Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Far East Con" (ISCFEC 2018)
736 authors
- Solovev, D. B.
- Development and Evaluation of Effectiveness of the Automated Method for Control of Goods Expiry Date in Trading Network
- Solovev, D. B.
- Formation of New Segments of the Market Through Quality Function Deployment of Innovative Production
- Solovev, D. B.
- Investment Prospects of the Region
- Solovev, D. B.
- Methodology of Assessment and Analysis of Regional Competitiveness Based on the Evolutionary Theory
- Solovova, N.V.
- “Job-Sharing” As A Form Of Work Organization
- Solyanik, A.I.
- Impact of Grid Tariffs on the Competitiveness of Distributed Generating Sources in the Regions of Russia
- Somina, I. V.
- Analysis of the Important Principles of the Innovation Strategies Implement of the Region for Improving its Investment Attractiveness
- Somina, I. V.
- Influence of the Infrastructure Support for the Innovative Development of the Region on the Efficiency of the Imlementation of Innovative Strategies
- Sorokina, N. Y.
- Strategic Prospects for the Development of the Coastal Regions of the Far East
- Spiridonova, E. V.
- Analysis of the Knowledge Level of University Entrants and Ways to Improve It
- Spiridonova, E. V.
- The Sources of Innovation Financing: a Conceptual Model for Adopting Managerial Decisions
- Sribnyi, V. I.
- Organizational and Methodological Algorithm of Studying Economic Space Development
- Starikova, M.S.
- Methodology of Assessment and Analysis of Regional Competitiveness Based on the Evolutionary Theory
- Starodubtseva, I.
- Government Order and its Significance in the Work of the Regional Cultural Establishments
- Stepanova, E. V.
- System Diagnostics Methods of Regional Sustainability Assessment
- Stovba, A.
- Strategic Planning of Social and Economic Development of Rural Territory of the Region on the Basis of Foresight Technologies
- Stovba, E.
- Strategic Planning of Social and Economic Development of Rural Territory of the Region on the Basis of Foresight Technologies
- Strachkova, N.
- Estimation of Crimean Tour Operating Innovation Level: Results of the Research
- Strachkova, N.
- New Approaches to the Branding of Tourism Destination
- Strashko, E.
- Influence Indicators of the Inequality of Human Development to the Human Development Index (HDI) of the World Countries
- Strelnikova, N.V.
- State Legal Regulation of Production and Use of Immunobiological Drugs in Russia
- Strizhkova, L. A.
- Imported Goods’ Demand Functions by the Main Areas of Use
- Sukhoparova, A. V.
- On the Issue of the Specifics of the Creation and Development of Start-Ups in Women Entrepreneur-Ship
- Sukhorukov, V. D.
- Human Capital and the Sphere of Values in the Conditions of Innovative Economy
- Sushkova, I. A.
- Modeling of the Balanced Strategy of Innovative Development of the Enterprises as Bases of Ensuring Economic Security of Russia
- Svistunov, A. V.
- Enhancing the Effectiveness of Control-Checking Activity of Tax Authorities
- Svistunov, A.V.
- Development Trends and Problems of Public-Private Partnership in the Field of District Heating
- Svystun, M.
- Implicit Representations About the Reputation Capital in the Company
- Taburkin, V. I.
- A Systematic Subject Field of Space Research
- Tarasenko, V. V.
- Accreditation of Governing Boards of Educational Organizations: Goal, Objectives, Implementation Mechanism
- Tarasenko, Y. V.
- Accreditation of Governing Boards of Educational Organizations: Goal, Objectives, Implementation Mechanism
- Tarasov, M.
- PAbout Problems and Trends of Labor and Capital Convergence
- Tarasova, I. A.
- The Modeling of Market Forces Influence on Innovation Performance
- Tarasova-Sivtceva, O.
- PAbout Problems and Trends of Labor and Capital Convergence
- Tarynin, Y.
- Turbulence and Entropy in Social and Economic Systems
- Tatarovskaya, T.
- Comparative Analysis of Public Associations of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Russia and Germany
- Temnikova, L. B.
- Interpersonal Trust as a Factor in the Formation of Social Capital
- Terskaya, L. A.
- Development of the System of Quality Indicators for Multi Apartment Building Surrounding Grounds
- Testov, V.
- Educational Robotics as a Factor in The Development of Polytechnic Education
- Tikhonov, E. E.
- Problems and Opportunities for Russian Business in the Transition to the Digital Economy
- Timchuk, O.G.
- Free Economic Zones as the Basement to Increase Innovation and Investment Activity of Economic Units
- Timofeeva, T. S.
- A Research of the Styles of Purchasing Behaviour in the Process of Choosing Loan Products
- Tishina, L. I.
- Imported Goods’ Demand Functions by the Main Areas of Use
- Tkachenko, I.
- Redistribution of Structural Positions of Stakeholders within The Framework of a Modern Industrial Park Structure
- Tkacheva, J. V.
- Scenarios Social and Economic Development of Districts
- Tkacheva, J. V.
- Crisis as a Factor of Economic Potential Reproduction of the Company
- Toimentseva, I.A.
- Strategic Development of Enterprises in the Freight Services Market
- Tolcheeva, A. A.
- The Disclosure of Intellectual Capital in Universities: Stakeholder Approach
- Tolmacheva, S.V.
- To a Question of Effective Management in the Sphere of Land Improvement by Local Government Bodies
- Tonkikh, N.
- Study on Strategic Priorities in Goods and Services Markets of a City With the Population Exceeding One Million on the Basis of SWOT-Analysis
- Torbina, A.
- Comparative Analysis of Methods for Assessing the Financial Condition of Small Organizations
- Totskaya, I. V.
- Strategy of the Partnership of University and Business Communities as a Factor of Sustainable Social and Economic Development of the Region
- Toymentseva, I.A.
- Strategic Supply Management in the Logistics Systems of Industrial Enterprises
- Trofimova, C. V.
- The Sources of Innovation Financing: a Conceptual Model for Adopting Managerial Decisions
- Trofimova, V.I.
- Modern Mechanisms of Efficient Forms of Rural Social and Economic Relations
- Trop, T.
- Factors of the Population's Credit Activity: Regional Features on the Example of the Russian Far East
- Trush, E.
- Development of Public Control Object-Subject Cooperation Methodology in Housing and Utility Complex on the Example of Tomsk Region
- Tsareva, L.
- Vocationally Relevant Physical Qualities, Psychophysiological Functions, and Their Variability with Students of Railway Transport Universities
- Tsepelev, O. A.
- Factors of Spatial Differentiation of Non-Observed Economy: Regional Aspect
- Tsopa, N.
- Formation of the Mechanism of Risk – Oriented Management of the Regional Investment – Construction Complex on the Basis of Forecasting
- Tsukerman, V.A.
- On Implementing the Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian North and the Arctic
- Tumali, L.E.
- The Influence of the Accounting Method for Finished Products on Financial Accounting Assessment
- Turgayeva, A. A.
- Implementation Assessment of Government Support Measures for Small and Medium- Sized Entities in the Russian Federation (tax aspect)
- Turkuletc, A. V.
- Tendencies of State Management of the Russian Higher Education in the XXI Century
- Turkulets, S. E.
- Problems and Prospects of the Quality Management of Higher Education
- Turkulets, S. E.
- Tendencies of State Management of the Russian Higher Education in the XXI Century
- Turkutyukov, V.B.
- State Legal Regulation of Production and Use of Immunobiological Drugs in Russia
- Tyrkba, Kh.V.
- Russia's Investment Cooperation with ASEAN Countries
- Tyurina, Y.
- Internet as a Channel of Distance Education in the Context of Secondary Socialization
- Udashkina, V.
- Research of Student’ Profeeional Self-Determination: Problems and Challengers of Engineering Specialities
- Ulyanova, E. F.
- Interactive-Communicative Approach in the Paradigm of Engineering Personnel Training
- Usanov, G. I.
- Improvement of Forms and Methods of Labour Potential Formation in Komsomolsk’s Accelerated Economic Development Zone
- Usanov, I. G.
- Improvement of Forms and Methods of Labour Potential Formation in Komsomolsk’s Accelerated Economic Development Zone
- Usheva, M.N.
- Problems of Ensuring Economic Stability of Small Business in Russia and Bulgaria
- Ustinova, N. G.
- Synergetic Efficiency of the Economic System in the Conditions of Digital Economy Development: Conceptual Approach
- Ustjuzhanina, I. A.
- Peculiarities of Efficiency Assessment Methods Application for International Investment Projects
- Vakhrushina, M. A.
- The Disclosure of Intellectual Capital in Universities: Stakeholder Approach
- Vasilyeva, E.R.
- E-learning Environment as a Means for a Modern Engineer Training
- Vavilina, A. V.
- Optimization of Innovation Activity – Implementation Method of the Digital Economy
- Vertakova, Y.
- Monitoring of the State and Dynamics of the Development of the Digitalization of the Industrial Economy
- Vinogradova, E.Yu.
- Structurally-Functional Model of the Information System for Gas Transportation Company
- Vinokurova, A.
- Students’ Educational and Migration Strategies as a Factor of Formation of Human Capital of the Region
- Vlasova, N.
- Opportunism as a Characteristic of the Stakeholders’ Coordination in the Russian Higher Educational System
- Vlasova, V. M.
- Methodological Issues of the Study of Export Efficiency Based on the Example of Russia's Oil Industry
- Vlasova, V. M.
- Peculiarities of Efficiency Assessment Methods Application for International Investment Projects
- Vlasova, Т.V.
- Implementation of Optimizing Technologies for The Economic Security of Complex Manufacturing Systems
- Volkov, N. A.
- Structurally Functional Opportunities of a «Smart» Life-Support System
- Volkova, A. G.
- The Features of Strategic Analysis Under the Terms of the Turbulent External Environment
- Volodkin, P.
- Definition of Effective Use of Financial Leasing for an Automobile Enterprises
- Vorob'eva, E.Yu.
- On One Modern Approach in Economic-Mathematical Modeling
- Vorokhobina, Y. V.
- Problems and Opportunities for Russian Business in the Transition to the Digital Economy
- Vysockaya, A. V.
- Childhood in Russian Regions: Simulation of Socio-Economic Processes
- Yakovenko, I.
- Estimation of Crimean Tour Operating Innovation Level: Results of the Research
- Yakovenko, I.
- New Approaches to the Branding of Tourism Destination
- Yakubova, T. N.
- Optimization of Innovation Activity – Implementation Method of the Digital Economy
- Yalmaev, R. A.
- Tax Factor of Developing and Intensive Growth of the Shadow Economy
- Yamshchikova, I.V.
- Public Technological and Price Audit, Design and Survey Work as Part of the Price of Construction Products
- Yarasheva, A.V.
- Peculiarities of Borrower Behavior of Population in Russia
- Yaremtchuk, S. V.
- Life Satisfaction and Migration Intention of Youth
- Yarlakabov, A.
- Development of Low-Rise Investment-Construction Projects Based on the Principles of Public-Private Partnership