Proceedings of the International Conference on Ethics in Governance (ICONEG 2016)
116 articles
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Driver Work Culture and Service Quality on Citizen Satisfaction with Mass Transportation
Aldri Frinaldi
The existence of mass transportation is the crux of development. Improving the citizen satisfaction in this sector must be done by all of related parties. The main purposes of this research were to determine and to analyze the impact of work culture and service quality on citizen satisfaction in mass...
Proceedings Article
An Indonesian Administrative Tradition Before the Colonization Period
Andi Ahmad Yani
This paper aims to explore an Indonesian administration tradition before the Dutch colonization period, especially in the Bugis empires in the South Sulawesi Province. This paper starts with a brief history of the Bugis kingdoms as a background and further explores the Bugis empires' administration system...
Proceedings Article
Synergy of policy implementation Through Corporate Social Responsibility in Gorontalo
Ismet Sulila
This paper is study aimed to analize on synergy of policy implementation for the development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) through Corporate Social Responsibility program and strengthening the role of the government agencies in Gorontalo city was a contribution of higher education institution...
Proceedings Article
The Importance of Stakeholders Approach in Public Policy Making
Marlan Hutahaean
This article wants to explain athe importance of stakeholders approach in local regulations making. By using qualitative method and secondary data, this research found that the stakeholders, particularly those affected with local regulation will not be involved. Local regulation is more likely to be...
Proceedings Article
Family Planning Program Service Quality, Technical Implementation Unit, Regional Family Planning Coordinating Board in West Sumatra Province
Rossy Lambelanova, Elgi Putra Taufik
The problem of public service on family planning (KB) conducted by the Technical Implementation Unit (UPTB) in Sungai Limau District is the public does not get enough information about the importance of family planning program. There are still many couples at fertile age do not follow the program. This...
Proceedings Article
Performance of General Elections Commission in Increasing Public Participation in 2015
Rossy Lambelanova, Elok Mufidatut Tarwiyah
Direct Local Elections plays strategic role in the progress of democratic life at local political level. This study was aimed to examine and analyze the performance of KomisiPemilihanUmum (KPU) (General Elections Commission) in increasing public participation in 2015 Local Elections of Blitar regency....
Proceedings Article
Approaches in Redesigning the Organization of Local Apparatus How and Which One Is More Effective?
Nunung Runiawati, Heru Nurasa
An organizational structure is a means of achieving the goals of the organization. Demands to improve the performance of local government organization are often obstructed by the existing structure. Therefore it needs the organizational restructuring. This research aims to identify stages of organizational...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Performance-Based Budgeting in Immigration
Winda Dwi Gusti, Aldri Frinaldi, Zikri Alhadi
Performance-based budgeting ia a budgeting system have related between finance and performance target. Imbalance between budgetary absorption and the employee performance target make inefficiency of budget allocative. The purpose of performance-based budgeting system is increasing the efficiency and...
Proceedings Article
The Relevance of Own-Source Revenue to the Independence of West Sulawesi
Muhlis Madani
This study aims to outline the relevance of west-sulawesi's OSR with local independence as the carrying capacity in accelerating the development execution in West-Sulawesi. The approach used is mix between fiscal decentralization approaches, degree of fiscal needs and fiscal capacity. It'll conclude...
Proceedings Article
Civil Servants Rationalization in Indonesia
Rusliandy Rusliandy, Ega Megawati
The Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform has announced its rationalization policy plan for 1 million civil servants that will be done in the near future, by classifying all civil servants into 4 quadrants with the indicators on performance, qualification conformity and competence....
Proceedings Article
Policy Model of Solving Urban Informal Sector in Surabaya Housing Complex
Zakariya Zakariya
Surabaya is the second metropolitan city in Indonesia has the largest population after Jakarta. Increasing population pushed housing demand from time to time, especially on Eastern and Western Surabaya allotment for housing development. The growth of housing industry increasing significantly of informal...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Planning and Development of Employee Career Paths in the Job Placement for a Supervisor Position in Badan Kepegawaian Negara
Yani Rosyani, Amy Yayuk Sri Rahayu
This study aims to analyze planning and development of employee career path in job placement for supervisor position in Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN) Indonesia. This study uses postpositivisme approach. The result shows there is not yet alignment between Career Planning and Career Management in the...
Proceedings Article
Career Role Analysis of Civil Servants at the State Employment Agency
Ary Herwanto, Amy Yayuk Sri Rahayu
This study aimed to analyse the career role guidance and consouling of civil servants at the State Employment Agency in Jakarta and related efforts for their empowerment. The study employs a post-positivist approach by testing the theories on career consouling by collecting qualitative data through in-depth...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of the Civil Servant Payroll System from the State Civil Apparatus Management Perspective (A Study within the National Civil Service Agency)
Kharisma Triyogo, Pantius Drahen Soeling
This research aims to analyze equity aspects of the pay system of civil servants (PNS) in the State Personnel Agency (BKN) and to formulate a payroll system that meets the equity principles in accordance with the management perspective of the Civil State Apparatus (ASN). The research utilizes the post-positivist...
Proceedings Article
Collaboration Among Organizations in Combating Traffic Jam in Makassar City
Nur Dwi Handayani, Abdul Mahsyar, Ihyani Malik
This research aims to know the collaboration process between Department of Transportation, Department of Spatial Planning and Building and PD Parkir Makassar Raya in combating traffic jam in Makassar city and identifying resistance factor of collaboration process between DISHUB, DTRB, and PD Parkir....
Proceedings Article
Organizational Culture in Integration of Internal and Adaptation of External (Case Study Water Management of Kahayan River in Central Kalimantan Palangka Raya)
R. Sally Marisa Sihombing, Sintaningrum Sintaningrum, Budiman Rusli, A. Djadja Saefullah
In public organizations, an understanding of the culture of the organization will help the depiction of the results of the reform of government bureaucracy in terms of conformity with the organization's culture and objectives of the reform strategy. The concept of organizational culture express the sense...