Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Economics, Business, Entrepreneurship, and Finance (ICEBEF 2018)
171 articles
Proceedings Article
Leadership Style and Work Stress as Antecedents of Job Satisfaction
Bachruddin Saleh Luturlean, Romat Saragih, Arif Partono Prasetio, Rizkya Putri Kartikasari
The present study investigates the relationship between leadership style, work stress, and job satisfaction in Indonesia Police Force Propam Division. This research analysis the direct effect of leadership style on job satisfaction and its indirect effect through work stress. The study can provide empirical...
Proceedings Article
Competency and Objectivity of Internal Auditor on Audit Quality at Banking Companies
Erly Mulyani, Muthia Roza Linda, Suriati Nasra
This study aims to analyze the competency of internal auditors affect the quality of audits and objectivity of internal auditors affect the quality of audits in banking companies in Padang. Type of research is causative research to test hypothesis by using survey method. Population in this research is...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Factor Affecting User Interest Towards Use of Tcash QR Code
Imam Yulijanto, Maya Ariyanti
This study aims to analyze the factors that influence intention to use T-Cash QR Code from perception ease of use, perception usefulness, subjective norm, perception behavior control, and attitude. This research uses quantitative approach. The population is T-Cash user with QR Code which is in DKI Jakarta...
Proceedings Article
Understanding the Mediating Roles of Satisfaction and Switching Barriers on User Experience and Loyalty Chain in Indonesia GSM Operators
Indira Rachmawati, Zurina Mohaidin
At the moment, the number of Indonesia GSM operators has gradually increased since the issuance of the government regulation regarding the change of business cellular telecommunication competition from monopoly become oligopoly. This situation also give an impact on the decreasing in user loyalty which...
Proceedings Article
The Digital Marketing of Re-branding Bandung become a Smart City
Itca Istia Wahyuni, Dini Salmiyah Fithrah Ali
The problem behind this research is the low critical thinking ability of high school students in Kuningan, West Java. It is shown by there are still students who are still difficult in conducting the activities of asking and expressing opinions during discussion, besides there are still students who...
Proceedings Article
Furniture Business Opportunities in The University
Nathanael Sitanggang, Putri Lynna A. Luthan, Choms Gary Ganda Tua Sibarani
This article aims to provide an overview of the furniture business opportunities at universities as well as some aspects that must be understood to start a furniture business. The existing furniture business at University of Medan is managed by the Furniture Business Unit located in the FT UNIMED Wood...
Proceedings Article
Perceived Organizational Support and Work Life Balance on Employee Turnover Intention
Yuki Fitria, Muthia Roza Linda
This research aims to investigate; 1) How perceived organizational support (POS) will influence the work life balance of employees in banking companies in Padang? 2) How perceived organizational support (POS) will influenced employee turnover intention in banking companies in Padang? 3) How work-life...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Service Culture for Hospitality Industry
Rian Andriani, Yuliana Pinaringsih Kristiutami, Sopa Martina, Lukmanul Hakim
The research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the cultural factors of service and its implementation in the level of human capital performance in the hotel. Service culture is very important for service companies, the implementation has an impact on improving work efficiency and quality, satisfaction...
Proceedings Article
Improving Students’ Critical Thinking Skills through Multimedia Based Economic Learning (Research and development on Ten Grade Students of Senior High Schools in Kuningan, West Java)
Agie Hanggara, Yuli Suhaeti
The problem behind this research is the low critical thinking ability of high school students in Kuningan, West Java. It is shown by there are still students who are still difficult in conducting the activities of asking and expressing opinions during discussion, besides there are still students who...
Proceedings Article
Growing Competitiveness of Fashion Cluster
Leo Aldianto, Vania Nur Rizqi Rhommadhonni, Grisna Anggadwita, Christina Wirawan
This paper aims to explore factors enhancing and factors hindering competitiveness of fashion cluster in Bandung. What are supporting factor to increase competitiveness of fashion cluster? And what are hindering factors to increase competitiveness of fashion cluster? Literature review study will be conducted...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Shoes Marketing Mix in Style Successful Benefits SMEs of Shoes Product in Bogor
Yulia Nurendah, Bambang Hengky Rainanto
Problems in SMEs in the shoe industry are so complex, marketing is one of them. The general objectives of this study are: 1) To find out how the marketing mix of SME shoe products in Bogor. 2) To find out the shoe development model can be improved so that SMEs have a competitive advantage, and 3) To...
Proceedings Article
Factors Affecting Return on Assets
Arif Rakhman, Heikal Muhammad Zakaria, Gusganda Suria Manda
The objective of this research is to examine factors affecting return on assets such as cash turnover and account receivable turnover of food and beverage firm listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Source of data used in this study is financial statements as secondary data based on purposive sampling technique....
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Competence and Emotional Intelligence on Employee Performance in XXX Bank
Puspita Wulansari, Riani Mulyani Alfian, Yuvaraj Ganesan
Organizational goals can be achieved maximally because of the human resources that have good performance. Factors that affect employee performance one of them competence and emotional intelligence. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of competence, emotional intelligence, and employee...
Proceedings Article
Why do Some Apples Fall Far from the Tree? The Study on Indofood's Brand Extension
Dini Turipanam Alamanda, Abdullah Ramdhani, Pupung Pundenswari, Grisna Anggadwita
Brand extension strategy emerged as an alternative strategy that must be understood along with the increasing number of companies that use it as the main strategy in marketing new products. This research is intended to explore the factors influencing the success of brand extension, where the success...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Independent Commissioner on the Indonesian Rural Bank’s Credit Performance
Nung Harjanto, Rahmawati Rahmawati
One of the main problems with BPRs with core capital below Rp6 billion is that the credit performances of those rural banks tend to deteriorate. From OJK’s investigation, that worsening was caused by the lack of capital, the lack of management, the lack of governance, and the lack of IT system. This...
Proceedings Article
Bengkuang Agricultural Business Analysis
Yasri Yasri, Erni Masdupi, Yunita Engriani
This study aims to determine the factors that affect the production or income of farmers’ bengkuang in Padang city. This research was conducted in Padang City, population and sample of this research is farmer of bengkuang. The sample size is 39 farmers. Data collection techniques with documentation and...
Proceedings Article
Website Atmosphere, Perceived Flow and Its Impact on Purchase Intention
Ganjar Moh. Disastra, Bethani Suryawardani, Widya Sastika
The online retail industry in Indonesia is growing rapidly and creating increasingly fierce competition. In online retailing, the website is the main media that should always be considered. Website must be developed in such a way as to create attraction, convenience and easiness for consumers, so as...
Proceedings Article
Quick Response Pay Analysis with Electronic Service Quality and Importance Performance Analysis
Hendra Winata, Ade Maharini Adiandari
In current banking digitalization era, bank could meet this challenge by launching a payment technology using QR code scan, that use devices owned by their customer by scanning QR code attached to the merchant. Customer satisfaction should be prioritized which is determined by the quality of goods or...
Proceedings Article
The Study of Creative Industry Fashion Condition, Based on Issues It Faces
Armiati Armiati, Rose Rahmidani, Dessi Susanti
This study aim to identify the problems that facing by fashion creative industries, especially Sulam, Embroidery and Weaving in West Sumatra. Based on the issues revealed, which used as prior data to provide input and advice to the authorities to make this creative industry be more advanced. This research...
Proceedings Article
Factors Analysis of Service Quality at Clinic Telkom University
Leni Cahyani, Rahmat Hidayat
A large number of tertiary institutions in Indonesia has made the conditions of competition tight for universities, especially private universities. The improvement of facilities and the quality of services provided are parameters in seeing the performance of an organization. This study aims to describe...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Fraud Risk Factor, Good Government Governance, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and Employee Empowerment to Organizational Performance Based on Value for Money Approach (Study at Regional Work Unit/SKPD in Subang District)
Icih Icih
The study intended to determine how the effects of fraud risk factors, good government governance, organizational citizenship behavior and employee empowerment toward performance based on value for money approach. The population used in this research is 60 Regional Work Units (SKPD) in Subang District....
Proceedings Article
Investment Feasibility Analysis of a Coal Project Related to Improvement Production Capacity
Odus Natan, Erman Arif Sumirat
Indonesia is currently becoming one of the strongest emerging market in terms of economic growth. This achievement requires supporting facility such as transportation infrastructure, manufacture, etc. Such rapid growth will not last long if not sustained by an adequate supply of electricity. In order...
Proceedings Article
The Entrepreneurial Attitudes of Higher Education Students
Dina Patrisia, Abror Abror, Shinta Doriza, Ernita Maulida
An increasing of the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is required to support economic growth. Therefore, universities in Indonesia have concerned with their important roles in creating entrepreneur trough several ways, for example, they design the entrepreneurship as a compulsory subject in the curriculum....
Proceedings Article
Impact of Industrial Work Practices on Student Readiness
Sri Lestari, Haepa Mahbubah
This study aims to determine the influence of Industrial Work Practice on the readiness of student work. This research uses survey method of quantitative approach of data analysis using correlational analysis. The result of the research shows: (1) The implementation of the Job Training Industry is very...
Proceedings Article
Quality Analysis of Shopee Website by Using Importance Performance Analysis Approach
Ai Lili Yuliati, Cut Irna Setiawati
This study aims to determine the quality of Shopee websites based on user ratings of perceived quality and expected ideal quality. The method uses quantitative with descriptive type. Data types are primary and secondary data. Non-probability sampling technique with incidental sampling, the number of...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Service Marketing Mix in Low Cost Airlines: A study of Scoot Airlines Indonesia
Marheni Eka Saputri, Devilia Sari
Scoot Tigerair Pte Ltd (operating as Scoot) is one of new player that enter Indonesian market. Scoot claim as airlines for young people, those who are young at heart and looking for real value. For those who hold that a journey is filled with things never before seen, and new experiences. Scoot offers...
Proceedings Article
#MeTourism: How selfies affect re-visit intention in narcissistic age
Okki Trinanda, Astri Yuza Sari
This study aims to analyze the influence of "Selfie Tourism" towards "Re-Visit Intention" moderated by “Age”. This research was motivated by the changes in tourist behavior when they visit a tourist destination, where selfie has become one of the main activities to do. To answer the research questions,...
Proceedings Article
Analyzing Conflict Resolution between Online and Conventional Transportation Using Graph Model for Conflict Resolution
Devilia Sari, Marheni Eka Saputri
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the conflict between online transportation companies and conventional transportation in Indonesia. This conflict arose after the opening of several online transportation service companies (Uber, Grab and Go-Jek) in Indonesia. Parties involved in this conflict are...
Proceedings Article
Good Corporate Governance Mechanism and Bank’s Financial Performance: Evidence In Indonesia
Abel Tasman, Fifka Amelia Susanti
The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of GCG mechanism on the financial performance of going public banks in Indonesia.235 observations were conducted based on purposive sampling in the period of 2005-2014. This research uses data analysis technique of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).The...
Proceedings Article
The Mediation of Job Satisfaction in the Relation of Work Stress and Turnover Intention in Hotel Industry
Prasetio Prasetio, Arif Partono, Puspita Wulansari, Suci Trisno Putri, Ramdhani Ramdhani, Abdullah Abdullah
The study explain the effect of work stress on turnover intention through the mediation of job satisfaction in private-owned hotel in Karawang, West Java. Explanatory causal method was used to analyze the relation between variables through hypothesis testing. Nonprobability sampling method with accidental...
Proceedings Article
Sustainability Report: Women directors, competencies of commissioners and corporate characteristics
Majidah Majidah, Muhamad Muslih
The number of companies in Indonesia that publish sustainability report has increased, although it has not been encouraging. Sustainability report indicates the company's attention to long-term performance oriented in economic, social and environmental aspects. This study aims to examine the determinant...
Proceedings Article
What Factors Influence the Behaviour Intention of the Internet Banking
Refi Rifaldi Windya Giri, Ramdhasari Widya Yosfi, Ratih Hendayani
Internet banking is one prove of the increasing technology development and become the innovation in technology that should follow and adopt by the user. The purpose of this study is to investigate what factors that can influence the behavior intention of the internet banking user in the big city in...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship between Supply Chain Collaboration of Value Innovation in Small Medium Enterprises and Supply Chain Capability as Mediator to Achieve Competitive Advantages
Ratih Hendayani, Bitmar Alviyan
To survive in competition with big companies, the Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) should have a capability to recognize their own supply chain, and start to explore the innovation of their products through supply chain collaboration. The objective of this research is to examine the relationship between...
Proceedings Article
Telecom Customer’s Segmentation Using Decision Tree to Increase Active Electronic Money Subscribers
I Gede Wiyana Ananta Noor, Maya Ariyanti, Andry Alamsyah
The ABC telecommunication company as one of electronic money providers has more than 100 million customers. If it is compared to the number of electronic money customers which have growing potential. In December 2017, the number of electronic customers owned by ABC was on the third rank of electronic...
Proceedings Article
Financial Performance Analysis of Food Subsector Company in Indonesia Stock Exchange Using EVA Model
Halkadri Fitra
This study aims to determine the financial performance of food crops sub-sector in the agricultural sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange based on the analysis of EVA (Economic Value Added). The research is a descriptive research with quantitative approach. The data used are secondary data, obtained...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Fashion Orientation, Money Attitude, Self Esteem, and Conformity on Compulsive Buying: A study on youth customer in Bandung
Sri Widaningsih, Ati Mustikasari
Compulsive Buying is known as an abnormal activity in shopping. It can be categorized a negative behavior, but from the marketer point of view this is a behavior that can be utilized to increase sales. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that related and can affect compulsive buying,...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Local Value on Financial Performance in Digital Society Era
Yavida Nurim
The digital era reduces the boundaries obstacles between societies. However, the local value still has role because the value encourages the management to behave ethically. The aim of this study is to provide empirical evidence about the important role of local wisdom value to encourage the optimal financial...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Viral Marketing toward Brand Awareness and Purchase Decision
Ati Mustikasari, Sri Widaningsih
Social media has become part of daily life of society in Indonesia, so it is used by business actors to promote their products, with the purpose of advertising messages delivered can be disseminated to others and become viral so as to increase awareness of the product and purchase decision. So the purpose...
Proceedings Article
Influence of Customer’s Relation to Customer Value and Implication on Image University and Word of Mouth Student
Angga Sucitra Hendrayana
According to the regulation of the minister of education and culture of republic of Indonesia number 109 in 2013 about the provision of distance education, make UT should be ready to compete with other Universities which are most likely organize distance learning system. In connection with that matter,...
Proceedings Article
Accounting Certifications: Are students aware?
Kiky Srirejeki, Agus Faturahman, Saras Supeno
Compared to other ASEAN countries, Indonesia has the most significant number of accounting students and accounting graduates. However, this number is not in line with the number of professional accountants. Indonesia is in number five below Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Philippines. The purpose of...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Relationship Marketing and Customer Retention
Arlin Ferlina Mochamad Trenggana, Leni Cahyani
Business competition makes the important presence of strategies to keep customers. Understanding customer retention not only from the company's perspective, but also from the side of the consumer. One brand of diaper in Indonesia is Sweety, who has been implementing various marketing strategies to build...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Product Development on the Intention of Purchase
Anton Budi Santoso, Shinta Oktafien
This study is aims to determine description of product development and purchase intentions of Nokia Smartphone products and Feature Phone Nokia 3310, and to what extent the influence of product development and purchase intentions of Nokia Smartphone products and Feature Phone Nokia 3310. The research...
Proceedings Article
Work Stress, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intention in Public Telecommunication Company
Tri Djatmiko, Arif Partono Prasetio, Mega Nur Sofa, Dini Turipanam Alamanda
Telecommunication industry faced continuous challenges. Their employees play important role to help them to survive. The organization needs to develop a program that able to retain excellent employees. Turnover is become problem in many industries. It is believed that high turnover rate will harm the...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Viral Marketing on Consumers’ Intention to Use (Case study: Spotify Indonesia)
Dodie Tricahyono, Larisha Widya Utami, Wiji Safitri
Viral marketing is a strategy that exploit social networks to promote a product. The company that use viral marketing encourages their experienced consumers (or users) to spread information about its product with other people by using the consumer’s social networks. Many digital companies use this marketing...
Proceedings Article
The Emergence of Character and Entrepreneurial Spirit Since Childhood
Larisa Yohanna, Siska Maya
Building character and entrepreneurial spirit require time and lengthy process. The entrepreneurship education at primary school is one of the efforts to form the character and entrepreneurial spirit from an early age. Nonetheless, it is not easy to set appropriate learning model that can have an impact...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Employee Competence and Motivation on Employee Performance
Puspita Wulansari, Anggita Ulfazia Rahmi
The purpose of this study is to recognize competence, motivation and employee performance and the influence of competence and motivation both simultaneously and partially on employee Data collection method was conducted with questionnaire to 56 respondents. Analysis data used in this study was multiple...
Proceedings Article
The Challenge of Vocational High School Teachers in Indonesia
Anton Subarno, Amina Sukma Dewi
Vocational high secondary school teachers need to update their knowledge to support their teaching and learning. This article aims to investigate the challenge of vocational secondary high school teacher in responding the development of information and communication technology (ICT) and the globalization...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Perceived Organizational Support and Job Satisfaction
Hani Gita Ayuningtias, Dwima Nur Shabrina, Arif Partono Prasetio, Sri Rahayu
Construction industries are exposed to a high competition. Such situation could affect the emloyees since organization also increase their demand in terms of long working hours, high workload, high quality standard, and lack of job security. Facing this challenges some employees might feel less satisfied...
Proceedings Article
Internet Banking Adoption Analysis in Medan and Bandung City using the Unified Theory of Use and Acceptance of Technology (UTAUT) Model with Culture as Moderator
Refi Rifaldi Windya Giri, Venesya Wanda, Herry Irawan
The number of internet users increase in Indonesia. Seeing this potential, many banks in Indonesia were intensified to promote online banking services by using internet media called the Internet banking. This study uses a model of technology acceptance UTAUT and add Hofstede culture as moderator. The...
Proceedings Article
The Determinant of Farming Land Conversion into Non-Farming Land for Urbanization Development: A case of Malang regency, East Java
Tinovia Harlies Reynalda, Shofwan Shofwan
Urbanization processes in many developing countries is unavoidable. This kind of process is associated with the conversion of large areas of agricultural land into non-agricultural uses has been a common trend in those countries, including Indonesia. This trend emerges proliferation of conflicts between...
Proceedings Article
Conflict Resolution Analysis on the Revitalization Plan of Tradisional Market: A study on Kiaracondong traditional market in Bandung city
Dini Turipanam Alamanda, Rahman W. Wijoyo, Fajar S. A. Prabowo, Arif Partono Prasetio
Traditional market in Indonesia is in poor condition in terms of store image and market governance. One of the most crowded traditional market in Indonesia, Kiaracondong Market, is certainly not an exception. One common problem that has caused prolonged conflicts in Kiaracondong Market is the behavior...
Proceedings Article
Applying Customer Lifetime Value to Justify Investment in Clinic Management System to Improve Customer Engagement in a Multi Chain Clinic
Kristoforus Hendra Djaya, Erman Arif Sumirat
In Harmony Clinic is the first vaccination clinic in Indonesia. Currently, there are potential competitors readily acquire its market. The aims of this study are to explore customers’ perception, frustration points, analyze the root causes, ways to improve customer experience, investment needed and its...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Microfinance Institutions on the Improvement of Community Social Welfare: The case on impacted persons in the development areas of Jatigede reservoir in Sumedang District, West Java Indonesia
Sulaeman Rahman Nidarr, Helda Fitri Febrianty, Mokhamad Anwar, Layyinaturrobaniyah Layyinaturrobaniyah
Microfinance institutions (MFIs) are financial entities with their activities are as fund-raising and lending agents on micro-businesses. This study aims to examine the quality of performance of MFIs that have provided microcredit services to micro-scale borrowers and to evaluate the conditions of those...
Proceedings Article
Financial Factors, Corporate Governance and Earnings Management: Evidence from Indonesian manufacturing industry
Supardi Supardi, Eka Noor Asmara
This research aims to analyze and find empirical evidence about the effect of financial factors on earnings management by using corporate governance variables as a moderating variable. Sampling techniques in this study is purposive sampling and acquired 105 manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesian...
Proceedings Article
Entrepreneurship Conceptual Model Based on Local Economic Potentials in Coastal Likupang Beach North Minahasa District, Indonesia
Arie Frits Kawulur, Merry Christie Natalia Rumagit, Ramon Arthur Ferry Tumiwa
In the long term, this study aims to increase the economic growth by empowering the poor in coastal areas so as to increase their Income. A new entrepreneurship model based on local potential economic is necessary to achieve the research goals. This study identified the local economic potential in coastal...
Proceedings Article
Perceived Benefits from Loyalty Program and its Influence on Relationship Quality
Izal Zaelani, Maya Ariyanti
This research was conducted to see how customer’s value perceived benefits from the loyalty program at PT ABC (Monetary Savings, Exploration, Entertained, Recognition and Social Benefits) and see how they affect relationship quality through mediating perceived relationship investment. This research was...
Proceedings Article
Compensation Motivation and Competence to Interest in Doing Research on Lecturers at Tridinanti University of Palembang
Agung Anggoro Seto
This study aims to analyze the influence of compensation, motivation and competence on the interest of doing research on lecturers at Tridinanti University of Palembang. The data used in this study is secondary data in the form of questionnaires. Population in this research that is all permanent lecturer...
Proceedings Article
Model of Preventive Preservation Archives in Realizing the Good Governance at the Bank Indonesia Office Prov. Indonesia's West Sumatra
Armida Silvia, Yulna Dewita, Elsa Oktaviani
One indicator for the realization of good governance, namely an information system that ensures public access to information that contains policies and is supported by an effective, accountable and transparent government administration system. This article provides an overview of how the preventive preservation...
Proceedings Article
Financial and Strategy Analysis to Improve the Performance of PT. Tayang Visi Aplikasi Digital
Qinthara Aghnia
PT. Tayang Visi Aplikasi Digital (TVAD) is an agency company that provides advertising services in Bandung. PT. TVAD had decreasing in terms of gross profit due 2013 to 2017, compared to others company. This research focuses on finding the alternative improvement strategies for PT. TVAD’s performance...
Proceedings Article
Determining SMEs Business Sustainability: Human resources management for sustainability approach
Ardika Sulaeman, Ernie Tisnawatisule, Hilmiana Hilmiana, Martha Fani Cahyandito
Background of this research is the low of business sustainability in Indonesia especially on soybean based SMEs. In the SMEs, the role of human resources, especially leaders (entrepreneur) and employees play an important role for business sustainability. Thus, this study aims to determine the effect...
Proceedings Article
Involvement Willingness as Mediation Variable of The Influence of Customer Relationship Management on Social Customer Relationship Management
Wendi Usino, Dewi Murtiningsih
The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of customer relationship management on social customer relationship management; to find out the influence of customer relationship management on involvement willingness; to find out the influence of involvement willingness on social customer relationship...
Proceedings Article
Evaluating IKEA’s Online Personal Shopper Services Using Importance Performance Analysis
Trisha Gilang Saraswati
Online personal shopper is an individual who provides online services to purchase goods for consumer on their behalf and get paid for the service. In Indonesia, online personal shopper or known for the term of “jasa titip” provider growing very rapidly as a business that promising. Due to the location...
Proceedings Article
Queuing Management and Evaluation of Standard Operating Procedures for Hospital Mental Health Polyclinics
Trisha Gilang Saraswati, Marheni Eka Saputri
Mental health polyclinic has a very different treatment for patient than other polyclinics. In the mental health polyclinic, patients are given more treatment in the form of consultations than medical measures as in surgical or other polyclinics. It caused to the time required to provide treatment to...
Proceedings Article
Efficiency Analysis of Local Government Health Service in West Sumatra Province Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
Gesit Thabrani, Muhammad Irfan, Hendri Andi Mesta, Lidyana Arifah
Health services in Indonesia are still constrained by the low performance seen in the HDI rating of 121 out of 186 countries. Based on HDI, West Sumatra is ranked 9th at the national level, but there are still considerable differences between regions. Since decentralization of health has been introduced,...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Financial Performance by Using Economic Value Added (EVA) Method and Financial Value Added (FVA) Case Studies on Manufacturing Companies Cosmetics and Household Sub-Sector Listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange During 2014-2016
Iwan Sugianto, Asep Saeful Falah
This study aims to determine: 1) Financial performance in manufacturing companies’ cosmetics and household sub-sector listed on BEI by using Economic Value Added (EVA). 2) Financial performance in manufacturing companies’ cosmetics and household sub-sector listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange by using...
Proceedings Article
Determinants of Actual Digital Library Usage
Rahmiati Rahmiati, Imam Fahrul Rozi, Whyosi Septrizola, Rini Sarianti, Dina Patrisia
The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and attitude toward using digital libraries. Data analyzed by structural equation modeling (SEM) with partial least square (PLS) to explain the actual digital libraries usage among university student....
Proceedings Article
Impaired Loan in Commercial Banks, a Benediction or Atrocity? An Empirical Investigation on Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries
Odunayo Magret Olarewaju
This study investigates the effect of diversifying impaired and unimpaired loans on the financial performance of selected banks in SSA within the period from 2007 to 2016. Descriptive, correlation and panel regression techniques were adopted on 250 sampled banks form 30 countries. The results revealed...
Proceedings Article
Fintech for Financial Inclusion: Indonesia case
Mustika Rahmi
Financial inclusion has been a significant agenda in the most government policy. However, based on the World Bank Report, in worldwide only 41% of adults have a bank account in developing country; while among adult living in extreme poverty, the number drops to only 20%. Technological progress is essential...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Personality and Grit on The Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Examining the Mediating Roles of Job Involvement: Survey on lecturers at higher education of the ministry of industry in Indonesia
M. Arifin, Hesi Eka Puteri
This study investigates whether personality and grit affect the Organizational Citizenship Behavior and if so, whether the effect is mediated by job involvement or not. Using a sample of 132 lecturers of Higher Education of The Ministry of Industry in Indonesia in 2018, this research revealed that personality...
Proceedings Article
Corporate Internal Communication through the Use of WhatsApp Messaging Application and the Employee Performance of an IT Company in Indonesia
Melinda Devyna Listyorini, Ade Irma Susanty
Employee performance is influenced by several factors, one of them is internal communication. The phenomenon occurring in this digital era is that corporate internal communications have developed significantly, one of them is through the use of instant messaging applications. This research was conducted...
Proceedings Article
Bond Rating and Bond Price in Indonesia Stock Exchange
I Gusti Ngurah Satria Wijaya, Putu Pande Yudiastra
Research on bonds is still limited compared to research on stocks in Indonesia. Bonds can be one type of asset that is quite interesting, because the bond is able to provide fixed income for investors who do not like the risk and can be used as an alternative investment in addition to stocks. This study...