International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems

Volume 11, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 296 - 315

Automatic Extraction of Attributes and Entities for Product Differentiation

Abhijeet Ramesh Thakare*,, Parag S.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, South Ambazari Road, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440010, India
*Corresponding author.
Corresponding Author
Abhijeet Ramesh
Received 30 April 2017, Accepted 28 October 2017, Available Online 1 January 2018.
10.2991/ijcis.11.1.23How to use a DOI?
Attribute value extraction; Entity extraction; Product Differentiation; Web Spreadsheet; Aggregated Search

This paper introduces a novel concept of web-spreadsheet, which extracts product information by crawling through related web pages and generates information like a spreadsheet where each row represents product information and each column represents product attributes. Using Decision Tree based classifier, the accuracy achieved for extracting entities and attribute-value pairs is 98.71% and 99.99% respectively. This strategy will benefit the product companies for performing successful product differentiation and save a lot of time of the customers for comparing different products of same product class.

© 2018, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.
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1. Introduction

Rapid development of e-commerce has brought vast opportunities to the customers as well as product manufacturers or retailers. The main objective of each product manufacturer is to highlight the special features of the product. Product differentiation is a marketing technique which depicts the differences between the products. Differentiation makes the product more interesting by comparing its unique qualities with other competing products in the market. Successful product differentiation helps product manufacturers to gain competitive advantage in the market. It also helps the customers to choose the right product of their choice. The major factors on which product differentiation can be performed are price, features, quality and availability (time and location) of the product. In this paper, we focus on extracting automatically entities, price and features of the product for the specified product class.

Currently, customers visit different manufacturer or retailers site for purchasing the product. For a particular class of a product, only a limited amount of information is available on a single website regarding the product features. Customers will also find different values of the features as well as prices for the product on various websites. Therefore, the customer has to visit numerous websites to choose the right product. If any retailer or manufacturer has introduced new product feature, the feature information is manually updated on his website. Some websites display a comparison of similar class products. But, this comparison process lacks new feature introduced by another manufacturer.

For carrying out fruitful product differentiation, a web-spreadsheet view is a solution which will handle all above discussed scenarios. Hence, in the proposed research, we focus on novel search problem: Automatic Extraction of Attributes, their corresponding values and Entity Information (AEAVEI). The main objective of AEAVEI is to extract relevant attribute-value information related to entities along with the entity (product) name of the specified product class in the form of a spreadsheet. Web pages are crawled for extraction of attributes and their respective value-measure pairs. Extracted attributes will form the columns of the spreadsheet and values (value-measure pair) along with entity name will form rows of a spreadsheet. This approach provides all product information for particular product attributes under one roof.

AEAVEI is inspired by Relational aggregated Search (RAS). On the web, large amount of relations exists between the information. The goal of the RAS is to find out these relations between the information, extract and aggregate this information in the form of small nuggets. RAS consists of three main parts, namely Query Dispatching (QD), Nuggets Retrieval (NR) and Result Aggregation (RA) [1]. In the proposed work, we mainly focus on relation retrieval between information placed on the web and aggregating the information in spreadsheet format. In relation retrieval, we focused on instance-attribute relation to automatically extract attributes and their respective values and instance-class relation to automatically extract entity (product) name of a particular class. For example, if a user submits a query for the product class Mobile Phone, then the entities belonging to the class Mobile-Phone and attributes and their values of those entities are extracted.

By applying this approach, the effort of user by crawling through each hyperlink of product pages for finding relevant information is reduced. This approach also aggregates updated product information (attribute and value-measure pairs) dynamically in a web-spreadsheet.

Aggregating information in a consolidated spreadsheet is having following challenges:

  • On the web page, attributes and their values are not directly mentioned, so correct pairs of attribute and their values has to be extracted.

  • On the web page, descriptions of entities are generally stored in an unstructured manner. The product (entity) name may appear on a web page in an ambiguous manner. For example, when user intention is electronic tablet, it may search webpage of medicinal tablet.

1.1. Contributions

Research work is carried out by considering the above challenges and the major contributions are summarized as follows:

  • A novel attribute-value extraction method is designed to extract attributes and their respective values from unstructured text which works independently of the arrangement of the attribute and its value.

  • A novel complete entity name extraction process is proposed to extract complete entity name from unstructured text.

  • Generating web-spreadsheet dynamically without referring any additional information, and irrespective of domain without targeting some specific set of retailer websites.

  • As per our knowledge, no other system is designed which automatically extracts entities, and their respective attribute-value pairs for specific product class as we have conveyed in this paper. We have crawled almost all related web pages to efficiently extract entities and attribute-value pairs.

  • The proposed method for entity and attribute-value extraction achieves very good accuracy which is measured in terms of precision, recall and F1-measure that is superior to eminent entity and attribute value extraction methods discussed in the literature.

The rest of the research work is organized as follows. In Section 2, related studies for extracting named entity and Attribute-Value are discussed. Section 3 describes proposed work which discusses definitions and terms and proposed algorithm in detail. Section 4 discusses softwares and hardware used for carrying out experiments. In Section 5, experimental results of the proposed system developed are shown. The conclusions and future work of the paper are given in Section 6.

2. Related work

Extracting information from unstructured text that is natural language documents have been proposed [2,3]. A template independent wrapper has been developed which exercises labeled news pages from a single site [4]. This wrapper has been used to extract plain texts of news embedded in news article body. The relation between news article and news body is also explored by developing novel features for them. Various text summarization techniques has been discussed to summarize unstructured documents like news articles, nursing narratives and country economic reports [5]. There are some approaches that deal with semistructured documents [6]. In these documents, information is stored in different HTML structures like tables, list and forms. Using ORASS (object-relationship-attribute model), semantics has been efficiently extracted from semistructured data of web documents [7]. The task of designing semistructured databases will become easy using ORASS model.

Extracting entities from web pages is a challenging problem, because entities are dispersed over web pages in an ambiguous and unstructured manner. Nowadays, by identifying instance-class relation to extract entity (instance) from web pages is also demanding. Using predicate and patterns, named entities are extracted from web corpus [8]. In this work, using Bootstrapping a set of rules are created which utilizes domain independent extraction patterns. Accuracy is calculated using mutual information between extracted instances of a class and set of discriminator associated with that class. Various techniques based on ontologies have been applied for enhancing the performance of information management systems. Ontology is one of the best techniques to represent background knowledge in information management systems. Background knowledge or domain knowledge such as likings of the user is very necessary for understanding situations and problems in Information management systems. To understand mutual monitoring for enhancing recommendation quality in autonomous multiagent systems, [9] focused on ontologies and ANNs to serve as behavior and interests of users.

In [10], the framework named as Artequakt has been developed. Artequakt utilizes ontology relation declaration and lexical data to identify a relation between entities. These entities are stored in unstructured web documents. In this work initially, an ontology for the artists and paintings has been created. Using various information extraction (IE) tools and techniques, ontology is automatically populated with the information extracted from web documents by utilizing ontology representation and WordNet lexicons. The information is then stored in the knowledge base (KB). Afterwards, a query is fired to KB to search and extract the relevant text or fact. This text or fact is used to generate biography dynamically. A technique for finding semantic associations between web entities by considering the complex hierarchical structure of web entities has been proposed in [11]. In this work, additional information such as a logical collection of web entities into groups has been considered for extracting semantic association between web entities. Experimentation has been performed by considering MUADDIB [12,13] recommender systems.

Work described in [14] addresses the technique of extracting and grouping the words or entities from the text into pre-defined domain-specific concepts. This technique utilizes parts of speech (POS) tagging. For the extraction purpose, Engineering Ontology from the mechanical domain has been taken into consideration. For automatic extraction of entities, data from various online sources which depict mechanical components have been taken into account. In this work, four domain, i.e. concepts, device, material, and a process has been automatically extracted.

Automated feature induction method has been proposed [15]. In this method, Named entity recognition is done using undirected graphical models called as Conditional Random Fields (CRFs). Initially, the user creates atomic features. In this work, as compared to traditional approaches accuracy is improved. This method also reduces feature count. CONLL-2003 named entity shared task dataset has been used for experimentation.

Focusing on context patterns for extracting named entity from unlabeled data has been suggested [16]. This work utilizes language independent technique. The initial seed list is created and it is gradually increased by searching more instances for matching context patterns from unlabeled data.

Work addressed in [17], Support Vector Machine (SVM) based parser has been presented. N-best words with the features based on their character position and type has been calculated using statistical techniques for an input sequence. Finally, the characters are aggregated into words using SVM and named entity is recognized. In this work, CRL NE data have been used for evaluation. A System developed for extracting named entities from unstructured biomedical documents using integrated SVM and Decision Tree classifier has been proposed in [18].

In the past few years, extracting attributes and their values from web pages had gained the attention to researchers. Extracting implicit and explicit attributes from the textual product description has been proposed [19]. Implicit attributes are not directly mentioned in the product description. They are semantic attributes. While, explicit attributes are physical attributes. Using Naïve Bayes as a supervised learning and Co-training Expectation Maximization (Co-EM) as a Multiview semi-supervised learning algorithm, explicit attributes are extracted. In this work, sporting goods category website has been used for extracting attribute values.

Work described in [20], extracted textual attribute value pairs under three diversities such as Tweets, Web-Links and Tweets+ Web-Links for 15 events. By using set of delimiters, sentences are split and attribute-value pairs are extracted. Some special cases are handled using common noun or proper noun. Remaining sentences which doesnt fall under special cases are handled using dependencies (subject and object concept).

Work on extracting attribute-value pairs using Knowledge Base (KB) for a particular category have been demonstrated [21]. In this work, unstructured web pages are used for creation of KB. Table and other structures available in unstructured pages are used for automatic creation of KB. Using this KB, web pages are annotated automatically. These annotated pages are utilized for building training model for extraction. Some attribute value pairs are missing in this model because, annotated corpus is not created manually. Therefore, from unstructured test data, the model fails to extract some attribute-value pairs.

Recently lot of work has been done for extracting attributes and their values from online reviews of the product. In the work done by [22], features are extracted from the pros and cons sentences of the customer views of the product. For extracting product features and opinions from reviews, [23] calculate point of mutual information between the noun-phrases and related context patterns. A Technique based on association rule mining and natural language processing for mining frequent features has been proposed [24].

3. Proposed work

Following subsections describe proposed work. These subsections present the meaning of definitions and terms used in the Algorithm 1, important steps of the algorithm and explanation of each step of the algorithm. The attribute-value extraction which is given in Algorithm 1 is implemented as a two step process. In the first step entity name is extracted [25] and after entity name extraction, attribute-value pairs are extracted in a second step.

3.1. Definitions and terms

Class Name (CLSNAME):

CLSNAME is a product class name which is provided by the user. For example, value of CLSNAME can be Washing Machine, Tablet or Tennis Racket etc. Our final aim is to generate a spreadsheet for class CLSNAME.

Web Spreadsheet (WSP):

WSP is a spreadsheet which consist of {R1, R2, R3,…, Rn} rows. Consider, W be a set of web pages related to product class, where, W = {W0, W1, W2,…, Wn}and n ⩾ 0. Algorithm 1, crawls over each Wi one by one and generates one row Ti for spreadsheet WSP. We define function f : 𝕎 → 𝕋 where, f is injective and onto.

Web Spreadsheet Columns (WCL):

WCL consists of {A1, A2,…, An}. attributes. These attributes are automatically extracted by Algorithm 1.

Web Spreadsheet Row (Ri):

It is one of the rows of a spreadsheet. Ri consists of (Ei, V1, V2,…, Vn) where, Ei is a complete entity name and V1, V2,…, Vn are value-measure information for attributes A1, A2,…, An respectively corresponding to document Wi where, n, i ⩾ 1

POS tag of a word WDi (POS_Tag):

POS tag of word WDi is defined as POS_Tag. POS tag of word is used to categorize the word as nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs etc. Following POS tags are used in the proposed work:

CD- Cardinal Number, NN -Noun, singular or mass, NNP - Proper noun, singular.

Synonym List (SYL):

Synonym list for class, CLSNAME consists of set synonym words of CLSNAME. SYL is represented as SYW1, SYW2,…, SYWn, where n ⩾ 1.


List to store all related URL, returned by a search engine.

Input:Search Query specifying class name CLSNAME, Price as a single attribute and maximum number of URLs crawled (n) to limit the search space.
Output: Spreadsheet (WSP) indicating product names of the class and attribute values represented as rows of a spreadsheet.
Prepare Synonym list(SYL) for product class name CLSNAME.
Extract URLs from the search engine by specifying classname CLSNAME and Price as an attribute and store them in URLSTORE.
Rank the documents pointed by URL based on presence of classname and some of the attribute names belonging to class CLSNAME. Sort URLSTORE based on rank.
for every document Wi present in URLSTORE do
  Remove Stop words, unwanted symbols and perform stemming using Word Net Stemmer.
  For each word in a sentence construct Feature Vector specified in sections ”Extraction of entity name” and ” Attribute-Value extraction”
  Classify word using Decision Tree Classifier for determining entity name (Ei)
  Classify word using Decision tree Classifier to determine Attribute-Value pair (A1 - V2, A2 - V2 ,..., An - Vn).
  Prepare Columns of spreadsheet using (A1, A2, …, An) attributes which is obtained in step 10.
  Prepare row of spreadsheet using results from step 9 and values (V1, V2, …, Vn) obtained in step 10.
end for
Output: spreadsheet(WSP)
Algorithm 1

Entity and Attribute-Value Extraction

3.2. Input

Algorithm 1 takes input as search query containing product class name (CLSNAME), one of the attribute as price and maximum number of URLs (n) which can be crawled to limit the search space. For example, to prepare a spreadsheet for Mobile Phone user can specify product class name as “Mobile Phone”, attribute as price and maximum number of URLs crawled as n.

In the proposed work, we define following two data types. These data types are used to mark “value-measure pair word” (VM). These data types are as follows:

Alphanumeric (AN):

If the VM word consists of at least one Alphabetic letter (A–Z or a–z) and at least one digit (0–9) or combination of digit (0–9) and alphabetic letters then the word falls under alphanumeric category. For e.g. if we take camera as an attribute and its value as 13MP then type of value of the camera is Alphanumeric.

Numeric-Alpha (NA):

Numeric-Alpha category is a subset of Alphanumeric category. The only difference is value and measure is separated by one or more spaces. i.e. Number/s-Space-Alphabet/s (String). For e.g. 1 MP.

3.3. Output

Algorithm 1 generates spreadsheet for Product class name (CLSNAME) which consists of, columns as attribute names and rows an entity (product) name along with values for the corresponding attribute names. Attributes and their respective values as well as entity names are automatically extracted by the Algorithm 1.

3.4. Preparation of synonym list

We also maintain Synonym List (SYL) for product class name for which the spreadsheet has to be generated. All the synonym words for product class name are preserved in this list. Synonym list for class CLSNAME is created using Word Net. Synonym list plays a crucial role in extracting instance-class relation. The main aim of creating a synonym list is to target only those sentences of a web page, which contains at least one of the synonym words from list SYL.

Every Retailer describes their products in a different fashion. They also use different words corresponding to class name CLSNAME to describe the complete name of the product. For e.g., Figure 1 shows the initial part of product description page for Lenovo Tablet. In this, complete name (Lenovo Tab 2 A8) in the heading part comprises word “Tab” while in Figure 2, the complete name (UBI Slate 7CZ Tablet) consists of word “Tablet”.

Fig. 1.

Initial Part of Product Description Page for Lenovo Tablet.

Fig. 2.

Initial Part of Product Description Page for UBI Slate Tablet.

While describing the product, retailers use different substring words. These substring words which are basically a part of a complete entity name. For e.g., Figure 3 shows the part of product description page for the Samsung Galaxy Tablet. The Complete Name of the product is “Samsung Galaxy Tab 4”. The product is described using n number of sentences. Consider the two sample sentences described as follows:

  • Sentence 1: ”Packed with a host of features, Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 T231 Tablet is a user friendly budget device.”

  • Sentence 2: ”Android operating system and 1.5 GB RAM boosts the performance of this Galaxy Tablet.” In sentence 1, complete entity name, i.e. “Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 T231” is used while in sentence 2, substring word “Galaxy” is used. In sentence 1, “Tablet” and “Tab” are used as a synonym words while in sentence 2 “Tablet” is used as a synonym word.

Fig. 3.

Product Description Page for Samsung Galaxy Tablet.

3.5. Module for extraction of URL

Using jsoup 1.8.2 Java library, each URL in the search result which is returned by search query is accessed, parsed and decoded. All child URLs from each search result URL are also extracted, parsed and decoded. Iteration through every URL page and their child URL pages are done and the complete decoded URLs for these pages are stored in a database table. To ensure that, the URL is not visited twice, the presence of a URL in the database table is checked before storing it. If it is not present in the database table, then, the URL is stored into the table as well as in list URLSTORE. Now, the database table as well as list URLSTORE will consist of unique URLs. These URLs will be given as input to the module Data Preprocessing.

3.6. Documents ranking

The extracted documents are ranked based on presence of product class name and some attribute names of that particular class CLSNAME. The rank of the document is decided by a number of attributes present in the documents. Higher rank indicates more attributes are present in the document. If the same number of attributes are present in the document, then document which is having more priority attributes are ranked as higher.

3.7. Preprocessing of data

In a preprocessing of data, all stop words and special symbols are removed.

3.8. Extraction of entity (product) name

3.8.1. Classifier construction for entity name using J48 decision tree [Weka]

Feature vector for each word in a sentence is constructed which is a major step in designing a classifier. Data is prepared for training and using decision tree, word is classified.

3.8.2. Building a features vector for each word

Each document Wi is crawled one by one. The URL of each Wi is already stored in the list URLSTORE as mentioned in the section 3.5. Feature vector (Training data) is constructed using Tablet, Washing Machine and Tennis Racket classes by crawling the related website URL of different manufacturers or retailers. Every word in document Wi is represented as feature vector which is shown in Table 1.

Document_Id Word Sentence_Number Position_Of_Word POS_Tag Class_Label
Table 1.

Feature vector representation (entity).

Table 1 provides the information related to a word. It explains the particular words Document number, sentence number in which the word is present, the position of the word in a sentence, POS tag of the word and Class label for that particular word.

Class_Label attribute takes two possible values either YES or NO for the entity extraction classifier. YES means particular word is an entity or an instance of the respective class CLSNAME. If the word is not an entity or instance, it is labeled as NO. Position of word is calculated with respect to CLSNAME or its synonym word, i.e. CLSNAME Word is given position 0 and first left word from CLSNAME word is given position –1 and the position is decreased by –1 as we move left side of the sentence with respect to CLSNAME word. First right word from CLSNAME word is given position 1 and the position is increased by 1 as we move the right side of the sentence with respect to CLSNAME word.

Training data which is shown in Table 2 is discretized based on the sentence number of the word and position of the word within the sentence.

Document_Id Word POS_Tag Region Class_Label
Table 2.

Discretized feature vector representation (entity).

Here, a new attribute Region is introduced which is dependent on Sentence_Number and Position_Of_Word attribute which is described as follows:

  • Case 1: If Sentence Number <α and Position_Of_Word >-β and Position_Of_Word <γ then Region is ‘Nearer’.

  • Case2: If Sentence_Number>α and Position_Of_Word<-β OR Position_Of_Word>γ then Region is ‘Far’.

The main objective of the introduction of Region attribute is, to define an initial section of the web page. We concentrated on the initial section of a web page because, the complete name of the product (including heading part) is generally placed in the initial section of the web page. The first occurrence of a complete entity name also comes under initial section of the web page. A region which comes under initial section is defined as Nearer otherwise the region is Far.

3.8.3. Labeling of training data

Those words which belong to an instance (entity) of product class name in the training data is labelled as either YES or NO. Criteria for labeling is as follows:

  • Case 1: If POS_Tag = NN or NNP and Region = Nearer then Class_Label is ‘YES’.

  • Case2: If POS_Tag != NN or NNP and Region = Nearer or Far then Class_Label is ‘NO’.

Here, we have considered a sufficient amount of features to label the word as an entity. Features such as POS_Tag of a words which are present before and after synonym word, distance of the words with respect to synonym word and Sentence number in which the word appears are taken into consideration.

3.8.4. Entity name extraction using J48 classifier

Decision tree classifier has been used for deciding the status of the words in the test documents. The decision tree is trained using training data generated from a variety of product classes. To decide the status of the words, words in the test documents are supplied to a classifier. The word which is classified as product class instance forms the entity name of the product class and its forms the row label in the spread sheet.

3.9. Attribute-Value extraction

3.9.1. Classifier construction for attribute-value using J48 decision tree [Weka]

To decide words for attributes and their respective values, decision tree classifier is designed by generating feature vectors of each word in the sentences. Data is prepared for training and using decision tree, word is classified. For calculating the status of the word we have selected decision tree classifier over other types of classifier like Naïve Bayes [26], Neural Networks [27] and Support Vector Machines (SVM) [28] because of the following reasons:

  • The feature vector designed for Entity and attribute-value extraction consists of both categorical and numerical attributes.

  • The classification decision is sometimes impacted only by some set of attributes rather than all attributes, while in other types of classifiers always all the attributes have impacted classification decisions.

  • Other classifiers depend on large data to estimate correct probability distributions, while the decision tree classifier uses nonparametric technique and can be trained even if data is limited.

  • The other classifier performance depends on algorithm parameters like and probability distribution function (Naïve Bayes), activation function (NN) and kernel function (SVM).

The Java Implementation of a C4.5 algorithm in Weka tool is J48 Decision Tree Classifier. An extension of an ID3 algorithm is C4.5 algorithm [29]. An ID3 algorithm is one of the first algorithms for Decision tree implementation. The main reason for choosing C4.5 over ID3 is due to following reasons:

  • The ID3 algorithm is not convenient for the Internet Search activity [30] as it is oversensitive to features having a large number of values. In this situation, C4.5 is best suitable.

  • The ID3 algorithm does not deal with numerical attributes. Our feature vector comprises both numeric and categorical attributes. In that case, C4.5 is the best suitable algorithm.

  • Algorithm ID3 is not capable of handling missing values, while C4.5 is efficient and suitable for handling missing values.

  • Post-pruning activity is very important to reduce error rates in unseen testing data. Algorithm C4.5 is capable of performing post pruning of decision trees. Algorithm ID3 does not support pruning activity.

Motivation of choosing J48 decision tree classifier over other classifiers has also been better explained in [25].

3.9.2. Building a features vector for each word

Using Tablet, Washing Machine and Tennis Racket product classes, training data is prepared by crawling related websites of different manufacturers or retailers. Every word in Document Wi is represented as a feature vector, which is shown in Table 3.

Document_Id Word Sentence_Number Position_Of_Word POS_Tag WAV
Table 3.

Feature vector representation for attribute-value pair.

Table 3 provides the information related to a word. It explains the particular words Document number, sentence number in which the word is present, the position of the word in a sentence, POS tag of the word and Class label as WAV (Whether an Attribute or Value) for that particular word. WAV takes three possible values as A (if the word is an attribute), V (if the word is a value) and NAV (if the word is neither an attribute nor a value). Here, Document_Id, Sentence_Number, Position_Of_Word, POS_Tag are independent variables and WAV as the dependent variable.

Initially, the words which are having Alphanumeric (AN) data type or Numeric-Alpha (NA) data type are marked because these words are possible words for the value-measure pair word (VM). Then, Position of word is calculated with respect to these possible value words, that is the VM word is given position 0 and first left word from the VM word is given position –1 and the position is increased by –1 as we move the left side of the sentence with respect to VM word. First right from the VM word is given position 1 and the position is increased by 1 as we move the right side of the sentence with respect to VM word.

Above training data is discretized, which is depicted in Table 4.

Document_Id Word Occurence WAV
Table 4.

Discretized feature vector representation for attribute-value pair.

Here, a new attribute Occurrence is introduced which is dependent on Position_Of_Word and POS_Tag attribute as follows:

  • Case 1: If POS_Tag=NN OR NNP and word is having the first occurrence either from the left side or right side with reference to VM word then Occurrence is set as ‘First’.

  • Case2: If POS_Tag=NN or NNP and word is not having the first occurrence either from the left side or right side with reference to VM word then Occurrence is set as ‘Later’.

  • Case3: For the rest of the words which dont fall under Case1 and Case 2, Occurrence is set as ‘Random’.

  • Case4: For VM word Occurrence is set as ‘FirstV’

3.9.3. Labeling of training data

Those words which belong to attribute name in the training data are labeled as ‘A’, words which belong to value word in the training data are labeled as ‘V’ and the words which doesnt belong to attribute or value word are labeled a ‘NAV’. Criteria for labeling is as follows:

An attribute WAV is dependent on Occurrence attribute as follows:

  • Case1: If Occurrence = First then the WAV is set as ‘A’ (Attribute).

  • Case2: If Occurrence = First V then the WAV is set as ‘V’ (Value).

  • Case3: If Occurrence=Later OR Occurrence=Random then the WAV is set as ‘NAV’ (Not an attribute or Value).

Here, we have considered a sufficient amount of features to label the word as attribute as well as value . Features such as an Occurrence of a word which considers distance of the words with respect to VM word and POS_Tag of the word are taken into account.

3.9.4. Attribute-value extraction using J48 classifier

For deciding the status of words in the test documents, decision tree classifier is used. The decision tree is trained using training data generated from a variety of product classes. Words in the test documents are supplied to the classifier to decide the status of the words. The words which are classified as an attribute (A) will form the columns of the spreadsheet for a corresponding entity name. The words which are classified as value words (V) will form the rows of the spreadsheet for corresponding attributes and entity name. The accuracy of the classifier for entity extraction and attribute-value extraction is measured using precision, recall and F-measure by N-Fold cross validation and the results are mentioned in the Section 5

4. Experimental setup

Experiments were performed on Windows Server 2012(R2) and softwares used are as follows:

  • NetBeans IDE 8.0.2

  • Java JDK

  • Jsoup1.8.2 API is used, which is used to connect to the web document url and extracts all the sentences.

  • Stanford POS (Part Of Speech) tagger v. 2.0 for tagging the terms of web pages.

  • Word Net Stemmer for obtaining word stems.

5. Results and Discussions

Both the Classifiers for entity and attribute-value extraction are trained using class names as Tablet, Washing Machine and Tennis Racket. Effectiveness of algorithm which is described in Section 3 is evaluated by calculating classification accuracy (Cross validation) using N-Fold cross validation and 80-20 split i.e. 80 percent data are used for training and 20 percent data are used for testing.

5.0.5. Cross validation for entity extraction

Cross validation is performed on training as well as testing sets and results are described in Table 5 and Table 6 respectively.

10 Fold Cross validation
Total Number of URLs Crawled 63
Total number of words extracted 29,999
Total number of words indicating the entity name 1490
Total number of words indicating not as entity name 28,509
Correctly classified Instances 29,612 (98.71%)
Incorrectly classified Instances 387 (1.29%)
Weighted average Precision (for YES and, NO label) 98.7%
Weighted average Recall (for YES and, NO label) 98.7%
Weighted average F1 (for YES and, NO label) 98.7%
Table 5.

Accuracy of classifier built for entity name using 10-Fold Cross validation (On Complete Training Set).

80-20 split
Total Number of URLs Crawled 63
Total number of words extracted 29,999
Total number of words used for Training (80%) 23999
Total number of words used for Testing (20%) 6000
Correctly classified Test Instances (Either YES or NO) 5927 (98.78%)
Incorrectly classified Test Instances 73 (1.21%)
Weighted average Precision (for YES and, NO label) 98.8%
Weighted average Recall (for YES and, NO label) 98.8%
Weighted average F1 (for YES and, NO label) 98.8%
Table 6.

Accuracy of classifier built for entity name using 80-20 split (80% data used for training and 20% data are used for testing).

Total Number of URLs (web documents) crawled are 63. Table 5 indicates the accuracy of the model using N-Fold cross validation, where N=10. The total of number words extracted are 29,999 out of which 1490 words indicate the entity name and 28,509 words are not an entity. Using N-Fold cross validation (here, N=10), we obtain average precision, recall and F1 for both YES and NO label as 98.7%. A total of 29,6129 words are correctly classified into YES or NO category and 387 words are incorrectly classified.

Accuracy of classifier is also calculated using a 80-20 split technique as depicted in Table 6. In this method 80% of the total number of words is used for Training and 20% words are used testing. Out of 6000 words which are used for testing, 5927 words are correctly classified by the classifier into YES or NO category and 73 words are incorrectly classified. Using this method, we obtained average precision, recall and F1 for both YES and NO label as 98.8%.

5.0.6. Cross Validation for attribute-value pair extraction

Cross validation is performed on training as well as testing sets and results are described in Table 7 and Table 8 respectively.

10 Fold Cross validation
Total Number of URLs Crawled 70
Total number of words extracted 186236
Total number of words indicating attribute 715
Total number of words indicating value 476
Total number of words indicating not as an attribute or value 185032
Correctly classified Instances 186223(99.99%)
Incorrectly classified Instances 13 (0.0007%)
Precision for class label value as A 100%
Precision for class label value as V 99.2%
Recall for class label value as A 99.3%
Recall for class label value as V 99.2%
F-Measure for class label value as A 99.7%
F-Measure for class label value as V 99.2%
Table 7.

Accuracy of classifier built for value-measure pair using 10-Fold Cross validation (On Complete Training Set).

80-20 split
Total Number of URLs Crawled 70
Total number of words extracted 186236
Total number of words used for Training (80%) 148989
Total number of words used for Testing (20%) 37247
Total number of words indicating attribute 130
Total number of words indicating value 99
Total number of words indicating not as an attribute as well as value 37017
Total number of distinct attribute-value pairs 12
Precision for class label value as A 100%
Precision for class label value as V 100%
Recall for class label value as A 100%
Recall for class label value as V 99.0%
F-Measure for class label value as A 100%
F-Measure for class label value as V 99.5%
Table 8.

Accuracy of classifier built for value-measure pair using 80-20 split (80% data used for training and 20% data are used for testing).

Total Number of URLs (web documents) crawled are 70. Table 7 indicates the accuracy of the model using N-Fold cross validation, where N=10. The total of number words extracted are 186236 out of which 715 words indicate attribute, 476 words indicate value and 185032 words indicates neither as an attribute nor as value. We have extracted total number 12 distinct attribute-value pairs. Using N-Fold cross validation (here, N=10) we obtain precision, recall and F1 for class label ‘A’ as 100%, 99.3% and 99.7% and for the class label V as 99.2% for each precision, recall and F1 category. A total of 186223 words is correctly classified into A or V or NAV category and 13 words are incorrectly classified.

Accuracy of classifier is also calculated using a 80-20 split technique as depicted in Table 8. In this method 80% of the total number of words is used for Training and 20% words are used testing. Out of 37247 words which are used for testing, 130 words are correctly classified by the classifier as an attribute, 99 words are correctly classified as value, 37017 words are correctly classified as neither an attribute nor value. One word is incorrectly classified. Table 9 indicates the name of the attributes utilized for building the attribute-value extraction classifier.

Sr.No Class Attribute Names
1. Tablet Touchscreen, Camera, RAM, Processor
2. Washing Machine Consumption, Capacity, Weight, Speed
3. Tennis Racket Size, Weight, Pattern, Balance
Table 9.

Attributes used for building the classifier.

Generation of spreadsheet requires building two classifiers, one for identifying entities and other for identifying attribute-value pairs. This task is very challenging because it should work for general products.

F1-measure is basically a harmonic mean of Precision and Recall. The high value of F1-measure indicates more accuracy. A classifier should be designed using a known product with a known attribute, but it has to be applied for unknown products and their attributes for practical purpose. The classifier is trained using ‘n’ percent of known data and ‘m’ percent of test data by randomly selecting from known data. A low value of ‘n’ may lower accuracy of the classifier and high value of ‘n’ may increase the accuracy for the known products but it may introduce bias for the known products as shown in Table 10 and Table 13. A high value of ‘n’ may reduce generalization in classifier and may lower accuracy for the unknown product so experimentation is done to decide the value of ‘n’ based on performance measures of unknown products and results are given in Table 12 and Table 15. Table 10 depicts Weighted F1-measure for the various percentages of “n-m” splits for the entity name classifier. Table 11 describes confusion matrix for the various percentages of “n-m” splits. Here, total labeled data consist of 29,999 words. Table 12 depicts the performance (Prediction Accuracy) of the entity classifier for various percentages of “n-m” splits when the classifier has been applied for the 59 unknown instances of “Mobile Phone” class. As seen from Table 12, we obtained the highest accuracy for n=80. Fine tuning can be done to decide the exact value of ‘n’ arrived, but practically it may not be required if accuracy is not enhancing at a very high rate.

Weighted Average F1-measure (Accuracy)

70-30 split 75-25 split 80-20 split 85-15 split 90-10 split
98.4% 98.6% 98.8% 98.7% 97.9%
Table 10.

Accuracy of Classifier built for entity name using ”“n-m” split.

Confusion Matrix

70-30 split 75-25 split 80-20 split 85-15 split 90-10 split
Prb (YES) Prb (NO) Prb (YES) Prb (NO) Prb (YES) Prb (NO) Prb (YES) Prb (NO) Prb (YES) Prb (NO)
Aca (YES) 1623 97 1375 75 1109 48 833 32 545 33
Aca (NO) 44 7236 31 6019 25 4818 20 3615 25 2397

Actual Class


Predicted Class

Table 11.

Confusion Matrix for the entity name classifier using ”n-m” split.

Average Prediction Accuracy (Both YES and NO).

70-30 split 75-25 split 80-20 split 85-15 split 90-10 split
93.4% 93.7% 94.5% 94.1% 94.0%
Table 12.

Accuracy of entity classifier for unknown dataset.

Same strategy as discussed above has been applied to divide the labeled data (of value measure pair) into “n-m” split for attribute-values. Table 13 depicts Weighted F1-measure for the various percentages of “n-m” splits for an attribute-value classifier. Table 14 describes confusion matrix for the same. Here, total labeled data consist of 18,6236 words. Table 15 describes the performance (Prediction Accuracy) of the attribute-value classifier for various percentages of ”n-m” splits when the classifier has been applied for the 59 unknown instances of ”Television” class. Here, labeled data consist of 18,6236 words. As seen from Table 15, we obtained the highest accuracy for n=80. We can draw a conclusion from Table 12 and Table 15 that, if ‘n’ is very less then classification generalization is not enough captured resulting in less accuracy. If ’n’ is very high, then overfitting may occur in classification and bias is introduced for the specific product and the classifier may not give enough accuracy for the general unknown product so, from the experimentation, it is suggested to have 80-20 split for getting good accuracy.

Weighted Average F1-measure (Accuracy)

70-30 split 75-25 split 80-20 split 85-15 split 90-10 split
98.6% 98.9% 100% 98.9% 98.8%
Table 13.

Accuracy of Classifier built for attribute-value using ”n-m” split.

Confusion Matrix

70-30 split 75-25 split 80-20 split 85-15 split 90-10 split
Prb (NAV) Prb (V) Prb (A) Prb (NAV) Prb (V) Prb (A) Prb (NAV) Prb (V) Prb (A) Prb (NAV) Prb (V) Prb (A) Prb (NAV) Prb (V) Prb (A)
Aca(NAV) 5519 2 2 46267 0 1 37017 0 0 27766 2 3 18501 4 6
Aca(V) 2 139 1 1 122 0 1 99 0 1 76 1 5 35 5
Ac (A) 2 2 202 0 1 166 0 0 130 1 1 84 2 3 57

Actual Class


Predicted Class

Table 14.

Confusion Matrix for the attribute-value classifier using “n-m” split.

Average Prediction Accuracy (For ‘A’, ‘V’ and ‘NAV’ class)

70-30 split 75-25 split 80-20 split 85-15 split 90-10 split
94.8% 95.1% 95.5% 95.2% 94.3%
Table 15.

Accuracy of attribute-value pair classifier for unknown dataset.

5.1. Evaluation on different product classes

The proposed technique is used to generate a spreadsheet of product classes of different categories. Accuracy is evaluated using precision, recall and F1 measure. The results of the experimentation of product classes such as Mobile Phone, Mixer Grinder, Television and Electric Timer are described in the following sections:

5.1.1. Product class name: Mobile-Phone

Input: Search query specifying class name CLSNAME as Mobile-Phone, attribute as Price, maximum number of URLs crawled (n) to limit the search space as 20.

Output: Spreadsheet WSP consisting of Price, Camera, RAM, Processor and Touchscreen as columns and rows of a spreadsheet as their respective values. Sample Spreadsheet WSP for Mobile-Phone is shown in Table 16.

Entity-name Price Camera RAM Processor Touchscreen
Apple iPhone6 29,999 8MP 1GB 1.84Ghz 4.7 inches
CoolPad Note5 10,786 13 MP 4GB 1.5 GHz 5.5 inch
OnePlus 3T 29,999 16MP 64GB 2.35 GHz quadcore 5.5 inch
Vivo V5 17,499 13MP, 20MP 4GB M10 Motion Co-processor 5.5 inch
Table 16.

Spreadsheet for Mobile-Phone.

As mentioned in Table 17, for a particular attribute, “Total Relevant Doc” column corresponds to the total number of relevant documents having product class name as Mobile Phone and the attribute word. “Relevant Docs Retrieved” indicates actual relevant documents retrieved by the algorithm for a particular attribute or entity name. “Total Doc Retrieved” corresponds to the total number of documents retrieved for an attribute or entity name. As mentioned in Table 17, we obtained 312 “Relevant Docs” Retrieved, 332 “Total Doc Retrieved”, precision as 0.939, “Total Relevant Doc” as 331, Recall as 0.942 and F1 as 0.945 for entity name. For camera attribute, we obtained 160 “Relevant Docs Retrieved”, 195 “Total Doc Retrieved”, precision as 0.820, “Total Relevant Doc” as 200, Recall as 0.80 and F1 as 0.809.

Product Name: Mobile-Phone

Attribute/Instance Name Relevant Docs Retrieved Total Doc Retrieved Precision Total Relevant Doc Recall F1
Entity-Name 312 332 0.939 331 0.942 0.945
Camera 160 195 0.820 200 0.80 0.809
RAM 152 179 0.8498 318 0.477 0.610
Processor 152 179 0.849 197 0.771 0.808
Touchscreen 112 140 0.80 151 0.741 0.769
Total 866 1016 1064
Average 0.852 0.813 0.823
Table 17.

Precision, Recall and F1 calculation for Mobile-Phone class.

Precision, Recall and F1 is calculated as follows:


5.1.2. Product class name: Mixer Grinder

Input: Search query specifying class name CLSNAME as Mixer Grinder, attribute as Price, maximum number of URLs crawled (n) to limit the search space as 20.

Output: Spreadsheet WSP consisting of Price, Warranty, Capacity, Weight and Height as columns and rows of a spreadsheet as their respective values. Sample Spreadsheet WSP for Mixer Grinder is shown in Table 18.

Entity-name Price Warranty Capacity Weight Height
Kenstar 1,499 1 year 1.25 L 6.6kg 16.6inch
Philips HL1632 3,099 2 years 0.52 l 7.2 kg 43.2 cm
Prestige stylo 2,999 2 Years Manufacturer 0.5 liters 2 kg 50.1 cm
Pigeon Gusto 1,399 1 Year Company 0.6 L 3.7 kg 30.99 cm
Table 18.

Spreadsheet for Mixer-Grinder.

As mentioned in Table 19, we obtained 350 “Relevant Docs Retrieved”, 381 “Total Doc Retrieved”, precision as 0.918, “Total Relevant Doc” as 385, Recall as 0.909 and F1 as 0.913 for entity name. For warranty attribute, we obtained 210 “Relevant Docs Retrieved”, 230 “Total Doc Retrieved”, precision as 0.869, “Total Relevant Doc” as 245, Recall as 0.857 and F1 as 0.862.

Product Name: Mixer-Grinder

Attribute/Instance Name Relevant Docs Retrieved Total Doc Retrieved Precision Total Relevant Doc Recall F1
Entity-Name 350 381 0.918 385 0.909 0.913
Warranty 210 230 0.869 245 0.857 0.862
Capacity 50 70 0.714 86 0.813 0.759
Weight 85 105 0.809 115 0.739 0.772
Height 70 80 0.875 89 0.786 0.828
Total 765 866 920
Average 0.883 0.831 0.856
Table 19.

Precision, Recall and F1 calculation for Mixer-Grinder class.

5.1.3. Product class name: Television

Input: Search query specifying the class name CLSNAME as Television attribute as Price, maximum number of URLs crawled (n) to limit the search space as 20.

Output: Spreadsheet WSP consisting of Price, Television Size, Response Time, Weight and Angle as columns and rows of a spreadsheet as their respective values. Sample Spreadsheet WSP for Television is shown in Table 20.

Entity-name Price Television size Response Time Weight Angle
Micromax 15,786 32inches 9 milliseconds 6 kg 172degrees
Daiwa 11,666 19.5 inch 11ms 2.8 kg 178-degree
Haier 12,877 102.6 cm 12milliseconds 8.5 kg 176-degree
Philips 18,495 85 cm 13ms 6.5 kg 176 degree
Table 20.

Spreadsheet for Television.

As mentioned in Table 21, we obtained 209 “Relevant Docs Retrieved”, 225 “Total Doc Retrieved”, precision as 0.928, “Total Relevant Doc” as 237, Recall as 0.881 and F1 as 0.903 for entity name. For “Response Time” attribute, we obtained 80 “Relevant Docs Retrieved”, 101 “Total Doc Retrieved”, precision as 0.792, “Total Relevant Doc” as 110, Recall as 0.727 and F1 as 0.758.

Product Name: Television

Attribute/Instance Name Relevant Docs Retrieved Total Doc Retrieved Precision Total Relevant Doc Recall F1
Entity-Name 209 225 0.928 237 0.881 0.903
Television size 147 165 0.890 181 0.812 0.849
Response Time 80 101 0.792 110 0.727 0.758
Weight 71 90 0.788 92 0.771 0.779
Angle 53 60 0.883 62 0.854 0.868
Total 560 641 682
Average 0.873 0.821 0.846
Table 21.

Precision, Recall and F1 calculation for Television class.

5.1.4. Product class name: Electric Timer

Input: Search query specifying class name CLNAME as Electric Timer, attribute as Price, maximum number of URLs crawled (n) to limit the search space as 20.

Output: Spreadsheet WSP consisting of Timer size, Weight, Humidity and Current as columns and rows of a spreadsheet as their respective values. Sample Spreadsheet WSP for Electric Timer is shown in Table 22.

Entity-name Price Timer size Weight Humidity Current
GIC Micon 1,598 18.8 cm 52 grams 4587rh 85mah
Selec $23.37 15.6 cm 47 g 4569rh 77mah
L& T Micon $26.37 19.6 cm 57 grams 3890rh 78mah
Kaycee $25.97 18.6 cm 49 grams 4440rh 79mah
Table 22.

Spreadsheet for Electric Timer.

As mentioned in Table 23, we obtained 70 “Relevant Docs Retrieved”, 74 “Total Doc Retrieved”, precision as 0.945, “Total Relevant Doc” as 80, Recall as 0.875 and F1 as 0.908 for entity name. For Humidity attribute, we obtained 50 “Relevant Docs” Retrieved, 60 “Total Doc Retrieved”, precision as 0.833, “Total Relevant Doc” as 65, Recall as 0.769 and F1 as 0.799. Table 24 and Table 25 shows the performance comparison of the proposed method with some of the prominent entity extraction and attribute-value extraction methods discussed in the literature. These methods have evaluated their performance on limited web corpus or a single site. We have evaluated the performance of the proposed method by crawling over almost every manufacturer or retailer websites.

Product Name: Electric Timer

Attribute/Instance Name Relevant Docs Retrieved Total Doc Retrieved Precision Total Relevant Doc Recall F1
Entity-Name 70 74 0.945 80 0.875 0.908
Timer size 65 80 0.812 84 0.773 0.792
Weight 76 88 0.863 90 0.844 0.853
Humidity 50 60 0.833 65 0.769 0.799
Current 40 50 0.800 55 0.727 0.761
Total 261 352 374
Average 0.741 0.697 0.718
Table 23.

Precision, Recall and F1 calculation for Electric Timer class.

Reference Class Performance Parameter Dataset
[8] City, Film, Scientist Precision (52%, 72%, 64% respectively) Limited Web Corpus
[15] LOC, MISC,ORG, PER F1-Measure (87.44%, 72.87%, 78.92%, 90.51% respectively) CONLL-2003 English Test Set
[16] Location, Organization, Person Precision (70%, 85 %, 88% respectively) CONLL-2003
[17] Artifact, Organization, Location, Person F1-Measure (50.16%, 80.44%, 88.57%, 87.81% respectively CRL NE
Our method Mobile Phone, Mixer Grinder, Television, Electric Timer Precision (93.9%, 91.8%, 92.8%, 94.5% respectively)
F1-Measure (94.5%, 91.3%, 90.3%, 90.8% respectively)
All related web pages returned by search engine.
Table 24.

Comparison of proposed entity extraction method with the performance of methods in the literature.

Reference Category Performance Parameter Dataset
[19] Football & Tennis Recall (Using Co-EM) 55.48% & 75.91% respectively Single Site
[20] Tweets, Web-Links, Tweets + Web-Links F1-measure (51.6%, 42.9% & 59.5% respectively) Only Tweets, Only Web-Links, Tweets + Web-Links
[21] Wine and Shampoo F1-measure (58.15%), Precision (57.05%), Recall (59.66%) Single Site
Our method Mobile Phone, Mixer Grinder, Television, Electric Timer F1-Measure (78.1%, 81.3%, 81.4%, 66.7% respectively)
Recall (75.5%, 77.5%, 78.8%, 64.9% respectively)
All related web pages returned by search engine
Table 25.

Comparison of proposed value-measure extraction method with the performance of methods in the literature.

Our work is different than the work described in [2224] in such a way that, in the work which is described in this paper we automatically extract attribute-value pairs. We perform the extraction process on different product description pages of various retailers or manufacturers. As compared to online reviews these pages are highly unstructured. The appearance of the attribute name is different on the product description page as compared with online reviews. For example, in the product description page of any manufacturer, RAM is mentioned as an attribute. While in online reviews, customer will mention memory capacity as an attribute.

6. Conclusions and Future work

A huge amount of product related data is spread over various web pages. Every manufacturer or retailer displays attribute (feature) information related to a particular class of product, but this information is insufficient. The user has to crawl different websites for choosing the right product because different values for same feature is available on various websites. If any manufacturer introduces new feature for a particular product, it is updated manually on their website. In this work, for a particular class of products, exceptional product differentiation based on features has been carried out by introducing novel concept of web-spreadsheet which is a solution to the above discussed problem.

The web-spreadsheet is generated dynamically and it stores consolidated information of product names and their respective attribute-value pairs, for a particular class of product. We have crawled nearly every websites of retailers for generating spreadsheet. The user will create search query which consists of a particular class of product for which the spreadsheet has to be generated. The search query is fired to search engine which returns related URLs of nearly every product manufacturers or retailers. Web documents corresponding to these URLs are crawled one by one and product names and attribute-value pairs are automatically extracted from unstructured natural language documents.

Using separate J48 decision tree based classifier, entities (Product names) and attribute-value pairs are extracted successfully. Decision tree classifier is trained by using product classes of different categories. As training data are very expensive to generate, we experimentally showed that, the trained classifier can be used to test (classify) product classes without requiring training data of each class. In this work we have dealt with Alphanumeric and Numeric-Alpha type value-measure pair word. We have extensively performed experiments on various product classes and we obtained encouraging results in each product category. The proposed method accuracy is exceptionally good as compared with many entity and attribute-value extraction techniques as shown in Table 24 and Table 25. Immediate Future work is the classification accuracy can be improved by utilizing more detailed information from ontologies and using word phrase information at statement and document level. Similar approach as we have discussed in this paper can also be adopted for different kinds of problems such as comparing services. Various classifiers can be designed and tested for the same.


Authors would like to thank Computer Science and Engineering Department, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur for providing necessary facilities for carrying out this research work.


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AU  - Abhijeet Ramesh Thakare
AU  - Parag S. Deshpande
PY  - 2018
DA  - 2018/01/01
TI  - Automatic Extraction of Attributes and Entities for Product Differentiation
JO  - International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems
SP  - 296
EP  - 315
VL  - 11
IS  - 1
SN  - 1875-6883
UR  -
DO  - 10.2991/ijcis.11.1.23
ID  - Thakare2018
ER  -