Proceedings of the First International Conference on Administration Science (ICAS 2019)
114 articles
Proceedings Article
Mother Green Therapeutic Communication Patterns in the Case of Gawai Overcoming Addiction
Ayoedia Gita Citrayomie, Agustina Zubair, Henni Gusfa
At present the use of electronic devices is not limited to adults but children Also. Many children have used the device until they can decide on the social context. Children's behavior in use is known as addiction. This study aims to determine the Therapeutic communication patterns of mothers in child...
Proceedings Article
Communication Pattern of Participation of women through Facebook Walls in the Presidential Election of the Republic of Indonesia in 2019
Linda Andriani, Agustina Zubair, Henni Gusfa
Presidential Election in Indonesia is the practice of Indonesian democracy that become interesting to be discussed among the public, especially for women. The subjects in this study are academic women, women of legislative candidates, and non-academics women who were not legislative candidates from September...
Proceedings Article
The Rationalization of Maja Labo Dahu Values in the Action of Bimas Young Political Actors
Ruslin Ruslin, Heni Gusfa
Communication is an action, in political practice, politicians action of coordinative activity had values to gain power. Maja Labo Dahu philosophy is a communication concept of young politicians in Bima with value, to get position of power, the essence of Maja Labo Dahu is to fortify from every aspect...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Influence of Marketing Mix and Service Quality towards Customer Satisfaction and Savings Loyalty at the Main Branch of PT. Bank Kalteng Palangka Raya
Lelo Sintani, Bambang Mantikei, Grecia Anggariani, Ni Luh Agustinawati
PT. Bank Kalteng, is within the Indonesian banking industry facing highly competitive competition and high levels of business complexity. Complex competition conditions require banking institutions to provide quality and satisfactory products and services so as to create customer loyalty. This study...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Social Media and Testimony on Selecting the Tourism Destination
Yulianti Keke
Increasing technology is characterized by widespread internet use on all business lines. The internet as a new technology becomes a form of network that can combine communication and various functions, such as providing information to product or brand development. Online business transactions are one...
Proceedings Article
Interpersonal Communications of Parents and Adolescents in Tangerang to Overcome Mobile Legend Game Online Addictions
Shinta Kristanty, Dini Maryani Sunarya
Mobile Legend is an online game favored by adolescents, they like this game to relieve stress. If it is overplayed the players will be addicted like they don’t care about the people around them. This was experienced by Faculty of Communication Sciences students. Parents' role is needed through interpersonal...
Proceedings Article
Model of Fixed Assets Management in the Income Financial Management Agency and Regional Assets of Nias Utara District
Muhamad Nur Afandi, Kosasih Kosasih, Enueri Zendrato
This research is based on the existence of fixed asset management in the Income Financial Management and Asset Financial Management Agency and Regional Assets of North Nias District which is still not running well. The research method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. Data collection research...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Power on Decision Making at the Civil Service Agency
Marhaeni Diah S
Leadership power is used as an effort to influence subordinates based on established decisions, in order to achieve the organization's vision through the innovations it builds. This study is intended to empirically determine the influence of power on decision-making by the leadership of the Civil Service...
Proceedings Article
Development Strategy of Village Government with Measurement of Village Building Index in Garut District
Budi Setiawan, Muhamad Nur Afandi, Iwan Kurniawan
In this research for studying about policies that can applied by the Village Organization specially providing efforts to improve the Quality Village Development by studying detailed about to variable components of the Village Building Index and looking at budget management to do activities funded from...
Proceedings Article
Political Dynamics in Presidential Election of Indonesia in 2019
Nurhasanah Nurhasanah
The Presidential Election in the 2019 is political event in the political dynamics in Indonesia. The development of Indonesian democracy has influenced the views and political behavior of politicians, with more dynamic and millennial politics. Political battles are characterized by a variety of political,...
Proceedings Article
Influence Drill Test Team Composition and Job Satisfaction toward Work Effectiveness on Indonesian Navy First Fleet Exercise Command
Darwin Sagala, Sylviana Murni, Suparno Eko
The objective research is to obtain information concerning influence drill test team composition and job satisfaction toward work effectiveness on Indonesian navy first fleet exercise command. The research was conducted by using survey method with path analysis in testing hypothesis. In this research...
Proceedings Article
Regional Innovation Strategies in Improving Public Services: A case study of Garut District
Muhamad Nur Afandi, Joni Dawud
This study aims to identify, analyze and provide recommendations on regional innovation strategies in improving public services in Garut district. The research methodology used was a qualitative approach. Therefore, this study is based on the results of empirical data analysis and literature review....
Proceedings Article
The Improvement of E-administration in Indonesia: An analysis based on U theory
Idi Jahidi, Ayuning Budiati
E-administration in Indonesia has an important role in public service deliveries. It is more efficient, effective, transparent and accountable by using e-administration. However, lack of infrastructure, leaders commitment in an integrated way in all areas in Indonesia, human resource e-literacy and bureaucratic...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Service Quality of Population Administration, Case Studies of Population Administration at the Tanah Abang Subdistrict, Central Jakarta
Moris Pricahyadi
Activities in the office of the administration of the population desperately needed for the creation of an orderly administration of registration of resident and civil registration, particularly in the environment the Government of DKI Jakarta, as well as for the community as a user direct services....