Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2020)
104 articles
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Sources of Job Stress on Job Satisfaction of Educative Workers
Eva Solita Pasaribu, Benyamin Situmorang, Zainuddin
Job satisfaction is a very important factor to get optimal work results. To obtain optimal job satisfaction from the educative workers at a university, it is necessary to have the ability to manage the sources of job stress that are being faced at work so that they can have a positive impact on the performance...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Collaborative Inquiry on the Understanding of the Concept and Ability of Critical Thinking
Priastuti Priastuti, Ridwan Abdullah Sani, Derlina Derlina, Ahmad Fauzi Pohan
The need for human resources in the 21st century is emphasized on communication skills, collaboration, critical and creative thinking, this study aims to determine whether there is an influence of collaborative inquiry learning on understanding the concepts and critical thinking skills of students on...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Metacognition Difficulties and Mathematical Connections of Students Using the Jigsaw Type Cooperative Learning Model
Nurvita, Bornok Sinaga, Mukhtar
The aims of the study was the level of mathematical metacognition and connection ability, the process of answering the problem of metacognition and connection problems, the difficulty of students solving metacognition and connection problems of high, medium, low and very low ability. Qualitative analysis...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Innovative Learning Material With Project to Improve Students’ Outcomes on the Teaching of Hydrocarbon Alkenes
Jamalum Purba, Manihar Situmorang, Ramlan Silaban, Ratu Evina Dibiyantini
Competence is the target to be achieved when implementing an Indonesian National Qualification Framework curriculum. The implementation of an innovative learning material is believed to be able to facilitate students to achieve their competence in the field of organic chemistry. This research aims to...