Received 31 August 2017, Accepted 8 January 2018, Available Online 6 January 2021.
1. Introduction
Sato theory has important applications in the theory of integrable systems. It reveals the infinite dimensional Grassmannian structure of space of tau-functions, where the tau-function are solutions for the Hirota’s bilinear form of KP hierarchy. The KP hierarchy can be expressed in terms of pseudo-differential operator and has the bilinear identities [3, 4].
Soliton equations with self-consistent sources (SESCS) are important integrable models in many fields of physics, such as hydrodynamics, state physics, plasma physics. For example, the KdV equation with self-consistent sources describes the interaction of long and short capillary-gravity waves. The nonlinear Schrödinger equation with self-consistent sources represents the nonlinear interaction of an electrostatic high frequency wave with the ion acoustic wave in a two component homogeneous plasma. The KP equation with self-consistent sources describes the interaction of a long wave with a short wave packet propagating on the x-y plane at some angle to each other.
As an infinite dimensional integrable system, it has been generalized to large sets of integrable hierarchies by introducing new flows [7, 16]. In [8], Liu and his collaborators construct an extended KP hierarchy by introducing a new vector field
. This new extended KP hierarchy can be reduced to the k-constrained KP hierarchy, the Gelfand-Dickey hierarchy with self-consistent sources, the first type of KP equation with self-consistent sources(KPESCS) and the second type of KPESCS. In [18], Yao and her collaborators propose a new (γn, σk)-KP hierarchy with two new time series γn and σk. This new (γn, σk)-KP hierarchy can be regarded as a generalization of the extended KP hierarchy, which consists of a γn-flow, a σk-flow as well as a mixed γn-and σk-evolution equations of the eigenfunctions [8]. The (γn, σk)-KP hierarchy contains the mixed type of KP equation with self-consistent sources (KPESCS), which can also be reduced to both the first type and the second type of KPESCS as special cases. Also, the constrained flows of the (γn, σk)-KP hierarchy can be regarded as a generalization of the Gelfand-Dickey hierarchy (GDH), which contains the first, the second as well as the mixed type of GDH with self-consistent sources.
The KP hierarchy can be expressed in bilinear form using Hirota’s bilinear operators [6]. In this formalism, solutions to the KP equation can be obtained without knowing its Lax pair. Researchers have paid much attention on the subject of bilinear identities because of its importance in Sato theory. By using the bilinear identities of soliton hierarchies [2–4, 9, 15], we can derive the Hirota bilinear forms for all the equations in the hierarchies. Recently, Lin and his collaborators give the bilinear identities for the wave functions of the KP hierarchy with a squared eigenfunction symmetry in [11]. Considering the squared eigenfunction symmetry as an auxiliary flow, they also give the bilinear identities for the extended KP hierarchy. They obtain the generating functions of the Hirota bilinear forms for the extended KP hierarchy by constructing the τ-function for the extended KP hierarchy.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we briefly recall the KP hierarchy and the (γn, σk)-KP hierarchy. In Section 3, the bilinear identities of the (γn, σk)-KP hierarchy are constructed. In Section 4, the τ-function of the (γn, σk)-KP hierarchy is introduced. The generation functions for the Hirota bilinear form of the (γn, σk)-KP hierarchy are obtained. In Section 5, we show the procedure of translating the Hirota bilinear forms into nonlinear partial differential equations. Conclusions are given in the last section.
2. The KP hierarchy and (γn, σk)-KP hierarchy
be a pseudo-differential operator whose coefficients are considered as generators of a differential algebra
The well-known KP hierarchy
Ltn=[Bn,L], n∈ℕ
can be constructed from the compatibility condition of the following linear systems [
∂ψ∂tn=Bnψ, Bn=(Ln)+, n∈ℕ,
where {
tn} are the time variables with
t1 =
x and
Bn stands for the differential part of
Ln. The compatibility of
tn − flow and
tm − flow of the KP hierarchy
(2.1) leads to the following zero-curvature equations
(Bm)tn−(Bn)tm=[Bn,Bm], m,n∈ℕ.
Supposing that W = 1 + ω1∂ − 1 + ω2∂ − 2 + ⋯ is a dressing operator satisfying
∂tnW=−(W∂nW−1)−W, n∈ℕ,
then the operator
L defined by
is a solution to the KP hierarchy
Let the wave functions and the adjoint wave functions be
ψ*(t,λ)=(W*)−1e−η(t,λ), η(t,λ)=∑i≥1tiλi,
W* is the formal adjoint of
W defined by
, we find that the wave function
(2.6a) satisfies the KP hierarchy
(2.2) while the adjoint wave function satisfies
∂ψ*∂tn=−B n*ψ*, B n*=[(L*)n]+, n∈ℕ.
Similarly, we can get the following hierarchy
L tn*=[L*,B n*], n∈ℕ
from the linear systems
(2.7a). If the operator
W* is a solution of
∂tn[(W*)−1]=[(W*)−1∂W*]−1(W*)−1, n∈ℕ,
then the adjoint operator
is a solution to the hierarchy
For any fixed
, by defining a new variable τk whose vector field is given by
∂τk=∂tk−∑i=1N∑s≥0ς i−s−1∂ts,
Liu and his collaborators introduce a new extended KP hierarchy [8]
ri,tn=−B n*(ri),
ri,τk=−B k*(ri),i=1,…,N.
The compatibility of tn − flow and τk − flow of (2.10) gives rise to the following zero-curvature equations
For any fixed
, Yao and her collaborators propose the (γn, σk)-KP hierarchy with two generalized time series γn and σk in [18]
Lts=[Bs,L], (n∈ℕ,s≠n,s≠k),
Lγn=[Bn+αn∑i=1Nqi∂−1ri,L], (n≠k),
ri,ts=−B s*(ri),
αn(ri,σk+B k*(ri))−βk(ri,γn+B n*(ri))=0, i=1,…,N,
αn and
βk are constants,
qi and
i = 1, 2, ⋯,
N) are
generalized eigenfunctions and adjoint eigenfunctions. It’s easy to see that the KP hierarchy can be derived from
(2.11) by setting
αn = 0 and
βk = 0. The commutativity of
(2.11b) and
(2.11c) under
(2.11f) and
(2.11g) gives rise to the following zero-curvature equations
Supposing that the operator W in (2.5) satisfies the following evolution equations
∂tsW=−(W∂sW−1)−W, (s≠n,s≠k)
Wγn=−(W∂nW−1)−W+αn∑i=1Nqi∂−1riW, (n≠k)
we can prove that the operator
L defined by
(2.5) satisfies
(2.11a) (2.11b) and
(2.11c) (see[
18] for the proof).
When we take n = 2, k = 3 and set γ2 = y, σ3 = t, u1 = u, the mixed KPESCS
α2(ri,t−ri,xxx−3uri,x+32ri∂−1uy−32riux+32α2ri∑j=1Nqjrj)−β3(ri,y+ri,x+2uri)=0, i=1,2,…,N,
can be obtained from
(2.11f) and
In particular, if α2 = β3 = 0 (resp., α2 = 0, β3 = 1 or α2 = 1, β3 = 0 or α2 = 1, β3 = 1), the nonlinear equations (2.14) will be reduced to the KP equation [3, 4](resp., the first type [12, 13, 17], or the second type [5, 8, 12], or the mixed type of KP equation with self-consistent sources [18]). The KP equation with self-consistent sources has important applications in physics [10, 13].
3. Bilinear Identities for the (γn, σk)-KP hierarchy
We introduce
-flows (i = 1, 2, ⋯, N) as
∂ziL=[qi∂−1ri,L], i=1,2,…,N,
qi and
ri are the eigenfunctions and their adjoint ones, respectively to construct the bilinear identities for
(2.11). According to the results given in [
1], the relation between the operator
W and the auxiliary parameters
i = 1, 2, ⋯,
N) satisfies
Wzi=qi∂−1riW, i=1,2,⋯,N.
the action of pseudo-differential operator on ξ(t, λ) is defined by
for any integer
, t = (t1,…, tn − 1, γn, tn + 1,…, tk − 1, σk, tk + 1, ⋯) or t = (t1,…, tn − 1, γn, tn + 1,…, tk − 1, σk, tk + 1, ⋯), the wave function and the adjoint wave function with auxiliary parameters zi(i = 1, 2, ⋯, N) can be defined as
Before giving the bilinear identities for (2.11), let’s recall a useful lemma [3]:
Lemma 1.
Let P and Q be two pseudo-differential operators, Q* is the formal adjoint of Q, then
Now we have the following theorems:
Theorem 1.
The (γn, σk)-KP hierarchy (2.11) is equivalent to the following bilinear identities with N auxiliary variables zi, i = 1, 2, 3, …, N,
g1=(t′1−t1)i1⋯(t′n−1−tn−1)in−1(t′n−1−tn+1)in+1⋯(t′k−1−tk−1)ik−1(t′k+1−tk+1)ik+1⋯,g2=∂ 1i1…∂ n−1in−1∂ n+1in+1⋯∂ k−1ik−1∂ k+1ik+1⋯i1!⋯in−1!in+1!⋯ik−1!ik+1!⋯(−1)i0−i(βkγ′n−βkγn)i(αnσ′k−αnσk)i0−i∂ ni∂ ki0−ii!(i0−i)!.
The action of ∂ − 1 on the (adjoint) wave function is taken as pseudo-differential operator acting on the exponential part of the function, e.g.,
Proof. Let’s prove the following observations first
(βkddγn−αnddσk)m0∂ t1m1⋯∂ tn−1mn−1∂ tn+1mn+1⋯∂ tk−1mk−1∂ tk+1mk+1⋯∂ tlml[ω*(T,t,λ)],=Pm0m1⋯mn−1mn+1⋯mk−1mk+1⋯mlω*(T,t,λ)
(βkddγn−αnddσk)m0∂ t1m1⋯∂ tn−1mn−1∂ tn+1mn+1⋯∂ tk−1mk−1∂ tk+1mk+1⋯∂ tlml[ri(T,t)],=Pm0m1⋯mn−1mn+1⋯mk−1mk+1⋯mlri(T,t)
is a differential operator in ∂ since the actions of the partial derivatives
i ≠
k) and
can all be written as the actions of differential operators.
Indeed, applying
to ω*(T,t,λ), the following expression can be constructed
∂ts[ω*(T,t,λ)]=−B s*[ω*(T,t,λ)],
ddγn[ω*(T,t,λ)]=ω γn*(z,t,λ)|z=T−αn∑j=1Nω zj*(T,t,λ),
ddσk[ω*(T,t,λ)]=ω σk*(z,t,λ)|z=T−βk∑j=1Nω zj*(T,t,λ),
which can be reduced to
(βkddγn−αnddσk)[ω*(T,t,λ)]=[αnB k*−βkB n*][ω*(T,t,λ)].
Similarly, applying
to ri(T, t) and taking (2.11e) (2.11g) into consideration, we have
∂ts[ri(T,t)]=−B s*[ri(T,t)],i=1,⋯,N,
αn[ri,σk(z,t)|z=T+B k*ri(T,t)]−βk[ri,γn(z,t)|z=T+B n*r(T,t)i]=0,
Substituting (3.9c) and (3.9d) into (3.9b), we obtain
(βkddγn−αnddσk)ri(T,t)=(αnB k*−βkB n*)ri(T,t).
So the observations (3.6) can be obtained with the help of (3.7a), (3.8) and (3.9a), (3.10).
Now we prove the bilinear identities (3.5) from (2.11) (2.13) (3.2):
To prove the bilinear identity (3.5a), it is sufficient to consider the following case
Resλω(T,t,λ)(βkddγn−αnddσk)m0∂ t1m1…∂ tn−1mn−1∂ tn+1mn+1⋯∂ tk−1mk−1∂ tk+1mk+1⋯∂ tlmlω*(T,t,λ)=0
for every
mj ≥ 0.
By using Lemma 1 and observation (3.6a), we have
Resλω(T,t,λ)(βkddγn−αnddσk)m0∂ t1m1…∂ tn−1mn−1∂ tn+1mn+1⋯∂ tk−1mk−1∂ tk+1mk+1⋯∂ tlmlω*(T,t,λ)=ResλWeξ(t,λ)Pm0m1⋯mn−1mn+1⋯mk−1mk+1⋯ml(W*)−1e−ξ(t,λ)=Res∂W(W)−1P m0m1⋯mn−1mn+1⋯mk−1mk+1⋯ml*=0,
so the bilinear identity
(3.5a) holds.
Notice that Wzi = qi∂ − 1riW, i = 1, 2, …, N, we get
Resλωzi(T,t,λ)(βkddγn−αnddσk)m0∂ t1m1⋯∂ tn−1mn−1∂ tn+1mn+1⋯∂ tk−1mk−1∂ tk+1mk+1⋯∂ tlmlω*(T,t,λ)=Resλωzi(T,t,λ)Pm0m1⋯mn−1mn+1⋯mk−1mk+1⋯mlω*(T,t,λ)=Resλqi(T,t)∂−1ri(T,t)Weξ(t,λ)Pm0m1⋯mn−1mn+1⋯mk−1mk+1⋯ml(W*)−1e−ξ(t,λ)=Res∂qi(T,t)∂−1ri(T,t)P m1m2⋯ml*=qi(T,t)Pm0m1⋯mn−1mn+1⋯mk−1mk+1⋯mlri(T,t),
so the bilinear identity
(3.5b) is proved.
Similarly, we have the following bilinear identity
Resλω(T,t,λ)ω zi*(T′,t′,λ)=qi(T,t)ri(T′,t′).
By substituting
ω zi*=−ri∂−1qiω*
into (3.11) and
into (3.5b) respectively, the bilinear identities (3.5c) and (3.5d) can be proved.
Theorem 2.
If qi(T,t), ri(T,t) (i = 1, 2, ⋯, N),
ω*(T,t,λ)=(1+∑i≥1ω i*λ−i)e−ξ(t,λ)
satisfy the bilinear identities (3.5), then the pseudo-differential operators
and functions qi and ri are solutions to the (
γn, σk)
-KP hierarchy (2.11).
Proof. For any m ≥ 1, denoting
W˜=1+∑i≥1ω i*∂−i
and taking (3.5a) and Lemma 1 into account, we have
which implies that the negative part of
is 0. Noticing that the non-negative part of
is 1, we have
For any m > 0, the following computation
leads to
Since the non-negative part of
is 0, then (3.2) holds.
From the definition of W, we know that
(Wti+L −iW)+=0.
For m > 0 and s ≠ n, s ≠ k, we have the following computation
Res∂(WtsW−1+L −s)−∂m=Res∂(WtsW−1+(W∂sW−1)−)−∂m=ResλWtseξ(t,λ)⋅(−∂)m(W*)−1e−ξ(t,λ)+Res∂(W∂sW−1−(W∂sW−1)+)∂m=ResλWtseξ(t,λ)⋅(−∂)m(W*)−1e−ξ(t,λ)+ResλW∂seξ(t,λ)⋅(−∂)mW*−1e−ξ(t,λ)=Resλωts(T,t,λ)(−∂)mω*(T,t,λ)=0,
which means that
(2.13a) holds.
Similarly, we can get
ddγn[W(T,t)] =−L −nW,
ddσk[W(T,t)] =−L −kW,
Wγn(z,t,)|z=T−αn∑i=1Nqi∂riW=−L −nW,
Wσk(z,t)|z=T−βk∑i=1Nqi∂riW=−L −kW.
So (2.13b) and (2.13c) are proved.
Applying both sides of (3.12) to eξ(t, λ) respectively, we can get the following equalities
Then according to (3.5c), we find
ddγn[qi(T,t)]=−Resλddγn[ω(T,t,λ)]⋅∂−1(qi(T′,t′)ω*(T′,t′,λ))=L +n(−Resλω(T,t,λ)⋅∂−1(qi(T′,t′)w*(T′,t′,λ)))=L +n(qi(T,t)),
which leads to
αn∑j=1Nqi,zj(T,t)+qi,γn(z,t)|z=T−L +nqi(T,t)=0.
Similarly, we have
βk∑j=1Nqi,zj(T,t)+qi,σk(z,t)|z=T−L +kqi(T,t)=0.
So equation (2.11f) can be proved by combining (3.13) and (3.14).
Equation (2.11g) can also be proved in the similar way from (3.5d).
4. Tau-Function for (γn, σk)-KP hierarchy
Since the (adjoint) wave functions of (γn, σk)-KP hierarchy satisfy the same bilinear equation (3.5a) just as the (adjoint)wave functions of the original KP hierarchy do (if one considers zi, i = 1, 2, ⋯, N as auxiliary parameters), it is reasonable to assume the existence of tau-function and make the following assumptions
where the ~ over a function
t) is defined as
z = (
t = (
tn + 1,…,
tk + 1, ⋯). For example, according to the definition
(4.2), we have
R=(R1,R2,…,RN), Ri=zi−αn(γn−1nλn)−βk(σk−1kλk), i=1,2,…,N.
According to [2, 11], assume
qi(z,t)=κi(z,t)τ(z,t), ri(z,t)=ρi(z,t)τ(z,t), i=1,2,…,N.
we can get the following results
∂−1(ri(T,t)ω(T,t,λ))=ρi(z,t−˜[λ])λτ(T,t)eξ(t,λ), i=1,2,…,N,
∂−1(qi(T,t)ω*(T,t,λ))=−κi(z,t+[˜λ])λτ(T,t)e−ξ(t,λ), i=1,2,…,N.
Substituting (4.1) (4.3) and (4.4) into (3.5), we have
Denoting y = (y1, y2, ⋯) and setting t and t′ as t + y and t − y respectively, we can write the equalities (4.5) as the following systems with Hirota bilinear derivatives
and Di’s:
Di is the Hirota bilinear derivative defined by
y) is the
i-th Schur polynomial given by
Let y = 0, the equation (4.6b) can be converted into the following forms by using the Hirota bilinear operator
By setting n = 2, k = 3 and comparing the coefficient of y3 in equation (4.6a) and the coefficient of y2, y3 in equation (4.6c) (4.6d), we can obtain
[D 14+3(D2−α2∑i=1NDzi)2−4D1(D3−β3∑i=1NDzi)]τ(z,t)⋅τ(z,t)=0,
[4(D3−β3∑i=1NDzi)+3D1(D2−α2∑i=1NDzi)−D 13]τ(z,t)⋅κi(z,t)=0,
[4(D3−β3∑i=1NDzi)+3D1(D2−α2∑i=1NDzi)−D 13]ρi(z,t)⋅τ(z,t)=0,
[D 12+(D2−α2∑i=1NDzi)]τ(z,t)⋅κi(z,t)=0,
[D 12+(D2−α2∑i=1NDzi)]ρi(z,t)⋅τ(z,t)=0, i=1,2,⋯,N.
The bilinear equations (4.8) correspond to the mixed type of KP equation with self-consistent sources [5], which can be reduced to the first type or the second type of KP equation with self-consistent sources by setting α2 = 0 or β3 = 0 respectively. The KP equation with self-consistent sources describes the interaction of a long wave with a short-wave packet propagating on the x, y plane at an angle to each other [13].
5. The Procedure of Getting Nonlinear Equation from Hirota’s Bilinear Equation
At the beginning of this section, we recall two identities for arbitrary functions τ(t) and κ(t), which is proved in [11]
By defining
u=∂ x2logτ(x≡t1),q=κτ,r=ρτ
, we can get [11]
and similarly, we have
Comparing the coefficient of
, we can get the relations between the Hirota bilinear derivatives and the usual partial derivatives. Here are some of them
{D 14τ⋅ττ2=2u1,1+12u2,D 12τ⋅ττ2=2u,D1D3τ⋅ττ2=2∂−1u3D 13ρ⋅ττ2=r1,1,1+6ur1,D1D2ρ⋅ττ2=r1,2+2r∂−1u2D2ρ⋅ττ2=r2,D3ρ⋅ττ2=r3,D 12ρ⋅ττ2=r1,1+2urD 13κ⋅ττ2=q1,1,1+6uq1,D1D2κ⋅ττ2=q1,2+2q∂−1u2D2κ⋅ττ2=q2,D3κ⋅ττ2=q3,D 12κ⋅ττ2=q1,1+2uq
where the subscripts
j, ⋯ of
qi,j,… denote the derivatives with respect to the variables
tj, ⋯.
We also have the following expressions
{D1Dziτ⋅ττ2=2∂−1uzi,D2Dziτ⋅ττ2=2∂−1u2,zi,D zi2τ⋅ττ2=2∂−1uzi,ziDziρ⋅ττ2=rzi,D1Dziρ⋅ττ2=r1,zi+2r∂−1uziDziκ⋅ττ2=qzi,D1Dziκ⋅ττ2=q1,zi+2q∂−1uzi
where the subscripts
zi (
i = 1, 2, 3, …
N) of
u denote the derivatives with respect to the variables
zi (
i = 1, 2, 3, …,
By using (5.3) and (5.4), we can write (4.8) as the following nonlinear partial differential equations
∂−1∂ziu+riqi=0,(uxxx+12uux+4β3∑k=1Nuzk−4ut)x+3(∂y−α2∑k=1N∂zk)2u=0,−4qi,t+4β3qi,zk+3qi,xy+6qi(∂y−α2∑k=1N∂zk)∂−1u−3α2∑k=1Nqi,xzk+qi,xxx+6uqi,x=0,4ri,t−4β3ri,zk+3ri,xy+6ri(∂y−α2∑k=1N∂zk)∂−1u−3α2∑k=1Nri,xzk−ri,xxx−6uri,x=0,qi,xx+2uqi−qi,y+α2∑k=1Nqi,zk=0,ri,xx+2uri+ri,y−α2∑k=1Nri,zk=0, i=1,2,3,…,N.
Equations (2.14) can be obtained by eliminating the auxiliary variables zi in (5.5). So we can see that the Hirota bilinear equations (4.8) correspond to the mixed type of KP equation with self-consistent sources (2.14).
6. Conclusions
The bilinear identities for the (γn, σk)-KP hierarchy [18] are constructed in this paper, which could be seen as the generating functions of all the Hirota’s bilinear equations for the zero-curvature forms in the (γn, σk)-KP Hierarchy. Many integrable 2 + 1 dimensional equations with self-consistent sources are included as special cases of this hierarchy. We have shown that the Hirota’s bilinear forms (4.8) correspond to the mixed type of KPESCS, which can be reduced to the first and the second type of KPESCS.
With the help of N auxiliary flows (
– flow), we obtain the bilinear identities of the whole (γn, σk)-KP hierarchy, which have many important applications. For example, taking the intimate relation between quasi-periodic solutions and bilinear identity into account, we investigate the quasi-periodic solutions for the (γn, σk)-KP Hierarchy. Under proper constraints, the (γn, σk)-KP hierarchy can be reduced to Gelfand-Dickey hierarchy (GDH), KdV equation, Bonssinesq equation and many other equations with self-consistent sources. So the bilinear identities of the (γn, σk)-KP hierarchy can help us learn the relation among these equations’ bilinear identities. We will investigate these problems in future.
This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11471182, 11201477, 11301179), Beijing Natural Science Foundation (1182009) and China Scholarship Council.
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