Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response

Total Publication Time

19.414.418.422.117.819.414.418.422.117.819.414.418.425.120.519.414.418.425.120.5Submission to First OnlineSubmission to First OnlineSubmission to Final OnlineSubmission to Final Online2016201720182019202005101520253035Total Publication Time (weeks)Year
YearSubmission to First Online (weeks)Submission to Final Online (weeks)

Total Publication Time

Speed of publication is a very important metric for authors to determine the attractiveness of a journal for submitting their article, especially in fast-moving areas of research. The Total Publication Time metrics for a journal represent the speed of the end-to-end publishing process. Two key time periods are considered:

  • From submission until the first version of an article appears online (citable with a DOI; as an "article in press")
  • From submission until the final version of an article appears online (fully paginated article; inside an issue)

The Total Publication Time metrics for a particular year consider all articles that were published in the journal in that year regardless of whether those articles may have been submitted in the previous year. For example, the 2018 Total Publication Time metrics for a journal measure the speed of the end-to-end publishing process for all articles published in the journal in 2018 regardless of when those articles were submitted. Note that articles which are withdrawn are not included in this data.