Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81396 articles
Proceedings Article

Distributed Teaching Model based on Flipped Classroom for HF Electronic Circuit

Danyang Qin, Hong Wu, Erfu Wang, Hongbin Ma, Qun Ding
Rapid development of modern communication has a close relationship with the support of information talents, who benefit from the continuous perfection of discipline establishment. Partial content in HF Electronic Circuit is taken as the reform object, and the flipped classroom is taken as the reform...
Proceedings Article

Using Backup and Restore Automation from Disaster in University Information Systems

Johanes Fernandes Andry, Honni Po
For information system users in university, especially for those who work daily and frequently which deals with storing data in the computer, the computer should be aware of sudden "disaster", such as virus, due to system failure. When "disaster" happens, it can hide or even lose the data or files in...
Proceedings Article

The Modeling of Complex Agent Network based on BDI Agent

Arxiden Ablimit
In this paper, on the basis of deeply analyzing the basic search algorithm, the features of complex network structure, and the complexity of the search process, multi-agent system (MAS) and complex network as two method of complex system modeling are systematically studied to draw on their features,...
Proceedings Article

Research and Exploration of Integrated Teaching-training Mode for Police PE Teaching in Police Schools

Xuetao An, Meixian Bai
Public security specialty of police schools urgently needs to establish integrated police PE teaching and training, optimize the contents, establish long-term teaching and training mechanism and organically combine teaching contents with the training of the second classroom. This paper deeply discusses...
Proceedings Article

Investigation and Analysis on Current Situation of Community Sports Activities in “Urban Village”of Guangzhou City

Jing Gao
The surveys on current community sports for urban village residents in Guangzhou, and the content of concerning of government as well as the degree of public awareness of physical fitness and other aspects are performed by the methods of questionnaire and in-situ investigation .It has been analyzed the...
Proceedings Article

Expansion of Hat Product Design with Storage Idea

Yingxing Bian
Popular design status of clothing products makes current clothing sales market lack excitement. Through analyzing the influence and feasibility of storage idea on clothing accessory design, this paper aims to propose remodeling design of hat products with storage idea, seek skillful design technique,...
Proceedings Article

Marxism Has the Theoretical Character of Keeping Pace with The Times

H.J. Xing
It’s the continuous development of Marxism. Marxism itself is constantly in advance with The Times. As a Marxist truth, is the dialectical unification of absolute truth and relative truth. Keep pace with The Times is the essential attribute of Marxism, is the inevitable need of development of Marxism,...
Proceedings Article

Innovative Thinking of Elementary Course Teaching in University

Xuelian Lu
As one of the important part of higher education, the elementary course teaching has its unique features and rules from other professional course teachings. Its main teaching content is to teach knowledge and its purpose is to foster students’ abilities. Being an elementary, important, scattered and...
Proceedings Article

An Automatic Course Assessment Tool for Weakness Identification

Chunlei Liu, Limei Chen
We develop an automatic course assessment tool that gives numerical indicators on fulfilling course learning outcomes and identifies course weaknesses for future improvement. Four years of application indicate that this tool is very effective in revealing course weaknesses and in reducing the time spent...
Proceedings Article

Research on Optimization of Selection Mechanism of Medical Advanced Talents

Yi Zhang, Shidi Wen
The talent resource, especially the advanced medical talent resources, is the key of competitive advantage for medical institutions. This paper firstly gives the concept of the Medical Advanced Talents, and then expounds the quality structure and its test methods of medical advanced talents, finally...
Proceedings Article

Statistical Analysis on the Quality of China’s Key Services in 2014

Huali Cai, Yawei Jiang, Heliang Song
With the rapid growth of China’s service industries, the supporting role of quality has become increasingly prominent. With a view to mastering the quality situation of service industries in a dynamic way and promoting high-quality efficient and sustainable development, the author makes a statistical...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Minority Preparatory College Chinese Teaching Design based on Task Driven Teaching Method

Min Yu
College Chinese is a compulsory public class in preparatory college, but in recent years, a number of ethnic minority college faced with the different degree of teaching difficulties, which mainly reflected in the teachers teach and students difficult to learn. From present situation of the minority...
Proceedings Article

Augmented Reality for Introduction of Unit Systems in Personal Computer

V.R. Palilingan, Gladly C. Rorimpandey
There are lot of technologies that used to developing a learning media. Creative and attractive are some of reasons the teachers want to develop a learning media. Technology Augmented Reality and creative, but it is also can reducing the cost for purchasing a practical tool. Introduction of Unit System...
Proceedings Article

Inter-Religion Harmony

Aceng Kosasih
A lot of media, these days, broadcast some unrests and even conflicts between religious groups. The latest conflict between Muslims and Christians occurred in Tolikara, Papua on the day of Eid in 2015. The conflict caused a lot of injured, some even died. Several kiosks and worship places were burned....
Proceedings Article

Hedonic Shopping Motive As A Routinization Habit On The Consumer Purchase Decisions At Starbucks Coffee

Lia Yuldinawati, Adelia Ayuningsari
The growth of the middle class who have various lifestyles, one of them is consuming coffee in modern coffee shops. Coffee consumption in Indonesia since 2010 - 2014 had increased.The steady increase of the Indonesian people' s purchasing power has made Starbucks wants to keep increasing the numbers...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Factors Affecting the Environmental Behaviors of the Community Residents in Leisure Agriculture Tourism Destinations

Xiuzhi Lin, Xiujuan Huang
The environmental behaviors of the community residents, as the demonstrators, supervisors and beneficiaries of the leisure agriculture tourism destinations play an effect on the ecological environment of the leisure agriculture tourism destinations to a certain extent. In this study, the environmental...
Proceedings Article

Educational Reform and Discussion about Course of Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis

Le Gao
The teaching effect of Ideological and moral cultivation and the basic course of law has not been ideal. To enhance the teaching effect of the course and improve the teaching quality, teaching reform must be carried out. The reform can be carried out from the following aspects: Reform teaching mode,...
Proceedings Article

Tourism Infrastructure Construction Mode Optimization and Correlation Analysis of Related Industry Development

Ting Zhao
This research theoretically analyzes tourism infrastructure construction mode optimization and correlation analysis of general related industry development. With development of the tourism resources to the development of breadth and depth, the study of landscape protection and landscape planning gradually...
Proceedings Article

How to Build Guanxi Quality: An Empirical Investigation in China

Jia Shen, Xueling Lee
China is a guanxi-oriented nation. Compared to the Western relational marketing concept, Guanxi incorporates the notion of ganqing and renqing. Based on its unique cultural and institutional backgrounds, Chinese guanxi is a mixture of the affect and instrumentality. This article posits and examines a...
Proceedings Article

The application of hierarchical teaching mode in College English Teaching

Zhaoying Li
Prominent to students as the main body thought, respect for individual differences, adjust measures to local conditions, individualized teaching is the theoretical basis of hierarchical teaching; prior to the implementation of the hierarchical teaching must carefully analyze the implementation of environmental...
Proceedings Article

The problems and countermeasures of the application of instructional design theory in teaching practice

Changping Wang, Chunbo Wei, Jianbo Wang, Pengxia Zhang
The author found that the problems of the application of instructional design theory in teaching practice as follows:(1)Instructional design theory guides the teaching practice operability weakly;(2)The theory of teaching design and the current teaching practice is very difficult to achieve the same...
Proceedings Article

The application research of the performance appraisal model of the teacher in independent college based on the detailed management

Yu Liao
With the gradual popularization of china's higher education , In recent years, The competition between various colleges and universities is becoming more and more fierce, the quality and brand become a magic weapon to win. there is a widespread quantification fuzzy problem in independent college in China...
Proceedings Article

Research on Predicament of Developing Green Job and Countermeasure

Zhiyong Zhang, Linlang Liao
At present, the serious energy consumption, environmental degradation and economic crisis result in the weak employment in traditional industries. The large-scale industrialization, city and countryside integration and the rapid development of economy give rise to desperate shortage of natural resources,...
Proceedings Article

Condition and Shaping of Student Personality in Educational Process Through Transpersonal Psychology Perspective

Alfaiz Alfaiz, Ryan Hidayat Rafiola, Rezki Hariko, Zulfikar Zulfikar
This article was the latest research in 2015 that collaborative with my colleague about student personality in educational process using perspective of psychoanalysis consist of id, ego and super ego and will discuss with my research in 2016 selftranspersonal psychology perspective. This research was...
Proceedings Article

Textual Enhancement-Based Grammar Instructional Design for English Students

Veni ROZA, Hermawati SYARIF, Desmawati RADJAB, M. ZAIM
The article was derived from an author's dissertation which was supervised by three promoters. Theresearch was designed to answer students' need in the field that they need current grammar teaching model which demands students to get involved actively in the learning process by noticing and discovering...
Proceedings Article

The Trend of Opposition Political Parties in Sustaining Democracy: A Comparative Study of Nigeria and Malaysia

Sakariyau Rauf Tunde, Ainis Azreen, Mohd Azizuddin Mohd Sani, Ummu Atiyah Ahmad Zakuan
Democratisation wave is a global phenomenon that cuts across countries within the international system. Democracy has become an acceptable system of government which is believed to be the hope of the people. Nevertheless, the relevance of political parties in any democratic arrangement cannot be over-emphasised....
Proceedings Article

Value Perplexities between Education and Money: The Phenomenon of Failing Students within Rural Areas in East Java

Agung Winarno
This study aims at unraveling the phenomenon of failing students and developing an entrepreneurship education pertinent to the potency and experiences of the targeted failing students. This study used descriptive qualitative approach and education development design targeted the failing students who...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Influence of Curriculum Setting on Employment in Career Technical College

Xiaodong Zhu, Caiyao Cao
Vocational skills courses have a significant impact on the employment rate and income of graduates. By comparison, it can be found that vocational skills courses can make graduates get higher returns than academic ones. Students should be able to get a better job when they graduate, they should receive...
Proceedings Article

Prediction of Lighweight Concrete Panel Homogeneity by Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV)

Agus Santoso, Slamet Widodo, Faqih Ma'arif
Lightweight concrete is defined as concrete having a specific gravity ranging from 600-1600 kg/m3, the specific gravity of this concrete is lower than normal concrete. In this paper, the homogeneity of lightweight concrete panel wall is evaluated using the non-destructive – ultrasonic pulse velocity...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Relationship between Culture, Economy and Politics

Fu-Jiang Sun
Culture refers to the consciousness about life and social relations in economic and political activities in a society, including values, social consciousness and morality. Economic and political practices are the basis and container of culture, while thoughts about and understanding of economic and political...
Proceedings Article

The Local Government's Fiscal Risks and Their Solutions under Supply-Side Reform in China

Xinran Hu, Lianghai Lei
The current five tasks of China's supply-side reform, which are de-capacity, de-stocking, de-leveraging, lower costs and offset weaknesses, will cause new fiscal risks to the local government. We use qualitative analysis to investigate the local government's fiscal risks under the supply-side reform....
Proceedings Article

Polymorphism of Angiotensin-converting Enzyme Gene of Insertion/Deletion on Cardiovascular Endurance Performance of Athletes

Dr. Arimbi, Arifuddin Usman, Ms. Muriyati
The practical difference of the body metabolism plays a very substantial role in determining the kind of sport suitable for an athlete. One of the gene variations considered to control the po-tentials of an athlete is the gene variation of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) symbolised as I and D. The...
Proceedings Article

City-Size Distribution and Industry Agglomeration: An Empirical Analysis Based on the County - level in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region

Heng Tian
The urban agglomeration of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is the core development engine of the Bohai Economic Circle area. However, over the years, because of regional and local competition, the level of integration is low in the city circle, the gap is large in the region, the flow and distribution...
Proceedings Article

Classification and Characteristics of Historical Learning Media

Mr Aksa
Conventional learning is deemed less appropriate to the dynamics of the development of science and technology. In an effort to improve the learning process in accordance with the needs and development of the era, the function of learning media is very important to be utilized. Therefore, classifying...
Proceedings Article

Integrated communicative method as form of cooperation between teacher and student (from work experience)

A.A. Isakova
This article is devoted to the problem of pedagogical methods in teaching a foreign language. The author describes the Russian traditional educational system and different teaching methods. The communicative method based on the author's own teaching experience is analyzed
Proceedings Article

Democracy and Political Consciousness Investigating Difabel Toward Political Participation in the 2014 Presidential Election in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Agus Andika Putra, Rifki Sanahdi, David Efendi, Husni Amriyanto
Every citizen has right to choose and to participate in general election, and the state must protect that basic right of politic. The high percentage of people with different abilities' ('difabel') participated in the 2014 presidential election in Yogyakarta (66,5%) indicated the remarkable work of inclusive...
Proceedings Article

The Philosophical Bases of the Pedagogical Views of V. F. Odoyevsky

Anna Martseva, Diana Sivakova
The paper unveils the interrelationship existing between V. F. Odoyevsky's pedagogy and his philosophical ideas. The philosophical and pedagogical legacy of the thinker is of a considerable interest as one of the most developed in the history of Russian thought in the first half of the 19th century in...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Employability Skills and Skill Competency toward Work Readiness

Endah Setyo Wardani, Isnandar Isnandar, Siti Sendari
The research aims to study influences of employability skills and skill competency toward work readiness. Data collections use questionnaires and score documentation, colected from 176 students at the XII grade of vocational school (SMK) of Electrical Power Instalation Technique in Malang Raya. The technical...
Proceedings Article

E-Media Development as an Effort to Improve Primary School Student Learning Results in Semarang

Farid Ahmadi, Fakhruddin
Preliminary study conducted in some elementary schools located in Semarang found that the information and communication technology-based learning media was not optimally implemented. The type of this research is Research and Development with Waterfall SDLC research model consisting of: analysis, design,...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Sino-foreign Cooperative Education in the Environment of 'One Belt One Road'-Based on the cooperation between China and Russian Federation

Wenjing Ke
Globalization and 'One Belt One Road' initiative both stimulate the cooperation of education between China and different countries. The sino-foreign cooperative education is a product. This paper aims to analyze the development about sino-foreign cooperative education between China and Russian Federation....
Proceedings Article

Research on Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education System in Colleges and Universities

Gao Feng, Wang Xuetong
With the reform of education system, innovation and entrepreneurship education is the development strategy driven by innovation in the country, it is an urgent need to promote economic quality, efficiency and upgrading, and It has become a new concept of educational development. Based on the current...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Teaching Reform of the Basic Course of Art Design

Nannan Zhang
At present, there is a gap between the traditional basic course teaching of art design specialty and its training target of new era, and there is a lack of necessary links between basic and specialized courses. The basic course of art college is an important part and the foundation of professional teaching....
Proceedings Article

Comparisons of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Reform

Keiichiro Yoshinaga
This paper discusses the rise of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education reform in the United States and Asia. As shown in the results of international tests such as PISA and TIMMS, secondary school students in Asia do better than their counterparts in the U.S. Nevertheless,...
Proceedings Article

Executive Open Selection, What's wrong?

Desy Mutia Ali, Eko Prasojo, Lina Miftahul Jannah
The view of merit as a new basic system for public personnel management is already final in the newest regulation of ASN (National State Apparatus), and one kind of implementation of merit in the management system is recruitment and selection. Although the new regulation of public personnel management...
Proceedings Article

Research on Reform of Interpretation Course for English Majors in Private Colleges and Universities

Xun Bu
Restricted by some objective factors such as faculty structure, enrollment quality and so on, private colleges and universities experience some difficulties in making breakthrough in the interpretation course for English majors, achieving satisfactory teaching results and receiving encouraging feedback...
Proceedings Article

An Artist's Diaries and Personal Notes as a Source of Understanding His Art -- Joan Miro's Catalan Notebook

Ksenia Orlova
An important source of studying art in modern art history are notebooks, personal letters with friends, interviews and talks. But researchers have an important task to keep impartiality and some distance from the object of their research. The article covers this issue using Joan Miro's personal correspondence...
Proceedings Article

Research on Influence of National Folk Sports Events on Social Harmonious Development at China-Vietnam Border

Dong Bikai, Hu Yingqing
This paper mainly analyzes the value of contact of Chinese-Vietnamese national folk sports events: the sports events enhance the communication between nationalities at border, ensure harmonious and stable border; promote active spiritual culture and weaken passive culture; make for trade contacts between...
Proceedings Article

Reflection on Chinese Cultural Industry Business Model Innovation Utilizing the Zhao Benshan Model

Yu Liao
The cultural industry offers consumers entertainment products or services against a background of economic globalization. In the rapidly changing business environment, it is extremely important to maintain the survival and development of cultural industry through the application of business models. This...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation Model Analysis of Sports Instrument Influences on Class drill

Xueqiang Zhu
This research, based on Abraham Harold Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and the healthy definition of “WHO”, analyzes relevant value indicates such as the fitness value, metal health value, entertainment value, the value of education, ornamental value and social value to grab a rough understanding that hand...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Main Research Topic Teaching Model for Environment Art Design Major

Ding Liwei
The cultivating objectives of the Environment Art Design Major are the application competence of social practice and designing ability for environment design. The expert teaching models are confronting with the new challenges for many years and the original teaching model cannot suit for the requirements...
Proceedings Article

Computing Literacy as a Foundation for Digital Learning

A.Z.R Langi
Computing literacy is fundamental in future learning, as human learns to have smart living in a society and environment where computing is pervasive. As we are approaching a singularity point where the intelligence of computing entities exceeds that of humans, we need to transform ourselves to have favorable...
Proceedings Article

Fresh Agri-Food Supply Chain Retailers and Suppliers Price Game

Qian Tong, Xiaoxi Tong, Yuanyuan Li
In the supply chain of fresh agricultural foods and food safety, participants for each activity are making their efforts to obtain the maximize benefits, and every interests owners are playing the maximizing benefit Game. As the main parts in the supply chain, suppliers provide their Optimal order quantity...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Computer Aided English Instruction from the Learning Perspective of Constructivism

Lei Liu
Constructivism, one of the core development modes of teaching, receives certain external environment support and is extensively accepted and applied in the computer aidedEnglish instruction under the premises of rapid development of computer technology and constant innovation of college English instruction...
Proceedings Article

The Contribution of the Vocational Teachers’ Professional Competence toward Vocational High Schools’ Performance

Abdul Haris Setiawan
This research aims to determine the contribution of the vocational teachers’ professional competence toward the Vocational High Schools’ performance. This research is ex-post facto. Statistically, based on the data and analysis techniques, this research is descriptive quantitative. The population was...
Proceedings Article

On the ability to Improve Business Marketing Strategy

Hou Jin
Enterprise marketing capabilities constitute the core competitiveness of the important part. In practice, companies tend to focus on the performance perspective of corporate marketing capabilities, while ignoring the marketing resources and their ability to take advantage of the ability to influence...
Proceedings Article

Establishment and Research on the Model of the Company's Financial Risk Warning Based on Principal Component Analysis and Logistic Regression

JingJing Fu
In this paper, we use the modern management theory to build a corporate financial risk early warning indicator system, while using the statistical method of principal component analysis and logistic regression analysis. Through the empirical research on listed companies' financial crisis situation, we...
Proceedings Article

The 1999 education reform: An analysis of the Reform implementation and impact on Arts Education in Poland

Renata Ochoa daderska
The aim of this paper is to present the process and impact of the education reform of 1999 in the curricula and ways of implementation of this reform at pre-school institutions, primary schools, lower secondary schools (gimnazja) and upper secondary schools (post-gymnasium schools) taking into account...
Proceedings Article

Individual Charity in China

Pan Zhijia, Yuan Haiqing, Zhu Shouzeng
Charity in China stems from the development of economy in both national and personal aspects. Celebrities’ enthusiasm in charity evokes public participation. Considering the similarities and also the differences between China and some other countries which has relatively sophisticated charitable systems,...
Proceedings Article

Liberalism or Technological Modernization

Andrei Blinov
Under scrutiny is the problem of the Russian economy’s innovation and technological potential and its potential effect on global economic crisis. This work exposes the source of the Russian economy's demoralization and economic collapse, asserting that Russia’s present situation is impeding the development...
Proceedings Article

Thoughts and Suggestions on Undergraduates Innovations Experiment Project

Jinjin Liang, Xiaoqun Sun, Jiangang Wang, Haojiang Cai
Scientific research and implementing ability are the fundamental methods for cultivating talents. Undergraduates participate in the research and practice are the fundamental principle of teaching. Undergraduates innovations experiment project follows the principle of interest driven, independent practice,...
Proceedings Article

The Bologna Process in Higher Education of Belarus

Larysa Sliapniova, Alexander Tsyganov
Belarus joined the Bologna process in spring 2015, which called for the need to converge higher education systems of Belarus and countries of the European Higher Education Area. Higher Education systems in different countries are brought to standard in several ways. The member states of the Bologna process...
Proceedings Article

The Theory of Aesthetic Characteristics of Chinese Court Dance

Yanbin Ding
In the ancient Chinese art, poetry, music and dance, and then gradually produces the differentiation, the formation of the distinctive arts, and the palace dance with its reigns for the lofty status and economic power, focused mainly on folk dance dance in all walks of life essence for its political...
Proceedings Article

An Investigation on Students’ Metacognitive Awareness and Their Achievement in EFL Study

Puyu Ning
Metacognition has been developing into a key word of the English as Foreign Language (EFL) study in the previous two decades. The present paper probed into the relationship between students’ metacognitive awareness and their performance in the EFL achievement test. By the employment of the Matecognitive...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Plant Landscape in Interior Design

Jinjin Wang
On the basis of important role for plant landscape in the modern interior design, analysis in-depth of the current research status of plant landscape in the indoor design and the main application form, so that the plant landscape in interior design can be more widely promotion and application, provide...
Proceedings Article

Research on Application of Circuit Simulation Software in Electronic Technology Teaching

Haifeng Liu, Ruili Mao
Simulation technology makes the analysis of electronic circuits can be accurately and quickly completed in the computer. On the one hand it overcomes the limitations of laboratory components and instruments, on the other hand it also broke the time and space constraints. This paper describes the application...
Proceedings Article

The Comparison of 'Rewriting' of Howard Goldblatt & Andre Lefevere's Translation Thoughts

Chunhua Shen
This paper illustrates firstly the importance of the study of rewriting studies, and then respectively takes a closer look at the basic content of Lefevere's rewriting thoughts and Goldblatt's rewriting thoughts and then comparing their different views on rewriting thoughts. In the end, the paper gives...
Proceedings Article

Entrepreneurial Motivations and Risk Decision Making: A Theoretical Framework

Junping Yang, Kuangjian Wu
From a purely theoretical standpoint, the paper aims to see if there is a relationship between entrepreneurial motivations and risk decision making and at the same time explore the role of cognitive traits, including risk perception and self-efficacy, in the relationship. Based on established theories...
Proceedings Article

Problems and Countermeasures in the Construction of Teaching Staff in Private Colleges-A case study of private colleges in Northwest China

Jingfeng He
The purpose of this paper is to discuss how to establish a contingent of teachers in private colleges. Taking Xijing University as an example, this paper analyzes the main problems existing in the construction of the contingent of teachers in private colleges, and puts forward some reasonable suggestions...
Proceedings Article

Building Towards Expertise

Marcel Martin, Paul Ouellet, Zeesham Aslam
To build towards expertise, one has to accept to modify his way of practicing, including: 1) A need to reflect on and about the action and near the action in 'in situ' laboratory, 2) A continuous concern about our competence to practice, (presently medical education is in fact discontinuous with periods...
Proceedings Article

The Different Effects of Selective Attention and Divided Attention on Audiovisual Temporal Integration

Jingjing Yang, Qi Li, Xiujun Li
Human brains integrate various kinds of information from different modalities to perceive our complex environment. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of attention on the processing of audiovisual temporal information. Fourteen subjects participated in our experiment. Visual, auditory...
Proceedings Article

The Teacher's Perception on TPM-Kurtilas Implementation in Amal Keluarga Kindergarten- Bandung

Aan Listiana, Yeni Rachmawati
This study aims to obtain data on the teacher's perception of the implementation program of character development through the Teaching Pyramid Model based on 2013 curriculum (TPM-Kurtilas). The data required as an input for improvement because the program is still a pilot study project. The data was...
Proceedings Article

An Empiric Study in the Effectiveness of Student Training Based on Organizational and Pedagogical Conditions of Mobile Learning

Aleksandr Volodin, Natalia Bondarenko, Andrei Volodin
The paper reports on the contents of the empirical research on the evaluation of the effectiveness of the student training based on organizational and pedagogical conditions of the mobile learning. We specify the stages and the content of the experiment as well as its conditions and sampling. The sample...
Proceedings Article

Development and Validation of a Scientific Literacy Test on Global Warming Theme

Aristo Hardinata, Anna Permanasari
A research and development study was conducted to develop an scientific literacy instrument test in the global warming theme for middle school students. Random sampling method was used to involve 112 fifteen-year students who attend the natural science course at three middle schools in Bandung. The test...
Proceedings Article

On Development of Tourist Resources of Ancient Villages and Towns in Fuzhou, Jiangxi Province

Wen-ping Xiong
Fuzhou City in Jiangxi Province boasts rich tourist resources of ancient villages and towns of high level and in large number, but such an advantage is yet to be transferred into the advantage in tourist economy. Starting with analyzing the features of tourist resources of ancient villages and towns...
Proceedings Article

Use of Multimedia Learning Technology Based Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Chandra Anugrah Putra
Recently, teachers have various problems when implementing the learning in the classroom. Learning problems are caused because the teachers do not understand the characteristics of learners with learning content. Multimedia as a new product of modern technology seeks to involve all the senses, including...
Proceedings Article

The Communicative Means of Music and the Ways of Its Reproduction The Historical and Analytical Aspect

Alexander Yakoupov
The article is dedicated to the consideration of the communicative music means, their kinds in the context of historical aspect of the ways of music reproduction. The author follows the chronology of the development of communication means – from the non-writing to the electronic and mechanical. In the...
Proceedings Article

Optimal Resource Allocation of the Press

Xue Yang
The paper studies the optimal resource allocation of the press. Four decisive factors are market share, satisfaction, sales and the number of ISBN assigned. We are made to increase the profits of the press and reduce the gap between expected sales and actual sales at the same time. We set the numbers...
Proceedings Article

Study on Financing Mode Innovation in New Urbanization Construction of the Yangtze River Economic Belt

Qiong Wu
From the perspective of new urbanization construction of the Yangtze River economic belt, in this paper we firstly analyze the financing demand of it, and then describe the disadvantages of the traditional mode of financing, and finally explore how to construct diversified and sustainable urbanization...
Proceedings Article

The College Students’ Psychology and Education Management

Xiaojiao Liu
Higher education aims at developing high-quality person who is fully developed, including the all-round development of psychological qualities. However, many researches show that the psychological condition of college students is hardly optimistic. On the basis of the research of psychological health...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Speed, Agility, Foot Coordination and Motivation to The Football Playing Skill

Ahmad Adil, James Tangkudung, Achmad Sofyan Hanif
This study used a survey method to see the influence between variables. The data analysis technique used path analysis to test the direct and indirect effects of speed, agility, coordination, and motivation on the skills of playing soccer of the students of the Faculty of Sports Sciences, Universitas...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Implementation of Village Information System in Village Government Performance with Good Governance as Moderating Variable

Dwi Sudaryati, Sucahyo Heriningsih, Lita Yulita Fitriyani
The emerging of the village information system is a new means for the village to socialize the village working program to all the people, especially for the local villagers. Village information system is expected to support the performance of village government to be more transparent and accountable....
Proceedings Article

School Environment Exploration Activity to Enhance Science Process Skill

Sukarno Sukarno, Kemas Imron Rosadi, Achmad Samsudin
The scientific approach is an effort to develop learners' abilities in mastering scientific concepts more easily and systematically. In science-centered learning, learners are trained to perform scientific activities such as observing, collecting data, analyzing data, summarizing and then creating reports...
Proceedings Article

The Translation of Addressing System in the Movie Subtitle “Yowis Ben”

Alfi Rahmawati, Teguh Setiawan
Every language has its own addressing system, including Javanese and Indonesian language. The media play an important role in showing the differences in these language systems. One of the medias exhibiting this language phenomenon is a movie which uses two languages: source language (utterances) and...
Proceedings Article

Effective Accommodations for Thai Students with Learning Disabilities in Elementary Inclusive Classrooms

Ratchaneekorn Tongsookdee
Students with learning disabilities, in most countries, encounter a variety of academic difficulties and to help overcome them, teachers must provide special educational services with careful consideration to the students’ limitations and needs. The academic success of these students requires that each...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of a Reciprocal Teaching Style and Eyes Hands Feet Coordination Toward the Results of Groundstrokes Field Tennis

Afri Tantri, Mulyana, Moch. Asnawi
This study aimed to know: (i) the effect of a reciprocal teaching style with eyes, hands, and foot coordination overall towards field tennis groundstroke capabilities; (ii) the effect of a reciprocal with high of eye, hand and foot coordination towards tennis groundstroke capabilities; (iii) the effect...
Proceedings Article

The Basic Requirements for the Development of Efficient Applications for E-Learning

Nadezhda B. Kunturova, Anna L. Prokofieva, Natalia V. Vasilieva, Nina S. Jasnova, Irina V. Evgrafova, Natalia S. Yakushkina
The article is devoted to the creation of applications for e-learning, the elements of which are implemented in the educational process of many universities of the Russian Federation, describes the problems that arise and demonstrates possible ways to overcome them. The authors share many years of experience...
Proceedings Article

Based on the driving mechanism to explore the effective path of environmental control of Nanshan ring road on north slope of Qinling Mountains

Zhang Dan, Hao Jianhua
North slope of Qinling Nanshan loop (Xi’an) drive mechanism of environmental governance is an important theoretical and practical problems, north slope of Qinling Nanshan loop (Xi’an) drive mechanism of environmental factors mainly include internal and external factors, through the analysis and the choice...
Proceedings Article

The Problem of Choosing the Form of Getting Education in Russia: Rights and Duties of Parents

S.E. Dovbysh, A.D. Davydova, A.K. Tormosova
As part of a monitoring study of public requests based on citizens’ appeals, a research group of the Institute of Educational Management of the Russian Academy of Education revealed that the issue of legal regulation of general education in the Russian Federation, in terms of choosing the form of education,...
Proceedings Article

Peasant Resistance Movement towards BKPH (Bagian Kesatuan Pemangku Hutan – Forest Management Unit)

Abdul Kodir, Angga Prasetyo Adi
This study examined the social movements of Kedungdendeng peasants, the resistance carried out by Kedungdendeng peasants using a critical ethnographic perspective, especially the process of the occurrence of the peasant resistance movements, the forms of pre-reform peasant resistance and the forms of...
Proceedings Article

Additional Implications of Injury Costs of Health BPJS Patients as Community Empowerment Efforts

Sri Suatmiati, Edi Kastro, M. Idrus, Viky Candra
Based on data released by BPJS Kesehatan at the beginning of February 2018, the current population of Indonesia who became BPJS participants amounted to 192,029,645 people with the highest number of participants using central government funds, which amounted to 48.07%. The classification based on BPJS...
Proceedings Article

Social, economic, and academic leadership: an opening

Wadim Strielkowski
Leadership is a topic that has been relevant for researchers since the beginning of human history. The concept of leadership can be found in psychology, history, economics, physics, mathematics, computer sciences, and virtually any other field of science one can think of. The more one starts digging...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Relationship between College English Flipping Classroom and Mental Health Education in Lacan’s Mirror Stage Theory

Xiteng Wang
The traditional model of college English teaching has a lot of problems such as the pressure of classroom management, the enthusiasm of students' participation in class and the difficulty of continuous learning after class. Based on Lacan's mirror stage theory, this paper explores the application of...
Proceedings Article

What Are Discourse Markers?

Jiahuang Chen
Discourse markers, for a very long time, had been regarded as the detritus of a discourse, useless, meaningless and unworthy of academic attention. In tandem with discourse analysis and pragmatics in the last five decades, discourse markers have been attracting more and more attentions from scholars....
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Consumer Factor on Using Online Travel Agent Traveloka and in Bandung City

Andhika Piambudi, A.H. Galih Kusumah, Rosita
This research aims to analyze the factors that are considered by consumer when using online travel agent and to analyze the position of the two online travel agents discussed in this research, which are Traveloka and The data were collected by distributing questionnaires to two hundred...
Proceedings Article

Preparation and determination on plan of village medium term development and work plan of village government

Didik Sukriyono
Village development plan is a guide or model potential exploration and development ideas that focused on the participation of the village community in the overall development process. The concept of participation is in line with the value of "cooperation" which has become part of the confidence and trust...
Proceedings Article

Provision of psychological safety of younger pupils of cadet classes

Irina Baeva, Lyudmila Shakhova
The author's approach to ensuring psychological safety in the educational process is presented. Cadet classes place increased demands on the capabilities and resources of the child, therefore the task of accompanying these educational programs from the point of view of ensuring the psychological safety...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Rational Emotive Behavior Group Counseling Against the Assertive Behavior of Students SMPN 1 Mlati, Sleman, Yogyakarta

Yulia Rahmatika Aziza, Edi Purwanta
This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of rational emotive behavior group counseling against the assertive behavior of students SMPN 1 Mlati, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Rational emotive behavior group counseling has not been used for counseling process at SMPN 1 Mlati, Sleman, Yogyakarta. This research...
Proceedings Article

The Architecture of Postmodernism in Japan: the Main Features

Nina Konovalova
The architecture of postmodernism, as a western invention, was received with great interest in Japan. Of the huge number of materials, creative means, images and symbols that could be seen in the postmodern works by Western architects, Japanese masters did not take any interest in a particular school...
Proceedings Article

Refined Execution of Courts based on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

Jiejing Yao
By promoting the change of big data execution thinking, it will accelerate the integration of traditional execution and digitalized execution, and use digitalized execution to promote autonomous execution. According to the address data of taxi-hailing apps, Taobao receiving, navigation software and the...
Proceedings Article

Teacher’s Professional Development

Tan Oon Seng
Globalization, rapid technological developments, and transformation of social environments call for many facets of education to keep pace with changes and play a catalytic role to equip students with global competencies. Innovations in curriculum and pedagogy, changing trend and profile of learners,...