Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81396 articles
Proceedings Article

The Application of Electroconvulsive Therapy in Chinese Population

Zhuoxi Duan, Kefan Shi, WenXiao Zhou
The purpose of this article is to study the use of ECT in the treatment of bipolar II in China. This paper extracts relevant data through the study of some academic literature. Finally, it is concluded that ECT is widely used in China, especially for teenagers. Although ECT can inhibit suicide in the...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Media Use, Gratification Sought, and Information Needs by Tourists in Bali before, during, and after the Covid-19 Pandemic

Kadek Dwi Cahaya Putra, I Made Widiantara, I Komang Mahayana Putra, I Gede Iwan Suryadi, Cokorda Gede Putra Yudistira
This study aims at exploring the media use, gratification sought, and information needs of tourists in Bali and whether there is any difference before, during, and after the Covid-19 pandemic. With accidental and purposive sampling, 115 tourists visiting four (4) Bali‘s main beaches answered the questionnaire...
Proceedings Article

Thoughts on Cultural Consciousness, Self-confidence and Ethnomusicology Research Status

Yi Ji
The party's 18th CPC National Congress proposed that we must establish a high degree of cultural awareness and cultural self-confidence, cultural awareness and cultural self-confidence based on the research of music acts and cultural issues are the core of ethnomusicology research. In this article takes...
Proceedings Article

Research on Career Development of Undergraduates Serving in Construction Cost Engineering

Chunling Sun, Zhiwei Xu, Dieyuan Xu
In order to verify the accuracy and rationality of the type of occupational anchors used to match the project cost positions, the authors analyzed the occupational anchor types of the engineering cost industry and put forward the types of occupational anchors that can be used to measure the engineering...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of the Mass Communication and the Moral Education Function of Chinese Commonweal Advertising

Hua Shang
This paper analyzed all kinds of mass communication function of commonweal advertising, it listed a large number of successful cases to interpret the commonweal advertising in the dissemination of positive life elements, survival philosophy, moral values and norms, and it promoted the harmonious development...
Proceedings Article

Reorganization and Innovation -- Analysis of Singing Skills of'New Voice' Works

Wei Yang
About the 'new voice' concept, it should be said that its emergence and development already is the conventional result of singing form, however, the presentation of the 'reorganization and innovation' of modern 'new voice' in specific work is the key point of this field for our research. In this paper,...
Proceedings Article

Research on home patrol robot

Kerong Gai, Xiaotie Niu, Jinxiang Zeng
To cater for the demand for home patrol robots, the paper discusses a sort of automatic charging robot which is based on ARMII kernel and wireless embedded S3C6410 processor and realizes the functions of online control via smart terminals through transplanting the Android operation system, home security...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of the Time Management and Learning Satisfaction of College Students

Yufeng Jia
Personal satisfaction evaluation of their living environment, not only will affect his Panadol, but also affect their immediate actions and the level of effort for the future. College students are the hope of the motherland future, affect the future direction of their college career is very profound....
Proceedings Article

For Inspiring the Desire for Happiness--Painting---Analysis on original arts painting

Yu Cun
Painting is to awake our desire for happiness. As the most direct and simple ways, original arts spread wonderful positive energy to us. The surface pleasure produced by Shangjia art works proves that pleasant results are reliable and true to life. The elegant expression is unexpected, surprising and...
Proceedings Article

Study on Yangzhou Woodcut Prints in the Qing Dynasty

Yiwen Song
Ever since the appearance of woodblock printing in Yangzhou during the Tang Dynasty, the development of Yangzhou woodcut prints has been rapid in Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties, which flourished in the Qing Dynasty. Compared with the previous dynasties, the printing industry of Yangzhou woodcut prints...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Medical Insurance Payment Pattern between China and America

Wei Wang, Wenjing Gong, Youmei Wang
Medical insurance payment pattern plays a key role in the control of medical insurance expenses, and is also the key and difficult point in health insurance reform, so it is of great significance to do some research on this area. The paper introduces the medical insurance payment ways of China and America...
Proceedings Article

Goods Demand Forecast and Dispatching Plan in Aviation Emergency Rescue

Ming Zhang, Hui Yu, Shuo Wang, Xiangyu Li, Yi Zhou
For the time-dependent nature of goods and materials demand and the complexity of dispatching plan in aviation rescue countering major natural disasters, different methods of buffering demands have been adopted to solve the problem of differences in demand for fast-moving consumer goods and durable goods...
Proceedings Article

Research on education activities based on red resources

Hong Yang
Abstract.The paper expains the red spirit, positive energy,ect. afetr IF&PH is defiined. And, the disadvantage of ideological and political education based on traditional way is analyzed before it is pointed out that the ideal and faith education and the psychological health education are influenced...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Innovation of Visual Communication Design Teaching under the Digitization Background

Yongxiao Liu
Digital technology is the information foundation for the development of the times. Under the influence of the ever-changing information dissemination mode, higher requirements come up to professional visual communication design talents. Combined with the actual situation, this paper showed a fact that...
Proceedings Article

Social Network Analysis of Public Opinions Dissemination on Mobile Internet

Yaqun Cui, Haiqing Cao, Yue Qiu, Cuiyou Yao
We took “Wei Zexi Event” as a case to study the communication mechanism of mobile Internet public opinion. Then we got the public opinion data of mobile terminal through Sina microblog, and generated network structure diagram with Gephi software. We analyzed the characteristics of both the network structure...
Proceedings Article

Mystery of the Concept: S. I. Taneyev’s Choruses, Op. 35, to Words by K. D. Balmont

Galima Lukina
Op. 35 for male chorus based on Balmont’s poetry is probably the most mysterious and little-explored one within Taneyev’s artistic heritage. Basing on the analysis of the already published choirs of the cycle and archival drafts the author proposes the original version of the composer’s interpretation...
Proceedings Article

Construct Validity For Talent Identification Test Athletic With Aiken’s V

Budi Aryanto, Awan Hariono, Cukup Pahalawidi
The purpose of this study is to develop a talent identification test construct for athletics. Content validity is used to test the instrument. Testing is done by using professional judgment and involving experts in learning and athletic training. The analytical technique used is the validity coefficient...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis on Anti-bullying Actions in Schools in the U.K and Its Enlightenment to China Taking Wales as an Example

Ruishu Wang, Wanbing Shi
Schools in the U.K have formed plenty of practical approaches on anti-bullying to prevent and handle school bullying. Meanwhile, they have made their own policies of anti-bullying which contain responsibilities and solving processes. Also, schools have conducted training of anti-bullying for teachers...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Yoga Teaching Model reform on College Students' Physical Quality under the Objective of Application-Oriented Training

Zhenxiang Tian, Yang Li
As the goal of deepening the training of ordinary colleges and universities, the goal of physical education in colleges and universities is not only to improve the physical quality of students, but also to make students form a sense of "lifelong sports." In order to meet students' individual character...
Proceedings Article

Visual Analysis of "9.18" Terrorism Event in Xinjiang Based on UCINET

Qiwu Wu, Lingzhi Jiang
At present, the network-based organizational structure is gradually replacing the hierarchical organizational structure and becoming an important support for the survival and destruction of terrorists. Social Networks Analysis (SNA) is a method for quantitative analysis of various relationships and network...
Proceedings Article

Principal Leadership in Improving Teacher Professionalism (A Case Study in Senior High School of Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia)

Soim, Dalhari, Suyitno, Akhyak, Suhartono, Abdurrohman
The current study was conducted using a qualitative approach in the phenomenology perspective. The research subjects consisted of the Principal, Head of Administration, and several teachers in the field of study in one of high schools in Tulungagung District, East Java, Indonesia. The research findings...
Proceedings Article

The Development of E-Worksheet Based on Project to Promote Student’s Creative Thinking and Digital Literacy Skills

Dwi Septiana Sari, Yeni Widiyawati, Indri Nurwahidah, Mohammad Masykuri, Cucuk Wawan Budiyanto
E-worksheets can be an alternative learning media during the COVID-19 pandemic, which requires online learning. This study aims to develop an e-worksheet based on project to promote student’s creative thinking and digital literacy skills on the theme City Noise for grade eight students. This research...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Progressive Muscle Relaxation and Meditation Relaxation Treatment of Reduction of Blood Pressure in Hypertension Patients in the Village of Sindangagung Kuningan District

Lia Mulyati, Yana Hendriana, Ela Nur Padilah
Hypertension is a state of increased systolic blood pressure of more than 140 mmHg and diastolic more than equal to 90 mmHg. West Java became the second province with the highest sufferers in Indonesia. Progressive muscle relaxation therapy and meditation relaxation therapy is one way of non-pharmacological...
Proceedings Article

Making Management Decisions in the Business Environment Based on Fuzzy Logic Methods

Dmitry Stakhanov, Olga Grishchenko, Svetlana Fedortsova
The scientific research deals with the issues related to forming the structural component of ensuring managerial decision-making in business by using fuzzy logic in uncertainty and risk conditions. Improving the process of information support for management decision-making becomes possible by expanding...
Proceedings Article

Philosophy of the Musical Instrument “Klengkopak” of the Dayak Deah Tribe

Ellysa J. Agusti, A. M. Susilo Pradoko, Syahrul Faizin
Klengkopak is a traditional musical instrument made by the Dayak Deah tribe of South Kalimantan. The tribe believe that every single component of the musical instrument has great values of life. This is qualitative research using the semiotic approach. This research was conducted through digging up any...
Proceedings Article

Legal Review on Objective Application of Assessment Related to Rehabilitation of Narcotics Abuse (Case Number: 2430 K/PID.SUS/2017)

Hery Firmansyah, Adeline
Handling narcotics problems not only faces legal problems, but also health problems. Prison sentencing is often the first choice for the government in handling narcotics cases. The fact is that what happened in prison has been judged to be overcapacity, in fact there are still many narcotics recidivities...
Proceedings Article

Under the Background of Compressed Population Transition:

The Change of the Youth Group’s Concept of Gender, Marriage and Family

Yidi Hu
Based on the data of CGSS in 2006 and 2016, this paper analyzes the gender role concept and marriage family concept of Chinese youth under the background of the population change of compression in the past ten years from four indicators. The results show that, firstly, the concept of gender role of youth...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation Between Self-Concept and Anxiety of Finding a Partner in Young Adults in Urban Communities

Ivana Djajasaputra, Debora Basaria
Many young adults with single status have anxiety about finding a partner which is indicated by the increasing number of online dating application users. Many factors influence a person in finding a partner, one of which is self-concept. Self-concept is an individual’s perspective on abilities and self-evaluation...
Proceedings Article

Cultivating Courage in Civics Learning in Elementary Schools

Elisa Wahyu Lestari, Sutama
Character strengthening needs to be improved from an early age to instill a positive attitude in students with several methods that can be applied. The focus of strengthening the character of this article is courage. The purposes of this research are 1) to describe the cultivation of courage in concept...
Proceedings Article

School Management for Teachers Professional Development at Islamic High School

Muh. Nur Rochim Maksum, Deddy Ramdhani, Eka Novia Setiawati
This qualitative study aims to explore the school management practices employed to cultivate teacher leadership at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (State Islamic High School) 1 Surakarta. Data were collected through observations, interviews, and documentation, and analyzed using data reduction, data presentation,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Using E-Module Based on Local Wisdom from Balumbo Biduk on Increasing the Motivation of Educators in Targeted Schools

Asrial, Syahrial, Dwi Agus Kurniawan, Alirmansyah
The purpose of this study was to analyze the increase in teaching motivation to educators in target schools in using e-modules based on local wisdom Balumbo Biduk. The research method used is a quantitative and qualitative approach (Mixed Method) which combines quantitative and qualitative methods in...
Proceedings Article

The Whole as the “Wonderful Harmony” of Its Parts: The Formation and Development of Zhou Xiaoyan’s Vocal Teaching Philosophical Concepts

Yilan Tu
The esoteric philosophy of Zhou Xiaoyan’s vocal teaching has been marked by a harmonious integration of vocal prowess and pedagogical philosophy. This piece delves into Zhou’s formulation of vocal teaching concepts, influenced by personal challenges, methodological inspirations, and a blend of Eastern...
Proceedings Article

Policy to Limit the Transfer of Functions Agricultural Land

I Nyoman Sutama, I. G. B. Suryawan
The function of land in magical religiosity began to shift due to the development of tourism development, population development, settlement development which had implications for the conversion of agricultural land. Whereas the agricultural sector plays an important role in the national economy and...
Proceedings Article

Cognitive Benefits of Being Bilingual for Young Children: A Literature Review

Weishuang Guo, Shushi Yao
Being bilingual is prevalent and is on the rise worldwide. Although there were some people discussing the null result of being bilingual in cognitive aspects (executive functions, metacognition), there were lots of investigations demonstrating that being bilingual exhibited many aspects of benefits in...
Proceedings Article

Reconstruction of the Process of Legal Education in Shaping the Character of Children in Conflict with Law

Yayang Furi Furnamasari, Susan Fitriasari
Juvenile delinquency is one of the complex and comprehensive social problems, which my head of the pace of development because the problem can be detrimental to the safety, peace, and security both spiritual and physical or social life directly or indirectly. Therefore, legal education through both formal...
Proceedings Article

Phonological Error Analysis in Speaking Skill of VCE BIPA Learners in Victoria, Australia

Suci Sundusiah, Amirush Shaffa Fauzia
In learning BIPA, phonological error during speech would create discrepant meanings and hinders communication between interlocutors. Errors are made due to a lack of understanding about phonetic system or the sound of Bahasa Indonesia as their second language. This research is aimed to analyze phonological...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Acoustic Material Towards Grab Office Workstation Design to Optimize Productivity

Canisha Chrystella, Ferdinand Ferdinand
A comfortable environment crucially influents the performance of workers. A noisy working environment can interfere with the concentration and productivity of workers. Grab office uses an open layout plan because collaboration and discussion between individuals are needed. With this, the work area tends...
Proceedings Article

Business Model Innovation of China's Third Party Shopping Guide Platform

Fang Gao, Xin Zhao
In the constantly changing Internet era, China's e-commerce industry is booming, online shopping channels are also constantly amplified. In the face of fierce competition, the third party shopping guide platform business model innovation is imperative. This paper focuses on the third party shopping guide...
Proceedings Article

The Exploration Of Industry-University Cooperation For Communication Engineering Specialty In Application-Oriented Universities

Qiaoyun Sun, Jiang Zhou, Shuguang Zhang, Min Wang, Yu Zhang
The characteristics of communication engineering specialty are more practical and engineering. To strengthen industry -university cooperation is an effective way to cultivate the applied undergraduate talents. On the basis of cooperative education experience and our own advantages, the teaching practices...
Proceedings Article

Exchange Rate Elasticity of Chinese Export and Firms’ Productivity: A Study based on Matched Firm-level Data

Ting Chen
This paper employed matched data for the first time to estimate firms’ exchange rate elasticity of export and analyze how total factor productivity (TFP) affect firms’ exchange rate elasticity of export. Using highly disaggregated matched data from Chinese transaction-level trade data and firm-level...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Development Process of Russian Skaz

Yi Li
As a kind of literary style, skaz generation of russian skaz, development and stability weren't accomplished in an action. The layout and plot of the text are stringed together by narrator. This structural pattern was first skillfully used by Russian writers. It has passed a history of about 200 years....
Proceedings Article

Fuzzy-Grey Multifactorial Evaluation on the Technological Supporting Ability of the Emergency Management

Hongchun Huang
This paper has set up the evaluation index system of the technological supporting ability of the emergency management and it’s evaluating model, used the Fuzzy-Grey multifactorial evaluation to evaluate the technological supporting ability of the emergency management. Thus the useful reference is provided...
Proceedings Article

Construction of Engineering Talent Cultivation System for Automotive Electronics Industry

J.X. Chen, H.H. Jian, Z.C. Sun
With the rapid progress of automotive electronics industry in China, related majors in universities or colleges should setup an engineering talent cultivation system in order to accommodate the growing demand for engineering talents. Based on a compact-structured and layered talent cultivation system,...
Proceedings Article

The Effective Research about New Media Promotes the Art Students to Study the Ideological and Political Theory

Bing Bai, Mao Lin Qin
The New Media promotes the development of the work in ideological and political education, which makes an extensive and profound influence about the growth of college students to success. The author(this article combines working practice with deep thinking and research the effectiveness of New Media...
Proceedings Article

Economic Management Innovation of Power Enterprises in the Market Economy System

Qiang Wang, Yi'ang Qu, Mei Wang
In the context of global economic integration today, competition among industries has become increasingly intense. How to seek new competitiveness in such a fierce competition has become the focus of all parties. Power enterprises are greatly affected because of the imperfection of their management system...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Design for Hotel Room

Yingfeng Kuang, Weihai Zhang
Thanks to the rapid economic development, nowadays more and more people are willing go out for a journey. Therefore, hotel rooms have become a necessity for traveling, which has boosted the development of hotels. So as a result, now people are very careful about choosing hotels. The factors for their...
Proceedings Article

Efficacy Comparison of Ureteroscopic Holmium Laser Lithotripsy and Pneumatic Lithotripsy on Ureteral Calculi of the Elderly

Lihe Wang
75 elderly patients with ureteral calculi, treated by Department of Urology in Zunyi County People's Hospital from 2008 to September 2010, were comparatively analyzed. calculi breaking success rate, calculi clearance rate, operation time, hospital stay and other aspect of the two treatment methods were...
Proceedings Article

On Influence of Replacing Business Tax with Value-added Tax on Enterprise Finance and Taxation and Countermeasures

Wenyuan Chen
Full implementation of replacing the business tax with a value-added tax not just relieves enterprise tax burden and contributes to connection of domestic and international tax system, but also generates extensive influence on enterprise pricing system and financial accounting. Financial and accounting...
Proceedings Article

Designing Practical Training System for EFL Learner Autonomy in View of Local Economic Development

Huanhuan Ren, Chi Ma
The knowledge of a language is not only of academic value, but language in the wider sense also combines economic meanings. In designing practical training system for EFL learner autonomy, the principles of the issue of local economic development, and the synergy of language and economy should be considered...
Proceedings Article

Social Myth in Modern Society

Irina Ponizovkina
The article is dedicated to the social myth-making problem which became relevant again in the 21st century due to the processes of globalization and informatization, the new geopolytical balance of power and the mixed political situation. This article considers the myth as a specific way of the surrounding...
Proceedings Article

The Construction Experience and Enlightenment of Taiwan Rural Reconstruction

Mengqiu Zhang, Li Shang
The rural revitalization strategy is a major strategy put forward on the Party's 19th National Congress and is the general focus of the work of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” in the new era. In recent years, Taiwan region has taken the rich and beautiful rural area as the slogan, implemented...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Formation of Network Ethical Consciousness of College Students

Zhuojing Fu, Lei Sun
With the advent of the network times, cyberspace has become another mainstream space on which people rely for survival. The maintenance of fairness and justice in cyberspace requires people living in the network to assume corresponding responsibilities with good intentions and self-discipline. Different...
Proceedings Article

Preliminary Thoughts on the Construction of Mental Health Education System in Higher Vocational Colleges

Chunying Chang, Ya'nan Zheng
Mental health education is an important part of vocational education in colleges and universities. Higher vocational colleges have different mental health education systems from other institutions due to the characteristics of students and the nature of school. This paper proposes a preliminary concept...
Proceedings Article

An Exploratory Study of Brand Strategy in Fast Fashion Brand -- Using Zara as an Example

Yue Wang
Nowadays, fast fashion brand strategy has been paid more attention by academic. It is a big issue that how to use strategy innovation method to improve brand competition capability and brand core value. This study will use Zara which is one of the most famous fast fashion brands in the world as the example...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Innovative Development of Korean Language Teaching in Universities in the Background of Quality Education

Lyu Cheng
With the implementation and development of reform and opening up, more and more Sino-foreign joint ventures have emerged. Many South Korean companies and Chinese companies have continued to establish sustainable cooperation so that both parties have achieved economic development. In addition, under the...
Proceedings Article

Research on Development Trend of Power Enterprise Organization and Management under Digital Era

Junshu Feng, Xinli Xiao, Xiaochen Wang, Jian Zhao
A new round of digital technology-based transition is accelerating in all walks of life. Facing the disruptive changes brought by technology application and business innovation, organization and management of power enterprises will begin a systematic and integrated restructuring. Based on the practical...
Proceedings Article

The Era of Crises: a Thematic Analysis of Ian McEwan's Saturday

Yuan Shen, Yichao Song
In Saturday, Ian McEwan draws a picture of the Western society, culture and individuals after the 9/11 attack. This essay analyzes the theme of Saturday in the perspective of crisis. The post-9/11 era describes the western society after terrorist attack, the ambivalence about the Iraq war, and the prevalent...
Proceedings Article

Developing tolerance among the youth as a factor of sustainable development of a border region

E Luneva, K Fomichev, N Bobkova
The problem of the development of tolerance, as a special characteristic of the personality of a young person, is considered very relevant by the authors. This problem is of particular importance among the youth living in the border regions. The paper deals with issues related to the development of tolerance...
Proceedings Article

A Case Study of College Students’ Acquisition of English Non-finite Words

Yuqing Xu
The use of non-finite words is one of the distinct differences between English and Chinese. How well do the Chinese students master English non-finite verbs? Are there differences between the good learners and poor ones in the mastery of English non-finite verbs? What are the difficulties and reasons...
Proceedings Article

A Study on Postgraduate Curriculum Group of Vehicle Engineering in Local Colleges Under the Background of New Engineering Section

Tang Lan, Yin Xiao-feng, Xu Yan-hai, Chen Chong, Teng Yan-qiong
This article gives an overview of the connotations of the new engineering section, analyzes the characteristics of postgraduate course settings in local colleges and points out the problems that existing in the current curriculums. Then it proposes a plan for setting up a postgraduate course groups for...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Hierarchical Incentives of Human Error in Ship Collision Based on ISM Model

Qiuxia Yang
According to statistics, the number of accidents caused by human error accounts for 80% of the total number of accidents. Based on the type of collision accident, the passage analyzes the human factors which caused human error, the purpose is to find out the level of the logical relationship between...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Religious Elite to The Young Generation Education to Increase The Harmony of Interreligious People

Apeles Lexi Lonto, Theodorus Pangalila, Telly Delly Wua, Recky Sendouw, Maxi Ventje Keintjem
The purpose of this study is to determine the role of religious elites in fostering the younger generation to increase the harmony of life among religious believers. By this research social conflict can be minimized, and knowing what factors cause the potential for harmony and the potential for non-harmony...
Proceedings Article

Ethics of Public Services in the Department of Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services of Manado City

Sisca Kairupan, Jeane Mantiri, Marthinus Mandagi, Recky Sendouw
This study aims to find out: a) the implementation of the Decree of the Minister of Administrative Reform No. 63 of 2003 and b) the determinant factors that influence the implementation of the Decree of the Minister of Administrative Reform No. 63 of 2003 in the Department of Investment and One-Stop...
Proceedings Article

Research on Collaborative Selection of Complex Product Systems

Sai Zhang*, Fengke Wang
Whether a complex product system integrator can reasonably choose a collaborator is one of the key factors for the success of a complex product system R & D project. The study aims to provide a scientific basis for the selection of suitable collaborators for complex product system integrators, which...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Written Mathematical Communication Skills of Elementary School Students

Chuswatun Chasanah, Riyadi, Budi Usodo
21st-century education emphasizes 4C skills, one of which is communication skills. Mathematical communication skills are important for students to master because they will affect other mathematical skills. The purpose of the study was to describe the level of written mathematical communication skills...
Proceedings Article

Reflections on the Sinicization of Marxist Literary Theory Since the New Period

Furui Jia
Since the new period, the research on the sinicization of Marxist literary theory has been complicated and rich in research results. In this research process, scholars are also exploring the way forward. Looking at the process of sinicization of Marxist literary theory and taking problem discussion as...
Proceedings Article

Nationalism Representation on Interactive Discourse in Internet Media: Semiotic Analysis

Ninah Hasanah, Aceng Ruhendi Saifullah, Dadang Sudana
Nationalism is an attitude of awareness to achieve, maintain the identity, integrity, prosperity, and strength of the nation. Nationalism issues are always hotly discussed in the media. The freedom of the mass media now allows users to respond to issues of nationalism and prioritize group interests....
Proceedings Article

Digitalization of Education: Save the Human

E.V. Polikarpova, O.V. Shipelik, I.V. Krylova
The article substantiates the need for a transition from an eclectic postmodern education paradigm to a humanistic one, rooted in the foundation of Russian culture and suggesting the development of a person and increasing his personal potential. The educational process immanently contains moments that...
Proceedings Article

The Medical Saving System of Children With Serious Illness—Base on the Case Study of City X in China

Keliang Zhu
Medical savings for low income family of children with serious illness is an important issue for all countries. It is required for China to identify an effective medical saving pattern for children with serious illness. The research was undertaken in a city of Guangdong Province in China (it is called...
Proceedings Article

Development of PIAUD Science Learning Media (PSLM) Based on Wonosobo Local Wisdom

Nugroho Prasetya Adi, Vava Imam Agus Faisal
The entry of foreign cultures through various things caused the fading of the knowledge of Indonesia’s young generation toward their own culture. The introduction of culture from an early age should be encouraged to overcome these problems. One of them through education, where students are introduced...
Proceedings Article

Rural Spatial Planning and Public Participation in Preserving Cultural Heritage Site

Rofi Wahanisa, Aprila Niravita, Wakhidatun Nissak
The Law of Spatial Planning stipulates that in order to create safe, comfortable, productive, and sustainable space it is required to carry out spatial planning which is able to harmonize natural and artificial environments, achieve integration between the use of natural and artificial resources, protect...
Proceedings Article

Encouraging Student’s Emergent Model in Understanding Negative Number

Weni Dwi Pratiwi, Nyimas Aisyah, Elika Kurniadi
The negative number is broadly known as an unique concept that understudies struggle to get it. Giving a few rules of addition or subtraction including negative numbers might not effectively offer assistance the understudies to get a handle on the meaning of negative numbers. The point of the study is...
Proceedings Article

Feminism Aspects of Main Characters in the Selena Novel of Tere Liye’s Work

Sunnasyiah, Dessy Wardiah, Yessi Fitriani
The aim of this study was to identify and describe the feminist aspects of the main character in Selena of Tere Liye’s novel. The formulation of the problem in this research was how the feminist aspects of the main character (Selena) in Tere Liye’s novel. This study used a qualitative descriptive research...
Proceedings Article

Development of Classical Aceh History Teaching Materials Based on Heyzine Flipbooks to Increase Learning Creativity at Syiah Kuala University’s Department of History Education

Muhjam Kamza, Ayu Noviana, M. Hafizul Furqan, M. Yusrizal, Fitriani Yulianti
The quality of education can be greatly impacted by the teaching materials used. Technology’s rapid advancement also necessitates education that is globally competitive, digitally oriented, and capable of increasing students’ creativity. The classical Aceh history learning module based on Heyzine Flipbook...
Proceedings Article

Mapping of Interactional Competencies in the German Pair Speaking Test of B1 Level Students

Wisma Kurniawati, Ajeng D. Kartika, Dwi I. Julaikah, Audrey G. Titaley, Thi T. A. Vu
This research is intended to map the communicative competence of students as an effort to project their level of readiness to face the German language international exam on interactive oral communication skills (interactional competence) on the level B1 pair dialogue test. Due to the institution that...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Creative Tourism Development in Aba Tibetan-Qiang Autonomous Prefecture Based on the Successful Case of Yim Tin Tsai

Yifan Liu
The study’s objective is to analyze Aba Tibetan-Qiang Autonomous Prefecture tourism and discuss the potential of creative tourism there. Tourism is an economic pillar in addition to industry, science and technology, and finance, and it also preserves and transmits traditional culture. Aba Prefecture...
Proceedings Article

Important Ideas and Practice of Building a Student-Centered Class in Higher Vocational Colleges

Xiaoliang Cui
As class construction is important and indispensable to higher vocational colleges, it is necessary to fully consider the situations of a class, and then make a targeted and personalized plan according to the realities of different students in the class, which helps to create a sound and positive atmosphere...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Emotional Needs of Contemporary Chinese Animation Audience

Wenjuan Chai
This paper analyzes the emotional needs of the animation audience, divides the emotional needs of the audience into three levels: emotional resonance, emotional comfort and emotional release, and discusses the emotional resonance between the animation characters and the audience, the type of animation...
Proceedings Article

Regulatory Approach to the Gig Economy: A Comparative Study of the United States and China

Xiao Ziang
The Gig economy is a new thriving industry in which mobile digital apps are prevalently adopted to connect freelancers with customers. Regulatory approaches to this new industry have been widely discussed and practicable attempts have been implemented. This paper focuses on discussing the trade-offs...
Proceedings Article

Development of Lectora Inspire Learning Media on Short Stories with Ecology Content for Class XI Students of SMA Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan

Irma Yani Tarigan, Wisman Hadi, Khairil Ansari
This study aims to produce learning media products Lectora inspire on ecologically charged short stories for class XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan, determine the feasibility of Lectora inspire learning media on ecologically charged short stories for class XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Percut...
Proceedings Article

Disability-Friendly Public Means Through the Public Services Regulation: Realizing a Disability Friendly in Bandar Lampung City

Sri Sulastuti, Ricco Andreas
Disabled people must have equal opportunities in their efforts to develop themselves. The rights of people with disabilities are still considered a social problem, where new policies are social security, social assistance, and the improvement of social welfare. The right of people with disabilities to...
Proceedings Article

The Innovation of Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Psychology

Shiliang Xu
Now a growing number of colleges and universities continue to pay more attention to the ideological education of the students, some colleges cleverly use psychology to develop students' ideological education and have achieved good results. These colleges mainly use positive psychology to stimulate students'...
Proceedings Article

On the Imagery Creating by Music Catalogue

Qiong Xie, Wei Wang
Music Catalogue is one of the important parts of the present worldwide art performance activities, existing widely among all the music performance types. Music belong to the Art of "Listening", while Brochure Design belongs to the Art of "Vision", they both have some points in commons, but need the designer...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on Teaching Business Japanese Demand for Talent in the Business Environment

Shanshan Wang
On since the 1990s, with the strengthening of Sino-Japanese trade relations, business Japanese education ushered in an unprecedented upsurge, training a large number of Japanese business people. With the further development of economic globalization, the business activities of both China and Japan will...
Proceedings Article

Moral Narration: An Effective Paradigm of Ideological and Moral Education in Contemporary Colleges and Universities

Tianfu Lin
Moral narration focuses on social and historical events, emphasizes the experience of real feelings and the practice of concrete life as well as transmit moral information, stimulate moral sentiment and expand the thinking world through narration in order to achieve the returning to humanism of moral...
Proceedings Article

Research on Improving the Ideological and Political Education of College Students Based on Campus Culture

Zhang Ling-ling
Campus culture which has become a kind of potential education power is the effective carrier of ideological and political education in colleges and plays an important role in the development of ideological and political education. In the new situation, making full use of the aesthetic function of campus...
Proceedings Article

The Study of Chinese Ancient Literature in the View of Culture

Tianhui Zhang
Ancient Chinese literary classic cross-cultural translation, dissemination and research of countless cases show that the ancient Chinese literature helps to find local discourse and the discourse of interaction and humanistic value outside of isomorphism under the background of the cultural perspective....
Proceedings Article

A Study on "Experiential" English Teaching Mode of Higher Vocational Colleges

Ling Xu
The development of social economy has raised many requirements on the development of higher vocational education, and a problem to be resolved in higher vocational education is how to cultivate talents with practical application ability; meanwhile, English is a global language, and the English teaching...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Education Expenditure Accountability by Schools, Education Expenditure from Society, and Education Expenditure from Government to the Benefits of Education of Senior High Schools

Syamwil Syamwil
This research was conducted to find out the effect of education expenditure accountability from schools, education expenditure from society, and education expenditure from government on the benefit of education for the society in Bukittinggi and Solok municipalities of West Sumatera Province. The sample...
Proceedings Article

The Typology of Migrants from Central Asia as an Attitude Formation of the Cultural Identity of the Receiving Country

Polina Shumilova, Irina Britvina
The article reveals the research data on the mutual relations between the Russian host community and foreign ethnic migrants from Central Asia. As a start of the successful integration highlights the migrant’s attitude for adoption of the cultural identity of the receiving country. The term cultural...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on the Method of Logistics Cost Control in Foreign Trade Enterprises

GaoJie Yan
Under the background of the development of the new era, the level of China's opening up has been continuously improved, and it has greatly promoted the development of foreign economic growth. Based on this, the logistics transportation costs of foreign trade are also gradually increasing. This paper...
Proceedings Article

Special Aspects of the Serbian Monuments of the Raska Architectural School of the 12th –Mid 14th Centuries

Natalia Bondarenko
Multi-vector historical events and specific artistic features of the region provided foundation for the development of a unique style of the “Raska architectural school” in Serbia. The independent state in the era of the Nemanjic reached an unprecedented golden age. The originality of the architectural...
Proceedings Article

On the Current Status and Development of Lectures of Second Classroom -- illustrated by the case of universities of finance and economics

Meihui Wang
As an important carrier for all-round promotion of quality education, the second classroom of college students has effectively widened the content of classroom education, and the knowledge imparted in the form of lectures can cover more students, and the knowledge can be sorted out in a more comprehensive...
Proceedings Article

Organization of Probabilistic Expert Estimates Collection and Interpretation in Political Forecasting

Dmitriy Alpackiy, Irina Alpackaya, Anastasia Kolosova
The purpose of the proposed article is to study the probabilistic approach to political forecasts, obtained from experts’ survey. The article describes expert information collection characteristic features, in particular, the networking: for obtaining probabilistic estimates of specialists. Especially...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Think Pair Share in Social Science Learning Activity

Rr. Mirta Lidholyna Kumala Dewi
The aim of this research is to improve the students’ learning activities through Think Pair Share (TPS) type using puzzle media. The Subjects are the fourth grade students of SDN Kepuh Kiriman I, Waru- Sidoarjo. This research uses a quantitative research design presented in the form of experimental research....
Proceedings Article

Effect of Leadership of School Supervisors and Existence in Improving Quality of Education (Case Study Performance Of Basic School Supervisor Rokan Hilir)

Zulfikar, Eka Daryanto
School Supervisors as functional technical executives in the field of academic and managerial supervision in a number of education units established by authorized officials in accordance with applicable provisions. Effective schools are schools that are able to follow rapid social change until the end...
Proceedings Article

Narrative Integration of “Culture” and “Human” in Chinese Cultural TV Programs Taking National Treasure as an Example

Wu Duanli, Chen Weihua
As a breakthrough in Chinese cultural TV programs in the new era, National Treasure highlights the narrative integration of “human” and “culture” in the aspects of “human-oriented” narrative strategy and the consistency between the “star effect” of narrative subject and cultural core. It changes the...
Proceedings Article

Study on Contents of Extracurricular Moral Education in U.S. Ivy League

Bo Lu
In order to draw lessons from the extracurricular moral education of Ivy League schools in the United States, literature research and comparative research methods were used to explore the contents of extracurricular moral education in Ivy League schools. The study found that the Ivy League school is...
Proceedings Article

Islamic Education Based on Multiculturalism through Experiential Learning Approach at University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Mr Turmudi, Nor'ain Mohd Tajudin
This research focused on the primary elements of multicultural based-religion education at University of Muhammadiah Malang, namely (1) Philosophical basic concept of education; (2) Basic concept of curriculum base; (3) Class management arrangement and the creation of educational environment. This case...
Proceedings Article

Brain Capability Identification: An Expert System for Children in Elementary School

Arif Hidayat
This study aims to determine the ability of the brain in elementary school children. This type of research is experimental research. This application user is a class teacher once an Elementary school student facilitator. It is very natural for teachers to want their students to grow up to be healthy,...