Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics

Volume 26, Issue 4, July 2019, Pages 536 - 554

On Slant Magnetic Curves in S-manifolds

Güvenç Şaban
Department of Mathematics, Balikesir University, Balikesir, 10145, Turkey,
Cihan Özgür
Department of Mathematics, Balikesir University, Balikesir, 10145, Turkey,
Received 1 September 2018, Accepted 22 April 2019, Available Online 9 July 2019.
10.1080/14029251.2019.1640463How to use a DOI?
Magnetic curve; slant curve; S-manifold

We consider slant normal magnetic curves in (2n + 1)-dimensional S-manifolds. We prove that γ is a slant normal magnetic curve in an S-manifold (M2m+s, φ, ξα, ηα, g) if and only if it belongs to a list of slant φ-curves satisfying some special curvature equations. This list consists of some specific geodesics, slant circles, Legendre and slant helices of order 3. We construct slant normal magnetic curves in ℝ2n+s(−3s) and give the parametric equations of these curves.

© 2019 The Authors. Published by Atlantis and Taylor & Francis
Open Access
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license (

1. Introduction

Let (M, g) be a Riemannian manifold, F a closed 2-form and let us denote the Lorentz force on M by Φ, which is a (1, 1)-type tensor field. If F is associated by the relation

then it is called a magnetic field ([1], [4] and [9]). Let ∇ be the Riemannian connection associated to the Riemannian metric g and γ : IM a smooth curve. If γ satisfies the Lorentz equation
then it is called a magnetic curve or a trajectory for the magnetic field F. The Lorentz equation is a generalization of the equation for geodesics. A curve which satisfies the Lorentz equation is called magnetic trajectory. Magnetic trajectories have constant speed. If the speed of the magnetic curve γ is equal to 1, then it is called a normal magnetic curve [10]. For extensive information about almost contact metric manifolds and Sasakian manifolds, we refer to Blair’s book [2].

In [1], Adachi studied curvature bound and trajectories for magnetic fields on a Hadamard surface. He showed that every normal trajectory is unbounded in both directions in a 2-dimensional complete simply connected Riemannian manifold satisfying some special curvature conditions. In [5], Baikoussis and Blair considered Legendre curves in contact 3-manifolds and they proved that the torsion of a Legendre curve in a 3-dimensional Sasakian manifold is equal to 1. Moreover, in [8], Cho, Inoguchi and Lee proved that a non-geodesic curve in a Sasakian 3-manifold is a slant curve if and only if the ratio of (τ ± 1) and κ is constant, where τ is the geodesic torsion and κ is the geodesic curvature. Cabrerizo, Fernandez and Gomez gave a nice geometric construction of an almost contact metric structure compatible with an assigned metric on a 3-dimensional oriented Riemannian manifold in [6]. In the paper [10], Druţă-Romaniuc, Inoguchi, Munteanu and Nistor studied the magnetic trajectories of the contact magnetic field Fq = qΩ on a Sasakian (2n + 1)-manifold (M2n+1, φ, ξ, η, g), where Ω is the fundamental 2-form. The main objective of [11] is the study of trajectories for particles moving under the inӾuence of a contact magnetic curve in a cosymplectic manifold. The paper [14] is concerned with closed magnetic trajectories on 3-dimensional Berger spheres. In [15], the authors studied magnetic trajectories in an almost contact metric manifold. They proved that normal magnetic curves are helices of maximum order 5. Moreover, in [16], Jleli and Munteanu worked in the context of a para-Kaehler manifold, showing that spacelike and timelike normal magnetic curves corresponding to the para-Kaehler 2-forms are circles. In [17], the authors gave a complete classification of Killing magnetic curves with unit speed. Furthermore, in [18], the same authors proved that a normal magnetic curve on the Sasakian sphere S2n+1 lies on a totally geodesic sphere S3. They also considered two particular magnetic fields on three-dimensional torus obtained from two different contact forms on the Euclidean space E3 and studied their closed normal magnetic trajectories in their recent paper [19]. In [23], the authors investigated some special curves in 3-dimensional semi-Riemannian manifolds, such as T-magnetic curves, N-magnetic curves and B-magnetic curves, that are defined by means of their Frenet elements. Calvaruso, Munteanu and Perrone provided a complete classification of the magnetic trajectories of a Killing characteristic vector field on an arbitrary normal paracontact metric manifold of dimension 3 in [7]. The present authors considered biharmonic Legendre curves of S-space forms in [21]. The second author studied magnetic curves in the 3-dimensional Heisenberg group in [22]. In [20], Nakagawa introduced the notion of framed f-structures, which is a generalization of almost contact structures. On the other hand, Hasegawa, Okuyama and Abe defined a pth Sasakian manifold and gave some typical examples in [13].

Motivated by the above studies, in the present paper, we consider slant normal magnetic curves in (2n + s)-dimensional S-manifolds. S-manifolds are interesting generalizations of Sasakian manifolds, which have a tensor field of type (1, 1) called a φ-structure, satisfying φ3 + φ = 0. So, in Section 2, we give the definitions and brief information on S-manifolds and magnetic curves. In Section 3, we prove that γ is a slant normal magnetic curve in an S-manifold (M2m+s, φ, ξα, ηα, g) if and only if it belongs to a list of slant φ-curves. This list consists of some specific geodesics, slant circles, Legendre and slant helices of order 3. Finally, in Section 4, after the definition of ℝ2n+s(−3s) and its structures, we construct slant normal magnetic curves in ℝ2n+s(−3s) and give the parametric equations of these curves in two cases.

2. Preliminaries

In this section, we give brief information on S-manifolds and magnetic curves. Let (M2n+s, g) be a differentiable manifold, φ a (1, 1)-type tensor field, ηα 1-forms, ξα vector fields for α = 1,...,s, satisfying

where X, YTM. Then (φ, ξα, ηα, g) is called framed φ-structure and (M2n+s, φ, ξα, ηα, g) is called framed φ-manifold [20]. (M2n+s, φ, ξα, ηα, g) is also called framed metric manifold [25] or almost r-contact metric manifold [24]. If the Nijenhuis tensor of φ is equal to −2αξα, then (M2n+s, φ, ξα, ηα, g) is called an S-manifold [3]. For s = 1, an S-structure becomes a Sasakian structure. For an S-structure, the following properties are satisfied [3]:

Let M2n+s = (M2n+s, φ, ξα, ηα, g) be an S-manifold and Ω the fundamental 2-form of M2n+s defined by

(see [20] and [24]). From the definition of framed φ-structure, we have Ω = α. Hence, the fundamental 2-form Ω on M2n+s is closed. The magnetic field Fq on M2n+s can be defined by
where X and Y are vector fields on M2n+s and q is a real constant. Fq is called the contact magnetic field with strength q [15]. If q = 0 then the magnetic curves are geodesics of M2n+s. Because of this reason we shall consider q ≠ 0 (see [6] and [10]).

From (1.1) and (2.5), the Lorentz force Φ associated to the contact magnetic field Fq can be written as


So the Lorentz equation (1.2) can be written as

where γ : IRM2n+s is a smooth unit-speed curve and T = γ′ (see [10] and [15]).

3. Slant magnetic curves in S-manifolds

Let (Mn, g) be a Riemannian manifold. A unit-speed curve γ : IM is said to be a Frenet curve of osculating order r, if there exists positive functions κ1,...,κr−1 on I satisfying

where 1 ≤ rn and T, v2,...,vr are a g-orthonormal vector fields along the curve. The positive functions κ1,...,κr−1 are called curvature functions and {T, v2,...,vr} is called the Frenet frame field. A geodesic is a Frenet curve of osculating order r = 1. A circle is a Frenet curve of osculating order r = 2 with a constant curvature function κ1. A helix of order r is a Frenet curve of osculating order r with constant curvature functions κ1,...,κr−1. A helix of order 3 is simply called a helix.

Let (M2m+s, φ, ξα, ηα, g) be an S-manifold. For a unit-speed curve γ : IM, if

for all α = 1,...,s, then γ is called a Legendre curve of M [21]. More generally, if there exists a constant angle θ such that
for all α = 1,...,s, then γ is called a slant curve and θ is called the contact angle of γ, where |cosθ|1/s [12].

Let (M2m+s, φ, ξα, ηα, g) be an S-manifold. A Frenet curve of osculating order r ≥ 3 is called a φ-curve in M if its Frenet vector fields T, v2,...,vr span a φ-invariant space. A φ-curve of osculating order r with constant curvature functions κ1,...,κr−1 is called a φ-helix of order r. A curve of osculating order 2 is called a φ-curve if

is a φ-invariant space.

Throughout the paper, when we state “slant magnetic curve”, we mean “slant curves which satisfy equation (2.6)”. For magnetic curves, ηα(T) = cosθα does not have to be equal for all α = 1,...,s. By taking the curve as slant, we only study the equality case of the slant angles θα in the present paper. The complete classification of magnetic curves in S-manifolds is still an open problem.

Firstly, we state the following theorem:

Theorem 3.1.

Let (M2m+s, φ, ξα, ηα, g) be an S-manifold and consider the contact magnetic field Fq for q ≠ 0. Then γ is a slant normal magnetic curve associated to Fq in M2m+s if and only if γ belongs to the following list:

  1. a)

    geodesics obtained as integral curves of (±1sα=1sξα);

  2. b)

    non-geodesic slant circles with the curvature κ1=q2s, having the contact angle θ=arccos(1q) and the Frenet frame field

    where |q|>s;

  3. c)

    Legendre helices with curvatures κ1 = |q| and κ2=s, having the Frenet frame field

    i.e., a class of 1-dimensional integral submanifolds of the contact distribution;

  4. d)

    slant helices with curvatures κ1=|q|1scos2θ and κ2=s|1qcosθ|, having the Frenet frame field

    where θπ2 is the contact angle satisfying |cosθ|<1s and ε = sgn(1 − qcosθ).


Let γ be a normal magnetic curve. If the magnetic curve is a geodesic, then

gives us

If γ is slant, then we can write


Since γ is unit speed, we have cosθ=±1s. So the proof of a) is complete.

From now on, we suppose that γ is a non-geodesic Frenet curve of osculating order r > 1. Let us choose an α ∈ {1,...,s}. Applying ξα to ∇TT = −qφT, we obtain


From (2.4), we also have


Using equations (3.2) and (3.3), we find

that is,

Let us assume θα = θ for all α = 1,...,s, i.e., γ is slant. So, we have


Equations (2.6) and (3.1) give us


Then we get


If we write (3.6) in (3.5), we find

which gives us

If κ2 = 0, then the magnetic curve is a Frenet curve of osculating order r = 2. Since κ1 is a constant, γ is a circle. From (3.7), we have

that is,

If we differentiate the last equation along the curve γ, we obtain


So, we calculate


Since r = 2, we find


Using equation (3.6) in the last equation, it is easy to see that


Since γ is non-geodesic, we have


Then equation (3.6) becomes

where |q|>s. So the proof of b) is complete.

Let κ2 ≠ 0. From (2.1) and (3.4), we find


Using (2.3) and (3.4), we have

which gives us

Differentiating (3.7), we also find


By the use of (3.6), (3.10) and (3.11), after some calculations, we obtain


If we find the norm of both sides in (3.12), we get


Let us denote ε = sgn(1 − qcosθ). If we write (3.13) in (3.12), we obtain


Applying φ to (3.14), we find


If we apply φ to (3.7) and then use equations (3.4) and (3.14) together, we have


Let us choose a β ∈ {1,...,s}. From (3.15), we calculate


If we differentiate (3.14) along the curve γ, we get

which gives us

Since φTv2, we find κ3 = 0. This proves d) of the theorem.

Let us examine Legendre case separately, that is, θ=π2. Then we have ε = 1, κ1 = |q|, κ2=s, κ3 = 0 and equation (3.14) gives us


This completes the proof of c).

Conversely, let γ satisfy one of a), b), c) or d). Using the Frenet frame field and Frenet equations, it is straightforward to show that ∇T T = −qφT, i.e., γ is a slant normal magnetic curve.

The above theorem is a generalization of Theorem 3.1 of [10] (by Simona Luiza Druta-Romaniuc et al.) for S-manifolds. If we choose s = 1, since an S-manifold becomes a Sasakian manifold, we find their results.

Remark 3.1.

The order of a slant magnetic curve in an S-manifold is still r ≤ 3, as in the case of a magnetic curve of a Sasakian manifold, which was considered in [10].

Now, let us remove the slant condition from the hypothesis and show that the osculating order is still r ≤ 3.

Theorem 3.2.

Let (M2m+s, φ, ξα, ηα, g) be an S-manifold and consider the contact magnetic field Fq for q ≠ 0. If γ is a normal magnetic curve associated to Fq in M2m+s, then the osculating order r ≤ 3.


Let γ be a normal magnetic curve. Then, the Lorentz equation (2.6) gives us


If we differentiate this equation along the curve, we have

for all α = 1,...,s. From the Frenet equations (3.1), we obtain

From the definition of framed φ-structure, we calculate

where we denote

Then, we have


Thus, φT can be rewritten as


Again, from the definition of framed φ-structure, we have

where we denote

After some calculations, we get

which corresponds to equation (3.10). Here, we denote

From equation (3.16), we also find

which corresponds to equation (3.11). In this last equation, we can replace κ1=|q|1A. Finally, we have

So, if we denote the norm of the right hand side of equation (3.17) by C, we find

which is a constant. Hence, we obtain

From equation (3.17), we also have v3 ∈ span{T, ξ1,...,ξs}. The angles between v3 and T, ξ1,..., ξs are all constants since all the coefficients in equation (3.17) are constants. Then, we can write

for some constants c0,...,cs. If we differentiate equation (3.18), we get

Since φT is parallel to v2, if we take the inner product of the last equation with v4, we find κ3 = 0. This proves the theorem.

In particular, if γ is slant, i.e. θα = θ for all α = 1,...,s, then we obtain the following corollary:

Corollary 3.1.

If θα = θ, for all α = 1,...,s, then

and κ2=s|1qcosθ|.

Now, let us state the following proposition:

Proposition 3.1.

Let γ be a slant φ-helix of order 3 in an S-manifold (M2m+s, φ, ξα, ηα, g) with contact angle θ. Then

where ρ=g(v3,α=1sξα)=sηα(v3) is a real constant such that ρ2 = ss2 cos2 θ. Hence, γ has the Frenet frame field


From the assumption, the Frenet frame field {T, v2, v3} is φ-invariant and


Differentiating the last equation along the curve, it is easy to see that


If we differentiate once again, we have

which means the value of ηα(v3) does not depend on α.

Firstly, let us assume that θπ2. Since the space spanned by the Frenet frame field is φ-invariant, then φ2T is in the set. Using (3.8) and (3.20), we can write

that is,

If we take the norm of both sides, we find ρ2 = ss2 cos2 θ. Since the value of ηα(v3) does not depend on α, we obtain


If we apply φT to (3.22), we get g(φT, v3) = 0. Since φTT, φTv3 and sp{T, v2, v3} is φ-invariant, we have φTv2. As a result, we find


Now let us consider the Legendre case, i.e., θ=π2. From (3.21), we find


Using (2.1) and (2.3), we calculate


Using the last equation, we obtain


Equations (3.23) and (3.25) give us g(φT, v3) = 0, that is, φTv2. Thus, we have φT = ±v2. Consequently, the Frenet frame field becomes {T, ±φT, v3}. Now, we must show that v3 is parallel to α=1sξα. Since the space spanned by the Frenet frame field is φ-invariant, from orthonormal expansion, we can write

which reduces to

If we apply φ to equation (3.26) and use (2.1), we find


Applying φT to (3.27) and using the Frenet frame field, we have g(φv3, T) = 0. As a result, we get φv3 = 0 and equation (3.27) becomes


We have already shown that the value of ηα(v3) does not depend on α; so, we can write


Since v3 and ξα are unit for all α = 1,...,s, we find ηα(v3)=±1s. Finally, for θ=π2, we have ρ2 = s and α=1sξα=ρv3, which completes the proof.

Corollary 3.2.

Let γ be a Legendre φ-helix of order 3 in an S-manifold (M2m+s, φ, ξα, ηα, g). Then κ2=s, v2 = ±φT and v3=±1sα=1sξα.


From equation (3.28), we already have


If we differentiate this equation and use (3.1), we obtain


Using equations (2.4) and (3.29), we find that κ2=s and v2 = ±φT.

Finally, we can give the following theorem:

Theorem 3.3.

Let γ be a slant φ-helix of order r ≤ 3 on an S-manifold (M2m+s, φ, ξα, ηα, g). Let θ denote the contact angle of γ. Then we have

  1. i.

    If cosθ=±1s, then γ is an integral curve of ±1sα=1sξα, hence it is a normal magnetic curve for Fq with an arbitrary q.

  2. ii.

    If cosθ = 0 and κ1 ≠ 0 (i.e. γ is a non-geodesic Legendre curve), then γ is a magnetic curve for F±κ1.

  3. iii.

    If cosθ=εκ12+s, then γ is a magnetic curve for Fεκ12+s, where ε = −sgn(g(φT, v2)). In this case, γ is a slant φ-circle.

  4. iv.

    If cosθ=εs±κ2sκ12+(εs±κ2)2, then γ is a magnetic curve for Fεκ12+(εs±κ2)2, where ε = −sgn(g(φT, v2)) and the sign ± corresponds to the sign of ηα(v3).

  5. v.

    Except the above cases, γ is not a magnetic curve for any Fq.


Let cosθ=±1s. Then we have

which gives us ∇TT = 0. We also have φT = 0. So γ satisfies ∇TT = −qφT for any q, which proves i.

Now let cosθ = 0 and κ1 ≠ 0. Using Corollary 3.2, we have

which gives us q = ±κ1. This completes the proof of ii.

From Proposition 3.1, we have the Frenet frame field

when r = 3 and
when r = 2. If we differentiate v2 along the curve, after some calculations, in both cases, we find
(taking κ2 = 0, when r = 2).

Next, let us assume cosθ=εκ12+s, where we denote ε = −sgn(g(φT, v2)). Then the left side of equation (3.30) vanishes. Thus we get κ2 = 0. From the assumption, we also have κ1 = constant, that is, γ is a slant φ-circle. Using the Frenet frame field, we find ∇TT = −qφT = κ1v2, where q=εκ12+s. So, we have just completed the proof of iii.

Finally, let us assume cosθ=εs±κ2sκ12+(εs±κ2)2, where ε = −sgn(g(φT, v2)) and the sign ± corresponds to the sign of ηα(v3). In this case, let us take κ2 ≠ 0, since we have already investigated order r = 2. Using the Frenet frame field, after some calculations, we obtain ∇T T = −qφT = κ1v2, where q=εκ12+(εs±κ2)2. Hence, the proof of iv is complete.

Since we have considered all cases, we can state that there exist no other slant magnetic φ-helices in M.

From the proof of Theorem 3.1. we can give the following proposition:

Proposition 3.2.

Let (M2m+s, φ, ξα, ηα, g) be an S-manifold. There exist no non-geodesic slant φ-circles as magnetic curves corresponding to Fq for 0<|q|s.

Theorem 3.3 and Proposition 3.2 generalize Theorem 3.2 and Proposition 3.2 in [10] to S-manifolds, respectively. Under the condition s = 1, we obtain their results.

4. Construction of slant normal magnetic curves in ℝ2n+s(−3s)

In this section, we find parametric equations of slant normal magnetic curves in ℝ2n+s(−3s). As a start, we recall structures defined on this S-manifold. Let us take M = ℝ2n+s with coordinate functions {x1,...,xn, y1,...,yn, z1,...,zs} and define


It is well-known that (ℝ2n+s, φ, ξα, ηα, g) is an S-space form with constant φ-sectional curvature −3s. Hence it is denoted by ℝ2n+s(−3s) [13]. The following vector fields

form a g-orthonormal basis and the Levi-Civita connection is
(see [13]). Let γ : I → ℝ2n+s(−3s) be a unit-speed slant curve with contact angle θ. Let us denote
where t is the arc-length parameter. Then γ has the tangent vector field
which can be written as

Since γ is slant curve, we have

for all α = 1,...,s. So, we obtain

Since γ is a unit-speed, we can write


These equations were obtained in our paper [12].

Now, our aim is to find parametric equations for slant normal magnetic curves. So, let us assume that γ : I → ℝ2n+s(−3s) is a normal magnetic curve. From the Lorentz equation, we have

where q ≠ 0 is a constant. Using the Levi-Civita connection, we calculate

From equations (4.3), (4.4) and (4.5), we have

which is equivalent to
where we denote λ = −q + 2scosθ. Firstly, let us assume λ ≠ 0. From equation (4.6), if we select pairs
solving ODEs, we have
where c1,...,cn are arbitrary constants. Thus, we can write
where f1,..., fn are differentiable functions on I. From (4.6) and (4.7), we find
which gives us
where a1,...,an are arbitrary constants. Now, if we integrate (4.7), we have
where bi and di are arbitrary constants (i = 1,...,n). Thus, we get

Using the last equation with (4.1), we obtain

where α = 1,...,s. If we integrate this last equation, we find
for α = 1,...,s and h1,...,hs are arbitrary constants. Moreover, from (4.2) and (4.7), we have

Thus, we have just finished the case λ ≠ 0.

Secondly, let λ = 0. In this case, we have

which gives us
for i = 1,...,2n, where ci and di are arbitrary constants. Using the last equation, we calculate

So, equation (4.1) becomes

which gives us
where hα are arbitrary constants for α = 1,...,s. Since γ is unit-speed, from (4.2), we have

To sum up, we give the following Theorem:

Theorem 4.1.

The slant normal magnetic curves on2n+s(−3s) satisfying the Lorentz equationT T = −qφT have the parametric equations

  1. a)

    where ai, bi, ci, di and hα are arbitrary constants such that ci satisfies

  2. b)

    where ci, di and hα are arbitrary constants such that ci satisfies
    In both cases, q ≠ 0 is a constant and θ denotes the constant contact angle satisfying |cosθ|1s.

In particular, if s = 1, we obtain Theorem 3.5 in [10].


The authors would like to thank the referee for his/her useful remarks which helped improving the quality of the paper. This work is financially supported by Balikesir Research Grant no. BAP 2018/016.


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[21]C. Özgür and Ş. Güvenç, On biharmonic Legendre curves in S-space forms, Turkish J. Math., Vol. 38, No. 3, 2014, pp. 454-461.
[22]C. Özgür, On magnetic curves in the 3-dimensional Heisenberg group, in Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics (Azerbaijan, 2017), pp. 278-286.
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AU  - Güvenç Şaban
AU  - Cihan Özgür
PY  - 2019
DA  - 2019/07/09
TI  - On Slant Magnetic Curves in S-manifolds
JO  - Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics
SP  - 536
EP  - 554
VL  - 26
IS  - 4
SN  - 1776-0852
UR  -
DO  - 10.1080/14029251.2019.1640463
ID  - Şaban2019
ER  -