International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems

Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 496 - 510

Enhancing of Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Virtual Machine Scheduling and Load Balancing Problem in Cloud Computing

Boonhatai Kruekaew, Warangkhana Kimpan*
Department of Computer Science, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok 10520, Thailand
*Corresponding author. Email:
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Warangkhana Kimpan
Received 1 October 2019, Accepted 4 April 2020, Available Online 27 April 2020.
10.2991/ijcis.d.200410.002How to use a DOI?
Artificial bee colony algorithm; Cloud computing; Scheduling algorithms; Load balance; Resource management; Distribution

This paper proposes the combination of Swarm Intelligence algorithm of artificial bee colony with heuristic scheduling algorithm, called Heuristic Task Scheduling with Artificial Bee Colony (HABC). This algorithm is applied to improve virtual machines scheduling solution for cloud computing within homogeneous and heterogeneous environments. It was introduced to minimize makespan and balance the loads. The scheduling performance of the cloud computing system with HABC was compared to that supplemented with other swarm intelligence algorithms: Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) with standard heuristic algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) with standard heuristic algorithm and improved PSO (IPSO) with standard heuristic algorithm. In our experiments, CloudSim was used to simulate systems that used different supplementing algorithms for the purpose of comparing their makespan and load balancing capability. The experimental results can be concluded that virtual machine scheduling management with artificial bee colony algorithm and largest job first (HABC_LJF) outperformed those with ACO, PSO, and IPSO.

© 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.
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Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) is a Swarm Intelligent (SI) algorithm inspired by the foraging behavior of honey bees proposed by Karaboga in 2005 [1,2] and it is modified from Bee Colony Optimization (BCO) that was proposed for the first time in 2001 [3]. The foraging habits of honey bees are foraging and waggle dancing. The main idea is to create the multi agent system which is the colony of artificial bees to be able to efficiently solve hard combinatorial optimization problems. Therefore, ABC has been successfully employed in optimizations problems like data-mining problem [4,5], job shop scheduling [6,7], binary optimization [810], travelling salesman [11], biochemical networks [12], engineering optimization [13,14], image processing [1517], as well as scheduling problem in cloud computing [1821].

Cloud computing system [22,23] provides computing services via the Internet which will be operated upon user's requests. The requests are to manage the resources and services used through the system software. The user can control the amount of resources used such as CPU or RAM to an extent without having knowledge about the service types [24]. As cloud computing is based on virtualization technology that has no restriction on computing resources, it has a great advantage for service providers in terms of simplicity, energy saving, and low resource management cost. Cloud computing uses a virtualization technique to create Virtual Machines (VMs) [25,26]. It uses software to make a computer work like a system of multiple computers (VMs). VMs can replace a physical computer server and other necessary physical resources as they have their own independent virtual resources [27].

Tasks scheduling is a challenging problem and known to be NP-complete problem [28,29]. If the same server is simultaneously being requested to be used by many users, the other servers will become idle. This is called load imbalance. This problem can be solved by an algorithm to schedule tasks properly prior to service processing on VMs. A system with a proper task scheduling algorithm can also provide an advantage of efficient use of the system resources, i.e., it can reduce waiting time for a service queue and distribute some tasks to other servers. The implementation of this algorithm is called load balancing.

The operations of cloud computing are quite similar to those of ABC algorithm as both can adapt themselves to their environment which is a characteristic of the foraging behavior of bees. Their objectives are also similar: the objective of cloud computing is to maximize throughput for a desired makespan while that of bee foraging behavior is to find a food source with a large amount of honey with the least amount of effort.

The main contributions of this paper are to propose the idea of applying ABC algorithm and a task scheduling heuristic to each VM. The algorithm will minimize the makespan or the overall processing time of tasks and provide load balancing in cloud computing. Moreover, we focused on cloud computing within both homogeneous and heterogeneous environments and observed how good the HABC algorithm works when the number of tasks in the system was varied and the type of datasets was changed. It is found that this algorithm performed the task scheduling better than ACO, PSO, and IPSO.

The paper is structured as follows: the related works, including task scheduling and load balancing in cloud computing and the ABC algorithm are described in Section 2. Adoption of a scheduling heuristic and load balancing algorithm inspired by ABC for cloud computing is proposed in Section 3. The experimental settings and results are discussed in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 presents the conclusion.


2.1. Task Scheduling and Load Balancing in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing system creates a shared network resource and service with the user. Due to its diversified, dynamic, and flexible nature, different resources and services offering to different users, are the advantages of cloud computing. It provides a service upon user's request [24,30]. Cloud service providers offer various cloud services to user [22,23]. Resource management in cloud computing varies depending on the kind of user's request.

Heterogeneity in cloud computing depends on the infrastructure and service provided by providers. In case of providing the system with the same infrastructure to software packages and resources, the environment in the system will be called homogeneous cloud environment [31], while the environment in a system with different resources are provided by different providers, software packages by some other, infrastructure by yet another will be called heterogeneous cloud environment [32].

Over the last few years, exhaustive researchers have proposed several different task scheduling algorithms which run under the cloud computing resource utilization. Task scheduling algorithms mostly aimed to balance the workload that users requested for within the limitation of the system resources and to increase the efficiency of cloud computing. For example, Chase et al. [33] presented implementation of an architecture for resource management for large server clusters in order to provision server resources for co-hosted services and improve the energy efficiency of server clusters by dynamically resizing the active server set.

In 2009, D. Kusic et al. [34] presented a lookahead control scheme to solve a dynamic resource provisioning framework for a multi-objective optimization in a virtualized server environment. The technique can approach accounts for the switching costs incurred while provisioning VMs and explicitly encodes the corresponding risk in the optimization problem.

In 2011, D. Minarolli and B. Freisleben [35], proposed a scheme that dynamically allocates the resources to VMs. Such that quality of service constraints is satisfied, and its operating costs are minimized by a two-tier resource management approach based on adequate utility functions. Later in 2012, A. Gorbenko and V. Popov [36] proposed a logical model to solve the task-resource scheduling problem that minimized the resource and cost by applying algorithms for the satisfiability problem (SAT).

In 2013, S. Son et al. [37] proposed a Service Level Agreement (SLA) based on cloud computing framework to facilitate resource allocation considering the workload and geographical location of distributed data centers. This approach was suggested to tackle using the automated SLA negotiation mechanism and a Workload and Location-aware Resource Allocation scheme (WLARA) supports providers in earning higher profits. In 2015, A. Singh and K. Dutta [38], presented the resource allocation algorithm by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) with a pairwise comparison matrix technique. This proposed technique made a better resource allocation than other algorithms. In 2017, Ullah et al. [39] presented a real-time resource usage prediction system which took real-time utilization of resources and fed utilization values into several buffers based on the resource types and time span size. Scheduling problem have been also discussed in different contents as in Refs. [4042].

2.2. Related Work about Bioinspired and Meta-Heuristics Algorithms to Solve Cloud Computing

The nature-inspired metaheuristics algorithms attempt to attain the global optimal solution by examining the most suitable locations in the search space domain, based on the natural mechanism. The methods are different depending on type of algorithms, because some algorithms are suitable in solving specific type of problems but not suitable for others. This is due to the randomization or stochastic strategies that are used in solving those NP-Hard problems.

There are many previous works had proposed many metaheuristic-based approaches to scheduling workflow applications [43]. In particular, Genetic Algorithms (GA) [44,45], Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithms [4649], Cuckoo Search (CS) algorithm [5054], and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm [5556] have been used for scheduling workflows. For instance, Dasgupta et al. [45] proposed GA which is a balance the load of the cloud and minimizing the make span of a given tasks set. In 2010, S. Pandey et al. [46] proposed a PSO based heuristic to schedule applications to cloud resources that considers both computation cost and data transmission cost.

In 2019, H. Saleh et al. [49] proposed a cloud task scheduling with improved PSO (IPSO) algorithm that minimizes makespan and uses the resources in the system to the best advantage for a large number of tasks. T. P. Jacob and K. Pradeep [54] proposed hybrid algorithm is called as, CS algorithm, and particle swarm optimization (CPSO) for multi-objective-based task scheduling. They focused on the comparison of processing in terms of minimization of makespan, cost, and deadline violation rate in the heterogeneous cloud environment.

Many researchers had proposed approaches using metaheuristic-based to QoS-aware cloud service composition and cloud migration problem. In 2010, W. Li and H. Yan –xiang [57] developed a Chaos Particle Swarm Optimization (CPSM) method and provided a novel selection algorithm based on global QoS optimizing to solve QoS-aware service composition.

In 2014, Wang et al. [58] presented a modified GA to support data-intensive service composition. The research idea is to reduce the cost of service composition that involves large amounts of data transfer, data placement, and data storage.

In 2016, L. Wang and J. Shen [59] presented ant colony system for the dynamic service composition problem multi-phase, multi-party negotiation protocol. The ant colony system was applied to select services with the best or near-optimal utility outputs. Ferdaus et al. [60] proposed a novel ACO-based Migration impact-aware Dynamic VM Consolidation (AMDVMC) algorithm in order to solve the Multi-objective, Dynamic VM Consolidation Problem (MDVCP) in computing clouds for minimizing data center resource wastage, power consumption, and overall migration overhead due to VM consolidation.

In 2019, S. K. Gavvala et al. [61] proposed a novel Eagle Strategy with Whale Optimization Algorithm (ESWOA) with eagle strategy to balance the exploration and exploitation in QoS-aware Cloud service composition.

2.3. Overview of the ABC Algorithm

ABC algorithm [1,2,62] is an optimization technique for finding an optimal solution. It was inspired by the foraging behavior and collective work of different kinds of bees. In a bee colony, there are 3 types of artificial bees: Scout bees with a duty to randomly search for new food sources, Employed bees that go to the food sources and come back to dance in the hive according to the position and the amount of the food to Onlooker bees that are waiting in the hives, and the last one is Onlooker bees that calculate the fitness value of each food source and choose the optimal source for the Employed bees to go to and collect the food.

If a food source was chosen and all the food was collected, the Employed bees which are the owners of the food source will turn into Scout bees and randomly search for new food sources again. In nature, bees communicate the quality of food sources at a dance floor. They dance a “Waggle Dance” to inform others about the direction to go, the distance from a food source, and the amount of honey of a food source. The Onlooker bees compare all of the food sources and determine the best one. The steps in the ABC algorithm are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1

Flowchart of Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm

ABC algorithm was used in many fields such as job shop scheduling [6,7], binary optimization [810], travelling salesman [11], digital signal processing [63], and so on. For example, Mizan et al. [18] presented job scheduling in Hybrid cloud by modifying Bee Life algorithm and Greedy algorithm to achieve an affirmative response from the end users and utilize the resources. Accordingly, the objective of this study is to optimize task scheduling, resource allocation, and load balancing using applying Heuristic Task Scheduling with Artificial Bee Colony (HABC) based on the proposed reducing or minimizing makespan in cloud computing environment. This research focused on both cases of homogeneous and heterogeneous environments and investigated how efficient the HABC algorithm performed when the tasks in the system were increased and the data distribution was changed.


Cloud computing utilizes different resources depending on the types of user's request. Moreover, fulfilment of the request of service depends on workload of servers. If a cloud system has an efficient task scheduling, it will help reduce the makespan and balance the workload among the servers. In Ref. [19] and Ref. [20], ABC algorithm was used to manage VMs scheduling in cloud computing within a homogeneous environment. However, since the specifications of current servers are very different, ABC algorithm with heuristic task scheduling was also applied to a heterogeneous environment in this study. The two goals of the proposed method were to obtain a good workload balance for maximum productivity and minimize total makespan. This section describes the heuristic scheduling algorithm and the proposed scheduling algorithm.

3.1. Heuristic Scheduling Algorithm

Heuristic method is an approach to problem solving using rules such as priority rule or using a random method to find an optimal solution for a problem. A heuristic method may provide a good result, but it cannot guarantee an optimal solution. Nevertheless, it is simple to use. A heuristic task scheduling with priority as a criterion for selecting a process in a system was used in this study because it is a basic method for scheduling tasks [64,65]. We selected the following 3 simple priority criteria for investigation [66]:

  • First Come First Serve (FCFS): is a task scheduling scheme that processes the first job that the user has requested first.

  • Smallest Job First (SJF): is a task scheduling scheme that processes with the smallest job first

  • Largest Job First (LJF): is a task scheduling scheme that processes the largest job first.

3.2. Proposed Method

Let VM=vm1,vm2,vm3,,vmm, variables used in this study and their definitions derive from Table 1. Let the system be set to run in an uninterruptible manner, i.e., nonpreemptive. Before the ABC algorithm was run, the tasks were arranged into 3 different arrangements by using the Heuristic algorithms. The best arrangement would use the least computation time when the tasks were processed by the ABC algorithm as mentioned above. The ABC algorithm then scheduled the tasks to access the VMs in the following steps:

  1. First step: the number of bees (n) in the population was specified. They were assigned randomly to go to all of the different food sources (m) that represented the VMs and their fitness values were calculated, therefore initializing the VMs as shown in Algorithm 1.

    Algorithm 1: Initialization

    1. For i = 1 to n

    2. Send the population of bees into the system to find appropriate VMs by Random search.

    3. Calculate the fitness of each VM by using (1)

    where j = index of the VM that the ith bee found.

    4. End For

  2. Second step: a different default value was assigned to each food source according to the specifications of the VM. Bees were grouped into 3 types: Scout Bees, Employed Bees, and Onlooker Bees. A Scout Bee found the initial position of a food source. An Employed Bee went to the food source, recalculated and updated the fitness value of food source. An Onlooker Bee decided which food source was the best food source. The operation of an employed bee is presented in Algorithm 2.

    Algorithm 2: Employed bee phase

    1. For i = 1 to n

    2. Employed bees are sent randomly to food sources (VMs in cloud computing).

    3. Fitness of each VM is calculated based on (2)


    4. Update the fitness value

    5. End For

  3. Third step: the Employed bees have searched around for food sources, they brought back information about the food sources to the Onlooker bee. The Onlooker bee then recalculated the fitness values of the food sources. The operation of the onlooker bee is shown in Algorithm 3.

    Algorithm 3: Onlooker bee phase

    1. The onlooker bee chooses the first m food sources (VM) with the highest fitness values and perform “Neighborhood Search” around the food sources

    2. An nsp number of employed bees are sent to bring back new positions of the first m food sources while a nep number of employed bees are sent to all food sources to bring back new positions of these food sources; all of them come back to relay the information to the onlooker bee

    3. The onlooker bee calculates the new fitness values of the food sources according to (3),

    where Inlengthis the length of the task that is waiting to access a VM at that time

    4. The onlooker bee chooses the best food source (VM) and assigns a task to the VM

  4. Fourth step: the employed bee that was the owner of the best food source was then transformed into a scout bee. The operation of a scout bee is shown in Algorithm 4.

    Algorithm 4: Scout bee phase

    1. If food source = null then

    2. Send the previously transformed scout bee into the system to find an appropriate VM by Random search.

    3. Calculate the fitness value of that VM by using (1)

    4. End If

  5. Fifth step: the overall operation of HABC algorithm is described in Algorithm 5.

    Algorithm 5: Improved HABC Algorithm

    Input: Dataset, Bee's Parameters;

    Output: Minimum makespan;

    1. Initialize the individual in the population.

    2. Set the default values of the food sources (VM) by using (2).

    3. Initialization (Algorithm 1)

    4. Repeat

    5. Employed bee phase(Algorithm 2)

    6. Onlooker bee phase (Algorithm 3)

    7. Calculate the load balance value of the system after task scheduling on VMs. It is calculated by using Standard Deviation (S.D.) [67] as in (4) and (5),


    The processing time for each VM (Xj) is calculated according to (6),


    The average processing time for running a VM in the system (X¯) is calculated according to (7),


    If S.D.X¯, it means that the system is in a balanced condition whereas if S.D.X¯, it means that the system is in a state of imbalance.

    8. Scout bee phase (Algorithm 4)

    9. Until (the termination condition is met)

Symbol Definition
m The number of virtual machines (VMs)
VM=vm,vm2,vm3,,vmm The set of VM
K The total number of tasks the system has to perform
Task=t1,t2,t3,,tK The set of tasks
N The total number of bees performing in the algorithmic procedure
Cj The performance of the jth virtual machine
Pe The number of processors in the VM
Mi Million Instructions Per Second (MIPS)
Bw Bandwidth of VM
F Fitness
Tl The length of task in MIa
Pi Probability that the ith food source is good which depends on its fitness value, pi=fitnessii=1NSfitnessi, where NS is the size of food sources
Table 1

Variables used in this study and their definitions.


4.1. System Environment Parameter Settings

The algorithms: HABC, ACO, PSO, and IPSO described were run using CloudSim-3.0.1 [68,69] tools on a personal computer. The experiments were performed on 10 data centers and 50 VMs. In the experiments, we focused on both kinds of environments: homogeneous and heterogeneous environments in cloud computing.

For each VM in cloud computing within a homogeneous environment, the following parameters were set: Instructions Per Second in millions (MIPS is a measurement of the processing speed of a computer) of Processing Element (PE) were fixed at 9726; Number of PE per VM was fixed at 1; and RAM used was fixed at 1024 Megabytes (MB).

For each VM in cloud computing within a heterogeneous environment, the following parameters were set: MIPS were in the range of 5000–9726; Number of PE per VM was fixed at 2; RAM used was set in the range of 512–4096 MB; and Bandwidth was set in the range of 1000–10000.

4.2. The Datasets Used in the Experiments

To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, twelve datasets, shown in Table 2, were used. Those datasets were of 4 types. The set D1–D3 of the first type was a set of random information, i.e., there are no definite terms, no specific format, and no specific distribution of information. The set D4–D6 of the second type was a set of random data with normal distribution. The set D7–D9 of the third type was a set of random data with a Right-Skewed Distribution [70]. Lastly, the set D10–D12 of the fourth type was a set of random data with a Left-Skewed Distribution. Each type of datasets had a different range of job size and each dataset comprised a number of groups of 100, 200, 300, …, 1500 submitted tasks.

Type of Dataset Dataset Name Length of Task (MIa)
Random D1 [5000, 20000]
D2 [15000, 35000]
D3 [25000, 45000]
Normal distribution D4 [5000, 20000]
D5 [15000, 35000]
D6 [25000, 45000]
Right-skewed distributionb D7 [5000, 20000]
D8 [15000, 35000]
D9 [25000, 45000]
Left-skewed distributionc D10 [5000, 20000]
D11 [15000, 35000]
D12 [25000, 45000]

MI is Million Instruction.


Positively Skewed Curve.


Negatively Skewed Curve.

Table 2

The datasets used in the experiments.

4.3. Parameters Settings for the Proposed Algorithm and the Comparing Algorithms

In these experiments, we have determined the parameters of the population and various conditions according to the related works, which are referred to HABC [20], ACO [55,56], PSO [48], and IPSO [49]. It is well known that these parameters are highly effect on the algorithms. The determination of parameters is varied according to the dimension of problems or characteristics. One reason that we need tuning the parameters [20] is in order to get the suitable parameters for the pattern of problems and datasets. However, we do not claim that the proposed algorithm or the specified parameters outperform other algorithms for all types of problems and datasets. Therefore, tuning parameters is the best way to get the suitable parameters to solve problems.

The experiments had been performed to determine the optimal bee parameters for the proposed algorithm [20] which are shown in Table 3. In addition, the scheduling performance of the proposed algorithm was also compared with those of ACO [55,56], PSO [48], and IPSO [49] that used the parameter settings as shown in Table 3.

HABC [20]
ACO [55,56]
PSO [48]
IPSO [49]
Parameter Values Parameter Values Parameter Values Parameter Values
Number of scout bees (n) 960 Ants 50 Number of particles 100 Population size 100
Number of sites selected out of n visited sites (m) 96 Maximum probability of trial 0.98 Weight (w) 0.9 Weight (wmin, wmax) 0.1, 0.9
Number of best sites out of m selected sites (e) 1 Local search probability 0.01 Acceleration factor (C1) 1.49445 Acceleration factor (C1) 1.49445
Number of bees recruited for searching best e sites (nep) 768 Evaporation rate 0.01 Acceleration factor (C2) 1.49445 Acceleration factor (C2) 1.49445
Number of bees recruited for searching other (m-e) selected sites (nsp) 192 Max number of iterations 1000 Max number of iterations 1000 Maximum iterations 1000
Max number of iterations 1000 K 5

HABC, Heuristic Task Scheduling with Artificial Bee Colony; ACO, Ant Colony Optimization; PSO, Particle Swarm Optimization; IPSO, improved PSO.

Table 3

The values of the parameters used in the proposed algorithm and in the other comparison algorithms.

Those optimal settings were based on the original papers. The number of iterations that each algorithm would be run in the experiment was 20.

4.4. Experimental Results and Discussions

In one of our previous papers [20], the performances of the proposed algorithm in combination with 3 heuristics-HABC_FCFS, HABC_LJF, and HABC_SJF-were compared with those of the heuristics alone-FCFS, LJF, and SJF. The results of previous experiments showed that when the largest job was considered first (HABC_LJF), its scheduling performance was better than those of HABC_FCFS and HABC_SJF.

The HABC_LJF also balanced the load of submitted tasks with minimal makespan. In this paper, we used 2 VM environments: heterogeneous and homogeneous to evaluate the performance of HABC_LJF method on different datasets and to compare it with other scheduling algorithms. The number of VMs was fixed throughout the experiment but the number of tasks was increased in 100 incremental steps from 100 to 1,500 tasks.

In the evaluation of the performance of HABC_LJF algorithm in cloud computing, we divided our experiment into two parts. In the first part, the datasets of various types as described in Table 3 were used. In the second part, the performance of the heuristic task scheduling with ABC in terms of load imbalance was evaluated. In the first part, the performance evaluation was performed on 4 cases according to the type of datasets used. The following are the results of the 4 cases for evaluation of the makespan.

Case 1: Random datasets

The makespan of HABC_LJF running on random datasets D1–D3 was compared with those of ACO, PSO, and IPSO algorithms. The number of groups of submitted tasks was varied in each run from 100 to 1500 submitted tasks in an increment of 100 tasks. The average makespan for 300, 900, and 1,500 tasks in cloud computing within homogeneous and heterogeneous environments are shown in Tables 4 and 5, respectively. Actually, a higher number of tasks were run but the results are not shown here due to lack of space.

D1 300 Min 8.623 9.600 9.023 9.982 25.982 25.030 25.707 29.578 27.448 27.979
Max 8.643 10.592 9.343 11.017 29.017 26.329 26.408 32.381 31.162 34.342
Avg 8.633 10.227 9.225 10.324 26.988 25.563 25.876 30.626 28.766 30.273
900 Min 25.015 26.352 25.739 26.702 83.733 81.206 83.467 107.237 103.885 105.384
Max 25.262 27.369 26.042 27.561 84.777 96.767 86.560 113.512 108.464 107.781
Avg 25.073 26.819 25.881 26.976 84.165 89.705 84.255 109.620 105.725 106.302
1500 Min 42.275 43.641 42.892 44.050 151.965 153.637 153.482 215.075 211.427 303.934
Max 42.614 45.020 43.523 45.058 164.660 156.171 157.010 229.624 315.327 319.373
Avg 42.409 44.233 43.228 44.641 158.947 154.736 154.529 222.093 262.953 310.891
D2 300 Min 16.308 18.685 18.036 19.148 36.465 32.567 33.462 37.476 35.041 37.075
Max 16.341 19.719 18.288 20.252 39.547 34.134 35.205 39.296 42.372 39.112
Avg 16.319 19.258 18.161 19.646 38.194 32.993 33.906 38.645 38.841 37.428
900 Min 48.340 50.969 50.150 51.526 108.373 105.943 106.805 129.830 128.848 127.957
Max 48.907 52.823 51.427 53.980 109.092 108.074 108.557 137.917 132.341 130.492
Avg 48.475 51.795 50.353 52.154 108.704 106.622 107.725 133.191 130.587 129.206
1500 Min 80.237 82.888 81.959 83.918 192.893 189.624 194.519 250.603 245.937 248.938
Max 81.623 84.951 83.743 86.442 193.491 192.754 198.249 263.329 256.496 254.803
Avg 80.516 84.122 82.818 85.263 193.206 191.226 196.048 255.369 251.500 251.033
D3 300 Min 22.229 25.645 24.983 26.244 40.877 38.553 39.606 45.246 45.293 46.121
Max 22.262 27.500 25.278 26.867 42.182 41.206 41.803 56.463 50.604 50.163
Avg 22.244 26.378 25.126 26.529 41.230 39.237 40.155 49.921 47.083 47.706
900 Min 67.077 70.642 70.006 71.203 127.109 125.271 125.686 158.775 158.025 160.241
Max 67.245 73.066 72.770 74.383 128.451 128.572 128.420 176.779 174.420 169.610
Avg 67.188 71.676 70.506 72.115 127.780 126.110 126.468 169.075 165.177 164.849
1500 Min 111.770 116.333 114.901 116.010 223.859 222.317 223.264 290.299 290.595 290.642
Max 112.050 119.118 118.887 119.478 227.468 225.851 225.024 304.952 289.595 300.847
Avg 111.870 117.533 116.918 118.256 225.457 223.576 224.219 296.090 293.595 294.004

HABC, Heuristic Task Scheduling with Artificial Bee Colony; ACO, Ant Colony Optimization; PSO, Particle Swarm Optimization; IPSO, improved PSO; FCFS, First Come First Serve; SJF, Smallest Job First; LJF, Largest Job First.

Table 4

The comparison of the average makespan of the systems with HABC, ACO, PSO, and IPSO in a homogeneous environment with datasets D1 – D3.

D1 300 Min 7.320 7.982 7.500 8.292 24.207 23.707 25.749 27.498 26.623 27.055
Max 7.368 9.803 8.181 9.925 27.171 24.370 26.155 30.966 29.537 27.616
Avg 7.345 8.817 7.765 9.086 25.610 23.996 26.007 28.792 27.144 27.322
900 Min 20.601 21.133 20.605 21.707 80.445 79.467 81.114 101.135 98.005 99.690
Max 20.865 23.311 21.808 22.592 82.856 81.043 88.297 106.207 111.467 101.623
Avg 20.715 22.256 20.941 22.146 81.698 79.943 82.409 102.858 100.261 100.695
1500 Min 34.213 34.976 34.218 35.310 148.688 148.288 148.757 216.645 213.903 219.464
Max 34.717 37.461 35.203 35.970 152.961 150.648 151.124 247.682 256.862 247.018
Avg 34.450 36.114 34.700 35.630 150.867 149.111 149.999 227.404 232.807 231.975
D2 300 Min 14.595 15.385 14.935 15.933 32.330 30.390 33.420 32.324 32.507 34.153
Max 14.687 18.406 15.641 17.333 36.045 30.760 33.823 34.935 34.675 35.080
Avg 14.615 16.978 15.316 16.839 33.353 30.545 33.666 33.442 33.155 34.533
900 Min 40.299 40.305 40.486 41.219 98.444 96.444 98.889 118.667 118.246 119.673
Max 40.706 44.432 41.102 43.978 101.081 97.356 100.745 131.408 123.997 124.640
Avg 40.439 42.816 40.821 42.402 99.779 96.823 99.582 124.194 119.795 121.197
1500 Min 65.784 66.160 66.063 66.240 175.483 175.397 169.006 229.331 230.574 233.232
Max 67.162 69.771 67.677 68.459 181.691 178.763 204.867 261.110 261.855 237.858
Avg 66.243 67.947 66.418 67.835 177.890 177.211 180.840 239.835 237.419 234.780
D3 300 Min 20.374 21.310 20.541 22.037 36.164 35.042 38.526 38.310 36.574 40.152
Max 20.595 25.453 21.479 23.777 41.005 35.376 39.248 42.268 39.352 40.698
Avg 20.412 23.130 21.084 22.705 38.605 35.183 38.678 39.821 38.069 40.422
900 Min 56.053 56.317 56.796 57.418 114.889 108.005 109.332 128.071 125.720 129.099
Max 56.986 61.682 57.280 59.408 118.975 109.462 112.828 135.651 129.380 131.149
Avg 56.632 58.188 57.014 58.687 116.954 108.515 110.325 130.650 127.624 130.120
1500 Min 92.419 93.852 93.374 93.751 195.333 196.762 191.022 264.640 244.018 245.887
Max 92.945 96.593 93.358 94.951 222.115 219.735 195.878 316.860 278.675 251.534
Avg 92.624 95.327 93.005 94.492 205.862 207.061 192.619 285.370 256.390 248.354

HABC, Heuristic Task Scheduling with Artificial Bee Colony; ACO, Ant Colony Optimization; PSO, Particle Swarm Optimization; IPSO, improved PSO; FCFS, First Come First Serve; SJF, Smallest Job First; LJF, Largest Job First.

Table 5

The comparison of the average makespan of the systems with HABC, ACO, PSO, and IPSO in a heterogeneous environment with datasets D1 – D3.

According to Table 4, HABC_LJF performed the best as the number of tasks was increased. Moreover, the minimum makespan, the maximum makespan, and the average makespan, all three of them were the lowest. The performance of HABC_LJF was outstanding in the homogeneous environment.

In addition, in order to observe the effect of the range of job size on performance scalability of the system, we evaluated the average makespan with three datasets that had different ranges of job size (D1–D3). The results show that the HABC_LJF algorithm also outperformed the others for all size ranges tested in the homogeneous environment.

The results for the average makespan of HABC_LJF algorithm and the other algorithms with an increasing number of submitted tasks in cloud computing within a heterogeneous environment when used with random datasets are shown in Table 5. The performance of HABC_LJF was the best because its minimum makespan, maximum makespan, and average makespan were mostly the lowest in cloud computing within a heterogeneous environment. Furthermore, when datasets with different ranges of job size were used, HABC_LJF still outperformed the others in the same way that it did in homogeneous environment.

Case 2: Random data with a normal distribution

Table 6 shows the makespan of every algorithm tested with datasets (D4–D6) : random datasets with normal distribution. The results showed that the HABC_LJF used the lowest minimum makespan, the lowest maximum makespan, and the lowest average makespan than the other algorithms did in the homogeneous environment.

D4 300 Min 8.575 9.883 9.111 10.170 25.540 24.501 25.472 29.994 28.758 28.635
Max 8.634 11.052 9.501 10.740 26.333 24.940 26.308 32.600 31.167 29.165
Avg 8.584 10.331 9.308 10.434 25.798 24.643 25.813 30.624 29.298 28.851
900 Min 25.582 27.020 26.319 27.101 82.715 81.997 84.421 110.198 107.394 107.813
Max 25.867 27.866 26.746 28.302 92.448 84.768 87.776 119.204 110.113 110.444
Avg 25.669 27.400 26.511 27.644 84.544 83.432 85.733 113.127 108.915 109.174
1500 Min 41.993 43.462 42.731 43.983 149.972 152.230 151.124 221.121 215.575 218.054
Max 42.246 44.370 44.234 44.703 157.576 154.169 161.643 233.171 220.500 221.989
Avg 42.140 43.799 43.177 44.364 152.614 153.111 153.875 225.417 217.941 219.824
D5 300 Min 16.182 18.335 17.793 18.982 34.274 32.607 33.625 37.653 38.349 37.446
Max 16.215 20.528 19.076 20.624 35.227 34.275 34.922 42.583 40.628 37.899
Avg 16.194 19.098 18.004 19.429 34.484 32.893 33.952 40.022 38.938 37.747
900 Min 48.367 51.071 50.232 51.457 108.799 106.392 107.270 135.063 129.111 130.951
Max 48.499 52.978 51.790 54.115 118.703 108.260 108.692 138.506 134.602 134.658
Avg 48.404 52.034 50.572 52.473 110.707 107.140 107.825 136.418 132.357 132.098
1500 Min 80.594 83.666 82.612 83.878 193.607 192.516 192.841 258.106 252.917 254.743
Max 80.808 85.558 84.510 86.401 256.281 194.782 194.970 285.920 270.308 258.800
Avg 80.701 84.506 83.578 85.431 207.942 193.393 193.883 263.625 258.098 256.448
D6 300 Min 22.266 25.403 24.843 26.012 40.675 38.361 39.239 45.958 45.530 44.446
Max 22.322 27.499 25.273 27.442 40.989 43.362 46.370 47.159 49.020 45.375
Avg 22.275 26.316 25.094 26.585 40.832 39.170 41.054 46.464 46.335 44.698
900 Min 66.586 70.473 69.570 70.620 125.921 123.478 123.851 151.630 150.560 149.820
Max 66.733 72.472 71.977 73.627 126.799 126.650 127.080 157.917 157.273 151.973
Avg 66.675 71.373 70.054 71.545 126.492 124.704 125.075 154.434 152.390 151.096
1500 Min 111.167 115.941 114.366 115.366 223.019 221.505 222.173 287.264 281.794 285.184
Max 111.508 117.362 117.450 118.750 226.545 259.360 224.472 297.683 292.236 293.692
Avg 111.291 116.548 116.070 117.391 224.414 238.211 223.379 291.949 288.023 287.741

HABC, Heuristic Task Scheduling with Artificial Bee Colony; ACO, Ant Colony Optimization; PSO, Particle Swarm Optimization; IPSO, improved PSO; FCFS, First Come First Serve; SJF, Smallest Job First; LJF, Largest Job First.

Table 6

The comparison of the average makespan of the systems with HABC, ACO, PSO, and IPSO in a homogeneous environment with datasets D4 – D6.

The makespan of the algorithms working within a heterogeneous environment when random datasets with normal distribution were used are shown in Table 7. The results show that for the datasets that had different ranges of job size, HABC_LJF outperformed the others in the same way as they did in a homogeneous environment except for the case of dataset D4 and D6. For the case of dataset D4with the number of submitted tasks equaled to 900, the ACO_LJF gave the lowest minimum makespan. Meanwhile, the D6 dataset with 900 submitted tasks in which ACO_LJF used the lowest minimum makespan and ACO_SJF used the lowest maximum makespan. However, this makespan was not very different from that used by HABC_LJF. When the makespan for all cases were considered, HABC_LJF still outperformed the other algorithms.

D4 300 Min 7.347 8.266 7.460 8.378 25.131 23.905 24.550 28.075 28.058 28.192
Max 7.536 9.874 7.993 9.678 27.318 25.652 25.811 33.277 29.661 30.436
Avg 7.429 9.157 7.711 9.006 25.850 24.791 24.849 30.191 28.811 28.953
900 Min 20.822 21.427 20.973 22.206 79.248 81.988 77.327 98.817 96.358 98.507
Max 21.869 23.342 21.397 23.313 81.374 85.940 78.608 103.967 98.902 101.255
Avg 21.215 22.360 21.226 22.597 80.299 84.128 77.870 100.968 97.827 99.515
1500 Min 33.862 34.144 33.987 34.943 141.381 140.255 140.594 199.534 195.573 197.259
Max 34.482 36.491 35.618 35.978 162.631 153.213 144.570 211.162 201.047 202.690
Avg 34.210 35.305 34.399 35.434 151.768 144.389 142.179 203.859 198.525 199.162
D5 300 Min 14.211 14.876 14.837 16.105 25.131 23.905 24.550 33.591 32.701 34.567
Max 14.306 18.346 15.362 17.862 27.318 25.652 25.811 37.458 33.676 35.061
Avg 14.261 16.768 15.100 16.640 25.850 24.791 24.849 35.377 33.052 34.751
900 Min 40.087 41.393 40.543 41.148 79.248 81.988 77.327 116.100 114.003 117.011
Max 40.735 47.170 41.090 42.831 81.374 85.940 78.608 122.000 116.834 118.787
Avg 40.256 43.287 40.754 42.407 80.299 84.128 77.870 118.567 115.730 117.796
1500 Min 66.087 66.979 66.228 66.660 141.381 140.255 140.594 231.830 228.575 230.755
Max 66.948 70.342 67.070 72.701 162.631 153.213 144.570 242.655 233.695 235.654
Avg 66.407 68.998 66.679 68.511 151.768 144.389 142.179 236.277 231.274 233.031
D6 300 Min 20.300 21.324 20.600 21.816 35.892 34.222 38.002 38.696 37.067 40.703
Max 20.606 25.610 21.514 23.305 39.573 34.525 38.280 43.352 38.837 41.195
Avg 20.412 23.303 21.077 22.851 37.991 34.350 38.112 40.338 38.347 40.964
900 Min 55.891 55.881 56.112 57.728 107.681 104.625 108.412 129.248 127.836 130.677
Max 56.877 60.508 56.811 59.122 109.710 106.115 110.034 135.833 131.669 132.884
Avg 56.185 58.464 56.507 58.322 108.418 105.422 108.966 131.469 129.420 131.899
1500 Min 92.022 93.339 92.170 93.697 188.914 188.526 190.508 251.495 249.411 250.938
Max 93.022 98.200 93.025 94.655 194.341 191.091 192.220 264.148 253.773 256.640
Avg 92.032 95.466 92.498 94.106 191.243 189.838 191.406 255.573 251.396 253.024

HABC, Heuristic Task Scheduling with Artificial Bee Colony; ACO, Ant Colony Optimization; PSO, Particle Swarm Optimization; IPSO, improved PSO; FCFS, First Come First Serve; SJF, Smallest Job First; LJF, Largest Job First.

Table 7

The comparison of the average makespan of the systems with HABC, ACO, PSO, and IPSO in a heterogeneous environment with datasets D4 – D6.

Case 3: Random data with Right-Skewed Distribution

Tables 8 and 9 show the results obtained from using datasets (D7–D9)—random datasets with Right-Skewed Distribution—in homogeneous and heterogeneous environments, respectively. The experimental results indicate that HABC_LJF used the lowest minimum makespan, the lowest maximum makespan, and the lowest average makespan than the other algorithms did in the homogeneous environment. The results were the same as in Case 1.

D7 300 Min 8.173 9.523 8.788 9.600 25.399 24.606 25.048 28.675 28.359 28.078
Max 8.248 10.350 9.068 10.213 25.589 24.846 26.086 29.708 30.863 28.928
Avg 8.211 9.951 8.950 9.904 25.524 24.696 25.554 29.090 29.149 28.515
900 Min 23.742 25.072 24.179 25.155 83.196 81.680 81.820 106.287 104.397 105.338
Max 24.130 26.153 24.727 26.494 83.696 82.620 83.303 110.536 106.107 109.230
Avg 23.874 25.520 24.384 25.640 83.526 82.159 82.205 107.879 105.350 106.786
1500 Min 39.575 41.225 40.088 41.291 151.844 149.901 150.912 227.688 211.238 214.100
Max 39.866 42.121 40.807 42.272 152.875 152.081 152.960 239.956 228.046 230.281
Avg 39.679 41.569 40.433 41.866 152.226 151.149 152.024 232.735 216.979 224.078
D8 300 Min 14.604 16.839 16.258 17.553 32.596 32.379 23.083 37.881 37.521 36.366
Max 14.622 19.080 16.541 18.576 33.470 34.339 23.167 39.898 38.762 37.016
Avg 14.613 17.792 16.406 17.829 32.839 33.012 23.097 38.637 37.980 36.641
900 Min 44.195 46.969 45.842 47.344 107.407 106.832 67.939 132.910 131.491 130.931
Max 44.310 48.608 47.310 49.409 121.232 107.571 68.224 139.303 135.710 132.904
Avg 44.234 47.815 46.140 48.094 115.012 107.174 68.018 135.926 133.278 131.848
1500 Min 73.733 77.107 75.205 76.916 193.523 189.848 113.247 248.315 245.764 248.212
Max 75.611 78.529 77.193 78.873 201.949 192.243 113.367 260.620 252.230 253.200
Avg 74.095 77.772 76.394 78.122 197.262 191.025 113.305 253.714 249.900 250.838
D9 300 Min 20.098 23.697 22.668 23.842 38.213 36.604 37.460 43.877 43.646 42.599
Max 20.174 24.954 23.046 24.824 38.548 36.794 37.628 45.133 47.313 43.088
Avg 20.126 24.223 22.818 24.297 38.421 36.713 37.548 44.439 44.296 42.790
900 Min 60.023 63.854 62.451 64.003 120.953 118.471 89.919 145.600 146.591 141.441
Max 60.302 66.557 64.231 67.714 121.867 119.243 97.388 149.600 170.342 161.315
Avg 60.181 64.803 62.795 64.750 121.292 118.856 92.890 146.600 152.863 150.354
1500 Min 99.961 104.231 102.648 104.687 214.429 213.021 177.504 278.953 268.821 267.217
Max 100.364 106.827 105.310 107.602 217.676 244.700 203.813 309.324 323.782 283.917
Avg 100.160 105.578 104.546 106.389 215.562 224.760 190.212 291.425 286.531 274.623

HABC, Heuristic Task Scheduling with Artificial Bee Colony; ACO, Ant Colony Optimization; PSO, Particle Swarm Optimization; IPSO, improved PSO; FCFS, First Come First Serve; SJF, Smallest Job First; LJF, Largest Job First.

Table 8

The comparison of the average makespan of the systems with HABC, ACO, PSO, and IPSO in a homogeneous environment with datasets D7 – D9.

D7 300 Min 7.157 7.739 7.289 8.396 24.196 22.050 24.566 26.869 26.160 26.898
Max 7.173 8.962 7.622 9.255 27.089 22.625 24.966 35.178 26.884 27.933
Avg 7.160 8.500 7.444 8.802 25.044 22.279 24.726 29.741 26.446 27.167
900 Min 19.203 20.137 19.238 20.553 78.132 72.733 76.368 98.286 97.163 98.379
Max 19.441 21.740 19.828 21.508 107.029 73.530 77.370 104.773 99.165 100.482
Avg 19.333 20.989 19.542 20.926 86.726 73.098 76.781 100.391 98.151 99.511
1500 Min 31.908 32.734 31.960 33.023 134.903 137.902 138.639 202.683 199.200 200.864
Max 32.326 34.789 32.494 35.537 150.393 140.233 141.081 214.879 204.439 206.623
Avg 32.045 33.630 32.307 33.614 139.391 139.147 139.769 206.454 201.669 203.649
D8 300 Min 12.967 14.688 13.103 15.059 29.644 27.963 31.369 32.367 31.856 33.968
Max 13.041 16.495 14.136 16.599 32.058 28.574 31.682 34.567 32.874 37.191
Avg 12.994 15.451 13.617 15.689 30.879 28.262 31.464 33.658 32.236 34.868
900 Min 36.784 37.921 37.188 38.609 90.470 88.877 95.021 113.357 111.705 113.662
Max 37.245 41.936 37.716 40.397 93.650 91.074 113.524 117.442 113.933 116.047
Avg 36.984 39.784 37.400 39.208 91.836 89.756 102.922 115.047 112.727 114.897
1500 Min 60.618 61.338 60.874 62.194 163.189 162.642 165.601 225.678 223.370 225.126
Max 60.920 66.208 61.390 63.100 167.998 165.742 177.877 235.020 228.155 230.726
Avg 60.728 63.599 61.113 62.608 166.105 163.988 171.501 229.573 225.446 227.433
D9 300 Min 18.040 20.069 18.699 20.497 35.894 32.684 36.773 38.833 36.874 39.586
Max 18.094 21.962 19.877 21.893 37.445 33.098 37.211 40.411 37.782 40.017
Avg 18.051 20.827 19.253 21.114 36.423 32.913 36.958 39.699 37.208 39.750
900 Min 50.580 50.090 50.979 52.478 103.374 99.892 103.903 126.204 124.505 127.557
Max 50.879 54.592 51.889 53.356 104.394 101.280 104.900 131.245 127.389 130.504
Avg 50.670 52.765 51.231 52.859 103.951 100.736 104.504 128.347 125.549 128.516
1500 Min 82.976 83.644 83.184 84.285 182.045 180.425 182.410 243.361 241.335 243.867
Max 84.526 90.443 83.923 85.677 187.234 184.087 184.573 255.820 246.441 249.162
Avg 83.412 85.631 83.573 84.847 183.959 181.961 183.547 247.869 243.910 245.499

HABC, Heuristic Task Scheduling with Artificial Bee Colony; ACO, Ant Colony Optimization; PSO, Particle Swarm Optimization; IPSO, improved PSO; FCFS, First Come First Serve; SJF, Smallest Job First; LJF, Largest Job First.

Table 9

The comparison of the average makespan of the systems with HABC, ACO, PSO, and IPSO in a heterogeneous environment with datasets D7 – D9.

In the same direction, HABC_LJF outperformed the other two algorithms in a heterogeneous environment except when D9 was used with the number of submitted tasks equaled to 900 and 1500 tasks. For the case of 900 tasks, ACO_FCFS used the lowest minimum makespan. For the case of 1500 tasks, ACO_LJF used the lowest maximum makespan. Nevertheless, in both cases, the minimum makespan used by ACO_FCFS and ACO_LJF were not very different from that used by HABC_LJF. Overall, HABC_LJF still outperformed them both.

Case 4: Random data with Left-Skewed Distribution

The makespan of HABC_LJF were compared with those of ACO, PSO, and IPSO algorithms running on Left-Skewed Distribution (D10–D12) datasets. Their minimum, maximum, and average makespan in cloud computing within homogeneous and heterogeneous environments are shown in Tables 10 and 11, respectively.

D10 300 Min 9.840 11.152 10.554 11.320 31.987 27.146 28.775 29.970 29.706 30.153
Max 9.943 12.283 10.891 12.288 36.282 28.566 29.783 34.790 31.869 32.929
Avg 9.857 11.583 10.739 11.773 34.396 28.004 29.273 31.175 30.264 31.182
900 Min 29.170 30.798 29.866 30.870 96.423 89.398 91.702 110.496 108.828 109.847
Max 29.390 31.637 30.393 31.946 101.850 97.457 107.651 114.164 112.227 125.505
Avg 29.284 31.287 30.171 31.318 98.688 93.432 99.153 111.847 110.056 114.298
1500 Min 48.753 50.840 49.349 51.067 168.387 170.806 171.145 236.442 216.480 217.155
Max 49.059 51.677 50.318 51.767 175.637 180.935 180.160 261.561 245.113 256.378
Avg 48.904 51.238 49.811 51.375 172.856 175.650 175.458 246.532 225.088 224.397
D11 300 Min 17.111 19.555 18.880 20.020 37.320 34.579 34.573 38.583 37.057 37.894
Max 17.142 20.752 19.158 21.054 38.739 40.478 35.841 40.244 41.899 38.477
Avg 17.124 20.208 19.026 20.398 38.062 36.998 35.571 39.567 39.499 38.056
900 Min 51.537 54.776 53.445 54.654 115.854 109.765 111.203 131.665 129.210 131.846
Max 51.832 56.250 54.977 57.353 117.708 110.733 112.638 149.719 146.301 153.488
Avg 51.637 55.537 53.830 55.320 116.586 110.284 111.802 136.028 134.417 138.309
1500 Min 85.919 89.375 88.298 89.697 215.555 196.344 199.781 262.457 261.945 261.034
Max 86.397 90.958 89.611 91.721 238.502 201.305 200.884 324.247 278.191 284.655
Avg 86.059 90.182 89.136 90.462 224.720 199.123 200.360 332.678 265.998 269.802
D12 300 Min 22.244 25.945 24.950 26.195 40.482 40.616 39.496 46.954 45.572 44.392
Max 22.371 27.360 25.323 27.377 40.875 43.034 40.046 56.344 50.751 50.231
Avg 22.274 26.432 25.186 26.673 40.662 42.176 39.677 49.659 47.707 46.474
900 Min 67.354 70.989 70.207 71.414 129.654 127.078 126.089 149.600 149.927 153.897
Max 67.617 73.371 72.689 75.204 130.476 135.066 128.023 178.262 182.307 171.051
Avg 67.514 72.282 70.634 72.271 130.069 131.126 126.724 159.679 158.755 159.720
1500 Min 112.013 117.006 115.147 116.653 239.050 222.857 223.367 287.868 285.495 286.239
Max 112.415 118.822 117.796 119.924 256.957 227.268 226.719 298.553 290.658 291.120
Avg 112.265 117.840 117.247 118.586 246.514 224.318 225.411 292.954 288.298 288.380

HABC, Heuristic Task Scheduling with Artificial Bee Colony; ACO, Ant Colony Optimization; PSO, Particle Swarm Optimization; IPSO, improved PSO; FCFS, First Come First Serve; SJF, Smallest Job First; LJF, Largest Job First.

Table 10

The comparison of the average makespan of the systems with HABC, ACO, PSO, and IPSO in a homogeneous environment with datasets D10 – D12.

D10 300 Min 8.570 9.211 8.997 9.416 25.328 23.257 25.216 34.267 33.909 34.000
Max 8.594 10.540 9.871 10.670 26.559 24.303 25.566 37.286 35.337 38.069
Avg 8.579 9.945 9.332 10.127 25.791 23.569 25.368 35.458 34.199 36.175
900 Min 23.705 24.778 24.090 25.086 79.953 77.752 79.527 134.436 122.920 106.875
Max 23.857 26.676 24.448 26.233 80.804 79.033 80.539 149.669 136.827 132.263
Avg 23.765 25.765 24.271 25.683 80.418 78.358 80.107 137.860 132.622 121.142
1500 Min 39.475 40.010 39.631 40.767 145.304 143.807 145.584 208.322 204.563 207.098
Max 40.476 42.386 40.197 43.376 148.738 146.613 150.235 217.963 210.574 212.015
Avg 39.875 41.147 39.977 41.198 146.693 145.407 147.045 211.902 207.255 209.350
D11 300 Min 15.339 16.487 15.730 16.377 31.885 29.381 32.504 37.556 36.849 37.450
Max 15.431 18.755 16.581 18.339 34.454 29.743 33.134 47.160 38.005 40.015
Avg 15.369 17.386 16.103 17.536 32.801 29.597 32.665 39.769 37.318 38.043
900 Min 42.742 43.518 43.238 44.708 96.971 94.199 97.169 130.707 130.652 131.525
Max 43.858 47.344 43.846 46.198 98.603 95.061 97.939 137.456 135.611 135.364
Avg 42.869 45.593 43.540 45.321 97.502 94.616 97.492 133.879 131.903 133.123
1500 Min 70.269 71.839 70.801 72.098 172.093 170.612 171.553 240.058 295.388 304.815
Max 70.547 75.895 72.058 73.386 175.863 172.934 173.107 319.583 314.065 314.763
Avg 70.383 73.419 71.294 72.809 173.570 171.435 172.327 303.582 306.437 308.351
D12 300 Min 20.479 22.064 20.784 22.039 37.282 34.274 38.110 39.859 36.214 40.114
Max 20.554 24.029 21.434 23.901 39.306 34.794 38.501 42.938 39.384 46.617
Avg 20.504 22.897 21.048 22.927 37.732 34.544 38.310 40.846 37.953 42.435
900 Min 56.622 56.887 56.785 57.182 108.605 105.402 109.153 129.440 126.990 130.697
Max 56.770 63.778 57.721 60.232 110.586 106.888 110.214 135.108 129.848 132.790
Avg 56.673 59.780 57.240 58.976 109.669 106.044 109.677 131.548 128.587 131.451
1500 Min 92.805 94.120 93.016 94.593 190.609 189.282 190.582 250.071 246.614 340.863
Max 93.225 98.253 93.849 95.619 194.868 192.231 192.333 263.459 350.374 356.086
Avg 92.951 96.197 93.379 95.041 192.957 190.811 191.589 256.314 297.956 347.719

HABC, Heuristic Task Scheduling with Artificial Bee Colony; ACO, Ant Colony Optimization; PSO, Particle Swarm Optimization; IPSO, improved PSO; FCFS, First Come First Serve; SJF, Smallest Job First; LJF, Largest Job First.

Table 11

The comparison of the average makespan of the systems with HABC, ACO, PSO, and IPSO in a heterogeneous environment with datasets D10 – D12.

The results in Table 10 show that HABC_LJF outperformed the other three algorithms in a homogeneous environment. The results were the same as in other case.

In the same direction, HABC_LJF outperformed the other three algorithms in a heterogeneous environment except for one case: when using D11 dataset with 900 submitted tasks, the ACO_LJF gave the lowest maximum makespan but this makespan was not much different from that of HABC_LJF. When the makespan of all cases were considered, the HABC_LJF still outperformed the others.

In the second part, the performance of the HABC algorithm in terms of load imbalance was evaluated. Unbalanced workload for VMs can be avoided by balancing the workload during allocation. The datasets of various types were used as described in Table 3. Four cases of performance evaluation were considered according to the type of datasets used. The number of groups of submitted tasks was varied in each run from 100 to 1500 in an increment of 100 tasks. Performance evaluation was also done separately for the homogeneous and heterogeneous VM environments to obtain the average degree of load imbalance of 20 runs for each algorithm. The degrees of load imbalance in cloud computing within the homogeneous and heterogeneous environments are shown in Figures 2 and 3, respectively.

Figure 2

Degrees of load imbalance in a homogeneous environment when Heuristic Task Scheduling with Artificial Bee Colony (HABC), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and improved PSO (IPSO) were used with (a) datasets D1 - Random dataset, (b) datasets D4- Normal distribution dataset, (c) datasets D7- Random dataset with left-skewed distribution, (d) datasets D10 - Random dataset with right-skewed distribution.

Figure 3

Degrees of load imbalance in a heterogeneous environment when Heuristic Task Scheduling with Artificial Bee Colony (HABC), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and improved PSO (IPSO) were used with (a) datasets D1 - Random dataset, (b) datasets D4- Normal distribution dataset, (c) datasets D7- Random dataset with left-skewed distribution, (d) datasets D10 - Random dataset with right-skewed distribution.

As shown in Figure 2, in order to consider the effect of different types of dataset on performance scalability of the system, we evaluated the average degrees of load imbalance with four datasets of different types: D1, D4, D7, and D10. The results show that the HABC algorithm (HABC_FCFS, HABC_LJF, HABC_SJF) performed lower average degrees of load imbalance than any of the compared algorithms (PSO and ACO algorithms) in the homogeneous environment.

In the same direction, the results in Figure 3 showed that the HABC algorithm (HABC_FCFS, HABC_LJF, HABC_SJF) outperformed the other two algorithms in the heterogeneous environment.

In the tuhird part, the performance of the HABC algorithm in terms of Standard Deviation (S.D.) was evaluated. In order to ensure that the tasks are equally distributed into VMs and the system is balanced workload.

We evaluated the S.D. with dataset D1 in Table 3. The number of groups of submitted tasks was varied in each run from 100 to 1500 submitted tasks in an increment of 100 tasks. The S.D. for 300, 600, 900, 1200, and 1500 tasks in cloud computing within homogeneous and heterogeneous environments are shown in Tables 12 and 13, respectively. Table 12 shows the S.D. of all tested algorithms with datasets (D1) in homogeneous environment. The results show that HABC algorithm has less S.D. values than other methods. In the same direction of heterogeneous environment in Table 13.

300 0.12 0.06 0.09 1.09 1.01 1.12 0.51 0.38 0.46 0.21 0.14 0.16
600 0.11 0.05 0.08 2.07 2.03 2.09 0.51 0.38 0.45 0.21 0.14 0.15
900 0.09 0.04 0.07 3.02 2.99 3.04 0.48 0.37 0.44 0.18 0.13 0.14
1200 0.08 0.04 0.08 4.08 4.06 4.1 0.49 0.37 0.45 0.19 0.13 0.15
1500 0.09 0.07 0.09 5.05 5.03 5.06 0.52 0.36 0.44 0.22 0.12 0.14

HABC, Heuristic Task Scheduling with Artificial Bee Colony; ACO, Ant Colony Optimization; PSO, Particle Swarm Optimization; IPSO, improved PSO; FCFS, First Come First Serve; SJF, Smallest Job First; LJF, Largest Job First.

Table 12

The comparison of Standard Deviation with HABC, ACO, PSO, and IPSO in a homogeneous environment with datasets D1.

300 0.16 0.12 0.14 0.71 0.63 0.74 0.86 0.52 1.18 0.41 0.22 0.48
600 0.17 0.09 0.15 1.32 1.27 1.33 0.89 0.55 1.29 0.44 0.25 0.59
900 0.15 0.12 0.13 1.93 1.89 1.9 0.94 0.52 1.26 0.49 0.22 0.56
1200 0.17 0.13 0.12 2.57 2.56 2.59 0.87 0.53 1.03 0.42 0.23 0.33
1500 0.16 0.11 0.13 3.19 3.17 3.2 0.82 0.65 0.73 0.37 0.25 0.23

HABC, Heuristic Task Scheduling with Artificial Bee Colony; ACO, Ant Colony Optimization; PSO, Particle Swarm Optimization; IPSO, improved PSO; FCFS, First Come First Serve; SJF, Smallest Job First; LJF, Largest Job First.

Table 13

The comparison of standard deviation with HABC, ACO, PSO, and IPSO in a heterogeneous environment with datasets D1.

The result of the experiment indicated that the makespan and the degree of imbalance are slight difference. On the other hand, if considered the performance measurement using S.D. between the HABC algorithm and ACO algorithm are very different. The results show that HABC algorithm highly enhanced the S.D. compared to the other algorithms in cloud computing within homogeneous and heterogeneous environments. The goal is to achieve a balance between the resources in the system and to minimize the makespan time.

To summarize, even though all of the presented algorithms utilize a similar scheduling process based on a heuristic method. When they were compared, the HABC algorithm was able to show a better performance than those shown by ACO, PSO, and IPSO algorithms, especially in the case of using large job submitting first (HABC_LJF). Moreover, the system still balanced the load of submitting tasks adequately with minimum makespan.


In this paper, to improve task scheduling and load balancing, an algorithm for VMs in cloud computing based on heuristic task scheduling called HABC for VMs in cloud computing within both homogeneous and heterogeneous environments is proposed. The HABC was implemented on a cloud computing model in order to optimize the process of task scheduling and load balancing of volumes of data. A detailed comparison between the performances of the proposed method and other compared algorithms including ACO algorithms, PSO algorithms, and improved PSO algorithms is also presented.

The experiments were conducted with four types of datasets in order to measure the performance of our algorithm in terms of minimum makespan, maximum makespan, average makespan, and degree of load imbalance. The results show that the HABC with Largest Job First heuristic algorithm (HABC_LJF) offers the best performance in scheduling and load balancing.

This novel-proposed approach can serve as a useful alternative for cloud computing within homogeneous and heterogeneous environments. However, this work was a simulation on a few datasets. In future works, we will further conduct similar experiments on larger datasets. We plan to apply this HABC method in other practical applications to real-world datasets and will explore the possibility of HABC to handle multiple job scheduling with different priorities.




The author declares that he has no conflict of interest against any company or institution.


This research has not involved human participants and/or animals, except for the author contribution.


Our appreciation goes to the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, King Mongkut�s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang for supporting the facilities in doing this research.


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AU  - Boonhatai Kruekaew
AU  - Warangkhana Kimpan
PY  - 2020
DA  - 2020/04/27
TI  - Enhancing of Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Virtual Machine Scheduling and Load Balancing Problem in Cloud Computing
JO  - International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems
SP  - 496
EP  - 510
VL  - 13
IS  - 1
SN  - 1875-6883
UR  -
DO  - 10.2991/ijcis.d.200410.002
ID  - Kruekaew2020
ER  -