Growth and Form
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Volume 1, Issue 1, 2020
Research Article
1. A Note on Spirals and Curvature
Johan Gielis, Diego Caratelli, Peijian Shi, Paolo Emilio Ricci
Pages: 1 - 8
Starting from logarithmic, sinusoidal and power spirals, it is shown how these spirals are connected directly with Chebyshev polynomials, Lamé curves, with allometry and Antonelli-metrics in Finsler geometry. Curvature is a crucial concept in geometry both for closed curves and equiangular spirals, and...
Research Article
2. Curvature Against the Grain
Jan Koenderink
Pages: 9 - 19
In mathematics “curvature” is described in various ways, but perhaps the most common is as a rate of spatial attitude. Such a definition is similar to the deviation from flatness, where flatness might again be understood (in various ways) in terms of congruence. In classical physics the notion of curvature...
Review Article
3. Chebyshev Polynomials, Rhodonea Curves and Pseudo-Chebyshev Functions. A Survey
Paolo Emilio Ricci
Pages: 20 - 32
In recent works, starting from the complex Bernoulli spiral and the Grandi roses, sets of irrational functions have been introduced and studied that extend to the fractional degree the polynomials of Chebyshev of the first, second, third and fourth kind. The functions thus obtained are therefore called...
Research Article
4. Classification of Planar Anisotropic Elasticae
Bennett Palmer, Álvaro Pámpano
Pages: 33 - 40
We classify the anisotropic elastic curves modulo rescaling and quasi-rotation depending on one parameter for an ample family of anisotropic functionals. Several illustrations of this classification are shown at the end.
Mini Review
5. Allometric Laws in Modular Dynamics: The Bauplan of Ontogenesis
Peter L. Antonelli, Solange F. Rutz
Pages: 41 - 43
In recent decades, a resurgence of allometry in ecology and its associated scaling laws has been observed, going under the name macroecology. It is reasonable to think that the plethora of current works on experimental physiology using allometry is a continuation of the tradition of searching for the...
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