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59 articles

A Model of Village Government System Based on Systems Thinking - A Study in Kairane village, Indonesia

Ike Wanusmawatie, Bambang Supriyono, Luqman Hakim, Mujibur Rahman Khoirul Muluk
The purpose of this study was to construct a model of village government performance system in order to realize the community prosperity. This research used system thinking approach and dynamic system as tool analysis. Based on the research results indicates that village government performance is not...

Asian Games 2018 As A Sport Tourism Element In The Itinerary Of Inbound Tour

Khoirul Fajri, Nova Riana, Titing Kartika
The appointment of Indonesia as the event organizer of Asian Games 2018 could be seen as a challenge and at the same time is an opportunity to show the world that Indonesia is capable in hosting this such big event. This international sport event like Asian Games could be classified as world sport tourism,...

Darussalam Gontor Waqf Models Based on Local Wisdom in Creating Inclusive and Quality Education

Khoirul Umam, Amir Bin Shaharuddin, Akbar Zulfia Fratama, Luthfi Noor Mahmudi, Isma Aulia Roslan
This article aims to design a model of waqf to address the education gap in Indonesia. Using a qualitative-normative approach involving literature analysis and in-depth discussions with pesantren practitioners, academics, and administrators, the study recognizes pesantren as a significant educational...

The Consumer Protection toward the Public Transportation Service of Bus Rapid Transit for the Disabilities in Semarang City

Khoirul Sulistiyo Saputro, Nurul Fibrianti
BRT Trans Semarang is a road vehicle designed to carry passengers from one place to another. BRT Trans Semarang offers eminent features and infrastructures than other kind of transportations. Despite the improvement, the features and infrastructures still had numerous drawbacks especially when it comes...

Green Practices Boost Organizational Commitment in Farmer Groups

Arief Subyantoro, Khoirul Hikmah, Dwi Aulia Puspitaningrum, Rifqi Syarif Nasrulloh
This study investigates how “Green Recruitment & Selection” and “Green Training” affect the organizational commitment of farmer groups, which are expected to drive economic activities for rural communities. The research employs multiple regression analysis and uses simple random sampling to collect...

Does Fiscal Decentralization Good For Reducing Communal Conflict?

Aris Rusyiana, Sujarwoto Sujarwoto, Khoirul Muluk
Whether fiscal decentralization is good for reducing communal conflict is still debatable. This study examines the linkage between fiscal decentralization and communal conflict in Indonesia, administrative decentralization, and political decentralization is examined as well. Data come from the Village...

Radical Decentralization Reform and Communal Conflict in Indonesia, 2003-2014

Aris Rusyiana, Mujibur Rahman Khoirul Muluk, Dr. Sujarwoto
Radical decentralization reform works or does not work for reducing communal conflict is still debatable. This study examines the linkage between decentralization policy and communal conflict in Indonesia. Two measurement of decentralization: administrative decentralization, and fiscal decentralization...

Biology Teacher’s TPACK Profile in Central Java: Description of TPACK Mastery Based on Teaching Experience

Paidi, Muhammad Khoirul Antony, Bambang Subali, Sendy Putra Pradana
TPACK is an integrated unit of three basic knowledge consisting of PK, CK, and TK. This study aims to find out how different TPACK biology teachers are based on teachig experience. This research was a descriptive study with survey method. The population in this study is a hypothetical population that...

Literature Review: The Importance of Adding Sharia Economic Material to Economic Subjects in Senior High Schools

Hakim Luqman, Anwar Moch. Khoirul, Pahlevi Triesninda, Pratiwi Vivi, Kurniawan Riza Y
This study aims to analyze the importance of adding sharia economic material to economic subjects in Senior High Schools, especially in Science Department. The type of this research is literature review research by examining various journals and previous theories. The results showed that the sharia economic...