Hongxia Yang
This paper aims to explore the effective way to train interdisciplinary talents on artificial intelligence and lays a preliminary foundation for the establishment of artificial intelligence major. Based on the three elements of the innovators who develop ecology and environment, this paper centers on...

An Analysis of Willingness to Pay on Visitors of Mangrove Forest at Sicanang - Belawan Ecotourism

Eka Putri Wardani, Saidun Hutasuhut, Rahmat Mulyana
The aims of this research are to calculate and analyze influence of travel cost, income, distance, education, age and facilities to the number of tourist visit at Sicanang Belawan Mangrove Forest Ecotourism. The research samples conducted using by the random sampling method was choosing in a random from...

Using Group Oral Presentations as a Formative Assessment in Teaching English for Vietnamese EFL Students

Vu Tran Le Hoai
English is a compulsory subject at Van Lang University, and students studying at this University have to match the program outcome standard in English. To achieve this requirement, the students have to get IELTS 4.5 before they graduate. It requires that the students must achieve English ability equivalent...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Zeolite-Based Slow-Release Nitrogen Fertilizer and Sulfur on the Dynamics of N,P,K, and S Soil Nutrients, Growth and Yield of Shallot (Allium cepa L.)

Kharisun, Mochammad Nazarudin Budiono, Muhammad Rif’an
Shallot or red onion is one of the horticultural commodities that has good economic value as it is needed for almost every cuisine. The aims of the research were to determine 1) the effect of nitrogen slow-release zeolite-based NZEO-SR fertilizer and elemental Sulfur on the dynamics of soil main nutrients...

Multivariate Time Series Data Forecasting Using Multi-Output NARNN Model

Hermansah, Dedi Rosadi, Abdurakhman, Herni Utami, Gumgum Darmawan
This research proposes the multi-output Nonlinear Autoregressive Neural Network (NARNN) method to forecast multivariate time series data containing the input layer, one hidden layer, and the output layer. The multi-output NARNN method is performed by applying the logistic activation function and the...

Cultural-Based Alternative Assessment Development in Elementary School Mathematics

Sukmawarti, Hidayat
Assessment is an integral part o curriculum. Mathematics assessment is a mathematics learning tool that is useful for teachers as a reflection and to determine the competence of their students. However, the assessment applied by the teacher is still not in accordance with what has been tested or standardized....

Features of Students Professional Training for the Organization of Social Partnership

Andrew Zinchenko, Lesia Varga
The article examines the issues of professional training of graduates for the organization of social partnership, identifies features, shortcomings and suggests ways to optimize the partnership. Partnership is considered as personality-oriented, which includes: focus on the recognition of positive qualities,...

Teacher’s Expressive Speech Act in Indonesian Learning Process at SMPN 2 Lareh Sago Halaban

Wilona Ayunda Putri, Ermanto, Ngusman
Speech acts is a very important part of communication. The purpose of this study was to explain the types, functions of expressive speech act strategies used by the Indonesian language teachers in learning process in the SMP Negeri 2 Lareh Sago Halaban. This research is a qualitative descriptive research....
Proceedings Article

Diversity of Fruits in Kutai Kartanegara District, East Kalimantan Province

Rustam Baraq Noor, Marjenah, Paulus Matius
Diversity of Fruits in Kutai Kartanegara District, East Kalimantan. The diversity of local and exotic fruits investigated in this study was located in four sub-districts: Samboja, Tenggarong Seberang, Kota Bangun/Muara Wis and Tabang, and Kutai Kartanegara District, ranging from coastal areas to mountainous...
Proceedings Article

Data Processing Models and Algorithms for Outsourcing of Resources in the Production Scheduling Task

Dmitry Rizvanov, Evgeniy Chernyshev
Production scheduling is often used to improve the efficiency of an enterprise. The task of production processes scheduling of an aircraft engine enterprise is considered in this article. Aircraft engine consists of a large number of different parts and assemblies (more than 100,000) that are manufactured...

Analysis of Unilever’s Branding and Marketing Strategy in China

Lu Zhang, Ziyu Fan
This present paper takes Unilever’s branding in China as the research object and chooses its marketing strategy to study. By conducting a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis on Unilever’s marketing environment and internal resources and capabilities, the paper explores the...

Online Lecture Model as an Effort to Improve Higher Education Quality

Uli Anto Hutagalung, Paningkat Siburian, Sukarman Purba
Modern learning systems based on information technology provide broad coverage that is very suitable for the public that can be accessed in various places and times. This system can be accessed by various levels of society to the middle. One step in developing network technology and information technology...

Chinese-English Parallel Corpus-driven Teaching of Applied Translation and Interpreting

Chunxiao Ma
With the rapid social and economic development, and the increasingly frequent international exchanges, the demand for high-quality translators and interpreters is surging. However, the current traditional cultivation models in many colleges and universities no longer keep pace with the growing demand...

Logistic Regression Analysis of Relationship Between Mental Health and Sports Behavior of Foreign Students in Wuhan

Bobo Zong, Junjie Wang, Lun Li
The purpose of this study is to know the mental health status of foreign students in Wuhan and the influence of sports behavior. In order to provide the basis for improving the mental health level of foreign students, 253 foreign students from 52 countries were random selected from four affiliated universities...

The Structural Adjustments in a Chinese Commercial Bank in Response to New Capital Rules: A Case Study of Bank of China

Botao Song
This paper analyses the structural adjustments surrounding capital adequacy ratios undertaken by Bank of China in response to the New Capital Rules over the past 10 years. It decomposes the strategies employed by BoC into “Capital” as the numerator and “Risk-weighted Assets” as the denominator, and makes...

Realizing a Sustainable Economic Insight, Through Inquiry Learning Based on Environmental and Natural Resources Economics Supported by Digital Learning

Wahjoedi, Magistyo Purboyo Priambodo, Rizza Megasari, Emma Yunika Puspasari
This paper aims to present the results of research on the important role of learning strategies and methods, learning materials, and digital learning media in shaping the insights, attitudes and trends of environmentally sound behavior in students of the Faculty of Economics. The inquiry learning strategy...

Elastic Modulus of Tangkin as the Indigenous Woven Back Pack from Dayak People in West Kalimantan

N Masta
Tangkin is an indigenous woven bag produced by Dayak tribe in West Kalimantan, which usually used to carry heavy luggage from forest garden to take home and vice versa. This paper aims to predict the elasticity modulus of Tangkin and identify factors which influenced it. Modulus elasticity reduced from...

What Makes a Worthwhile Hotel Loyalty Program?

An analysis of Hilton customer loyalty program

Zhixiang Zhou, Rui Dai, Choishan Chung, Zhenliang Zhang, Yunlin Weng
Customer loyalty programs are becoming more and more prevalent across industries. The main goal of this paper is to discuss five key features loyalty programs in hotel industry should possess to be outstanding and analyse the case of Hilton HHonors program with the five features to evaluate their practical...