Proceedings of the International Conference on the Development of Education in Russia and the CIS Member States (ICEDER 2018)

Instrument Technology Support in the Teaching of Synthetic Economic Disciplines

Seda Khachaturova, Tamara Shikhnabieva, Anna Arinushkina
Corresponding Author
Anna Arinushkina
Available Online December 2018.
10.2991/iceder-18.2018.5How to use a DOI?
problems of education, instrumental technology, higher education, improving education, online tutorials, training, educational activities, improving the quality of education, synthetic economic disciplines

Introduction: The teaching of synthetic disciplines, including information from various subject areas, is analyzed in the paper. Perfecting the process of teaching synthetic disciplines based on the use of specially developed instrumental technologies predetermined the need for this scientific work. Materials and methods: As a result of the research, issues in teaching the so-called synthetic disciplines, which are constructed at the junction of different subject areas, have been revealed. Qualitative study of modern disciplines requires extensive use of regulatory information, as well as law enforcement practices, comments, etc. The use of software tools and instrumental support technologies that make it possible for a research to be carried out in conjunction with the ability to obtain necessary information (based on hypertext transitions) allows for an increase to the efficiency of the educational process. Results: The authors attempted to integrate knowledge from different subject areas. The developed algorithms and software, instrumental technologies for creating a series of electronic textbooks for teaching synthetic disciplines based on hypertext access to a data bank make it possible to carry out the teaching of synthetic disciplines, reaching a new standard of quality. In particular, the proposed tool technologies make it possible to increase the efficiency of the educational process and substantially reduce the time required to search for information from various subject areas necessary for the study of synthetic disciplines. Discussion: The “Programe for the Support of Teaching Synthetic Disciplines” is offered by the authors. It provides a chain of educational processes from creating an electronic textbook by subject teachers, including it into the Teaching System, integrating related areas of knowledge, and obtaining the necessary information support before checking residual knowledge with the use of a test subsystem. Practical significance of the research lies in the effectiveness of using modern instrumental methods, forms and means in teaching synthetic disciplines at a university.

© 2018, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.
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Volume Title
Proceedings of the International Conference on the Development of Education in Russia and the CIS Member States (ICEDER 2018)
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research
Publication Date
December 2018
10.2991/iceder-18.2018.5How to use a DOI?
© 2018, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.
Open Access
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC license (

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AU  - Seda Khachaturova
AU  - Tamara Shikhnabieva
AU  - Anna Arinushkina
PY  - 2018/12
DA  - 2018/12
TI  - Instrument Technology Support in the Teaching of Synthetic Economic Disciplines
BT  - Proceedings of the International Conference on the Development of Education in Russia and the CIS Member States (ICEDER 2018)
PB  - Atlantis Press
SP  - 21
EP  - 25
SN  - 2352-5398
UR  -
DO  - 10.2991/iceder-18.2018.5
ID  - Khachaturova2018/12
ER  -