Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health
Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2013
1. New tuberculosis tools are here: Can we deliver them for maximal impact?
Madhukar Pai, Ziad A. Memish
Pages: 1 - 2
Research Article
2. Assessing the overuse of antibiotics in children with URTIs in Saudi Arabia: Development of the parental perception on antibiotics scale (PAPA scale)
Arwa Alumran, Xiang-Yu Hou, Cameron Hurst
Pages: 3 - 10
Background: Antibiotic overuse is influenced by several factors that can only be measured using a valid and reliable psychosocial measurement instrument. This study aims to establish translation and early stage validation of an instrument recently developed by this research team to measure factors influencing...
Research Article
3. Gastrointestinal pathogen distribution in symptomatic children in Sydney, Australia
Stephanie Fletcher, Sebastian Van Hal, David Andresen, Mary-Louise McLaws, Damien Stark, John Harkness, John Ellis
Pages: 11 - 21
There is limited information on the causes of paediatric diarrhoea in Sydney. This cross-sectional study used clinical and microbiological data to describe the clinical features and pathogens associated with gastrointestinal illnesses for children presenting to two major public hospitals in Sydney with...
Research Article
4. Prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis among expatriates subjected to medical visa screening in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Farida I. Al Hosani, Ghada A. Yahia
Pages: 23 - 30
Introduction: All applicants for work and/or residence in Abu Dhabi are screened for tuberculosis at the time of issuing or renewing their residence visa. The purpose of this study is to assess the prevalence of TB among visa applicants and the likelihood of testing positive among different subgroups.
Research Article
5. Correlates of health attitudes among homosexual and bisexual men☆
Deborah A. Gust, Sanjyot Shinde, Sherri L. Pals, Felicia Hardnett, Robert T. Chen, Travis Sanchez
Pages: 31 - 39
There is increased emphasis on physician attention to the overall health and wellness of homosexual and bisexual men, though little is known about the health-related attitudes of these groups. This study determined factors associated with the health attitudes of homosexual and bisexual men and identified...
Research Article
6. The remarkable adaptability of syndromic surveillance to meet public health needs
Beverley J. Paterson, David N. Durrheim
Pages: 41 - 47
The goal of syndromic surveillance is the earlier detection of epidemics, allowing a timelier public health response than is possible using traditional surveillance methods. Syndromic surveillance application for public health purposes has changed over time and reflects a dynamic evolution from the collection,...
Research Article
7. Polity and health care expenditures: The association among 159 nations
Leah E. Gregorio, David I. Gregorio
Pages: 49 - 57
This paper hypothesized that democratic nations, as characterized by Polity IV Project regime scores, spend more on health care than autocratic nations and that the association reported here is independent of other demographic, health system or economic characteristics of nations. WHO Global Observatory...