Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Languages and Arts (ICLA 2017)

Clitic -lah in Constructing Swear of Bengkulu-Malay Language

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Available Online October 2017.
10.2991/icla-17.2018.30How to use a DOI?
Swear, Bengkulu-Malay Language, clitics -lah, form, function, used

Cliticss(clitics) -lah in Bengkulu-Malay Language (BMB) is a bound form which phonologically has its own pressure, can not be considered as a bound morpheme, has no word features, and is not bound to a particular word class. Clitics -lah tend to be enklitik. From the used of clitics -lah appear to tend to be attached to clause units.In Bengkulu-Malay Language (BMB) the researcher found many form of swears which are followed by clitics-lah (attached) then the researcher was interested to investigate the form, characteristic and the used of -lah in constructing swear of Bengkulu-Malay Language. The research method is qualitative in the form of writing data with the method of distributional study which is in line with theoretical understanding of Ferdinand De Saussure about his structural the whole unified theory. The source of the data comes from libraries reference which were derived from three(3) sources. They were: books (Tarino, 2008); article (Botifar, 2016); and electronic media (Facebook, 2017). Datas were clitics -lah in constructing swear of Bengkulu-Malay Language. Methods and techniques of data collection is done through the method of referring to writing techniques and methods of introspection by utilizing the language intuition of the researcher. Data analysis was done through agih or distributional method which used the basic language determinant device (power of dividing) and it also has a characteristic of lingual intuition. The result of the research showed that there were 15 data which used clitics -lah in constructing swear of Bengkulu-Malay Language. They were: Paju abarlah kau, Ditembak petuslah kau, Mati sepegaslah kau, Mati beranaklah kau, Mati berantulah kau, Paju guamlah mulut ambo, Paju rimaulah, jahanamlah kau, Masuk nerako jahanamlah kau, buncitlah perut kau makan hak anak yatim iko, Tekutuklah kau, Mampuslah kau cepek, Modarlah kau leke, Sumpah dipaju gerindinlah kau, Terbang amburlah dari rumah iko.The form of -lah in constructing swear of Bengkulu-Malay Language always bound in another form of word, so it could be defined that -lah is not an afix and is also not a word but it is called as clitics because it could not stand alone by itself. The function of clitics -lah is as a displayer of substance which is in it word itself with the characteristics, such as: it could not stand alone by itself, it has no meaning, it is bound to the previous substance, it rises altogether with the form attached to itself and it has a position as enklitik, it also can be attached with more than one of word classes. The used of clitics -lah tend to be attached to the predicate of the sentence. The used of clitics -lah is as a pressure if it is attached to another word. In Bengkulu-Malay Language, the swear which is followed by clitics -lah become rougher and can give more pressure on the pronoun, so that it becomes more clearly the emphasis on the intended person.

© 2018, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.
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Volume Title
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Languages and Arts (ICLA 2017)
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research
Publication Date
October 2017
10.2991/icla-17.2018.30How to use a DOI?
© 2018, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.
Open Access
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC license (

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PY  - 2017/10
DA  - 2017/10
TI  - Clitic -lah in Constructing Swear of Bengkulu-Malay Language
BT  - Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Languages and Arts (ICLA 2017)
PB  - Atlantis Press
SP  - 175
EP  - 179
SN  - 2352-5398
UR  -
DO  - 10.2991/icla-17.2018.30
ID  - RUSTINAR2017/10
ER  -